How to tune VE on a gen 3 Hemi vehicle

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okay this video is going to be a home - for turning a Hemi on speed density the first thing is you're gonna want to have your file open you're gonna want to have your scanner open you're gonna want to have some sort of version of Excel open you're gonna want to go back to your editor the first thing you want to do is go to airflow go to narrow Network make sure neural network is disabled next go to speed density make sure ve Bank - disables that no set the ve max at 200% next you're gonna want to go to fuel you are gonna want to set de-acceleration fuel cutoff to a temperature that the engine will not reach so it does not come on you're gonna want to go to temperature control and you're gonna want to zero out the fa enrichment table so that way it will not dump fuel to try to change the temperature of your catalytic converter whether you have it or not and that's all you need to do in the file before going over to the scanner you want to open up the scanner you are going to want to right click over here on graphs go to graph lay open you're going to want to click this which has the green plus sign to add a graph once you get to your graphs you're going to want to create two graphs one for Bank one one for Bank - it is your choice what parameter to use I use long term fuel trims plus short term fuel trims from there try to make sure you have a high value and a low value you're gonna want to go down here you're gonna want to set your parameter for the column to engine speed you're gonna want to set your row access to pressure ratio you're going to want to come back to the scanner you're going to want to go back to the speed density go back to ve Bank one you're going to want to right click here and that way you can copy the labels for the column you're gonna want to go back paste them in the column you're also going to want to go back to editor you were gonna want to right-click here as well get the role access a copy the labels go back and you're gonna want to put them down here you're going to do that for both banks bank 1 and bank 2 now once you have your table you're going to want to go over here to your channels and you're going to want to right click add a channel and you're going to want to make sure that you have engine rpm and pressure ratio both add it to there because it needs to be in your channels in order for HP twitter's to scan for it because if it can't scan for it it cannot populate your table over here you're going to want to start the vehicle up and you're gonna want to drive it around now if you start it up and it's super crazy off and it barely runs and let's say it's adding a ton of red right here at that point you can grab that lower section of your ve table and just times it by 1.1 1.2 whatever and just try to get the fuel a little bit close before you drive it around once you start driving it around you're gonna want to stay under 4,000 rpms and under 50% throttle that way you're not putting your engine in any harm's way because your power enrichment should actually be off so go back to here and make sure under fuel that your power enrichment is turned off you can turn off by changing the rpm to a high rpm that you cannot hit that way it will not go on power enrichment mode make sure you save this as a new file so that way you can see you have the other file to show you what you did change go back to the scanner like I said you're gonna want to drive around you're going to want to do hard poles and light poles all under 50% throttle on on or 4000 rpms once you're satisfied that you have a decent amount of population here on your chart you are going to want to stop you can turn the vehicle all right click here copy all of this data you're gonna want to go to your capella fix Excel spreadsheet you're gonna paste all this data into Excel did not copy one second here once you paste it in an excel you're gonna want to come to this bottom corner you're going to turn this to whatever the closest number is so that's negative six you're gonna want to come up here to the top of queue here you're going to want to take and make all of these negative six all the way down now the reason we're doing this is we want this to be accurate so we don't want all this blank area because then you're gonna have a lot of peaks in your ve table that are gonna be inaccurate so you don't want a copy you're gonna paste this all the way over until you get to a spot where you can't go any farther which is right here so for here we're gonna pick the closest number to fill in and we'll split the difference here there these are all negatives and crossed here so you're gonna do the same thing all the way across [Music] you're gonna want to fill in all of this data for whatever numbers are close so in here you're gonna want to probably just do 20s all the way through here over here in this corner I would only do 20s as well you don't need to go all the way up to the 40s but you want to fill all this data in here once this data is filled in here you're gonna want in you're going to do this for both banks you're gonna want to copy this you're gonna go back to editor we're gonna want to go back to your VE table so for bank 1 and you want to pay special x 1/2 now when you do do this when it's crazy high like that like there was anywhere from 20 to 40 percent changes only do it for Bank one copy bank 1 paste it over to bank 2 now do that a couple times tell things start getting close once they start getting close then do Bank 1 and Bank 2 separate and continue to try to populate all of this data whether you got to add the numbers yourself or not until it starts getting close once it gets close you don't have to add numbers in this area here this area here these other areas where you can't hit it's not gonna always be completely smooth you can see mines decently smooth here it's not always gonna be like this you can smooth out the transitions but it doesn't need to be a perfect slope because your engine might not always want that once you get your tables exactly where you want them you're gonna want to go back in and you're gonna want to turn the power enrichment back on if you have cats you're gonna want to turn the cat that favorite trip back on you're gonna want to turn the deacceleration fuel cutoff back on the only thing you're not going to change is you're gonna leave the neural network off there's no reason for the neural network to come back on after everything's dialed in properly so that basically start-to-finish is about as simple as you can get to tune these volumetric efficiency tables on the Hemis so please subscribe and if you have any questions feel free to message me for I guess answers or anything else you might need
Channel: RecklessMotorsportsUSA
Views: 13,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hemi, challenger, charger, tuning, diy, 1320, reckless motorsports, hptuners, ve, volumetric effieciency, Hptuners, ls swap, 4160e, ls1, ls2, ls3, ls7, Holley, summit, goat rope, hp academy
Id: G7QGHuAYy48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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