How to Turn - Vision (the most important thing)

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[Music] by far the biggest problem would begin is when they're turning is that they're not looking at the right place they're either looking in front or they're looking at the asphalt instead of looking at the turn itself here's an example of what most beginners see when turning they see the house in front the sidewalk the asphalt right in front of the car now here's what a more experienced driver sees you're looking to the curve itself they know how sharp the curve is if any of those people is going to start crossing the street and so on basically they're looking far into the turn of course you have to scan well in front before you look there but when you've determined that everything is safe look far into the turn and don't look at the asphalt too close to the car either lift your eyes and look at the horizon the reason why most students tend to look too close to the car it's because they have a tendency to protect their bubble they think that if they don't look close but there are things that they could hit that they're going to hit them the parked cars for example the sidewalk or any other obstacle like these flowerpots in this case most of the time it's the opposite that happens if you stare at things you'll have a tendency to go towards them so again look at where you want to go at the horizon also notice here that now I'm looking through my left window beginners in the situation like this tend to still be looking in front of them through the windshield at the wall of the building in front then as I straighten the car I look through the windshield again and that goes for all left turns there are about ninety degrees or more like here I'm about to turn left at a ninety degree curve and I'm looking through my left window watching the curve as it appears as soon as I can see the end of the street I'm looking there my car is at forty five degrees in the intersection but I'm already looking at the end of the street not in front of me in other words I don't wait until my car is straight to look at the end of the street looking in front of you in this case it's like having your left window painted black you have no idea where you're going how sharp the turn is if there are parked cars people crossing the street and so on in terms that are less wide like in this case I do look through the windshield but I look at the turn as it appears as far as I can see it and again I don't look straight in front of me what right turns you look bored through the windshield unless they're very sharp turns which I'll discuss in another video so that's basically what you have to do look at the turn as it appears in this case I see you're appearing behind this concrete block so I keep looking there and as soon as I can see far ahead I look there and don't be afraid to turn your head when you're turning most students just look straight ahead when turning keeping their head aligned with the front of the car and when I tell them to look further into the turn instead of turning their head they just look from the corner of their eye like they're scared of looking or something turn your head again it's the same thing you do in everyday life when you want to look at something if I want to see what's written on the wall to my right I turned my head and I look at it when I get out of someplace I turned my head and look where I want to go that's what we always do already instinctively but when beginners start driving because of that tendency to protect their bubble they don't do it anymore in this turn here my car is still pointed forward but my head is already turned to the left then I turn and at the end of the turn the front of the car aligns itself with my head an analogy I like to use with my students is the battle tank you've probably noticed our battle tanks sometimes turn their turrets first the turret is the head it looks where he wants to go and then the body of the tank aligns itself with it same thing when you're turning turn your head look at the right place and then the front of the car will align itself with your head and don't wait until you're already in the turn to start analyzing it you should start doing that from as far as you can see the turn like here from this distance I've already determined that I can turn right because there's a house there so my only option is to turn left and it's more or less a 90 degree turn so I already have an idea of how I'll negotiate that turn then here looking as far as I can and here already looking at the end of the street now if you practice with relatives or friends he'll put too much emphasis on your hands they'll just keep telling you to turn the wheel more and sometimes your hands might be the problem most of the time the problem is where you're looking as long as you're not looking at the right place your hands can do much to help you I'm not saying that your parents or friends are not good drivers but looking at the right place is something they've been doing instinctively for so many years that they don't even realize it anymore now remember that when turning you should always turn in the first available lane a question I get a lot from my students is how do I know if there are any parked cars or the lane is reserved or blocked by construction or whatever well by looking and again the reason why they don't see that or see it at the last second is because they're looking in front when turning instead of looking at the turn itself if you're waiting at a red light like it was the case here you should determine that even before you go you have time remember you stopped at a red light so while looking at the right place might be the most obvious thing for experienced drivers it's the single most common problem with beginners when turning now even with this knowledge your reflex will probably be to look straight in front of you again it might take you a few practices until looking at the right place becomes a natural reflex but once you do you should see a big improvement and just as a side note there are mainly three types of people who will have a better global vision when they start driving cyclists people who play video games and people who practice sports don't worry if you don't do any of these doesn't mean you'll be a bad driver I'll discuss this more in detail in an upcoming video on vision I'll also be making a few more videos on turning since there's a lot to cover on that subject so stay tuned hope you like this video and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Conduite Facile
Views: 1,184,918
Rating: 4.9680476 out of 5
Keywords: How to turn, turning with a car, turning, curves, how to turn well, driver’s license, driving tutorials, driving lessons, tutorials, lessons, driving advice, advice, driving tips, tips, conduite facile, Driving exam, driving test, how to pass your driving test, how to pass your driving exam, how to pass, preparation for the driving exam, how to take curves well, how to take curves
Id: gyYT1N_VbNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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