How To Replace Garage Door Springs - Torquemaster Plus, Wayne Dalton / How to Wind unWind Springs

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what's going on guys all right so if you're clicked on this video more likely you're having a problem with your garage door not opening or not closing or something anyway it's mine itself would not open okay because I had a broken spring in it now when I went on YouTube and look there is a bunch of videos on how to replace Springs but not on the style of garage door that I have which is this one you're looking at right here and it is a torque master plus so if you clicked on the video you're in luck because I'm going to show you how to replace the springs and yours now I've already actually done it but I need to pull it down and redo it again because I actually installed the Springs and the wrong sides that being said here's one of the springs right here hopefully you can see that and it is broke so that right there and there's one of the other Springs it is broke in half so and if you're new to the channel do me a favor and you check that out normally I do car videos but I figured heck why not let's just go ahead and do a garage door video because really I couldn't find anything good on showing me how to do this and I actually did it wrong but I've messed around with it so much that I can show you how to do it right I can show how to unwind it I can show you how to wind it and I can show you how to replace the springs and deal with the whole freaking thing now that I have to do it twice so if you think you have a broken spring more likely you can't lift the garage open you're gonna need a disconnect the opener you know this garage here was 130 pounds when you go to order Springs for your garage door I'll let you go I'll go ahead and tell you this right now that don't wait and do what I did is I actually pulled all this down and pull the springs out and try to use the part numbers that are on the end of these Springs that ain't gonna help you the way you order the springs are is you actually need to tell them how big the garage door is and how much it weighs and you can order the springs ok so you can go ahead and do that before I even pull it down okay go ahead like I used a little bathroom scale here lifted it up threw it under there 130 pounds 7 foot door up and down order the springs it's two Springs there's one there's a right side and a left side and I actually put them in wrong okay and I don't know if you can see up there that red thing right there one spring has a red end and the other spring has like a grand and I looked at the instructions for a second the new Springs come with really good instructions and I automatically assume that read and write we're gonna be the right side but that's not the case the red spring actually goes on the left side and so I'm gonna go ahead and pull it down and fix it so go ahead show you how to do that real quick so if you want to unwind the springs more likely you'll have one of these that are broken make sure I have the GoPro where I want it and you're your deal looks like this I almost stopped there for a minute most of the videos I saw were the spring type that where you could actually see that weren't inside this tube and it pretty much looks like it's gonna kill you this style here you can work on yourself that's not really gonna hurt you because everything is contained in here so first thing you wanna do is you wanna come over here you're gonna flip this little switch up okay when you do that that means you can wind and unwind this guy and just take note of how everything kind of looks you have a cable there's a little adjusting screw here you can see how the cable rides in this wheel right here all this is kind of bolted together with a bolt here and there's a bolt here that goes into the wall and then on the other side this is actually the end of the spring and you're gonna use the socket and a ratchet it's actually unwind and wind it now the size ratchet or the size slack I'm using is a 5/8 okay we go it stick on here now and what I want to do is I want to unwind this guy which sounds pretty scary but it's not too bad so this is the operating position right here this is the you know maintenance position I guess you can say so you're gonna want to grab your ratchet and hold on to it all right and I'm gonna set your ratchet up where it goes clockwise okay you're gonna go ahead and push down on it clockwise alright you can feel the tension in it just gonna push it a little bit then you can go ahead and press right here and you're gonna press then you're gonna let the rack the ratchet wants to shoot off that way it's not really too bad but it wants to just jump this way if I let go of it I'll hit the wall just go as high as you can with it let go of the button okay and then you'll see it kind of stops there's a ratcheting mechanism in here that stops it from just exploding on you okay and then you're gonna undo the ratchet and I'm gonna switch it back okay and put a little bit of tension hit the button let it go back up let go okay flip a little switch on the ratchet so I can come all the way back here with it all right and I'm gonna put some tension on it see how I'm pushing on it now push the button and then okay that it's just gonna do that until all the tension in the spring is gone okay I do that on the other side also it's the same as that thing so right from the guy go I just want to say that like my garage here this spring has been wound 16 times that means it's been done 16 revolutions so I know I'm gonna have to turn this thing at least 16 times it's gonna take me 16 times those things that spin around so it's gonna cut the video off now unwind these guys just like that show you one more time all the way down set the ratchet up put some tension on it hit the button I want to come up let go okay and I'm just gonna keep doing that till like it's super loose and do both sides I want to say one more thing when you go to do this you'll find out which side of the springs actually broken because you won't have this tension right here this ring will be broke and it well it'll just spin around so you don't have to untried unwind aside it has a broken spring because it's not gonna unwind all right aching said I've been unwinding it for a minute I'm just gonna show you maybe I know when I was watching the videos it's kind of a little hard to you can't really see the tension in the spring but maybe this will kind of help some people out so I'm set the ratchet up where it's gonna go clockwise so I'm pushing clockwise with the tension hit the button and it wants to go by itself and I'll just show you hit the wall okay so hits the wall what you can do is let go of the button has a racketing Mitch mechanism in it so you can hear it's not it's not wanting to jump anymore flipped a little lever come all the way back down flip the lever again get a few clicks out of it push it push it okay hopefully that makes a little bit more sense alright so you can feel the cable bill that's getting pretty loose okay once you get it it's not this one's not all the way unwound yet but you can feel it getting loose you can do go ahead and pull the ratchet out and it will unwind it alright see so everything's spring kitchens nice and loose and it's gone your next step is you're gonna want to disconnect the cable that goes all the way down to the bottom of the garage and you can go ahead and loosen up these screws right here this is you're gonna need a phillips screwdriver for that and one thing to note is that this tube is not just a round tube it's actually like a teardrop shape and it's actually shaped where it kind of pinches in like this you're gonna want that facing and we're gonna want facing here should have a label on the left side again it gives you a bunch of information but you can't use it to order any part it's kind of crazy but go ahead and loosen this set screw here and this will take the tension off this cable I'm gonna try to kind of leave it together cuz I don't want to take too much it apart but you do don't loose can you do that on both sides I take this bolt out here and this bolt right here you gotta take this whole latching mechanism off oh well we're in the middle this bracket right here needs to be bent out of the way okay so you can actually lift the middle out I've already done this side take these guys apart kill myself bolt and its course it's two different sizes [Music] [Music] okay see how it comes apart guess I'll just leave that guy there anyways there's not too much to this I just don't get him mixed up yeah so you're new to the channel oh yeah check out the channel I usually do a lot of automotive repair but I do do a little bit of home improvement I guess you can say there might be something on my channel that you might be interested in so and again this helps you out in any way do me a favor and just you know hit that thumbs up button that helps this video get to the top of the youtube search when people are searching or you know ways to fix their stuff hopefully this video is a little better than what's out there [Music] really helps you out save yourself some money on fix-it stuff like this okay because the spring set itself it only sent me back $129 but if you're gonna have someone come out and do this for you they might charge you anywhere from two hundred to three hundred dollars for the labor just the labor so save me yourself a couple hundred bucks on the labor so this thing's ready to come down now and if you had you know two people you'd be a lot easier but I don't so I just grabbed it and just lift it right out so it's being held in with that cable now you're gonna have to do something with the cables now the first time I did it I decided the cable down at the bottom which is kind of a pain in the rear so what you can do it right here like this okay so this piece it just slides right at all over there slides right off okay hammer quick dang it right off and later on you'll see why I loosen up the set screws because you got to mess with it a little bit this guy this is actually the screen here this guy want to fall [Music] yeah I'll show you you're working with here so it's really long so you're gonna have to move it around and your garage all crazy so what I need to do is I need to switch the springs around but what you need to do probably is pull all your spring and replace it so it's gonna be the same thing like this my broken one here and when you order new your new Springs are gonna be different like this one actually has a rod in it okay and with your new one it actually says that it's not gonna come with that and the springs will be different links than these guys and they are they're actually a lot shorter but where I messed up here so the instructions it says left-hand spring right hand spring well I put the red one which is I put it in the right one so I'm fixing that right now so these instructions are actually really really good but I don't really like to read instructions but you know they come in they come in the kit come in the spring kit I guess I'll leave a link where I actually got this brings that so you can just go ahead and order from there you're actually you know hundred twenty bucks not too bad I like this one here I'm gonna be able to just pull this one out all right and there is the sleeve in here okay and there's a spring so this is actually the right hand side spring all right and so I need to get the left one out tickle this guy out of here all right and feed everything up in your garage get it out boom and that's it there's your Springs there's my new spring now this sleeve was inside the tube all right and I just I end up having to cut it down to fit the new spring cuz the news freeze again a different length if you look this is not the same length at all and it says it in the instructions that they're not gonna be the same length so hey I should cut the tube there's gonna have to tube this tube I think what this does is actually cancel some of the noise so put this back on here okay here's my right hand spring and you can see how this is shaped it's like cammed goes in I hope to god you can see this on the GoPro all right so is this sleeve is cam to get it jammed in there and try to leave it hanging out okay cuz it will since its shorter it will go down the tube and you will not get it back when I suggest is can use some zip ties like this okay and I'll prevent you from losing the spring down the tube hopefully you got that the other side now kids bikes in the way right here you know what let me go get my phone to make sure it's getting on video cuz it suck if it was that here I get it yeah I'm getting it okay cool gotta check that out sure it's all good watch this back in here more difficult cram it in there all right zip ties all right trust me you want to use a zip ties all right let me just lift it back up there and put it back together I'll show you how to tighten everything up and compress the springs back all right kind of got the ladder in position red goes on left gray goes on right I'm gonna get this done right you know left is the side that has the label if you're dealing with the same brand pole-vaulting stick it up there yeah you are dealing with some humongous ass crap get it up there this is a Wayne Dalton garage door and garage door stuff let me okay hang out over here mr. Poole and then we'll put it back together yeah so hopefully this is the best garage-door video you will ever find on this setup I try to make my automotive videos the same way where you can do it at home no problem been in the automotive industry for like over 20 years and you know I work on commission so I thing has to be done like I try to do things the most efficient way and and yeah so what do you want to do now is put this back on the way it came off if you look it's canned also alright and gonna cut the zip ties off before I do that but I think I want the bracket somewhere near me and this thing he really doesn't consist of much try not to drop it and man I cut this off I had some big Oh sniffs a second ago I don't know where they wanted those worked okay get this guy and this I know they go one way so they gotta watch out the springs I don't want to take off in there will want to try to get it they come out through this hole and it's here and it's actually this little slot here as we're gonna go here okay mister this tables on the right side I'm just gonna kind of put it where it wants to go now got him in that vicinity and where it needs to go that's fiction try not to lose that's not in all the way think doesn't need to be in all the way but I know that's all the way don't the god they go pro got that make sure the cable is chilling like it was when you started and remember this teardrop cam it's the pointy part you're gonna want it up gonna leave this here for now go to the other side hopefully I don't drop any of this stuff I can try to get that back where it needs to go it's probably gonna have to come off here over here cut this guy off let's move it's January cover more it's a cover right now and I live in southern Texas and I like to say it's thank God it's not 150 degrees outside only 60 degrees outside right now because it was summertime oh he's sweating up a storm in the comments man if you're watching this just leave me a comment too that helps the video out a lot let me know where you're from what your problems are it's any kind of common at all will help this video so hopefully it's helping you out help me out help everyone out just let this bastard back on here like so drop it in the slot beam bada-boom now you're gonna want to make sure that this is for the cable that you are lined up in the first one now the instructions will say that you kind of want to can this thing and can it where it's facing up and I want to go around twice but it's only gonna kind of go around a happy for me right here okay yeah oh now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put the bracket back on grabs the bracket I'm not a problem everything you need power tools make things go fast okay drop everything that was close all right trying to remember how this went this can fall out don't let it fall out there's really not a lot to this but spring let me go in the hole [Music] go and do the other side now exactly the same just make sure the cameras pointing where I need it want it I have this camera this is actually a GoPro that's GoPro seven he sees her awesome dude in the super view mode so everything gets kind of fisheye which is not normally how I like to use these but I'm working in this on a crazy environment so I'll make sure it's kind of doing what I needed to do I need to show you guys everything that's you know on your head you can't really tell what it's looking at it's actually very if you never want to go for on your head it's surprisingly not looking at what you think it's looking at it's not looking at it the way you think it's like put the GoPro on your head straight like that it's actually it won't record what you're looking at you need to actually angle it down you're kind of looking at stuff down or you need to angle with up if you're looking at up stuff so right now I'm kind of up and down with a bluer thing so I gotta be kind of aware of what's going on and I'm doing a lot of rambling I'm sorry but let's put the bracket back huh and [Music] with this guy done alright now your flat-head screwdriver don't leave this huge one I'm gonna attention these cables they need to be tight all right so you're gonna want to turn this guy or the cam parts facing up okay if you came over it's writing in one of the channels this is already loose you're gonna pull tighten the cable when you pull it's gonna find it and you're gonna tight tighten it down nice and tight it's in the channel and then it doesn't have to be perfect but I want to make sure that both sides are kind of tight okay then you're lined up here this guy up damn okay some of you things I'll let you know right now these things are labeled left and right if you you know get them mixed up on the floor or something like that or take them apart so that I'd say that that's labeled these are not labeled all right go the other side don't do the exactly the same thing tension in the cable that's hitting something here let's like throw turn over a little bit now you might want to use some pliers to do that but I think it'll be okay to just do it with your hand hopefully you see the tension pretty much the same on both sides hang it up can you do some crazy thing like this get out of here away from the wall all right now you need to know how to kind of wind this thing up that's kind of loose hopefully that doesn't work I think I might need to pull that a little bit tighter you think okay all right so you want to line this guy up same thing make sure that that's up like that and depending on how big their garage door is and how much it weighs in the instructions okay or even on the garage door like mine had these tags and they're hard to read because people who build my house suck they got paint all over it okay I'd actually tell you how tall your garage door is and how many turns you need to turn that spring you need a pre-loaded says it here in the instructions these guys do which is pretty cool okay winding Springs okay and it tells you the height and how many turns and it can be off by plus or minus a quarter turn I'll show you how to do that make sure I'm recording right get my phone over here sorry about this trying to fast forward you know hopefully uh keep you entertained enough that's tricky with videos like they're really long but the springs themselves 5/8 socket you're gonna want to what I'm talking about here I can't see we're doing you're gonna want to mark okay so you know how many turns you're going so like that's one okay and basically what you're gonna do is on right side you're gonna go counterclockwise on the left side you're gonna go clockwise okay to wind up the spring so we're gonna start on the left and we're only gonna grind it up three turns and if you look at the chart here it says that I need to do 16 turns so I'm only gonna do three and then we go the other side do three because you want everything to be absolutely even with the garage all right loose I'm gonna have to fix that Hey different on that side [Music] like you can I think that if this isn't really very tight then you'll have to do a little more turns than maybe than the instructions say this is 16 I might have to do it 17 times one thing I will tell you is don't over tighten them by too many turns like don't go over three or four turns like if this is 16 don't do 21 turns is it will break the spring don't ask me how I know that okay oh the way I know that is that I actually only had one spring broke this spring wasn't broken at all and it's that spring right there and I actually turned it a couple more times trying to figure out what spring was broke I was actually actually adding more tension I made it about three turns and it fergan snap Julie we could hear it in the tube kind of do its thing okay so just be really careful all you need is the ratchet again up in the upright position okay and you're really all you gonna do are you gonna be doing that was turning so left side you're going clockwise okay so go over here back on the deal there's my mark and all you have to do is turn it three okay and then we go other side and do three also and that's it I'm gonna go back and forth so I reach sixteen plus or minus a quarter turn depends on how the garage feels when I'm done the door is lighter right now the door just mega heavy and those Springs make the door lighter it's on this one looking at counter clockwise so counter clockwise yes and you got it cuz this thing's gonna go do what it's doing for this one and three okay let's hold of sixteen times so I'm gonna do that get the video off and then so we got at the end actually I'll show you one more time it's gonna have to rewind the video or anything like that just hit that thumbs up button for me please okay clockwise [Music] 300 got to mention you don't know if we're gonna I forgot a step actually you know what you you need to secure the garage so it does not lift up okay so I'm gonna keep tighten these up supposedly this will start lifting the garage up so you wanna feel like I totally missed that supposed to use like channel watch something but it doesn't really work on the stuff go ahead and you want a screwdriver in there like so okay I'm sorry I forgot about that I'm glad I didn't turn the video off hopefully you didn't skip that step let's skip through the video that's there for you oh that's more attention it yeah okay there we go yeah definitely get some Flyers out make that thing tight so I'm already six six lines up on this one three on the other side and then redo that again hope you didn't skip through the video actually pretty tired right there hope you're watching the whole video how to order sorry this is my second time doing this one's pretty good you three on that side counterclockwise and then back to the other side we got six okay what I'm going to go ahead and do I'm gonna go do it nine other side this crap even we're here I'm just gonna go all right so when you're done winding down and then down on this side too and then gonna want to lift up the garage and see if it has any assist if it's assisting you you did it right now my garage door openers in the way I'm gonna have to move that thing out of the way bada-bing bada-boom [Music] and then lifts up the garage [Music] Oh take screwdrivers out see you kind of assist you got my phone work well looking at what I want to look at and see here hell yeah all right good check again please lift it up it's still pretty heavy but you can lift it before you can lift it at all get this all hooked up get that hook back up everything looks good well I call them Paul's whatever are down tables where it needs to be tensions okay check that etc okay door moves freely down a little more tension on that side then on this side it's kind of loose what the little gate works fingers crossed door [Music] [Music] you guys take care of me safe have a great weekend [Music]
Channel: Donny The Late Model Tech
Views: 52,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garage door spring replacement, how to fix garage door opener, garage door will not go up, garage door hard to open, garage door will not open, garage door will not close, how to program garage door remote, how to wind garage door springs, how to install garage door, Garage Door Springs How To Video Save Hundreds Of Dollars Replacing Garage Door Springs - 2019, Garage Door Spring Replacement Wayne Dalton TorqueMaster One
Id: Q86iPiUhPNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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