I was wrong about small mushroom farms using liquid culture & why Mossy Creek Mushrooms now uses it.

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it can be done anywhere I mean you don't need a HEPA filter you don't need a cleanroom laboratory you can work on it in your kitchen I'm gonna be doing videos all about how to use liquid culture hey y'all its Sandra read with mossy Creek mushrooms and I have another update for you guys a year ago when I made that video on liquid culture and how to make grains fun with it when I said that I didn't think that it was good for commercial lofts really just for home growers I'm taking that back I'm retracting it I think that it's perfect for commercial ups and I'll tell you what I have been steadily playing with it throughout the year off and on every time I pick it back up and play with it work with it make it as long as I do proper testing and as long as I am able to keep traceability down this liquid culture thing has turned out to be a cinch especially with these these Airport lids that I can buy pre purchased from shrimp supply.com Ryan's great over there you can use a code ma c MOS sy to get 10% off that order which I don't forget to use that but these Airport LEDs have been have been phenomenal and an airport lid is just a lid with a filter on one side and a syringe self-healing injector port so that you can you know use a syringe to to inoculate your your nutritious liquid that is in the jar but I'm going with liquid culture primarily because it is cheap to make it is incredibly fast to grow in this culture that I've got right here I'm already ready to start settling the syringes out of it and it's in here on the star plate and I had not really did it ten days ago and guys this things that I'm going to be able to get orders out so much faster my turnaround time will be a matter of a couple of days instead of weeks using this stuff agar is just a bit slow and I've been producing very good work on agar and had very good results but the results of getting with liquid culture have been just fantastically just amazingly phenomenal just to throw any couple adjectives there just for the ridiculousness of it but I've just been truly amazed at how well liquid culture does in the Latin in the the OP setting and that's why I'm moving entirely to liquid culture other than for like cleaning up work and things like that another reason well one of the big things the reason why I'm moving from local culture is a Peter McCoy's book radical mycology promised to Peter for writing what I think is I think it's the best mushroom manual out there to date it's one of the more expensive ones but the information is just phenomenal and his section over liquid culture really goes into the benefits and I've gotta say after working with it I agree with him and I'll go over the benefits that he that he says I mean he says he talks about to begin cheap where you know it's not as expensive as agar you know it's it's sugar water I actually use a premix from shroom supply and it's still ridiculously cheap to use even buying it just as a premix and anything that I have made myself has not compared to the premix that I've gotten from shroom supply so I mean I just I highly recommend it that's my cultures are blowing up in the jars another reason why liquid culture works so well is that it's it's just so time efficient it is it is so much more time efficient if I'm cooking a are I have to cook var oh right 30 minutes 15 psi before that I've had to measure it and throw everything together and my flasks cook it for 30 minutes bring it down here in front of the hood now I have to either a time it just right so that the agar is cool enough for me to handle but still hot enough to pour or be let it sit overnight and cool in front of the hood and then heat it back up whenever I want to use it on a hot plate and then pour it and then that works great I mean that's that's good because that makes it a little bit more convenient or I can make up I can fit seven quart jars in my 23 court press no pressure sugar I can do seven jars at a time those seven jars 30 minutes 15 psi bring them down to cool come down to the next morning and inject them with whatever I want to inject them with to expand it and I mean that guys I'm sitting in the lab going wait wait that's all the work I got to do today that's it I'm done I'm have completed my day my daily chores for the eight for what it would typically be hours of agar work and I'm able to inoculate you know in less than an hour all the cultures that I'll need for for a good long while another reason yet again another reason why I liquid culture is so just phenomenal is that it grows in faster than agar agar is a very two-dimensional surface you know you have if you're one plane front to back and you have your second plane side-to-side if you think might near two dimensions there and the mycelium grows out on along that two-dimensional plane when it's growing out in liquid culture and you're stirring it like this you're tearing all that mic ceiling in love is to get torn into fragments and now every surface is growing and so that means that a culture like this can be finished in ten days from inoculation and ready for me to start pulling syringes and selling them and shipping them and I'm able to pull them out as I need them so the timing and the convenience of liquid culture just far far outweighs any potential risks that you run especially if you do testing two agar plates and you're making backup jars from different sources and tracing your lines out I mean that just says like just a little bit of work on the front end has made liquid culture just it's I'm speechless I don't actually know how to get it out how excited I am about how phenomenal liquid culture has been to me another reason why I switched over to liquid culture it's through a lot of help I've had bi-linear och well it runs mycelium Emporium don't forget that if you go to my Saleem Emporium that you can use code moxie and he gets you 10% off of all your orders so he has incredibly reliable liquid culture and I just asked him to help me out with the process and he was very kind and explaining to me everything and I don't know if you guys know anything about the mushroom world but it is almost it's unbearably secretive half the time nobody wants to help anybody out and I am literally begging to get people to farm in my area so I can send them to markets I mean I used to have incredible days at markets and I just I went to restaurants cuz that was what was best for me but people can make a really good living a killing growing out of their basement and selling at a farmers market and so few people are willing to help them they think I've heard of people giving outright wrong information to sabotage them and I just don't like that kind of stuff guys and everything Lenny has told me to do has been correct everything has worked out phenomenally he's helped me figure out my labeling he's built me figure out how to create clean cultures he's advised me on how to use those metal lids that I was talking about that I've talked about before um those middle Airport lids he I just can't talk him up enough so you guys should absolutely check out Lenny he's got one of the largest diversity of likes trains I have ever seen and he works very diligently to make sure it's all cleaned for everyone so I highly recommend him just don't forget to use code Massey I think do get a little bit of a kickback from that so you're helping this channel out but you're also helping out a guy who is just I mean absolute willing to give a competitor potential competitor the shirt off his back the hell and that speaks volumes to me we need more people like that in the mushroom community that are willing to share what they know not ever you want to share everything I don't share my best secrets lady I said no he doesn't share his best secrets but the more people we have operating in this space I've learned far more that I'll put it this way after learn far more from people that I have helped than they ever learned from me yeah I helped them get a leg up but it was easy for me those information I've already learned stuff I've already got and then these people they explore the experiment they bring things back to me and it increases my wealth of knowledge by being able to learn things from a different tack and you know I hope that I've been able to help lynnie with some things I now know that we've talked a lot on Facebook about a lot of different things I know that I'm able to help some of you guys just in the comments that are reading how much we've been able to help you guys with the open source stuff a lot of you have come back to me with suggestions that have been absolutely correct and then you know some of you go a little gestures that you know are not my favorite but that's okay that's what the communities about that's what I really like is this back and forth between me and you guys and you guys need killer I see you guys commenting on each other's comments and I love it that's one of my favorite things in the world and I just really like this network that we're building and you know again just props to Lenny over at mycelium Emporium that guy having he's taken my knowledge gap and come like just shrink it down to two very considerably just just to help a guy out so you know you guys want a large diversity of liquid cultures to purchase I highly suggest going to him a lot of the strains that I've been breeding are gonna be being released over the next few months in liquid culture form I will only ever sell something I grow in my grow room only as the only things I will ever work with I I don't plan on having a huge culture library like a lot of people will do of just wild strings and everything else and I admire those people I think we need those people it's just not something that that I do but I will anything that I grow and sell to my chefs and any strings that I create and sell to might let you know my chefs go there this strains good that's the kind of stuff all these on my website you guys want anything else go to Lenny he is reliable he is fast he is economical and this liquid culture thing is gonna you know it's really gonna help us change things around my concerns over reliability we're just completely diminished when I started using the pre-made Airport lids from shroom supply I'll say that I I really appreciate the metal lids that I see a lot of people using and I'm probably gonna be trying out those a little bit more just to see how they really work out but as far as I can tell they work out great for people it's uh RTV silicone and some people use polyfill punch a hole in the lid and put in polyfill and some people use micropore tape and I'll do a couple of experiments just to see what I like but as of right now the cost of the pre-made lives while they are expensive the ease of use of working with them and not having to worry about building anything myself has been I'm always a big fan of off-the-shelf components I can just take off the shelf stuff and get huge benefits from those off-the-shelf components that's what I'm gonna do every time you'll be seeing liquid cultures pop up on the website and our agar section taken down over over the next couple of months and the price on Allegra culture will be a good bit cheaper than what we've been doing our agar plates for simply because of the convenience that it's able to pass on to me I'm able to pass on to you our turnaround time is also going to speed up drastically so I'm really hoping to please you guys with that I have never liked our turnaround time so now I'm really enjoying it for anyone who has culture orders pending you're going to be receiving a syringe with your leg with liquid culture in it all you to do squirt that in a tea plate you were planning on using it in and it'll work just the way that your agar would have but because of the cost difference I'm not throw some freebies into each one of those cultures for you guys just to make sure that you're getting your values worth the money that you spend so if you're looking for those to go out in the next few days to come weeks I'm hoping to get any backlog that I have left which thankfully is being reduced pretty drastically but I'm hoping to have all that cleared off before Christmas so with that guy's smarter some b-roll and you know keep spawning culture [Music] [Music] thanks for watching and make sure to check out our other videos you
Channel: Mossy Creek Mushrooms
Views: 82,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Liquid Culture, Mushroom, Mushroom Liquid Culture, Mushrooms, Fungi, keepspawningculture, How To, Cultures, How to Grow Mushrooms, DIY, Grow Your Own, Growing Cultures, mycelium, Mushroom Cultivation, liquid, culture, fruiting blocks, how to, grow, gourmet, oyster, lion's mane, reishi, syringes, sterilized, sterilize, inoculation, inoculate, solution, grain, spawn, spores, premium, advantage, edible, lab cultivated, germinating, cloning, grow your own, jar, easy, how to use, grow your own mushrooms at home
Id: NFxqNV3paaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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