How To Transfer Video + Photos To TWO Drives SIMULTANEOUSLY | Hedge App Tutorial

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hey everyone it's matthew here at midland pictures today we're going to talk about how you can transfer your footage from your storage media to two hard drives at the same time using an awesome app called hedge check it out so normally what i do with a video like this at the beginning is i talk about why we use a certain tool for the job that we're trying to do instead of doing that why speech up front i'm actually going to do it after i show you how to transfer your media from your camera all of your footage to two drives at the same time now real quick just to set the stage for who might be using a tool like this this can be used for photography and video that's primarily what i use it for it certainly could be used for other kinds of media if you're copying large amounts of data and you want to be able to copy it to two drives at the same time we're going to focus on videographers and photographers primarily and the situation that you're in is you are on set or you're on a shoot maybe you're at a wedding you're filming or photographing for your client and you need to transfer the footage or photos from your card media to two hard drives at the same time so you can either reuse those cards during the shoot or just make sure that the data that you've created the footage the media the photos is securely stored on two hard drives so for me this usually happens on set not in my edit bay like i am right now i'm usually working on a 2013 macbook pro and using two external hard drives to capture the card media today for demonstration purposes i'm gonna act as if i was on a shoot and immediately came back to the studio after that shoot and needed to capture the card from the shoot in this instance we shot on the blackmagic pocket cinema camera 4k using the samsung t5 ssd drive so this is what i'm considering my card media so what we need to do to get this going is connect this drive to my usb port and start setting up the transfer now before we get into all that i want to remind you all that if you are not subscribed to the channel i'd greatly appreciate it if you click the subscribe button down below there's a lot of great content on the channel that i've already produced and a lot of great content coming so click that subscribe button down below and if you do welcome to the channel now let's get back to the good stuff so we've got my drive plugged in and i'm going to pull up the app that i use to capture media it's an app called hedge you can see that hedge has a very simple interface it's going to show the disks that are connected to my computer this disk is labeled b008 because it's representing our b cam that we used on this shoot over on the right side here we have two hard drives that are connected to my 2013 mac pro the first one is my pegasus r8 with 21 terabytes of storage 24 total terabytes of storage but because it's configured to raid 5 it's only 21 terabytes and then i have an exact duplicate of that drive another pegasus r8 with 24 terabytes of total storage 21 terabytes at raid 5 and you can see here it's labeled bu for backup so this drive is the main online storage for all of the media for my projects for my youtube channel and my client work and this is an exact duplicate of all of that media so i've just come back from the shoot i'm sitting down with my drive connected and i need to copy the media from this drive to both of these drives at the same time so this is ridiculously simple all you're going to do is drag the drive or card from your camera over to sources this is your source drive and then the destination drives are over here the first thing you need to do is specify where these files are going to go so i'm going to go to project folder and then browse and then navigate to the location where i want this footage to go and you can see it's already on pegasus r8 21 terabytes and it's on day four which was the day that we had set up for filming it's under the b cam you can see already i've got b006 b007 and i want to add b008 so i'm going to hit select and that drive is all set up and then i'm going to click on the backup drive to tell hedge where to store the media on the on the second drive so you can see that it already selected the pegasus r8 21 terabytes backup drive i'm in day four on the project that we're filming i'm under the b cam that we shot on and you can see b06 and b007 so we're going to hit select then we're going to add two transfers and off it goes right now this program is copying all of the media from b008 to both of those drives at the same time you can see here that we've got about 130 gigs of footage on this drive and it's gonna take 0 6 to 8 minutes or so to copy that media to both drives so i'm not sitting here using finder to copy the media to one drive letting it all transfer and then doing it again to the backup drive all right so we're about to finish up the transfer three two one and we've got check marks and green things and everything looks good so that's completed you've got a little magnifying glass here if you want to immediately go to that footage to check it out we'll go ahead and do that pull up our finder window here and you can see b008 on the main hard drive all of that stuff is transferred we've got a hedge media hash list in there as well as some transfer logs so these transfer logs in the hash list you know the transfer logs specifically think of that as sort of a receipt for the transfer this is something that helps you with accountability and goes a long way when you're on more professional workflows especially high budget stuff to show that you did transfer the data it did transfer all correctly everything was fine so one thing in the preferences that i do right off the bat when i have this app is i go to the disks page and i choose my macintosh hard drive as an ignored disk i'm never going to copy the media to the internal hard drive on my computer and i don't want that to populate here in this screen when we're talking about the disks that are available to transfer media i want to just zero in on the two destination drives and the source drive that i connect to my computer so another thing that i do in preferences under general is i like to have this checked off eject sources after successful transfer that's just a nice way of getting that drive sort of off the computer and away from any further tinkering or messing around misunderstanding what was transferred or what was not so i like to have that automatically eject the drive after a successful transfer something else i like to do in the transfer tab is if i'm on set in a more professional setting where we are copying cards from the camera but then we're going to have to format those cards in camera and use them over again because we don't have enough card media for the entire shoot i like turning checkpoint on to make sure that if there are any issues with those source cards any little things that are going wrong or whatever that this will alert me to any anything that's going on with that card media so that's an important feature that i really like something else that's really cool that this app does especially if you're someone that's on set who's dedicated to transferring the data you can use the hedge connect app on your iphone or android device and connect it between your computer's hedge app and the phone's hedge app to get notifications when large data transfers are done so it's a cool feature for this app that allows you to have those kinds of notifications so you're not sort of just hovering over the computer waiting for it to happen especially if you've got a couple other things you're doing maybe you're making proxy media or whatever you can get that notification when the transfer is done so the process of actually transferring data from a card media or a hard drive from a camera to two destination drives is incredibly easy the bigger conversation though is not how to do it it's why you would do it now when i'm doing a professional shoot whether it's a passion project for midland pictures like a documentary that we're working on or it's something that's for hire for a client this is when i use hedge i use hedge on the passion projects for midland pictures because i want to be using the tools that professionals use in professional workflows now there are three categories i look at when considering why you should use hedge in your workflow those three categories are efficiency reliability and liability so for efficiency hedge has a simple interface it's easy to use it copies to two destinations or more at the same time at the same speed of copying to a single destination and it maximizes the bandwidth and transfer speeds based on the devices that you're using for your storage really the efficiency comes with the fact that you can take one camera card and copy it to two destinations in the same amount of time it would take you to copy that card to one destination that alone is a huge increase in efficiency when it comes to copying data either on set or when you return to your studio after a shoot day with reliability you have an app that is engineered specifically for transferring data it always supports the latest os whether it's windows or mac and it can handle transfers using nas san raid or simple usb thunderbolt ssds or hdds and then with liability again if you're being hired as a production company to work on a commercial an independent film a short film and there's a lot of money involved the schedule of talents there's no way to reshoot this if something were to go wrong you would be sued or held liable if the data transfers created corrupted files and the shoot date was lost these are things that actually happen and you need to protect yourself against exposure to these kinds of liabilities if you're going to get involved with wedding filmmaking wedding photography commercial photography commercial filmmaking you know that these types of budgets the schedules and deadlines to get this work done the fact that a wedding cannot be re-shot it's one day in one day only when those stakes are involved in what you're doing what they are trusting and relying on you to do for them as the person who's being paid to provide this service you have to use tools like this to cover yourself and hedge is a great tool for covering you with liability it creates transfer logs you can get checksums using the checkpoint app to make sure that all of the data every last one and zero of that data is transferred correctly and you can also get source or destination verification if you're using finder to copy data on a big high stake you don't have the ability to get any kind of verification that that data was transferred correctly and that could make you exposed and liable for being at fault now i don't say all this to like scare all of you guys but it is meant to really show the realities of what we're dealing with in the stakes of this industry and then what about pricing they've got three options here for the most professional users and then the simplest users you can get a single license for one computer for 129 i use a company license because not only do i have my mac pro but i also have my laptop so when i take it on set i have a copy of hedge on there it's 229 dollars for that there's upgrades available for per seat uh 30 day project licenses for 49 there is a student and teacher discount if you want to apply for that so i think this is a really worthwhile tool for 229 you've got a great app on two computers that can handle a really efficient way of copying camera media to two drives at the same time i especially recommend this app for freelancers that are interested into getting into dit and data wrangling work on local productions maybe something from la new york toronto chicago whatever comes to your smaller market and you want to be able to be hired to handle data transfers from high-end camera systems this is an app that might help you up your scales to be able to get those kinds of jobs when they come to town also great for anybody involved in weddings if you're a wedding photographer or a videographer to make sure that all of the cards that you have get transferred to two locations and you are data secure after that wedding i know that's a lot of information thanks everyone for watching if you like this video click the like button down below it's the best way you can support the channel if you're not a subscriber again friendly reminder click the subscribe button and the bell to get notifications every time we upload a new video that's gonna take care of it for this one everyone until the next one i will see you all soon [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Midland Pictures
Views: 1,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to transfer video, midland pictures, how to copy video to two drives, how to backup video, how to backup photos, how to transfer footage, how to copy photos, how to capture camera cards, how to back up photos and video, hedge app tutorial, how to use hedge app tutorial, how to transfer footage from camera to hard drive, how to copy footage from camera to computer, how to copy photos from camera to computer, how to copy photos fast, How to copy video files fast
Id: fSUkkQaQTS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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