Easy 4 Point Haircut for Healthy looking hair

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everyone welcome back to my channel in today's video I'm going to show you how to do this very simple four-point haircut on yourself at home and I do know that we've all seen those disastrous haircuts that people do on themselves at home and they are left with crazy blunt lines or really uneven lines so this haircut is the complete opposite of that so this haircut is for removing split ends and damaged ends with that removing much of the length and more importantly it will give you a soft easy haircut with no blunt lines so just gonna take you step-by-step and it's super easy to follow like 10-minute haircut you will be left with trim a super healthy looking hair so for more helpful videos and tips like this don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already also follow me on all my other social media I always leave that linked below as well and to follow me on all the fun stuff that happens at the salon follow me on instagram at sylvia x wreaths alright guys so let's adjust a jump into it so the cut we're doing today is a 4-point cut which means that you bring it to four different points chopped and your haircut it's done this isn't like one of those Instagram videos where you pull all your hair in one direction chop and then when you let it down it's completely choppy and just really blunt and basically not something you can wear out so the point of this video isn't necessarily to replace a hairdressers haircut but this is definitely a great way to keep up to maintain your haircut and to keep the hair healthy any good hairdresser would rather you have your hair trimmed in between in order to have healthy hair rather than wait six or eight months without cutting your hair also the haircut that I'm showing you today is just taking up such minimal length that it is nearly impossible to mess up your haircut meaning that you're not gonna have like one side where it's like a lot shorter or you're gonna have like these blunt lines the whole point of this haircut is that basically with no experience you can do this my first haircutting a video ever was basically this haircut I just had shorter hair so I figured I would do an updated video with longer hair just to show you how maybe slightly it is a longer hair and also I feel that I could probably better explain it now that I've been doing YouTube for a few more years so this haircut is not per se someone that has long hair and then wants to have a lob or someone that has long hair but add a ton of layers that's not what this haircuts for this haircut is to give you a healthy healthy looking hair removing some of those dead ends and giving you something really soft that's completely foolproof all cuts basically are done based on the symmetry of your head shape and your face shape I also get told by clients like I was part on the side and you part it that way for the haircut so that it lays like that and if someone assures me that they are always going to put their hair here and they want their layers to line up then I might cut the hair that way but it's always safer to cut the hair while it is parted down the center because that's going to just give you the most even results because if you think about it splitting it down the middle you're getting this kind of look 180 on each side of the head and that's what you want to work off of so to keep this video simple that's what we're gonna be doing today having one of these tail combs it definitely helps for pardoning the hair and one tip I really want to give is if you're doing this at home I would definitely recommend doing it on dry hair wet hair it's a lot harder to see what you're doing and what you're working with when the hair is drying you are already seeing how the hair lays so any wrong snip and you're going to see it so I'm going to show you how to kind of texture into it so that it can soften up that line okay so first thing you want to do is brush out the hair so that you can work through it evenly and mess-free so in any haircut even at the salon the way we always start is by cutting the perimeter and the perimeter means like when you push the hair back and do you see a straight line do you see you for this we are just going to keep it straight and obviously since I can't work in the back of my back we bring everything forward but if we keep the lines neat straight down the back and on each side it it'll match up in the back so like I said I want to keep it pretty straight I just want to even that out just a little bit more the best way to do so is to just come down grab that and the way the hair is falling grabbing it like you don't want to like grab it at an angle because once you let that go it's going to have a slope so you want to grab the hair just as it's falling I always having good tension between your fingers to ensure that that hair stays put then you can bring that up and as you can see especially against this dark background you can see all that damage this is where you decide how much you want to cut off you're going to take off half an inch maybe even an inch just for the sake of removing these unhealthy bits you probably do well with an inch off but today we're just going to do about a quarter inch so you just start snipping and right away you start seeing that the ends already looks so much healthier then I'm going to cut a little bit straighter and again when in doubt let the hair drop and take a look at it because staring straight into this you might make it so completely straight and then you drop it and it's not so it's better to drop it pick it up as many times as you absolutely need to in order to get a clean line now that looks pretty straight even if you're like oh I could do a little bit more I would always suggest working on the other side first and then matching them and kind of going back and forth rather than obsessing over an area and then you've taken off way too much because you can always take out more so okay so doing the same thing on this side and when checking both sides always remember to look straight ahead because I can easily go like this and be like oh this sides shorter I need to cut this side more and then when I look straight I'm like oh crap actually they were pretty even so once I feel that those two are pretty even we are good to move on to the next step and this is if you already do have some layering so finding the back of your ear you're just going to come up and part there I'm just going to grab that section and clip same thing here find the back of the ear so now because this is slightly shorter layers than the rest of my hair we are going to treat it in a separate section just because obviously this hair didn't reach the end so none of this hair cut cut so again I'm not adding new layers I'm not adding a ton of like disconnection from this layer to this one unless this is already doing so but as you can see it's only about two inches shorter so this is still considered long layers so we are going to keep it that way and then cutting it's all about angles so the neater your partings the neater your angles are so meaning if I'm angling this way on this side I want to angle the same way so the cleaner your angles and your parts the cleaner the haircut is going to be so I'm just going to bring that forward so as you can see I'm kind of just following the slope of the nose and so if you see that slope there I want to keep that same slope like I don't want to just cut straight into it and completely change the shape but I do want to get rid of all of that unhealthiness so starting off pretty straight just chopping all that damage off so as you can see that already looks so much cleaner so I'm just gonna go in and add a little bit of texturing just to kind of soften up that line just in case I've left too harsh of a line or too blunt of line all right so as you can see starts to look so much cleaner now as I bring it down you can just see just how softly it blends and that's what we want we just don't want to see a straight across line so now doing the same thing with the other side okay and now just to take that hair to an extra healthy level I always like to do a dusting when I cut my own hair so this is the best way to get rid of split ends and just damage kind of bits of the hair without losing length so again this is something that anyone can do at home and you don't need a lot of hair skills and it's not it's all we're gonna be doing is grabbing a section of hair folding it over your finger and whatever hair sticks out that needs to get chopped because that is damaged hair if it wasn't broken off or damaged at that area it would be long to the ends with the rest and it would be staying between my two fingers so again you roll down a little bit bring it down further and as you can see right away leaves the hair with more shine often times people say I won't like shiny blond give me a color that's gonna make my hair shiny and often times the color is actually correct it's really just the hairs texture is off or or there's just so much damage there in order for there to be shine there needs to be a flat surface so light can bounce off of it imagine life bouncing off a clean window versus say carpet carpets not going to be shiny there's not gonna be any light bouncing off because it's so textured but a clean window it's just going to be smooth so whatever light bounces off of that is just going to give off like a high beam of shine so by removing all those little bits and ends that stick out or go in crazy different directions we're getting rid of that so that all the hair is just kind of laying in one smooth straight direction and that's going to create that beautiful flick platform for light to bounce off of and don't be afraid to do it to the back of your hair as well often times the crown or this back area here is definitely an area where a lot of people tend to have a lot of breakage and then of course doing the same thing to the other side as you can see - when I started cutting my hair my hair so tangled in my hair just by Nature dust tangle a lot but the more unhealthy your hair is and the more dry damaged ends you have the more that kind of almost interlock with each other and create even worse tangles towards the end of the hair and as you can see now I can easily just brush through alright guys so there you have it a very easy at home a four-point haircut that will get rid of split ends and just leave your hair looking soft smooth and extremely healthy I'm so tempted to curl it and style it but I really just want you guys to see how seamlessly it blends using this technique [Music] alright guys so I caved as a hairdresser you can't let a good haircut go and styled so I absolutely love how my hair feels it just feels so silky it's so healthy so I hope you found this video helpful I love you guys and I'll see you the next video bye
Channel: ellebangs
Views: 645,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellebangs, easy haircut, 4 point haircut, how to cut hair, at home haircut, perfect haircut, long layer haircut, long hayer, layers, how to get layers, cut hair, best way to, how to, diy, easy, easy to follow, remove split ends, dusting, hair dusting, what is, salon haircut, make hair grow faster, cute, blunt cut, soft layers, tutorial, fix a haircut, lob haircut, tips, blonde, barber, hairdresser, step by step, trimming your own hair, trim your own hair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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