If You Understand Volumetric Efficiency You Understand Engines

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A volumetric efficiency or VE map is something  that you'll find inside pretty much every modern   ECU or Engine Control Unit. Doesn't matter if  it's aftermarket or OEM, it's in there. And it is probably the single most important thing which  determines how well your engine operates and how   much power it makes in all sorts of different  operating conditions and scenarios. But what's   also really interesting is that this map is a  really good teacher. And that is because although doesn't seem that way upon first glance, it's just  a map, but within itself this map contains all the   fundamentals of engine operation. How an engine  works - it is reflected in this map. And it doesn't   matter if the engine is a car, motorcycle or truck  engine, the essence of internal combustion engines   is almost always pretty much the same, and it is  contained within this map. So if you understand   this map you understand engines. And in today's  video we'll explain what is volumetric efficiency   we'll explain how this map works and why it's so  useful. And finally we will do a practical tuning   session to demonstrate how you can tune this  map yourself. A VE map has two axes. Our vertical   axis is engine load. In most cases engine load is  represented by MAP or Manifold Absolute Pressure   It is simply the air pressure inside your intake  manifold. This data comes to the ECU from the MAP sensor, which is located somewhere on your intake  manifold and it measures the pressure inside it   Our horizontal axis is engine RPM or rotations  per minute. This data can come to the ECU from   something like a crankshaft position sensor, which  counts the number of engine revolutions and sends   the data to the ECU. Alternatively, the data can  also come from something like an ignition coil    The ECU registers the number of times the ignition  coil fires and based on this it can calculate engine RPM  Now at idle and other reduced load  scenarios we have vacuum inside the engine In other words, the air pressure inside the intake  manifold is lower than the air pressure in the   atmosphere outside the engine. This occurs because  the throttle plate is almost fully closed and   it's only letting in tiny little amounts of air  into the intake manifold. But at the same time   the engine is running and the downward motion of  the pistons is creating a void or absence of air   above the piston. Air from the intake manifold  quickly rushes into the engine to fill that   void and then that same air is mixed with fuel, compressed, burned and expelled out the engine as exhaust gas  In other words, we are consuming the  air. The issue is that we are consuming more air   than the throttle plate is letting into the intake  manifold. So what happens is that inside the intake   manifold a unit of volume such as a cubic inch  or cubic centimeter of air actually contains less   molecules of air than that same cubic inch  or centimeter of air outside the engine in the atmosphere Because we have less molecules of  air we have less air pressure and we call   that a vacuum. However, the vacuum inside the intake  manifold isn't true vacuum. True vacuum would be a   complete absence of air. Instead we don't have that  in the intake manifold. We have something that   could be called negative pressure because  it is air pressure reduced in comparison   to the air pressure of the atmosphere. Now, as the  throttle plate opens more; more and more outside   air is allowed into the intake manifold. In other  words, we're allowing the atmosphere to enter the   intake manifold and of course because the engine  cannot consume the entire atmosphere, pressure   inside the intake manifold at fully open throttle  becomes equal to atmospheric pressure outside the engine The pressure equalizes because we have  removed the barrier between the atmosphere and   the intake manifold; we opened the throttle body. Now,  a naturally aspirate engine is called naturally   aspirated because it relies on nature - the pressure  of Earth's atmosphere to push air into the engine   A naturally aspirated engine can never achieve  significantly higher manifold pressure than the   air pressure in the atmosphere, which is 14.7 psi  If your at sea level and a bit lower if you're   at a higher elevation. And that's why a naturally  aspirated engine is going to be limited to about   this part of the VE map and this zero at this part  tells us that there's zero difference between air   pressure inside the engine and outside the engine  in the atmosphere. Now, a boosted engine. An engine   with a forced induction device such as a turbo or a  supercharger can achieve significantly higher   manifold air pressure than would be possible by  relying on atmosphere alone, and that's because a   turbo or a supercharger sucks in air, compresses it  and stuffs more air into the same volume Because we have more air in the same volume than would  be possible by relying on atmospheric pressure alone  pressure increases well beyond atmospheric  pressure. But the beauty of a VE map is that we can   use the same VE map to successfully control both  naturally aspirated and boosted engines, and that's   because VE maps capture the essence of engine  operation. We could also display our vertical axis   like this: instead of zero we put 14.7 PSI or 1 bar which is atmospheric air pressure Everything below that is now vacuum and lowest value would  be around 3 PSI and highest value is now around 50 psi but most aftermarket ECUs choose to display  atmospheric pressure as 0 and that's because   atmospheric air pressure is a constant. We can't  do anything about it and we're using it as our   reference to see what the engine can add on top  or remove from atmospheric air pressure Now let's address the numbers inside the table. 87 of what?  Well, this is actually volumetric efficiency itself   It's volumetric efficiency of the engine at that  particular intersection of engine RPM and engine load So this is then 87 of nothing. It's not any  particular unit. It's percentage. It's 87 percent   and it tells us that 87 percent of the internal  volume or the displacement of the engine which is bore times stroke or the entire volume  of the cylinder above the piston when the piston   is at bottom dead center. And 87% tells us that 87% of this has been filled with air Now you would think that the engine fills its entire  internal volume or displacement with air at   all times perfectly. Well, actually it doesn't.  The engine doesn't breathe equally well in all   operating conditions and different scenarios. And  this is why we have a torque curve, and this is   why we cannot achieve peak torque at 1000 RPM for  example. And that's because the engine isn't very   efficient at breathing at such low rpm. And this is  again why a VE map captures the essence of engine   operation, and that is because the VE map matches  the torque curve of the engine. The more efficient   the engine is at breathing, the more efficient it  is at filling its entire internal volume the more air there's in the engine, the more fuel we  can add, the more powerful the combustion and the   more torque and power we can make. So a volumetric  efficiency of 100 tells us that the entire   displacement or internal volume of the engine  has been filled with air at atmospheric pressure   So consequently, a volumetric efficiency above  100, for example 110, occurs under boost And it tells us that we have stuffed in more air into the  cylinder than would be possible with atmospheric   pressure alone. And this is why volumetric  pressure efficiency goes above 100 under boost   So volumetric efficiency numbers essentially tell  the ECU how much air is inside the engine at any   particular intersection of engine RPM and engine  load. By knowing the mass of air inside the engine   the ECU can then match that mass of air with an  appropriate mass of fuel to achieve a desired  air/fuel ratio Now something else you might have  noticed is that VE actually falls off at high RPM   It gets reduced. Why does this happen? Shouldn't  volumetric efficiency increase with RPM? Well, yes, it does, but up to a point. As you can see it  increases with RPM but then at overly high RPM it  falls off and this happens because at high RPM the  engine simply does not have enough time to breathe The motion of the valves is synced to the motion  of the piston, and at very high RPM we have very   high piston speeds so the valves are open for  an extremely short period of time. Which means   that the engine simply doesn't have enough time  to ingest the air and fill its entire internal   volume with air. And this is why at very high  RPM, VE as well as your torque starts falling off   Okay, now let's see how all this works in practice.  We are in the car, I have my laptop, we're connected   to the ECU and we can follow what happens on the  VE map, how the ECU follows the VE map in real time Now observe what happens if I take  this value, this 61 here at idle   in our idle zone, and let's  change it to let's say 30 You can probably hear that and you can also  see it in the software. Now our RPM is hunting   We have an unstable, a hunting idle. So let's  fix this because this is annoying    And as you can see immediately  our idle is restored   The question is: why did this happen? Well, it happened because we told the ECU that there is less air coming in the engine then   there actually is air coming into  the engine. There is more air coming into the engine   than 31% of the displacement. But we told  the ECU it's 31. So the ECU adjusted, it added    less fuel and as you can see again in  the software, let's do it again so you can see Our air fuel ratio starts becoming very lean  as the ECU Cycles through the cell Again we change it, and now again we have a very  stable air fuel ratio. The question is, why did it   start cycling? Well it started cycling because  the ECU added too little fuel. There's too much air   too little fuel and that's a lean mixture. An overly lean mixture for idling so the   torque output from the engine becomes weaker  and the engine cannot sustain the needed RPM   due to this weaker torque output, and so the RPM  goes down and this brings us back into one of   the other cells which have a correct VE input in  them. So this again restores proper torque output   proper combustion, we have more more torque, and  then this sends us back to the incorrect cell   where again we have too little torque so we  fall down and we have a cycle. A never-ending   cycle unless we fix the value in the table. The  question that arises from all of this is how do   we know which is the correct value? Because in  reality we have no idea how much air is coming   into the engine at any point in time. We don't  really know how volumetrically efficient the   engine is at all of these intersections of RPM and  engine load, which begs the question: How did this   map come up? Did I make it up? Did I download it  from somewhere online? Where does this map come from?  Well the map actually comes from the ECU  itself. And that's because modern ECUs like my   AEM Infinity right here, in this forest of wires,  these ECUs are really clever. So when you first   set up your engine, your ECU, and tell it what kind  of engine it's going to run. The ECU is asking   you for some basic engine parameters. Displacement,  number of cylinders, what kind of ignition system   what kind of firing order, very basic  stuff that you know about your engine already   And when you give the ECU these parameters the  ECU is going to spit out a generic volumetric   efficiency base map based on these parameters.  And in many cases, actually in the vast majority of   cases this map provided by the ECU is going to be  enough to get you started and even driving around a bit In many cases this map is going to require  only minor corrections until it is perfect But there is more good news, because even these minor  corrections to the VE map, you don't have to do   that yourself either. The ECU does that for you  as well by relying on this, let me just show you   let me just get in there, and this right here  is your oxygen sensor, as you can see it sits   in the exhaust stream and basically measures the  oxygen content in the exhaust stream. It's a bit more complicated, what essentially does is that  it provides a feedback to the ECU. It is telling   the ECU about, very accurately, about the actual  content of the air to fuel inside the engine   inside the combustion chamber, and in addition to the  wideband sensor the only other thing you need is this   and this is perhaps the most universal map ever. It's called a Lambda Target or air fuel ratio   target map. These are your target air to fuel ratios.  This is what you want to run at different engine   RPM and engine load intersections and this very  map, the very same map, is applicable I think to   pretty much any gasoline engine out there. So the  triangle of VE-map, air fuel ratio Target map and   wideband sensor works like this: The ECU reads  the VE map and then it injects fuel according   to the values in the air fuel ratio target map.  The wideband sensor then tells the ECU that it's   off by a certain percentage. The ECU corrects  the amount of fuel injected until the air fuel   ratio reported by the wideband sensor equals the  target air fuel ratio. The only other piece of the   puzzle is your injector setup. You must tell  the ECU the flow rate and the offset or dead   time of your injectors. Fortunately you don't  have to guess anything here as these numbers   are usually supplied in the package with your  injectors. Now there is a limit to how much the   ECU can correct the amount of fuel based on the  feedback provided by the wideband sensor and this   amount is usually limited to 30 percent. In other  words, the numbers in your VE table can be off by   a maximum of 30%. This means that if your  engine is something weird or extreme you might be   ingesting 30% more air in certain parts of  the map and in this case you'll be outside of the   target air/fuel ratio and the ECU won't be able  to compensate unless you properly manually adjust   your VE map. Even if you have to make large manual  corrections to the VE map yourself, that's easy   to do as well. All you have to do is observe the  lambda feedback value on your laptop as you're driving This is telling you how much the ECU is  correcting based on what it's reading from the VE map until it hits the target. Alternatively, if you  don't want to use a laptop, you can use a digital   dash like this this one that lets you see the data  while you're driving. Now let's start the engine and we're going to observe the AFR trim  value right here, let me zoom in a bit   And this is telling us how much the  ECU has to correct to meet the air   fuel ratio Target. And as you can see in my case As you can see in my case we have only  minimal corrections, two, three, four five percent   most of the time, and this is very much  within what the ECU can do. However if you were   to see 30 minus or positive at certain RPM and  throttle openings in this little AFR trim cell   then you would know that the ECU is trying  to add or remove at least 30 percent fuel   to hit the Lambda Target. However as you're  driving you can see where it's happening   and then you can fix that area of the VE map  until you are back within the scope of what   the ECU can do. So that's pretty much it, all  you really need are basic engine parameters,   your injector parameters, the world's most  universal map and a wideband sensor and   you can build and fix a VE map by yourself  in minutes. Isn't modern technology great?
Channel: driving 4 answers
Views: 755,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: volumetric efficiency, engine, ve map, volumetric efficiency map, ve tuning, ve map tuning, how to tune a ve map, lambda target map, air fuel ratio, afr target map, ve map sample, download ve map, base map, ecu tuning, diy ecu tuning, diy engine tuning, naturally aspirated, boost, what is a ve map, Can volumetric efficiency be more than 100%?, What is volumetric efficiency for dummies?, MAP, standalone ecu, aem, haltech, engineering, explained, forced induction, turbo, supercharger
Id: 1eRsaOxxiUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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