How To Transfer Files From An Old PC To A New PC

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hey so what's going on guys so some of you had requested I do a video on how to copy or transfer files from an old Windows computer over to a new Windows computer I'm using the GoPro to record this guys so I can go back and forth between this old desktop computer here and that new one sitting over on the counter there which is running Windows 10 I'm going to be moving my files which include the pictures uh videos music and documents over to that system both of the computers are running Windows 10 but that really doesn't matter if you have a Windows XP system um I know Windows XP is long gone but some of you may still have one maybe you're trying to get the files off the old Windows XP computer maybe some of you have uh Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 it doesn't matter you can use the same process to copy files from you know your old computer over to your what you call your new one now let me show you real quick though what I recommend you guys use is a flash drive for this this is a USB B thumb drive or flash drive it's 64 gig sandis drive this one's 3 USB 3.0 it's pretty fast um plenty of enough space on this thing for me so what you want to do on your old computer is go ahead and get your flash drive plugged in and I'm going to go ahead and go under what is called U this PC or it may say my computer or computer on your system depending on what you're using you go under your devices and drives and you look for the flash drive then mine is called backup so I'm going to go ahead and select that you can see my space is completely empty there because I have plenty of I have about 60 gigs there to use so I have now you know what you got to do is you got to find your pictures folder you know where you have all your pictures in here uh let me drag this box over this is where I have all my photos at in my pictures folder here and of course my videos are in here so they're in separate folders you guys have to go and be able to find yours if some of you are wondering I just want to give you a quick tip before you buy a flash drive on any of these folders here like say your videos folder if you want to know what size flash drive you need you can rightclick on that folder and when the dialogue pops up you can come down to where it shows properties you can click there and then it will show you right there the size right here that is the size that's 3.19 gig and I told you my flash drive was 64 gig so I plenty of room on the flash drive um to copy those files over and that's one little tip there you can go through and right click on each of them and do that same process and add all those together and then you'll know what size flash drive you need you know I'm I don't know how much data all of you have but anyway what you want to do here though is I'm going to slide this over this is the backup drive this is the flash drive all you really need to do is um right click on your pictures folder and come down and choose copy and you can go in this blank space then right click and choose paste that will copy that will copy the files over to the flash drive and there they are all copied over there's all my pictures if I go in here there's all the jpegs of four-wheelers and stuff that I had saved now let's say you see me copy one over if you just simply rightclick on on that file you can come down and choose copy if I was to choose cut that would actually remove that file from this computer like it' no longer be there so I'm only going to I'm only choosing copy right now so if you guys want to get rid of your computer you might want to just cut that folder off of it instead of copying either way you can do it either way it doesn't matter but instead of doing these one by one I'm just going to show you if you if you click out here in the desktop and you drag the cursor while you have the left click down down you can choose all three of those folders at once and then if you rightclick on one of them that's highlighted you can come down and choose copy then come over to your flash drive in some of one somewhere in the white area there right click and choose paste and you'll see that it will actually copy that will copy all the folders over on the flash drive at one time okay so you can see there it's done it copied the rest of um the music videos over in the documents so now we need to do is close out of that unplug the flash drive take the flash drive over to the new computer and plug that in now I can Cho click on this down there to choose what happens or open folder to View files and there are the files that I just copied off of my old computer over to this new one so all you really need to do is go into each one say you want your pictures first just go ahead and go into your pictures folder there left click the mouse and select them all if you just hold the left click down you can highlight all those folders blue but you got to make sure it stays they all stay highlighted so there once they're all highlighted like that and you get them highlighted you can rightclick anywhere there and choose to to copy and then you just come over to your pictures folder on your new system and the Box this white box pops up and you rightclick and paste them in there and they should all start popping up in there there they are now they're on the new computer that's all you really need to do guys um I'm not going to go through each of these folders but all you need to do is go in each folder highlight all those files make sure like I said that they're all selected blue like that and put them put your videos music and documents uh over here on the new system you can see though when I did the pictures it left a copy on the flash drive here all you needed to do is right click on it now if you want and you can uh choose to delete but that's up to you guys it really doesn't matter you can actually leave a copy on this little flash drive that way it's a backup but you can see there like I said on the new computer there's the pictures so now you guys can have fun copying files back and forth between computers and basically guys that's all I had for you thanks all for watching guys if you like this video please uh thumbs up and share
Channel: Jamie Wagner
Views: 454,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to transfer files from old computer to new computer with windows 10, transfer files from old pc to new pc windows 10, transfer files from pc to pc, how to transfer files from computer to computer, transfer files from pc to pc windows 10, transfer files from pc to pc without external storage, how to transfer files from computer to computer windows 10, get photos off old windows pc, how to transfer files from computer to computer without usb, Transfer photos from computer
Id: ZjZv1SE4geQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2016
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