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crystal-clear blue waters white sandy beaches friendly locals and a beautiful untouched landscape you probably guessed it by now I'm talking about the Philippines this beautiful country is located in the South East Asia and consists of seven thousand six hundred and forty-one islands one can only dream of as we know more in this episode I'll show you how my sister Charlotte and I travel to philippines alone we spent one month there and we got to visit some beautiful places we will show you where we started our adventure where we state the cost of accommodations how to get around and some important and helpful tips at the end our journey of the Philippines started in Manila we flew in from Bangkok after spending a month in Thailand you can check out my talent travel series here I'll put a link in the top right corner we flew with Cebu Pacific and it took three and a half hours and we paid around ninety dollars tip number one make sure you have a ticket out of the Philippines when you enter we add a ticket book to Cambodia twenty-seven days later do your own research though as rules get changed we got slight problems at the airport when we landed them and in love because we forgot to book a place to stay there or I forgot so tip number two make sure to have an address ready to provide for customs tip number three take out money at the airport ATMs can be hard to find there are two main SIM card providers smart and globe we got one of each smart was cheaper the globe works better on the islands see lime use crap instead of regular taxi it's a lot cheaper our Airbnb was located approximately one hour away from the airport we stayed in an apartment hotel building called Lancaster so this is a room tour in Manila two beds two pictures we have a seat we even have a TV and we have this kitchen a little fridge empty Charlotte show me the view show me the money this is the breathtaking view you're talking about you happy we decided to only stay one night in Manila then fly out to Cebu the next day I'm happy we got to check out Manila the energy in the street was so good we also visited one of their famous mega malls and he was huge Tony walk in you get met with security they check [Music] the next morning we woke up early to see Manila during the day before we had to leave for our play we got to check out the view from our hotel rooftop and it was super pretty then we headed back to the street to look around to find some breakfast I actually loved Manila I'll definitely spend more time here the next time I visit the Philippines so a little side note my boyfriend John suddenly had to leave the Philippines you can check out the full story in my last video link below he decided to travel with us from Manila to Cebu anyways and stay for two nights then head back home to New York we used AirAsia to flight from Manila Cebu it took an hour and a half and it cost around $40 each including baggage so are staying in Cebu for 12 days welcome everyone we landed in market on Cebu International Airport we had booked an Airbnb for 12 days and an apartment with four bedrooms and what we were told was a nice neighborhood in Cebu City long story short the neighborhood was super bad we almost didn't get our keys because our security guard was so high overall this Airbnb listing was a Horror house [Music] yeah hopefully tomorrow we'll wake up and it's gonna be very good has to make the a/c work and we found our host off doesn't help that you just have to use a shoe you know that cockroach can survive [Laughter] I'm nothing to see if the cockroach will open it you're ready it's printing it was overrun by ants cockroaches lizards and just overall super dirty and nasty so the next morning we checked into the nice hotel rested a bit and then take that the rooftop which was pretty cool [Music] I don't even know what to call it right now there you can get a rollercoaster that takes you this whole hotel and actually leads you forward as well job left the next day and my sister and I checked into our new Airbnb okay so now our new Airbnb kitchen looks really clean and nice it smells really nice in here as well our new Airbnb was located in mock town lapu-lapu city we paid around $190 each for ten days and we were super happy with this apartment it was new modern add an amazing pool nice view and a half supermarket and restaurant in the same building with that being said there's not too much to do in Cebu City and mocked up there are a few beaches you can visit like Mark Tom Beach had a lot of locals and a good vibe [Music] and of course it's always fun to drive around on your scooter and visit the locals they're just so friendly a nice [Music] yeah what's your name my name is camila charlotte charlotte chocolate monday you're gonna go to school yeah okay [Music] since we are two girls traveling i of course have to include the salon we got our nails and hair done eels cold smile salon it only costs two dollars for a regular mani and pedi and I think Charlotte paid around twenty four dollars for a cut and color after a few days in McDon we headed to buncee on island so we are now this made it to cebu north bus terminal we found one of the local buses here that goes to a 1/2 hour and it was I think 140 pesos per person but since I have my suitcase with all the gear I pay for two people which is like 280 so yeah so when we got to the ferry terminal we quickly understood that we had read the schedule wrong and that the next ferry was not until 4 hours so we had to check into a hostel since it was in the middle of the night so this is now our room until the next ferry leaves we paid thousand pesos for this bed look they call it comfort room and family here that's all and hopefully they're gonna stay in here it might look cute because of the pink colors but don't be fooled it was actually a bit scary after a few hours we finally made it to the ferry and it took about 1 hour to get across we were a bit unsure about how to get transport here but as soon as the ferry got into land a few guys came on board and offered to drive us in their tricycle after traveling the whole night we finally made it to our cabin we mainly went to Ponte on because of its famous sunrises low amount of tourists and beautiful landscapes we were a bit unlucky with the sunrise but everything else was exactly as described least a descent Bernhard's resort it was located right on the beach this was honestly one of my favorite places we stayed in all of the Philippines we only had one day there and so we have to take the ferry back home but we were able to do a lot on this short period of time we go one at the local fishermen to drive us to an island called Virgin Island and it was pretty cool there [Music] we then headed back to bunts an island and walked around for a bit we watched a local basketball game talk to the locals [Music] and we also got the drive around on our scooters for a few hours he was so incredibly beautiful there we didn't see any other tourists just a lot of friendly locals we then got to watch this beautiful sunset as we took the ferry back home we got home to our apartment in mock town pretty late that night but we decided to take the bus to Oslo the next day anyway you can catch the bus to Oslo from Cebu south bus terminal it takes about three hours and it costs around three dollars per person as a heads up there are always be people who try to make money so we thought this guy worked on a bus but apparently it used as a random guy who carried our luggage inside the bus and wanted money for it I respect the hustle but it's just good to know what you're paying for okay out of the way trailers and he's like no I'm not sure how I think it's only an hour left so I just got dropped off outside 7-eleven and Charlotte forgot her backpack on the bus so immediately when we got off the bus my sister jumped on a motorbike and the fastest PETA epic scene and now they're chasing the bus they get her back back back and hopefully everybody can hopefully she'll get back so yeah we were so lucky these guys were here when we got dropped off as I said Shirley just jumped on this guy's motorbike and he was able to catch up with the bus and get her bag back she had her passport camera and everything in there anyways we then headed to Sharkey hotel which was the main reason we came to Oslo we signed up for the whale shark watching the next morning and got ready for bed the next morning we had to wake up at 5:00 a.m. to get ready for the whale shark watching honestly swimming with whale sharks has been on our bucket list our whole life's we were super excited everything was going peacefully and it was a great morning but then suddenly thousands of people were pulling up from everywhere forty minutes after we were still the second boat app and it was not that many people we were in the water there's a lot of controversy around this topic first it was not how I had imagined it to be I mean it was great seeing them up close like that but it just didn't feel right at all there is several reasons why this is unethical and not a good choice since they feed the whale sharks all year round and disrupts migration this leads to fewer sharks being born second they are malnourished because the fishermen only give them enough food to stay for the tourists and the food they're getting is not good enough or proper nutrition lastly they keep getting injured you can see scars on their body from tourists or propellers from other boats I could go on for a long time but I'll link an article below if you want to read more about it to sum it up we made a mistake we did not do enough research and I do advise you to look into more ethical ways of interacting with these gentle giants docile bait is supposedly better but again look it up with all that being said I have to say that the owner at Sharky hostel was a sweetheart and she was really really helpful we continued our adventure to body on canyoneering and covers on false this time together with our two new friends we met at the hostel [Music] so after an hour and a half we made it to the canyoneering place this was so much fun but also a bit scary unfortunately this is the only footage I have from this because my GoPro decided to delete all my files after this after that we headed to the famous kawasan falls it was beautiful in the colour of the water it was amazing but it was just overrun by tourists but I was still happy we went it was a lot of nice places on the way to the waterfall too we then jumped on a bus back home to Maxim and spent our two last days there before we headed to our next island follow up we have 14 kilo over ready yeah I have to pay five thousand bats we are now ready to board a plane to power until we flew from stable International Airport to port-au-prince SM palawan we used AirAsia and paid around 50 dollars each for the tickets we're only saying of course the princess up for two nights [Music] we stayed at Roma tourists in and we paid around $30 each for two nights let me show you our new room so this is our cute little room right now and we even have a fridge a scary looking snake right next to our veterans this is the view from our window we have bathroom we have showers and toilet with toilet see that's more than other places we stayed we didn't explore much of course the Princesa we mostly relaxed ate some good food and did some more planning for the trip [Music] after traveling a lot by bus we now decided to take event from Puerto Princesa to Enlil and I have to say even though the buses are a bit scary because the drive super fast their million more times comfortable than the van the van costs around fifteen dollars and takes around six hours compared to the bus that costs around eight dollars and take eight hours they press as many people as possible inside a tiny event including luggage and construction gear that's not even belong through people in the van it was the craziest thing I've ever seen after a long journey we finally made it el nido staying it's been hostile for eight days cost us around two hundred and fifty dollars each when we got here we even found out we have a private bathroom and it's really huge look at this I can't like walk around in here I'm very happy we're staying here eight nights and the girl in the reception was super cute my sister I think she already chose the bed how are you you can get it a lot cheaper and only dope but we wanted a nice place where they had good internet and breakfast included it was also a great atmosphere there because the hostel always had some kind of activity or party going on at night we immediately fell in love with this place I don't know the food here was also way better than other places we had been in the Philippines I'm actually gonna make a food guide video from a Lido because there's so many places I want to show you guys we spent our day smelly though just exploring the beaches and doing Island tours you can get around on this island with a tricycle or you can rent your own scooter we did a mix of both you have to visit Lusk Obama speech it's so beautiful and the energy there is great it's pretty calm during a date but then more people come to watch the famous sunset at night this was also the beach where we crashed our drone in the water so no more drone shots now sorry guys another beach you guys have to see only here is of course the famous map Gunn Beach it was a bit harder for us to get there it took us about an hour and a half because we had to drive on the really muddy roads I have to say Charlotte is a pretty experienced driver but this was hard even for her it was so slippery it was totally worth the drive though when we got there the beach is massive and it's almost no tourist area just a few locals and some cute dogs super beautiful [Music] one of the main reasons people come to el nido is because of the island toys I have to admit I love these islands or so much more than the ones we didn't I let the landscape here is just a lot less roomm by tourists don't get me wrong there's still a ton of Tories on the island tourists but still less compared to Thailand we did tour I and C and we loved it you get to visit some really incredible islands do some kayaking and snorkeling I'll go more in depth in a different tours and activities we did in my next video one important thing I wanted to share with you guys is what happens if you get sick and you have to go to the hospital so Charlotte got severe food poisoning after eating a pizza with meat on it as you can imagine the stander here was not like her used to back home but they didn't have morphine or any strong painkillers she was basically in pain the whole time she was there she had to spend one day there and the hospital bill came to around $200 so not too bad they were supposed to go to coral island and spend our last four or five days their business Sharla was still pretty sick we have to skip that if you want to go to Corral you can just take the ferry for the Lido to corral the Leafs at 6 a.m. and it takes 4 hours and it costs around $35 each way we booked the fewer nights has been so before we headed back to puerto princesa we took the bus from el nido to court to Princesa we only stayed one night in puerto princesa before we flew at the cambodia be careful when you get up at the bus terminal import to Princesa and yeah we just got to our hotel room and when we got off the bus we got scammed so hardcore by the tricycle people what I was saying is that they gave us a huge room because they felt so bad for us they're like you could have gone back and forth to the terminal three times for that price so they were like outrageous and they're trying to ask if we got a picture of the tricycle guy which we of course did not point of this story just be careful when you get prizes for the tricycle because always do research like most of the hotels include the price what it's supposed to cost from the bus terminal to the hotel but they these guys didn't so we actually had no idea what I was supposed to cost so yeah they gave us welcome drinks too because they felt bad what was it I strong without go so now the next morning we woke up and got ready to leave the Philippines this 27 day journey has been amazing and I honestly can't wait to go back I love this Philippines so much lastly I wanna end this video with some useful information from our own experiences step number one youth grab instead of regular taxis number two we use Airbnb and a go TOCOM for most of our accommodations number three download globe converts you can quickly figure out how much things cost number four make sure it's always carry cash and take out money before heading to the smaller islands even in Alito we only found one working ATM number five the Philippines is super safe we honestly never felt in danger of but don't be naive there will always be people who try to take advantage of you number six don't over plan your days travel never goes according to the plan anyways and it can be overwhelming because there's so much to see but we rather visit a few places and really take in each place number seven don't drink the tap water we got stomach problems because we brush our teeth with tap water then the locals told us we had to buy bottled water number eight regarding food it was a bit hard being vegan there Aleta had some good plays it's tone number nine intimate is often non-existing so we got a Wi-Fi pocket which helped a bit number ten always carry toilet paper and antibacterial hydra movies as most of the restrooms don't have paper and they can be in a pretty bad condition if you made it to the end thank you so much for watching please hit the like button if you liked it and subscribe if you haven't done it already it actually makes a difference on that note thank you so much to all my new subscribers I'm super super grateful let me know if you have any questions and I will of course answer them in a comments below that's it for this time and I see you guys in my next video bye you
Channel: Camilla Johannesen
Views: 547,694
Rating: 4.8813949 out of 5
Keywords: travel, Philippines, Philippines Travel, Philippines travel vlog, Philippines travel video, Philippines travel tips, 1 month in the Philippines, whale sharks, how to travel the Philippines, what to see in the Philippines, traveling the Philippines for the first time, how long to travel the Philippines, sisters traveling, blogger, south east Asia, Asia, travel tips, solo traveling, traveling alone
Id: hxdrPdD8nnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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