How to Trade on Console in Path of Exile | Beginner Guide

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it's cheddar back with another one in today's video we're going to go over console trade tips for new players existing players and experienced Exiles that are just curious check the time stamps below I won't hold you to the whole video so just uh hop around if you're kind of curious uh what it's all about over here on Console I'm going to dispel the misconceptions that it's bad uh I actually believe that with the right knowledge and understanding how to utilize the trade UI that is known as the trade market on Console you can have one of the if not the most buttery smooth trading experiences on console that you've had uh thus far um being somebody who's been over on PlayStation for four years and they've recently gotten back uh for AFF fliction leek I'll tell you right now um it's it's it's very different based off of the economy like there's just more players on PC and it's much more intuitive players over here are much more experienced so prices don't go a little SK skewed console realm it's a little uh like the Wild West it's like a glorified ssf and you supplement with trade and it isn't that bad the the system isn't that bad but what makes it bad is just the amount of unexperienced players and price inflation and you know uh um low supply high demand but that's not the fault of the system or the UI and we are going to go over those details in this video so this is going to be a beginner friendly tips tricks to get you um trading is efficiently as possible in your next console League experience um like I said before uh time stamps are going to be below so anyone who's curious I want to also mention that this video is is going to be kind of like a a react style only because I was scouring YouTube and I found a console player um post a video that kind of showcases some of the features on console and trade and he is a new player he's inexperienced he's got some stuff wrong and he's you know slightly getting dragged in the comments I just felt it's uh you know our responsibility as a community to use this as a teaching experience and and hopefully um you know everybody can uh learn from this I made a video a while back about the differences with console trade and PC I wanted this to be a much better version a much clearer and concise version so what we're going to do is we're going to go through watch his video uh probably not in it in its entirety um but we're going to choose segments to highlight and use those as teaching experiences and then the end of the video will just be a a wrap up of thoughts um and generalizing all of the talking points that we discussed throughout the video and um yeah um if you find the video helpful at all show some YouTube love you know what I mean let's hop right into it let me get into a little bit of the trade here if you saw in my last video trading on console is different from trading on um PC PC and Council now can trade with each other okay number one that is a uh that is incorrect information um you cannot trade maybe it's different for Xbox and um PC but I don't think so I I don't think so at all um I mean I was trading all Affliction league and it doesn't I don't know maybe you could filter through it maybe there's something there that I don't know but as far as I'm concerned it's with PlayStation that is you cannot trade with um PC players at all it's just its own realm I'm not 100% on Xbox and PC but for PlayStation and PC that is no no no that is not you will always know if you're getting a trade from a console player and if you're getting a trade from a um a PC player a PC player won't wait because due to the fact that they have to go to their hideout put their trade in add a whisper because they got to whisper the person they got to type in hey would you buy this from me would you buy this from me we and Council have a way better system we don't have to wait see what we can do is we can search for it by typing in the exact name of the item that we want you can go to the poe trade site or you can go to any of the poe sites any of those computer people um sorry the computer players like to use and we can look up the what the items we want to use for our builds type it in and it will show up in our system pick the category that you want like right now I'm looking for let's say a okay so right off right off bat this is the archaic way of searching in console uh when it first came out when we first got uh trade onto console this was the only way we could do it this is definitely not the best way uh if you know how to work this UI and you're comfortable searching for items this way that's fine the only downside to this is that you're going to have to sort by page so each page can hold I don't know it's like a quad tab okay maybe less than a quad tab so that's how many items can be held in a sing single page so if you're going to search if like he's hovered over Rings let's say he tries to search for an amethyst ring he's going to see every single amethyst ring on the market and he's going to have to sort Page by Page like a quad tab so the upside is you can type in you know what affixes or prefixes or whatever you want whatever affixes you want and it'll highlight the selection are all rings that have those search parameters but this is probably the worst way to search for items in the game however there is a great use for this that we will discuss here in a minute I'm sure we'll let them continue now you go to the Rings you select your base of the ring you looking for a base it only shows you bases you pick the base that you're looking for you'll get so there you go that's the tab I'm talking about so every single amethyst ring that is on that is posted for sale in the entire uh realm that's what you're looking at that version of the base is he hits R2 L2 it's is Page after page after page trade site everything is categorized under that base another thing we can do when you're also looking up things for your build on top of just putting in keywords and looking up your Items PC players when they go to the trade website they can put in the exact wording of what they want to find on their gear like if you're looking for an amethist ring that has chaos resistance and you want a um anist ring that has strength that has chaos resistance and it has Max Energy Shield if you're only looking for that kind of ring on the website you could just type in what that those um those I'm about to blow your mind real quick because I did watch this video before and he didn't touch on this but let me show you real fast so what does he have a amethyst ring fire chaos strength so we'll go like this um Affliction let's go to Sony go fire okay so this is another teaching moment I I'll I'll utilize this as a teaching moment for first time players as well um when you're in the trade website this is going to be your go-to for how to find items in the game there's probably going to be a much better video out there uh there is in fact much better videos out there that are going to go over how to search for specific items what I'm going to do right now is just give you the basic information for uh items so first things first you see here that uh at the top there is fire resistance because that's what I'm looking for I'm looking looking for fire resistance on this ring however this says pseudo I don't want pseudo I want it to be the actual mod an explicit so under explicit that means it's an actual mod on the item what does pseudo mean uh pseudo means that it gives that stat but it could be from many different sources example let's say you wanted to look up life you wanted maximum life on a ring but you hit pseudo if you hit pseudo with maximum life it might not show you an actual life role uh a Life mod the reason why is because there's other things out there that give you life there's probably a strength modifier on it which is pseudo life see what I'm saying if you wanted uh accuracy and you typed in pseudo and you didn't find accuracy Mod on your ring that's because it's probably Dex because Dex gives you um accuracy strength gives you health and uh damage whatever so that's what pseudo means so if you're looking for a specific modifier go to explicit and then there are things called prefixes and suffixes learn those and it'll make this so much easier just those three bits of information three pieces of information will make your searching so much easier so here walk with me through this we're gonna we're going to search for this guy's ring um fire resistance what was it chaos resistance let me double check fire chaos strength let's do that fire chaos and strength fire see how it's pseudo go down to chaos resistance let's go strength strength item category we will go ring and this can all be done on your console this none of this that I'm doing right here is PC only so amethyst R this is how it's going to look you want to find an amethyst ring you want these explicit modifiers on it and it's going to be in Sony on Affliction League let's see if we can find one one for 80 chaos okay wow wow wow well that's uh typical for uh you know the end of a league on um the end of the league on a console real so let's let's just compare with PC okay so yeah there's a lot of these rings are going for up that price so it's not that big but strength stacking and all that kind of stuff so let's let's let's skip forward to the uh to the second part of this example now that we found a ring uh let's say that this one is in our budget this guy right here and he's not AFK um you can direct whisper him and you like I said you can do all this on Console so what you're going to do is you're going to hit direct whisper okay and then it's going to pop up in your uh window here once you hit whisper it's going to pop up in the text window here that you've whispered this player now what this gentleman is speaking about here is that he doesn't like that system because he doesn't want to have to wait well I mean he is right you do kind of have to wait because they need to answer the whisper they need to you know see if they want to sell the item and that's even if they remember to check their whisper because they're probably in some maps doing some crazy stuff well that's where this UI comes into place so this UI here is going to be your best friend how we're going to offer this ring that we want that we just whispered to to this player we want it now we don't want this guy to forget about the whisper so what we're going to do is we're going to go into that text window sorry I am all over the place right now we're going to go back into that text window where the whisper is and we're going to put our cursor over the item that's in the whisper so it'll look something like want to buy and then it'll have the the item itself posted in the text and then blah blah blah from a fiction league and Yad y y so you take your cursor you hover it over the top of the actual text item and then you're going to do this hotkey I'm pretty sure it's the universal over everything you're going to hold down your left stick and then you're going to press triangle or Y whichever it is for you Xbox or Playstation hold down left stick triangle or Y what that's going to do is that's going to pop up all the amethyst rings in the entire game now it is still a pain in the ass because you don't want to have to sift through all of these amethyst rings so what you're going have to do and this is the little bit of tedium but if you're willing to do this you're going to be much better off in the long run because the people that aren't willing to do this aren't going to get their items as efficiently as you so now that you've got the amethyst ring window popped up you're going to go back into the whisper and you're going to make a note write it down whatever you have to do put it in your phone of the exact modifiers that are on that item and you're going to put it in into the text box here remember our modifiers that we looked for earlier are explicits this is how you're going to type them in this is kind of a pain in the ass but this is how you're going to find that item specifically throughout all those pages before anyone else so let's type in strength and then you see here I have them in quotations so you're going to do this into that into that search bar you're going to uh quotations strength end quote space quotation quotation now keep in mind when you're doing this quotation and you are this the quotations tells the game that you specifically want that modifier on that item that is removing the pseudo tag from it and that is creating an explicit search through this UI right here now why is that important because it's going to find that specific item when you are searching for these mods it is imperative that you type it exactly as it is shown right here so I did fire resistance and Chaos resistance if I add any more to that and I wanted specific like let's let's here here's a better here's another little tip that you could use at your own Leisure right so let's say I want this specific ring right here this corruption Loop and I don't want anything else to shine so what we're going to do and I mean highlight when we're when we're sorting through the pages what we're going to do is we're going to do 18 um% to fire resistance blam so now that's going to only show you rings that have exactly 18% fire resistance on there you add another one let's say 43 to maximum Mana it doesn't have to be capitalized it'll actually Auto cap everything out so don't worry about capitalization and then boom if you add 43 to maximum Mana how many rings out there on the market do you think have 18% fire resistance and 43 to maximum Mana specifically uh you see where I'm going with this so you don't have to type out the entire ring so what you need to do is and here you go so it's hard to like organize my thoughts when there's so much I want to say but basically what we're what we're talking about here is we're narrowing the search down because we don't want to wait for this guy to answer his whisper and or forget about us so we want to we want to take that whisper we want a hotkey over to the Rings so that we can search through the tabs manually and find the specific ring before he even remembers that he has a freaking whisper so you're going to type in your very specific modifiers 18 to fire 43 to maximum Mana using the quotation system that I told you um percentages might be a little weird so I would recommend maybe doing the 43 to Max Mana 67 to Max life that's going to be a little bit easier you probably will find like two or three rings that have those exact numbers in total but it's not going to be pages on pages on pages then you just have to remember the buyout price and maybe one more important stat in your brain for when you're flipping through it and you find one that's highlighted you just hover over it and say oh well that's not the one it doesn't have a buyout price it has the same exact Mana I needed it has the same exact life I needed but but it doesn't have the buyout price I.E that's not the guy that I'm trying to buy from so that is probably the most useful tip for wanting to snag items quickly from console Market we have a shortcut to the website you just go to your menu after press the start button you go to trade website you can press X and it will send you straight to Poe's trade website then you can type in everything you need to put into your ring or whatever see that's uh that's the thing about it as well is like you know making a video for new players I completely forgot to even mention how the hell to get to the trade site so there you go that's how you do it you press Start options or whatever and then you'll see the link to the trade website it'll redirect you in in your uh console but that's how you're going to do it you're going to link your account all that nonsense and then you're going to be able to search for specific items and then it will all show up on the list of which one that you want now just to let Council players know if you do decide to go through the trade website to buy something that's when you're stepping into danger territory listen to me again you're stepping into danger territory cuz that's when you're stepping into the PC's area that's when in the waiting game happens [Music] longer ease ease up uh controllers down ease if I had to tell you one thing if you're watching this video I don't know where you're getting this whole uh PC players over there scary on I don't know it's just funny to me but I hope um you got to take away from the earlier section that you don't have to wait man you could just keep it pushing uh hopefully those hot Keys helps you out on that we'll keep it going because if you try to trade or buy something off their website there's a button on there that's called Whispers And if you click that button to try to buy from somebody it doesn't tell you on their website that that person is online or offline let's look right now so I think what you need to do if you're on let's say you're on Xbox okay and search show [Music] filters online only so it's to the right right here so you're going to pick your realm your PC Xbox or Sony you're going to Pi uh pick your league standard hardcore ruthless and you're going to pick on UNL online only so this is how you would get around that and like I said anybody can do this this is not a PC exclusive thing so just make sure that you're checked online only and you will only see items from people that are online let's continue but for us on Council we automatically know who's online and who's not online compared to PC where they have to guess who's online and who's not online we have an advantage to buy than they do they have the waiting game we don't have a waiting game like I said before you know he's uh you know he's he's mean he means well I don't want to hear anybody dragging him in the comments um you know he's definitely got a couple of things off like as far as his information is concerned but that's what our efforts are in this video is to try to help the gentleman out smooth out his understanding and get him trading more efficiently in the future let's continue so let's say if I want to buy this ring for8 chos which is way too high it's actually not that bad um way too high I mean a PC player might think okay that's a good price but personally got a open it's got a open suffix and an open prefix you will press the buy button not it go to send offer now we so let me as me personally uh this for newer players I wouldn't say this uh you know definitely be weary with your purchases 8 Kos is a lot to a new player if it were me and for some reason that was the only ring that I could get just to get me to that next like that next tier of maps or whatever it is to get me farming more efficiently or better eight chos I would have bought that immediately um just because AOS is a throwaway in the grand scheme of things when you get to the higher end farming you know what I mean a a chos is really nothing however for a new player I would definitely hoard not not not necessarily hoard your chaos but you know don't be afraid to make purchases like that for items that you know you're going to wear for a while and that could get you further in the game like if you if it literally came down to just squaring up your resistances and getting a ring like that that for eight chaos it has an open suffix open prefix I mean I don't want to give bad advice but I would just say do it I don't know uh I I just think that you want to find balance between hoarding your chaos and spending it to where you can upgrade your character so don't over hord and never upgrade but don't spend like crazy and waste all your money on [ __ ] that isn't upgrades you know it's a fine balance PC don't have this version we have this version now what happens is if you make an offer and you place it in here we can submit the offer to the person which they're not going to sell it submit the offer to the person and then we walk away yep once walk away we can go do our missions and everything we don't have to hang out and our Hideout and say oh my God is he going to buy it I got to waste time you know I can't leave my Hideout oh I can't wait see rejected oh see like I said people are online right now and if it's if the offer is accepted um it goes in green so you'll be mapping whatever you're doing you will see the notification at the bottom of your screen it's very large and it's in your face so you saw it right there offer rejected of course he was not going to accept it which is totally understandable totally understandable all right so I'm trying to give an examp for the sake of the length of the video we are going to briefly recap what we learned from the last section when searching for specific items we now know how to use the quotation system resistance doing that means you are sorting out pseudo and you want explicit modifiers on that item um you now know how to search for specific items on the trade site so we want ring we want amethyst ring um Pi amethyst ring we have our modifiers we put these in there we know not to do pseudo if we're looking for specific modifiers and we know how to search for those and we know how to use the whisper system uh not it's not a PC exclusive thing we use the whisper system we whisper for the player we find the whisper in our chat we hover over the item in the whisper we use the hotkey to go over to the manual uh ring selection we use the new um information with quotations how to specifically look for those specific modifiers we try to find the highlighted item with the correct buyout price so that way the person who's selling it does not have to remember the whisper um a lot of times when I get Whispers I'm either in the middle of something or boss fighting or whatever I'm doing by the time I get done with it the endorphins and the dopamines running through my blood I don't remember the whisper I don't remember that there was somebody wanting to buy but if there was like a UI that as soon as I popped out of my map and I noticed that I had you know accepted off so it would just be nice getting out of a a five-way or something having a nice UI set up to see all of the you know accepted offers and that way I can grab my items and it's all nice and good um but we did that we recap that um so now we know how to utilize the um UI much more effectively become quicker get back to mapping faster and I think the last little bit of detail that we need to do how to set up your uh sales uh tabs and whatnot um so if you're aware you're a new player you get into Path of Exile you're only going to have four stash tabs and you were required to own a premium stash tab in order to post things to the market for sale um if you notice here I have some of these diamonds on my tabs these are my sale tabs these are my 5c items 10 C items 20 C items 30 C items 40 plus 40 chaos plus and then uh this is usually where I put like my Divine items or anything uh when you first start out um you do have only four tabs you only need one premium to be able to sell and buy but it may be advantageous to purchase multiple uh stash tabs just for the sake of efficiency and whatnot what a lot of us players like to do is we like to make dump tabs dump tabs is where you're just going to toss everything from your Maps you're going to use your affinities to have things Auto sort for instance let's just grab gosh lasty I forgot how to hotkey so let's see okay let's say we got some of this we got some maps okay we got some flasks and we've got a couple of random pieces of gear okay so the purpose behind a dump tab is to streamline your efficiency uh make it to where you don't have to stay in your hideout uh as often so a dump tab is going to function just like this you set up your your affinities meaning uh in console I'm not sure how it's done but you'll probably see like a uh it's been a while since I've been on Console you'll probably see like hot Keys down here in this area or buttons to push to access this this is where you're going to change your tabs from public to private this is where you're going to turn your affinities on you're going to see the different types of affinities this one is the currency Affinity so all of your currency items your crafting orbs and whatnot are going to Auto sort into this that's what Affinity means it just means Auto sort um so we go over to our dump tab we hit our hotkey button just to Auto supress and you see all of the currency items went into the currency tab all the maps went into the map tabs and random Loose Gear went into the dump tab for me to sort later now why is that important efficiency baby that's why okay number two getting started as a new player we have a recipe system that we there's several recipe systems that you can do in this game basically what a what a recipe is it's a vendor recipe you go to any vendor in town and you sell a combination of items and it'll give you a specific outcome this particular recipe is called the chaos recipe everybody knew what it was coming so the chaos recipe is going to be a full set of unidentified rare gear item level 60 and above what that means is at least a two-hander or one one-handers or a one-hander and a shield so it has to occupy both slots two-hander will work two wands will work it doesn't matter you could mix match them you could do a a wand and a and an axe you know what I mean it doesn't matter you're going to need helmet chest two rings amulet boots gloves and a belt all need to be l 60 are higher and they all need to be unidentified and it'll give you two chaos orbs if you sell that full set of unidentified rare 60 plus gear to a vendor if one of them's ided it'll only give you one chaos it has to be unidentified so that is a really quick and easy way and I would highly recommend console players to do this mainly because console realm is a lot like a pseudo solo cell phone I would highly recommend utilizing chaos recipes early on in your leak start you don't have to do them throughout the entire thing but learn them enough to get yourself some loose chaos to buy some of those meaningful items for your bills what I like to do is I like to create a chaos tab uh should have one here somewhere but probably renamed it after uh probably renamed it after um you got to a certain point but basically what a what a chaos tab looks like to me is it's going to be just a regular tab with um certain items I might do um usually what I do is I have two tabs one of them is going to be for weapons and rings and jewelry the other one's going to be for pieces of gear you could fit like a full set on a normal tab about down to here where the belt lands so it'll be your Helm chest um gloves and boots and then a a belt and then you could full probably about six of them I think that's 1 two three four five six so you can to have six of them ready to go and then you have a second tab full of Wands and one-handers smaller one-handers that way you could pack the tab full of them or whatever you like if you want to make a quick sale I'll pick up a two-handed real fast if I just want to like knock out clean up my inventory once my tab gets full that's when I do the sale uh and that would be 12 chos per full tab that you get so it's a very handy trick for new players that are barely getting into Poe that want to make some early Curren so that they can maybe buy some of these items and make their builds uh you know function lastly I would like to touch upon the lack of Awakened Poe trade in this game unfortunately I don't have the ability to show you on my um game here because I am no longer on Console but what it looks like is this let's say God damn it last Epoch I swear um everybody just needs to universally adopt one system all right so let's just say we got these items here from a map and we want a price check I got this wand it's got all these mods on here holy [ __ ] what is all this awaken Poe trade you're going to be able to click on this item and it's going to show you the price comparison for what they're going for in and around um these mods and it's a very useful tool and it streamlines so much BS in this game I couldn't understand like being a new player learning all of this you don't know what the hell anything's worth you don't know at all so how the hell are you going to figure it out well unfortunately there's no easy solution to a learning curve like that but what you can do is you can kind of start to get an idea of what things are worth by utilizing the hotkey system that I was telling you about before so just like when you sent a whisper and you went into your text window and you want to buy that guy's item you hotkey that um that item you hit left hold left click and then hit triangle or Y uh whatever your button is perspective or respectively to the console it's going to pull up all of the items uh uh in the game that are that base type so like you saw earlier in the amethyst ring window if I want to find how much these wands are going for I need to learn how to get really really specific with these Search terms so with weapons and whatnot I would say if you're new don't be too concerned about base types what a base type is is the is the type of wand that it is those are the first stats that you see on it so for this one it's a demon's horn that means that it's going to have flat uh fire damage to spells and attacks so that's what that first text line you see right there adds 24 to 57 fire damage to spells and attacks that is the weapon base type if you're a new player I wouldn't be too concerned about weapon base types unless the build guy that you're following specifically says that you need a certain base type to function if nine times out of 10 it really isn't a specific base type you could get away with another base type while you're leveling and then if there is something that's very specific that's build defining it'll definitely be mentioned in the build guide so what we're going to do is we're going to try to find out how much this weapon is going for and when you're doing new searches make sure that you exit out of any search parameters like this because that'll give you a fresh start whenever you're searching any little checkbox item or something can completely brick your search results if something isn't showing up that you're searching for I would say nine times out of 10 it's because you have something checked in one of these boxes or you have some sort of a number in one of these it's counter uh it's contradicting your search so we're going to switch to wands and we're going to type in here um we need to be very specific when we're looking at mods so let's cross reference what it says again socketed gems are supported we'll start with that because I don't have dual screen so we're just going to go gems uh socketed gems are [Music] supported now you can see how this can be a little tedious on the console because you have that little text box that pops up and you have to put in every single you know thing at a time I get you guys I I'm I bear with you I was there for four years I'm just trying to help uh okay so there's socket gems are supported by you have to put in the number symbol supported by critical damage so what this is going to do check this out level 20 SU [Music] LMP high [Music] level projectiles and then uh let's just say crit and crit [Music] multi crit multiplier so now let's say that you just dropped this Banger looking wand and you've never seen socker of jump supported by level y increased damage socket of jump orted by blah multiple projectiles as you're typing these item these specific mods into the mod search it's going to show you as you're typing in the correct way to type it in see how that has the number symbol you have to do that and then if you want to adjust the level of the actual item you could put like minimum level 18 maximum level 20 then you could utilize this to be more specific for now I just want to see all wands that have these stats to give it a price comparison okay no results found I think that's funny because I have one of these in my stash right now uh for sale for spells ah so here we go example this is not the right one for to get Global four spells Bland see you have to be very very specific there's my wand for 200C the only one on the market uh it's probably not worth that I don't really know what it's worth but uh here's my wand so I searched my wand I found it here's my character name Rocky boom boom and I can direct whisper myself and then I can tell myself to go uh eat a lemon anyway when you are in the filters you're going to want to search very specifically for you know cross reference the item but then you say to yourself well cheddar that sounds like a lot of [ __ ] you know and I got to go this tiny little keyboard and click click click one thing at a time why would I do all that well there's another way to do it that's little this is probably for something that you know is Godly like obviously it's going to have like you're a new player you don't see Sak the gems are supported by critical damage LMP crit strike for spells Critical Strike multiplier it's kind of like hitting on all the buzz words like crit damage crit multi oh my God you know tons of good stuff so you're like this has to be worth something at least five 10 chaos right then you're going to take the time and you're going to input these specific parameters and you're going to find out how much that item's worth now let's say you just want a quick reference you don't want to go through all that [ __ ] it's not that great of an item it's got some good stats it's got some reses on it what are we going to do well what we're going to do is we're going to do that h key feature that I told you about um when you have the item you're going to hold down left click and you're going to click triangle or you're going to click Y and it's going to pull up the entire page of all those items well now I don't want to sort through all that [ __ ] how is this helpful well what you're going to do is you're going to put in a couple of the key search words so let's just use this example since he's got an amethyst ring on in the video you found an amethyst ring it has like two reses and life and it's an amethyst ring so it's got Bas chaos resistance and you're like I know it's worth something you know probably not much but at least something and I don't need it right now I could definitely use the chaos so what you're going to do is you're going to do the quick reference method hold down left stick click your triangle or your y it's going to pull up all the amethyst rings that are known to man you're going to put in Fire Resistance you're going to put in cold resistance you're going to put in life you don't have to go um specific with it you don't have to do quotations when you're doing a quick reference if you want to hone it down to be more specific I recommend putting everything you search for in quotations especially if you want that specific modifier but if you just want to quick reference how much something is just to get an idea of what to price it for do that put in your fire cold Health just like that fire space cold space Health much faster much easier and it's going to show you a few highlighted and then you're going to tick the box that says buyout only that way you can hide all the people that just have it up that don't have buyout prices you only want to see the buyout prices so then you're going to look through maybe this one's 10 chaos maybe this one's eight chaos maybe this one's nine chaos maybe this one's 11 chaos well there you go sell it for eight sell it for nine sell it for seven undercut everybody there you go you have an idea now here's another tip let's say you just did that you cross reference but you probably didn't do the best job in the world soon as you listed it you get spammed oh my gosh this guy wants to buy it this guy wants to buy it hold on that's a red flag I would say get in the habit of doing this if you get spammed immediately for something that you list look it up again just because and believe me I am telling you from experience it freaking sucks to know that you just sold something that is worth much more uh than you had it listened for shout out to that uh dude who bought my 190 Divine um crit Jewel 190 divines he bought it for like 30 jackass anyway that was hilarious I was getting spammed so fast and I didn't know what was going on I was like what take it 30 Divine that's cool yeah was 190 so felt uh actually I believe I quit right after that I'm just messing with you but let's review so the major thing the major takeaway from this video I would say is the hot Keys learn how to use your hot Keys um for the quick price reference uh utilize your hot keys for specifically finding the item that you want to buy and you don't want to wait or you don't want anyone else to snag it up with the whisper system um utilizing the hotkeys in those ways are very essential to streamlining your uh League experience when it comes to making currency um understanding that you need a premium tab to even sell anything sucks but it's true it's not that expensive and the tabs always go on sale like the second or third week of a fresh league so I would hold off whenever you start a fresh league if you really want to buy some tabs I would say wait for your second or third week especially because you're a new player and you probably don't have anything that important to sell anyways so you might as well wait for the discount and then lastly I would say um show some respect to the gentleman you know he's trying he's trying it is all good let take a look at your items those boots yeah I would definitely buy those for 1C if I saw those these are the things that I'm selling uh you got a quit Co whatever Dragon Mall thingy that is a leveling unique that is probably an Alchemy not you can see as you saw I sold one item for four um a lot of your a lot of the leveling uniques in this game and these shitty uniques uh typically are um vendor food or you could sell them for literally just as cheap as possible but I would just get the Alchemy shards for them it's it's it's really hard to help new players like understand items in the game because number one you get four stash tabs number two the game shits items out on you left and right and uh number three there's just so many damn things in the game to know there's no way to know what's valuable what's not um I think that's where loot filters come into play you guys should check out the description I'm going to link a couple of videos that I noticed while I was canvasing the internet um that have um really good information for console players one of them is going to be about your filters and how item filters will definitely help you out especially the new players for um understanding what's valuable when you hear a big swing and you see it highlighted and it's all glowy and stuff you kind of have a better idea that it's worth something um versus the other items that just are not uh there is another video that will go over like controller layout I thought it was pretty good he does it a little bit backwards than me but um I'm kind of curious if the uh implementation to left Mouse click is going to affect console I don't think so because we never had left Mouse click in the first place you just had your stick and then um and then yeah you would just throw like your instant skill on your X or your a or whatever ever it is for um whatever it is for your respective controllers so uh check out those two videos I also link the original video in the description for ease I hope this V uh this video met you well and I hope you got some good information out of it uh let me know uh the DMS if uh you want to do a collab or something sounds good to me um I would just say if you guys made it this far if this video was helpful uh please show a little YouTube love you know what I mean it's hard out here but uh other than that I'm going to Stew on it we're going to edit hopefully this one comes out solid uh peace out till next time guys have a good one
Channel: Cheddariz
Views: 718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Path of E, PoE 3.24, console, beginner
Id: Xm31UVtEb5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 39sec (2979 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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