How to Make Bushy Beard Look Thinner | James Zap

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everybody says James a pat the dapper dan barber shop and Ridgefield Connecticut and today I'm going to be trimming my boss's beard I'll cut your beard before right but you want to do something a little bit different today oh it's been it's been probably like a year of growth okay and you know I trimmed it down recently I didn't straighten it out today I didn't put anything in it I took off probably about it an inch or two but I'm thinking about just going short for the summer and then I'm gonna regrow for the fall so I want something like really tight on the side somewhat of a Viking point rounded so you're okay with the bike you're okay with it being short up by the jawline yeah I want I want it really meant coming out no maintenance on the side a little bit of man in the front a little bit of man in the front little like you know party in the front business in the rear type of beard you know where I don't have to worry about it you know obviously we wear collared shirts you know it's a pain in the butt with the collar you know this obviously I was growing long where this is very heavy up top yep okay just do your magic okay and you want me just take all this off too right yeah I mean less apostle looking okay what's great about Jared having this kind of hair is it lets us actually practice doing designs in his head - oh my god so like TJ Clark over here like a brewer to do a design real quick we could just practice by doing like a this doesn't matter we're taking this down to skin anyway you just gotta practice getting your idea of lines down that's a star obviously and just kind of when kids come in and they want something like that we can just practice it so it's always great to have a ball T in the shop all right so now I'm using a babble Asst pro pro foil thanks phenomenal I'm just gonna kind of start taking off the rest of the tip this was actually the first haircut I ever did ever was on Jared he let me do this to just get used to the feel of how to hold something all right so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna take a wall senior here I'm sorry this is a wall magic clip actually I apologize with a two guard on it and I'm just gonna go down with the grain on this just to get a majority of the bulk off of his beard which is gonna help me find some lines to your nervous mm-hmm [Music] so when I'm doing this I'm kind of feeling the jaw and I'm not going completely down kind of almost pulling off right here and then I'm angling the Clipper this way kind of straight out on the space so it's almost kind of fading it throughout the whole beard it looks better already so I'm going to take off a good amount off the front just so because he wants it more a little more maintenance a little more low maintenance low maintenance all right I changed my mind let's get it off put it back all right so now we've got that line establish what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come up here I'm gonna find his jawbone to make this more angular as a Viking type style beard so I'm gonna kind of comb it this way and find where my guideline meets his jawline where's your jawline the other job [Music] nice so you can already see TJ wanna come on this side a little bit yukari's yeah this is kind of a long dating it cuz you're kind of going right from the corner of that drawl I'm gonna take that just meet up in the center right now how do you feel feel thinner no that's not very dense pounds I see a lot of guys on on YouTube use a clipper like a magic clip or a ballista fax or something like that this is just Charles and I had a discussion about this yesterday about why I prefer using this I don't know this has just always been more comfortable for me to use I feel more comfortable using it probably a wider base might be easier but this is probably just lighter in my hand it fits in my hand better so I'm just going to use it [Music] all right so I got a good base for what I want with the beard right now and I'm gonna start working on the sides a little bit and start kind of really tightening everything up so I'm gonna take my magic clip I'm gonna stretch his skin and I'm gonna go about maybe half way to the ear right here with the clip open I'm gonna close it up a bit still not a zero and do the same thing on the other side I always have a problem in the corners there because of the corona yes yes because of the corona because of the light spot here and here and then I got the stripes so like when I try to blend it a little confusing to me obviously this is the way I like to blend I like to do that half first and I put a one guard on let's go with the green she'll still hear it start to cut I'm pulling off too now this helps me establish a guideline for myself so when I go to this which turn on my Clippers so now when I take a comb and I push it flat against his head pull out just enough Oh that's starting to blend nice enough wanna go tighter mm-hmm you want to go tighter than that mm-hmm down here mm-hmm okay let's go for it no you got it you're the boss sometimes my boss does that work right now so we're just following through with the comb using that as our guide again I'm just doing this I'm gonna hit this with a razor sighs want to get a majority of the bulk off just to help me and I'm gonna line definitely lines with the razor Hey [Applause] last thing I'm gonna do before I'm just gonna talk to myself talk to myself for the camera start is just thin this out he's got a thick thick thick beard so I'm just gonna kind of hit these corners here or the tips and just kind of get some of the weight out for him so it's not bothering them too much this is where he starts to get nervous you know it looks good beard was going fine and so the scissors came out carry feel the weight coming out of this um Coleman [Music] that must feel better mm-hmm all right so we're using the temple smoke today just keep his beard down and this great thing about this viking beard that's styling itself because of the jaw line and that's why i was 12 i wanted that low maintenance on the side yeah and then i just put a little product in him call it a day that's it that's all you have to do for it look thinner I don't feel thinner no what's your diet yes I try I gotta say how do you feel I feel like I should give you a raise but I'm not going to UM another wise good good cut thank you very nice thanks from the diaper Dan [Music] beardbrand this is my father father he's got a cigar and a drill [Music] nobody knows were just saying you're old don't do what you're retired what do you have to do I gotta go take a nap that's about sleep look both ways before crossing the street stick whoo enjoy that video well go ahead treat yourself to beard oil we got a new formulation new packaging and a new price head over to beard brand calm and take care of yourself my friends
Channel: Beardbrand
Views: 516,906
Rating: 4.9201674 out of 5
Keywords: beardbrand, Big Beard, Beard Trim, James Zap, Bushy Beard, Thick Beard
Id: BnuKKbGe124
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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