How To Trim Your Own Beard | Greg Berzinsky

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so I've been putting this video off for a couple of reasons I've been trying to find the right amount of time to in order to do a video where I'm actually going to cut my hair but also I've just been putting it off because there's a little in trepidation when it comes to trimming your own beard so this is a video about trimming your own beard and I'm going to show you how I do that I've had my beard professionally trimmed only twice in the past 32 months for the most part I take care of it myself a lot of people fear the process of doing a self beard trim but I'm going to show you a method that I use that makes it pretty simple we're not getting fancy with cutting too many layers into the beard basically how I trim in off the bottom and then how I soften the edges first thing I want to do is to take inventory so you see your face from the front all the time so you kind of know what you're dealing with in this particular case I know that I want to trim a good inch and a half off of my beard so you're gonna be surprised but I think I need to cut that much off I've been growing it for several months it's getting quite long and I think it's time that I dial it back a little bit but one thing you need to do is take inventory of your profile so I'm going to turn to the side and show you my two profile views here so I've looked at my beard from the side with the aid of a hand mirror so I used the beard tool and I look in a regular mirror which I'm looking at in front of me beyond the camera here and I can actually see what the profile of my beard I actually want to continue to grow this out not to get back to a blunt square cut but maybe somewhere in between so I'm gonna actually take the majority of the cutting from my beard from the front so where you can see where it starts the slope then I'm going to cut across the front here and just take a try that tiny bit off of the sides here so we're gonna actually go to handheld as the cameraman moves around I'd like to thank my cameraman at V Pierzynski at Instagram and he's a great photographer and he is been assisting me in making these videos so props to him I'm using beardbrand scissors of course and a beer brand comb great products and it was actually semi trained as a barber and so I know a little bit about scissors these are fantastic scissors and a great value for the quality just I highly recommend them and they can be used for anything for trimming around your ears as well as your beard your moustache nose hairs eyebrows a good thing to have and not a big stretch in terms of investment I cut my beard dry so this morning I woke up and watch my beard condition that installed it as I normally would so this is how I work today so it's done in a style that this is how I'm gonna wear it so this is how I want to cut it some people cut it wet as I said some people kind of dry just works for me to kind of dry I see exactly the length that it's going to be when you have curly hair and it's wet tendency is to pull the hair you stretch it you cut it off and then it springs up and then when it dries and even gets shorter so for me cutting my beard beard when it's dry I get a better idea of what its gonna look like so taking the first cut not to pull too tight as I said so I'm just gonna pull it through a little bit and I use the scissor to make the line that I'm gonna cut and I'm not looking to cut through all of the hair so who first cut is the deepest so you can actually see in this clip right now Hall Street my beard really is in the front so you can see I'm not even using the scissor to pull it down anymore so what I'm gonna do is not pull these hairs forward too much but keeping them in their natural pattern looking straight ahead I'm gonna go for the next cut in and then another cut in you can see that my beard already looks a little boxier than it did at a tendency in the last cut to go a little more pointed which is a great look but I think I wanted to bring it up a little bit in the front as I said so what I'm gonna do is then connect these cuts that I made in the front with the side and I'm not just looking in the mirror and you can see that I want to cut this these hairs off right here so what you want to do is now check by combing it through moving it around a bit checking front and back I mean from the sign to the back and that's where your hand mirror comes in so you take your Eclipse and mirror and you can actually look at the side view and so looking at the side view you can't see in the mirror here but I see that these hairs actually particularly long still so I'm gonna make an adjustment to those by pulling them down a little bit and really turning from the side now take bend your head up and take a look now you want to take into consideration that your jaw is probably not symmetrical mine is in particularly not symmetrical but I want it to be symmetrical from the front so I'm not following my jawline so much as what the beard looks like in relationship to the general shape of my face so when I look up I'm gonna make sure that this side is the same and just looking at that I see that this side is just slightly heavier so I'm just going to take a little more off of that side now when your head is up also you can see some of the neck hairs and so what I do is I actually pull it down and you can see some of the hairs that are at the back I'm going to take off because there are going to be times where your hair is not actually laying perfectly straight sometimes it's going to lay back on your neck so what I do is I take that down and I'm going to trim these hairs off now what people do and I think one of the problems with people cutting their beard is they'll take a look at it and like oh that's a little shorter on this side it's so they'll go and cut that side again so I'm looking in the mirror like okay that looks a little long and a little shirt there and my tendency is like let's cut that off and I want to counsel against that so make maybe one adjustment to your beard but don't consistently go back and forth and back and forth and that's how people end up cutting too much off of the beard it would be better to actually live with it for a day or two and then come back to it revisit it after you wear for a little bit I just had my hair cut and so he actually thinned out the sides here but I want to take just a little bit off of the side here and I'm gonna look in my hand mirror and I can see that right you can see in the hand mirror I'm just gonna take a little bit of the hair off not too much and I'm gonna do this blind how about that so pretty much a a slightly tapered side with a straight front a more of a block or a square cut beard so look I'm going for here now that's a blunt cut and that's pretty harsh off the bottom you can stop there if your hair is curlier the curl in your hair will it will soften that edge but when you have straight hair like I do you might want to soften these edges and so a little more advanced technique is and this is where barbers will take the Clippers and clip through that and what I do is I actually take the hair so you can see that the hair is straight on the bottom but as you bring it up if I take a bit of hair you can see that it is angled like this you see that and what I'm going to do is cut this corner off and what that does is soften the edge the blunt cut on the on the front and so I'm going to do that just a few places around the front take a few cuts if you're wondering I am cutting my hair in the living room so not only am I responsible for my own beard trimming I will be responsible for vacuuming here so once again I'm going to knock this corner off if you notice I'm not touching my mustache I'm going to save that for another clip I'm gonna go a little shorter in the front and I mustache and I think I'll save that and do that later as I pointed out before I have these areas on my beard that are a little challenged and so I want to be careful that I'm picking the hair from the front and the back of that area and not from one side or the other when I'm making these cuts your tendency is to take this hair and cut it forward will take that hair and cut it back on a ball that we're thinning patch it's better to blend the two together and take the cut that way so I think that's what all I'm gonna do for now this would be you know it's still a pretty full pretty large beard I think it tends to go more medium sized right now so what I would do is I have the style that I put in it this morning but obviously I cut off the under the curl that I put in by rolling it under with my brush so I'm gonna take a little more styling balm and just reactivate the beard that I the style that I had going so I'm just putting a little more product in my hair and in my beard this by citrus smells really good once again like I did before I'm not combing through the beards and more smoothing over the front the top of the hair so there you have it guys that's a basic beard trim for me talking about about an inch and a quarter in the front blended it into the previous cut that I had on the side still tapered on the sides more square on the front and that'll do me for a little bit so as I said before I'm going to live with this for a few days and then I'll make some minor adjustments later and then I might decide that I'm actually might want to go a little shorter we'll see how it goes I know there's certain someone in my house who would love to see it go considerably shorter and we might be working toward that direction big anniversary coming up when we marry in 25 years and it might be something that might be appreciated in my house anyhow that's it for now if you have any questions or comments please leave them below so as always beard on now that you're done with this video head over to our shop and treat yourself to some find me brand products if you know already a subscriber be sure to hit that button and keep on watching 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Channel: Beardbrand
Views: 580,696
Rating: 4.8640227 out of 5
Keywords: beardbrand, Greg Berzinsky, DIY, Beard Trim, Barber, Trim, beard, at home, square beard, beard shape, trim at home, beards, medium beard, rounded beard
Id: orsQk1IXFt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2017
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