How to Stay Centered in Your Lane - Driving Tips

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[Music] so the first reason why students have trouble staying centered in their Lane is because they're not looking at the right place and most of the time they're looking at the lines on the asphalt to guide themselves if you look at the lines on the left you'll always be too close to the left if you look at the lines on the right you'll be too close to the right so don't look at the lines to guide yourself look far at the center of your lane even when the road is curving you look far at the center of your lane try to draw yourself in the imaginary line that goes from the asphalt to the sky and look there at the level of the Horizon of course you're not going to be staring only there staring is one of the most common problems with student drivers you need to look everywhere but only fractions of a second and your eyes keep returning over there so that you can stay centered students tend to focus solely on the vehicle in front almost like if they had a cardboard piece on the windshield and that's the only thing they see so when the vehicle in front drifts they drift with them so just keep looking far ahead at the center of your lane just a side note this is one of the reasons why the Move Over Law exists where when passing an emergency vehicle you should leave a whole Lane between you and the vehicle in question if possible people when passing by an emergency vehicle by curiosity they tend to look so because they are looking in that direction without realizing it they tend to go towards the vehicle in question and accidents happen another example is when going around circular medians like this one students tend to look at the concrete border so that they don't hit it and what happens they almost hit it again here don't look at the border look far at the center of your lane see the difference looking at the border looking at the center of the lane and probably the best example of that is when exiting a highway on those circular exits if you look in front you'll always be too close to the guard rail so don't look here look there this is one of those situations where looking at the right place magically solves the problem in a matter of seconds so the main reason for not being Center is Vision the other reason actually has to do with the steering wheel itself and your hand position and tightness beginners are usually stressed when they drive so they tend to hold a steering wheel too tight so in situations like these when a vehicle is approaching in the opposite lane because it scares them they'll tend to drift to the opposite side you might have seen people driving with just one hand resting on the wheel now I don't recommend that you should always keep both your hands on the wheel and I certainly don't recommend this but this is just to illustrate that cars are made to go as straight as possible and most of the time when students swerve it's because they manipulate the wheel way too much so always hold the wheel with both hands but not too tight it also happens a lot when there are physical obstacles like concrete blocks or ramps they focus on them because it scares them and they drift to the opposite direction again don't focus on those things look far at the center of your lane and everything will take care of itself the position of your hands on the wheel will also have an effect if you hold the wheel like this with one hand over and one hand under that puts more weight on the wheel on the side of the lower hand and it'll make you drift to that side so try to always hold the wheel with your hands level at the 10 past 10 position one last thing that might make you swerve and is actually not your fault it's problems with the steering mechanics of the vehicle itself although for most of these problems you'll need to bring your car to a mechanic something you can check and fix yourself is Tire pressure If For example the right tire is underinflated the car will lean to that side so when driving you'll tend to drift to the right so try to keep both tires properly inflated and at the same pressure I hope you like this video thanks for watching
Channel: Conduite Facile
Views: 4,948,628
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Keywords: how to stay centered in your lane, how to drive straight, drive in a straight line, driver’s license, driving tutorials, driving lessons, tutorials, lessons, driving advice, advice, driving tips, tips, Driving exam, driving test, how to pass your driving test, how to pass your driving exam, how to pass, preparation for the driving exam, staying centered in your lane, staying, centered, how to drive straight in a car, driving in a straight line, drive centered, driving centered
Id: ASx4JtLvx_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2017
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