How to Unlock the Hidden DRAGON SWORD - 5 Legendary Weapon You NEED & Repair - Tears of the Kingdom!

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hello and welcome back to race gaming of course More Tears of the Kingdom my name is hollow and today we're talking about some particularly cool legendary weapons weapons like the white sword of the sky the fierce deity sword the massive biggeron sword and more these are legendary weapons that come from specific quest lines and pretty fun Journeys too often tied of course to these other weapons of all the Zelda games making their return uniquely though these weapons cannot be repaired Often by OCTA rocks unless you use a clever trick we're going to talk about further many of these weapons can actually be bought from the post statues in the depths as you unlock those because when they break since you can't repair them you need a way to get them back or get more of them and as you can see they cost a variety of bows so we're gonna go through a selection of these awesome weapons how to get them and the extra cool details to improve them let's start with the white sword of the sky which is basically a 24 damage unfused base sword much like the master sword for obvious reasons it's a great Baseline for a weapon many of the weapons you will find of this nature will be rusted or broken I was having a baseline 24 damage sword is always useful this is a reward for a questline where you must go to three different places and do a certain Quest there they all involve the ancient mystical dragons that fly around the map though unfortunately these three aren't too bad to get to let's start here at Mount laneroo just south east of that the tower is the spring of wisdom so it's very easy to get to by speaking to the Statue here it will request you go check on the main statue that this whole questline's about you can find that here inside of the Forgotten Temple the entrance being like the lowest level here of this section and you go through eventually you come to the shrine at the other end and just beyond that at the very end of this tunnel this Corridor will be that giant statue that's fallen down by interacting it you'll be able to go back to the shrine Upon returning to the spring of wisdom you'll tell the statue what's going on and then they'll request you help them do something to restore it in this case it wants you to go to the ice dragon and collect one of its claws if you're lucky you may have already done this but basically all you you need to do is go near the ice dragon just fly near it and shoot one of the claws it'll fall off and you can grab it and bring that back to the spring of wisdom the dragons follow this room as you can see I've got it listed for all of them the interesting detail about these three dragons is they actually go underground Into the Depths so as you can see we have a light blue path which is where it's flying over land and then it goes into the crater and flies in the depths where I've put that dark blue color just check the path Overland via the two Sky Towers but if it's in the depths go down and have a look for it it'll be easy to spot as a dragon down there is quite bright anyway shoot a claw get that bring it back to the shrine we'll need to grab the claw and put it on the ground in front of the statue and that's it that's the quest on with that we go to the next two Springs the spring of Courage the second one is in the area of Faron which is the southern point of the map the nearest Tower is going to be this one the popular Foothills Skyview Tower dropping down though we enter we're gonna go speak to the Statue once more who this time is a bit more straightforward and simply request the lightning dragon's claw again as we review the map you can see the path of the lightning Dragon whether it's underground or overground go check its route see if you can spot it and fly over to it in this case the dragon is gonna be a bit awkward to be in there you don't want any metallic gear otherwise you get zapped by lightning but you can be quick enough to just fly near much like the ice dragon not dealing with its effect shooting the Clara moving away after getting the claw either way after doing that return to the spring of Courage drop the claw in front of the statue again and that will complete this Quest lastly for the third one we'll need to come here to the spring of power which is at the northern eastern point of the map the nearest Tower is going to be the allream mountain Skyview Tower and from here you can fly over to the spring and speak to the Statue once more this one will request of course the fire dragon's claw now as you can see again on the map it's at the top end of the map it's quite an easy one to find generally but if it does go into the depths it can be awkward because you will need flame guard gear down in the underneath bit where the lava is to show you what it looks like though this is the lava area in the depths it'll be flying from this crater here all the way across to the next crater over here to come back out and again make that route above if it is over a land then you'll be good you won't actually need the flame guard protection you just fly near enough shoot the claw grab the claw get out of there maybe you take a bit of damage but it's not that big of a deal and if you're dealing with the underground section you will need two pieces to survive down there you can buy two pieces of the armor set here in Goron City the two cheapest pieces however cost 2 000 rupees so it's something to be aware of you can't always wait for the dragon to be Overland though so you don't have to deal with this but either way take the claw by shooting it much like the others and return to the spring dropping the claw on the ground in front of the statue you will have completed the third spring and with that you can now go to the main statue again back in the Forgotten Temple and you will be rewarded with the sword this is the only weapon on the list that you can't buy with pose after you get it so I'll be interested to see when this breaks if I can go back to that statue and claim another one next then let's talk about bigger run sword which is 36 damage and a great sword that meaning it is a much bigger heavier swings than say the single small sword we just talked about and we can spin and slam like so this one you can buy for pose after you get it for 100 160 pose you can just buy and spawn these as much as you want this is incredible because it's a 36 damage great sword before you say put some of the awesome infusions on it making a very deadly weapon and one you can reliably go get whenever you want unfortunately here at school lake is the source of it it's very easy to get all you need to do is head up to the northern eastern point of the map and this crater right here in one of the eyes off skull Lake will take you down so head on over and jump down that and you will land Below in the acola house of bones inside of the chest is the sword problem is the chest will not open until you defeat all the enemies fortunately they are the skeletal enemies so it doesn't really matter how strong they are if you just hit them a couple times or enough times they fall over and you attack the head and that destroys them or you could say headshot them with a throne weapon or bow and arrow and that'll take them down a lot faster however of course it's the giant skeleton that's difficult You Must Destroy the eye to defeat this but it's not until you are about to finish it off that you have to attack the eye you can attack the body with base weapons or whatever and use any method that you'd like to though do remember shooting the eye much like any big monster like this it'll stagger it Knocking it down giving you a free window to DPS to actually finish it though you have to damage the eye as the killing blow once that's done all the enemies are going to be gone and the chest will open allowing you to claim the sword as a weapon then it's quite easy to get and a very effective one at only 160 pose here on Lookout Landing on the Northern side on the ground level you'll find this statue you need to speak to this is what you offer pose too pose are the resource you find in the depths and there is a lot to claim however as you can see the stock that I have here is a lot smaller than the other statues that is because there are post statues down below such as this one the bag in a statue here as you can see this is quite near to look out landing and you can get the Pinpoint location by talking to the statue in Lookout Landing offering enough pose to say buy the dark tunic and then given the information of the location of the first statue in the depths from that one you should be able to buy the weapons you found then appearing in the list once you first picked up the weapons for a full guide on how to get the dark link set and arguably more important the depth set we have a video for exactly that on the channel right now next up then let's talk about the staff of course there's a ruby staff though because I've put a ruby on the end of it to create a fire weapon there are four types of precious gems you can put onto something like this such as a ruby to turn it into a fire weapon we've got water with opal we've got lightning with topaz and Frost with sapphires just fusing this to the end of any magical weapon be that wander staff that creates that Elemental weapon and arguably the best version of that for range damage as you can see with the staff I'm shooting out three at incredible ranges and really good damage at that and if they were to say send off and bounce onto something like that tree it bounces off spreading it in another Direction against enemies you can see that this is an incredibly easy and insanely effective way to deal with element damage even at safe distances so having at least a rod scepter or staff is a great option but of course the staff is the best one because it's a spear it's accurate long range and it's probably the highest Dam damage fortunately it's very easy to get by completing the cave that susub Shrine is hiding within the tower the popular Foothills Skyview Tower at the South Eastern point of the map is very close to this one because in Daya Lake there is a well as you can see on this Mark by flying down to the well and entering it which to be fair is rocked up you can do jumping blunt attacks or maybe throw a bomb in there but once you're down in the well all you need to do is head to the shrine and complete it the thing is it's not even like a challenge Shrine it's literally just one of those reward shrines for just finding it inside is a chest and that has the staff inside of it and it is available at the post statue guys for only a hundred pose you can buy the staff ready to go whenever you need it time then for another iconic weapon the Sea Breeze Boomerang a Wind Waker Link here an iconic weapon is available in tears of the kingdom and much like any boomerang in this game you can throw it by holding just R and then after a moment throw it and spam the collect button this will catch it every time it comes back to you and obviously that's awesome in combat it will penetrate through enemies on the way out and on the way back and even if you're moving around it kind of homes back into you so as long as you're pressing a to collect it as it collides with you you should always be able to catch it this deals 16 damage unfused which is very respectable for a boomerang a basic Boomerang only has six a la zald much better version that has eight the much slower giant ones they have 11 damage the giant ones seem to be a little bit slower as well for their extra damage and it's still lower than R1 and if you fuse this up with something useful maybe element damage or just raw physical it can become very deadly and it's located here at the Hebrew Canyon mine in the depths this is towards the Northern Western point of the depths the nearest crater to get there though is more towards the western side next to the Runa kits Shrine you can easily see that from lindo's brows Skyview Tower as we enter this crater you can see we're just south of the Hebrew Mine by heading north and slightly East you'll come across this light route then heading north and west you'll come across the mine itself as I've marked the top of it it's in the chat yes just out in the open very easy to collect as there are no enemies stopping you as soon as you collect it it will begin appearing in the Statue pole vendors inventory and again only 100 pose to buy it lastly but certainly not least is the fierce deity sword a great sword with 38 damage and a unique effect where it slashes wildly in battle as if possessed by Fierce deity meaning you should have better and more powerful charge attacks which is awesome and of course it's tied to the fierce deity set which gives you three levels of attack up which is awesome the quest starts here at cephala Lake in the cave and the entrance of it there is a shrine very nearby and a stables the foothill stables and the nearest Tower is this one Elden Canyon Skyview Tower by heading over to the cave you will encounter two people standing outside of it after a conversation with them they'll let you know that there's a bunch of chests with just like one rupee in all of them like a lot of chests in that cave and apparently there's a secret treasure in there by feeding four to five apples to the nearby dog it will lead you into the case safe and show you exactly which chest it is to actually Loop inside that chest will be a piece of the Ember set but then the two guys outside come inside and reveal there was actually a note inside that chest this links to the fierce deity set which we'll need to collect all three pieces and be wearing inside this cave to unlock the secret room which has the sword inside it here the ackless this is L ruins which is the northeastern point the map very near to the uluri mountain Skyview Tower is one of those pieces inside the ruins there's just a secret room that you've got a Crouch inside of one of those owl style rabbits will actually lead you to it you just crouch on in and with that you get the first piece of the day he said next we actually returned to skull Lake again but this time we go in the right eye by skydiving from the nearby Tower or climbing on the hill next to it you can drop down and inside is just a cave which as you make your way through at the end you will find the chest that has the next deity piece in it finally the last piece is actually quite near Lookout Landing the Southwest is a little lake with the ancient tree stump inside of it by walking up and entering that and then following the lowest route that leads you to a wall of vines but break through that and go through and then climb all the way to the top at the top will be the final piece of the deity set then we can return to the cephala lake cave wearing all three pieces and that will reveal the secret room with the sword inside you can also get the sword from the poe statues for 160 pose since it is the strongest statistically an awesome weapon to be sure and one that you confuse for more damage but the downside of this weapon and some of these others is that you cannot repair them using the Oxo Rock method you can easily just throw any weapon in there or even a shield and have that repaired and even give a new effect this sadly does not work with these weapons in normal circumstances but there is a trick you can do to kind of make it work anyway let's say you have one of these Legendary Weapons we can't recover normally what you need to do is when it's going to break just attach it to something else such as literally just a tree branch we can do this by taking the item and dropping it and then like normal fusing it to the stick this means you're going to repair the weapon except you're repairing the stick itself if you don't know how to do this you just need to go to Goron City just west of Death Mountain and head up here to the northern point where I've marked here on these different stamps are where you can find different Rock OCTA rocks do note that when you use one you will need to kill it after it's restored your weapon so that it can respawn after a blood moon and you can use it again just like normal with these OCTA rocks though you just need to take your weapon and drop it in front of them they'll quickly pull it in and then throw it straight back at you after giving you a special effect to it again though remember to kill it when you're done so they can respawn now my weapon is restored and even has the durability up perk from here we need to go to Tarrytown to separate the infused weapon this little guy here will be the one to do it Terrytown is just at the North Eastern point of the whole map quite near to this Tower again the ulri Mountain Tower and then we have him disabled weapon for 20 rupees and there you have it the weapons are separated and now I can pick up my Boomerang ready to go fresh and restored like that but there you have it a selection of powerful and legendary weapons and the way to restore them in case you can't if this video has been useful helpful to you then please do drop a like on it other other powerful and legendary weapons that you know about that maybe we could come back and cover in another video let us know for now I've been Hollow you've been you thanks for watching we'll see you in the next one Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 269,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: white sword of the sky, biggorons sword, fierce deity sword, sea breeze boomerang, light dragon, dragon, magic staff, tears of the kingdom dragon, tears of the kingdom best weapon, best weapon, tears of the kingdom legendary weapon, guide, location, quest, quest guide, tears of the kingdom, weapon, gameplay, how to, best fuse weapons, tears of the kingdom guide, tears of the kingdom poe, poe, bargainer statue, poe farm, weapon repair, tears of the kingdom repair, ragegamingvideos
Id: A2B42D6Qsoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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