How To Turn $4800 into $15,000 unboxing and reselling a Lowes Truckload

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so we came in early today 7 o'clock to unload the truck my employees aren't even here yet so I'm unloading it trying to get it all out by the time the employees get here we can try to process it and get all 26 pallets out today so we have it out on this on the floor for the weekend [Music] so I just got a Lowe's load in and I had to check exactly what I paid for it but I think it's around around forty eight hundred dollars it's an unmanifested load you never know what you're gonna get in an unmanifested load I did a previous video about not buying unmanned feta so this load and then I go ahead and buy one but I'm hoping this came directly from Lowe's I bought him before from a company in Tampa which I think they were buying the loads take cherry picking him then reselling him I was given a three thousand dollar so I'm hoping this is gonna be a little better than the ones that we used to get there should be some returns that are still brand new there should be some returns that need a little bit of lovin and there should be some garbage in here so we're gonna have to go through all 26 pallets figure out what's good what's bad what's terrible and try to see if we can make some money off it you see we have some nice fans here so we just set the fair out why they were returned once you start buying these loads it behooves you to to keep this merchandise let's say this is missing one fan blade on the next truckload you know they sell multiples of every item every brand that they have so I'm gonna keep this box if it's not complete put it in my stock room and then the next truckload I get I hopefully I get a box that marries it up together and then I get a good good working fan that I can sell to people in Florida fans sell every day every day of the year every month of the year everybody wants fans in Florida none of my employees are here right now so I'm gonna start unloading this truck [Music] there's a big fat pallet it's hard to get down through the hallway not all them are this big a lot of times when they have these big boxes inside the pallets they're filled with a lot of little stuff so we're hoping on this truck that we can find something valuable something something works money in one of these big Gaylords right here not sure what these are ever they look like they're brand new in the box Oh ceiling lights not super expensive we normally can get about ten dollars out of these but they're all brand new here a Halloween night I don't know if that's nightmare after Christmas what is this one The Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween blow-up and today is the day after Halloween so I could have used that yesterday not today [Music] so we own these pallets for probably just under $200 a pallet so we really want to find between four and six hundred dollars a pallet and value when we start unwrapping them hopefully we get one pallet that's gonna be working worth a few thousand dollars and that's what's gonna give us the homerun in this load make us want to order more of these loads in the future they're available every day for auction on beast comm I take the ones that are closest to me to help out I'm shipping the shipping on this load was about 1,200 bucks if I buy them out of anywhere else it seems to be over $3,000 I am interested I love Estate Sales but I'm unloading this Lowe's load right now so but you know what I like to go in there before they have those sales so if you ever find anybody selling houses selling their contents of the house haven't called me first we'll buy it all instead of having a sale all right all right thanks for calling all right I put a pair of hookah shoes I think it's hookah so the running shoes are high-end running shoes I went into a store in Tampa and they were like $229 and these things are mint shape I think you can put it I mean I'd research the model because I'm not sure how new it is but they look in great shape I think you could probably get a hundred bucks out of money Bay so I'd put him on eBay Thanks so what I was just telling my online manager Jim is that you know I found I was walking through the warehouse and I found some high-end running shoes when I go to thrift stores I always look for high-end running shoes I go on Wednesdays to Salvation Army when it's half-price day and there's all these foreigners and dealers that go into the thrift stores and they swipe all the shoes they take all the shoes they take all the Nike the Air Jordans all the typical shoes that you would think be worth a lot of money but they don't know anything about running shoes they see they see the brand like hookah there and they just pass it over because they think it's some sort of cheap shoe anything with lawful basis you know high-end running shoes sell fantastic on eBay are one of the best I mean I started out in Tampa selling over 2,000 pairs of sneakers buying them all from the Salvation Army for five dollars a pair flipping them for 30 40 50 dollars a pair know your running shoes know your running you'll make more money off running shoes probably it's gonna be definitely in the top ten about what you can make your most money on running shoes little mini-fridge we get a lot of these inflatable balloons a lot of the canisters to helium canisters it's like outdoor seating is good oh here we go here's a nice set of outdoor seating with a couple mini fridges on there this is a wine fridge and a mini fridge and I think we'll make our money back on this pallet for sure for sure I don't know if you saw the truckload Tuesday video but I brought in a load from Goodwill 24 pallets from Goodwill and I got a video game load in there there was a flight simulator package in there I looked on eBay somebody sold one for about 70 dollars on eBay and then somebody else had one listed for $2.99 on eBay both of them didn't have the foot pedals I had all the foot pedals so I had accustomed my store with cash in his hand and we sold it to him for $100 so that was pretty good because we paid 120 for the whole pallet we sold one item for $100 and there was still 40 more Xbox 360s in that pallet over a hundred controllers games old-school systems so it was a good deal is a good palette check out that video if you haven't seen it truckload Tuesday's [Music] so my parents want to come down to Florida for just a month in the wintertime so I thought maybe instead of renting them a house or trailer or whatever they want to live in I would maybe go buy a townhouse or a condo here in Tampa and New Tampa so so I wouldn't look at one yesterday I'm hoping that it does need a little lovin its foreclosure and what I'm hoping is that we can use some of this stuff from Lowe's to fix up the condo it's a townhouse fix up the townhouse and then I don't know what I'm gonna do after that I might keep it as an air B&B or or run it out or or I don't I'll let my family use it whenever they want to come down here so I'll show you some pictures of that whenever I close the deal on it's not closed yet hopefully today I'll get an answer on that I mean because I'm in the flipping business you know I I've made my money on flipping and then I've taken money from flipping and acquired a lot of real estate I own a lot of real estate up in New York and now I'm trying to buy somewhere here in Florida take your money that you make in this business invest in other things there's no retirement there's no long-term strategy all there is is making your money and investing it in something so that when your end game comes around you're gonna have the money the assets you're gonna have be able to liquidate what you have and live a nice life and retirement but you know the truth is I don't think I'm ever gonna retire I can picture myself 90 years old going into flee markets going to yard sales and flipping stuff on eBay because that's what I love to do that's what I love to do [Music] you got the drills I want one of you guys on the pallet Jack help me unload this truck you go finish that looks like a outdoor shed it's over on the other side all the screws are right there I got it halfway done but I needed your drill yesterday so start that and we'll get this truck unloaded I want to try to process this whole truck today for the weekend look at this one here where's it at right here come here take a look at this some lady came in yesterday with 15 paintings and she wanted to put them on consignment I didn't look at him she wanted $25 a piece on consignment for him we do our consignment split 6040 so we looked up this painting here so this is a Terry Terry readlyn and it's a numbered and signed print when we went on ebay the frame ones are going for about $500 so you know we called the lady back up and let her know that that we have something that's a little more valuable than she thought and she just said sell it sell it she didn't care it just sell it so we're gonna try to list that online hopefully you go between four and five hundred dollars but it's a beautiful print he's Terry red was known for all that the brightness that the background normally fires in his paintings in his prints so we're gonna throw that on eBay and try to make some money on [Music] sometimes my coworkers really get involved in their job I told me clear off this box she really gets involved in the work we got a video coming up on why not to buy salvaged TVs from Walmart it's one of the worst loads I ever got I filed a complaint with beef stock I still haven't heard back from them they sent the complaint to Walmart hopefully they answer these were these were Salvage returns which is not what they should be classified as they should be classified as returns that were processed sent to a third-party vendor taking the stands boxes remote controls all out and then sold them to some sucker that would be me and I think it's deceitful in Walmart needs to change their policy on how they sell these TVs they said they were gonna be here around 6 o'clock I waited till 7:45 I went to dinner they called me about nine o'clock when I was at dinner saying we're here and I'm like everybody's already left I know I'm like it was crazy so they got a hotel room stayed the night so this pallet looks like it's gonna be a really good pallet here this air conditioning I'm sure is 10,000 15,000 BTU so if you look those up in the store hopefully it works you know those are five six seven hundred dollars in a store maybe we can get about two $250 out of it you always want to make sure they had the fins on the side because their window mounted units I don't see it with it but people will still buy it and then just makeshift whatever they have to do to to keep the air from the outside from coming in we got fans on it heaters it's getting to be winter time heaters are always heaters and air conditioners I buy every heater and air conditioner I can find because seasonally they sell immediately craftsman toolbox I'm not sure if it's empty or full what is this I don't know what this is but see in the box you know it's an online returned a lot of time online returns are just refused by the buyer so they it might have showed up to their house and boom they just refused it it gets sent to these centers and then they get sold as returns a lot of times they're brand new lamps lights we got a microwave over on that side I don't know what this there's two large things another heater buddy heater down here see what this is halogen lights those are always good sellers pool cover Punk oh these are gas fire gas logs those are nice those are sell this time of year down here in Florida we get the snowbirds that come down and when they get here they they go on a buying frenzy they buy anything for their outdoor goes upward like while I'm from in northern New York today it's 34 degrees down here in Tampa it's 84 degrees so they come down here by outdoor furniture buy buy this kind of stuff buy everything for the outside and you know I can deliver it to them cheaper than anybody else you might find like ring doorbells these are fun boxes right here because you never know what's gonna be in it this looks like a little nightstand or something but what you're hoping for is you open up a box like this which is not a not a manufacturers box so you're hoping like you find ring doorbells or thermostats or you know 50 60 dollar items times 50 in one box you know that's where you definitely make your money on these loads another thing we get a lot on these loads oh this looks like an outdoor fountain like helping hands fountain I'm sure this is working 50 60 70 bucks but when we get a lot on these loads is scratch and dent bathroom kitchen you know fixtures furniture vanity wardrobes things like that that's a sink if you're if you own apartment complexes or you're you know you're a handyman you know typically as long as you're not a homeowner you really you don't really don't need perfect inventory inside your apartment project so people come here and they buy all the scratch and dent stuff they install it in their apartments it looks great but there might be just a little chip in the back corner somebody won't buy that retail but they'll definitely buy here at our store [Music] you're on the surface you know this is an air conditioners probably eighty ninety dollars I mean it looks like it's in good shape if it works you know these these pallets look really well knowing that we paid one ninety just under two hundred dollars a pallet I think we're certainly gonna make maker we're more than double our money hopefully our goal is always to triple our money and all the products that we buy triple our money so we'll start going through these pallets and and adding up how much each pallet is gonna give us and so we use a point of sale software called consign Pro and the good thing about consign Pro is I can enter all this inventory underneath one vendor so we're gonna call this Lowe's load number one all the inventory will go underneath this one vendor and then I can look back on it at any time to see how much money we made off of this one load so it's probably gonna take I don't know maybe 60 90 days to sell it all but I'll be able to see exactly the profit margin because we can put in cost we can put in what it sells for and then we can print a report exactly about what we make on these loads consign Pro it's a great software program see this is like scavenger hunting for me you know I mean because you never know what you're really gonna get in these pallets it's like trick-or-treating and it just so happens I could say that because there's a whole bunch of orange stuff in here yeah now see post holidays every holiday you're gonna end up getting the same type of stuff except that they're not gonna sell anymore out on the floor because it's the holidays over you know I mean they're not gonna hold on to their stock so they go and let it go it fair bones minimal this is obviously a one of those inflatable pumpkins so they'll end up having to put that on the pump and find out if it works again more Halloween stuff you know I mean as soon as the holiday is over if this isn't broken alright see look at that perfect example $210 is what they have that price that I don't see any damages on it it looks new but why drawer cabinet system and it looks like there's a smaller model of it now ones 106 dollars so I guarantee the tongue goes in throws a $99 price tag on this stuff it'll fly right off the shelf and they'll still make money because knowing that how much he saves when these pallets is ridiculous on Amazon at $79 for that so you're looking at over $300 just in these three components and the the man makes money hand-over-fist doing this I love it but like I said scavenger hunt you never know what you're gonna find that's a crazy look at that I want to see that I gotta cut this one open that's the weirdest-looking ceiling fan I've ever seen when I like it it has like the outside register on top of your a/c kind of look to it or one of those normal that's just cool we had a customer that when just bought a baseball bat he bout was going insane because of the fact that we had $19 on a bad day normally cost $75 this is a sketch you know I mean it's like it was his magical day and he was so happy and it was I was like glad we could make you happy bro glad we could make you happy so I'm G ring air ceiling fan what no way so now it's about 12:00 noon we started at 7 o'clock in the morning we got four people pricing the Lowe's the border right now we paid $4,800 for it I'm hoping I can triple my money get about $15,000 back on it it's gonna be on the floor for this weekend hopefully I can sell a third of it a half of it this weekend and make my money back so I can go ahead and make another order for next week those orders are fantastic people love home-improvement people love Home Depot loads it's gonna be a great addition to my tool section here at the store so if you enjoyed this video like and subscribe below tell all your friends tell your family tell you neighbors my store is called resale America and my channels called liquidation motivation [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Liquidation Motivation
Views: 8,811
Rating: 4.9043064 out of 5
Keywords: unboxing, mystery box unboxing, mystery, ebay, how to sell on ebay, ebay seller, make money online, how to make money from home, best work from home jobs 2019, reselling, reseller, unbox therapy, mystery box, review, amazon fba, amazon fba for beginners, amazon fba step by step, selling on amazon, fba product research, amazon fba 2019, goodwill, thrift store, clothing haul, thrift with me
Id: El5Yc8tGYbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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