How to Adjust Your Speed When Turning

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[Music] we're coming into a turn with some speed most of the times you'll need to slow down in that case the procedure will be break before entering the turn in the turn itself keep your foot over the brake in case you need to brake in an emergency but don't brake or brake very lightly then when exiting the turn start accelerating just a bit before your car is straight you should have adjusted your speed before entering the turn so that you don't need to brake in the turn itself so brake before the turn release in the turn itself accelerate while exiting the turn that's what you need to do most of the time but that depends on how tight the turn is and now fast you're going when entering it if you're approaching the turn already at the speed you should have in the turn itself you won't need to slow down like in this 50 kilometer per hour zone for example where I'm already at 50 while entering this white turn same thing for a very white turn even on the highway like in this situation I'm already at a hundred kilometres an hour but I don't need to slow down since the turn is so white but if you live in a city like mine where most of the turns are at 90 degrees or sometimes sharper if you're approaching them at 50 km/h you'll need to slow down the tighter the turn the more you'll need to slow down and if you're approaching it slower than the turn speed like after having stopped obviously you'll have to accelerate a bit so when do you need to brake accelerate or do nothing it depends on how tight the turn is and the what speed you're entering it now this being said at what speed exactly should we take the turns now something you might have heard a lot especially if you drive in a city where it turns out intersections are mostly 90 degrees is to turn at certain speeds like for example 15 km/h when turning right and 20 when turning left the thing is that will depend on a few things like the width of the intersection for example the wider the intersection the more distance you have to pick up speed also when you'll be driving in roads where the curves are all different you're not gonna bring a spreadsheet with the speed for every single curve are you and most of all one of the biggest problems with a lot of students is that they tend to stare at things for too long for example when they look at the mirror they tend to stare at it for a second or two and they also tend to stare at the pedometer when checking their speed that's never a good idea but especially when turning if you get used to looking at your speedometer when turning you won't be looking at where you're supposed to go and that could be very dangerous in some situations like for example if someone is crossing the street at the curb and you won't see them so don't get used to looking at your speedometer when turning look at where you want to go and your brain will coordinate your hands and feet it might take a few practices before you get the hang of it but once you do you'll be able to take on any curve at any angle if you do want to look at the speedometer to get a feel for your speed do it quickly just a few quick glances at it before the turn and get back to looking at where you need to go but I recommend you get used to adapting your speed by looking at the right place ask an experienced driver to tell you at what speed they do their turns and they won't be able to tell you because they were analyzing the curve before turning and looking at the curve itself when turning not the dash pedometer I hope you like this video thanks for watching you [Music]
Channel: Conduite Facile
Views: 1,170,301
Rating: 4.9569759 out of 5
Keywords: How to adjust your speed when turning, speed when turning, speed when turning driving, how to turn at an intersection, how to turn at a stop sign, how to turn at a light, how to turn at a stop light, the right speed for turning, turning speed, turning speed driving, Driving exam, driving test, how to pass your driving test, how to pass your driving exam, how to pass, preparation for the driving exam, driver’s license, driving tutorials, driving lessons, tutorials, lessons
Id: zuiErrLL8lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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