How To Unlock The GLYPH MASTER RAZ Style In Fortnite! (How To DEFEAT GLYPH MASTER RAZ)

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[Music] all right welcome to my raz glyph master style challenge guide so we have to complete all the rest of the spire challenges to get this style right here the best style for raz in my opinion now i was told by one of my friends on twitter that you can actually unlock all the challenges at once and get the style right away if you defeat raz at the spire he's now an npc there but first if you had a glitch on the duel jonesy the first challenge last time which i did it'll pop up for you right now so let me complete this real quick and then we're gonna try to eliminate raz and see if we can skip all the challenges you don't have to do all of them is what my friend on twitter said and you automatically get the skin and the xp as if you would have completed all of them so let's try this first let me do this real quick and then we'll see well i have some of the worst weapons imaginable no shotgun whatsoever but we're gonna do this so we should be able to hear everything he has to say as well which will be nice because last time like i said there were so many people here you couldn't do anything so let's talk to him jonesy the first so here's the spire option it says you want my help get ready to fight so let's go ahead and duel him 130 by the way wow jones he's strong he almost took me out there now it says return to jonesy the first so let's go back and do that again all right now all we have to do is talk to him and this should complete this challenge let's just double check he said not bad i guess i underestimated you there are people who think the spire will make them powerful it will but it will also exploit their every weakness do not allow the spire to corrupt someone powerful or jones does not stand a chance go now before the spire attracts any more attention from the never mind just hurry okay so now we're on the jonesy the first challenges for real this gather information on raz from tirana laura croft rebirth raven cluck or cobb so we're gonna try to skip all these challenges remember because the final one is to eliminate raz at the spire so let's try this you know what i'm gonna go into arena solos because hopefully not many people will drop in the middle of arena solos we'll see alright so remember only one person per match can eliminate raz and i have never seen him before i don't know what abilities he has i know people are saying it's one of the hardest bosses to kill ever and he has some kind of cheat attack is what they say but i have never seen him i'm not sure where exactly he spawns but hopefully here in arena we should have a pretty much uncontested drop maybe one or two people and that should be it but i heard he's got a lot of health so you may need to get full shield and everything first so it looks like i got three people here and again i'm not sure where raz actually spawns but we should be able to hear him there he is right there i see him he definitely does have the glyph version so i do not want to engage him right now oh look at this nice ar there's the other guy right there okay so i don't actually want to engage till this guy's dead this guy is he coming up the mountain with me god what are you doing i guess i didn't need a shotgun okay so that's everyone the coast should be clear now i'm gonna have full shield let's take this bow oh yeah blue pump let's go all right so this is our first time doing this we should be able to eliminate it right away depending on how hard he is maybe arena is just the way to do it well i don't even know if this is gonna work we're gonna see there he is right there we can get a few cheap shots with the mechanical bow yes we can weaken him go ahead go ahead try to take him out buddy i'll let you do all the hard work my turn yes look at this he's not even moving oh we're gonna do it we're gonna do it he's not moving look how much health he's got he's almost dead we did it did it complete the challenges or was i trolled no it won't let me collect it i was trolled no oh man are you kidding me well that's a rip i did it and it didn't count well someone can come collect this now how lucky for them so definitely arena is your best bet that was so easy to do unbelievable just give me it i did all the work all right so i went to team rumble and we're gonna gather information from some of these npcs hopefully we can do it all in one match here so i'm gonna go to cluck first he's kind of in the middle of the map right up here at this house it looks like we only have to do three npcs so here's cluck first let's talk to him there's the spire right there he says on my beak you won't catch me near the spire dark magic brings darker days okay so there's one that's pretty cool alright tarana what's up she says well i've always known raz was an idiot but it turns out he's also a fool nothing good comes from the spires stay away thanks a lot appreciate that let's go to [Music] let's go to laura croft next she says i warned res again searching for spire artifacts that much power is bound to attract attention all right like that like that ah all right now it says complete uncommon or rarer quest oh i hate these so you have to do five of them well you guys don't need a guide for that but uncommon or rarer let's go to our quest and i'll show you obviously you can go all the way down to see the uncommon ones so those are going to be the easiest ones and then you've got the green ones and then blue ones so just focus on ones you're almost done with like this explosive eliminations go to team rumble and just look for ones that you're close to finishing or do your daily ones because those are uncommon as well free fish from a freezer are you kidding me so team rumble's probably the best way to do this so i'll do this real quick and then we'll go to the final challenge all right so i may have completed five challenges right away let's see maybe four i'm gonna go back to lobby and see if i got four or five so i did one match of team rumble and as you can see i'm at four out of five already so let's see if i have one more easy challenge to do destroy structures at steamy stacks that should be easy build structures are you kidding me so yes it shouldn't take you that long especially with these uncommon challenges counting awesome all right so here we are stage four four defeat glyph master raz and collect the spire artifact so as you saw at the start i defeated him in arena and it wouldn't let me collect the spire artifact so maybe that's just an arena glitch i don't know but i'm gonna try in solos this time not arena solos but just solos i'm sure it's gonna be hard as heck because there's gonna be a billion people there and it's gonna be chaos but hopefully we can pull this off all right let's see if it can be just as easy as it was for me in arena i doubt it because i bet there's gonna be a billion people here maybe at least 15. i think the smart play would to just be lay low a bit near the spire loot up get full shield get a good weapon and then go in for cleanup sometimes you can see reza's health through the walls and stuff so that'll be beneficial if someone is close to eliminating him this guy's chucking these at me hey let's get out of here you one shot me he looks like he missed where is this chested okay so there we saw his health actually we can see his hell where is his chest at i don't want to walk up here and get a shotgun in my face that's exactly what i was about to get kidding me man some guys fight him he's almost dead oh no no not me not me he's getting real close to being dead we gotta take this guy out before he takes him out where is he all right here we go let's see if we can end him here come on reload we did it we got it let's go let's get the hey betty better out of here we did it let's go run away run away 118 damage heavy hitting bow that launches three small bombs on impact pretty sweet so that wasn't as hard as everyone said it would be i mean i struggled a little bit there but it was more so just finding them so that is the key to eliminating raz just let other people do the dirty work make sure you wait until he loses that blue shield effect and you can see his health far through the walls as i showed you so super easy if you do that so there he is right there the glyph master razz absolutely incredible looking skin wow way way better than the default although the default raz isn't bad either and then as a bonus treat unlock the runic spire assassin let's go but there you go those are all of the spire challenges and this is your reward incredible hopefully you guys enjoyed this video a like is always appreciated and don't forget to use my supporter crater code which is taper time you
Channel: Tabor Hill
Views: 379,281
Rating: 4.9291396 out of 5
Keywords: defeat glyph master raz, how to defeat glyph master raz, defeat glyph master raz and collect the spire artifact, collect the spire artifact, defeat glyph master, fortnite defeat raz, tabor hill, tabor hill fortnite, fortnite, spire challenges, how to unlock glyph master raz, how to get glyph master raz, how to get raz second style, how to get raz gylph master, glyph master raz, glyph master raz challenge, spire artifact, fortnite glyph master raz gameplay, raz glyph master
Id: B3Jl3jkST8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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