So, what is the BEST Spectre in Necropolis 3.24? - FULL GUIDE

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hey guys Gass TV here with another path of XL video and today I'm going to cover the different type of best specters that is in the current state of the league 3.24 necropolis and I'm going to talk about which builds that are going to be using them that I have guides for in what capacity what they do and what kind of supports that you either will be using or could be using essentially I'll try to cover as many aspects of this as possible and which vectors are best for certain approaches to the game a lot of people have been asking me yo gassie what is the best Vector gassi what's the best Spector gassie what's the absolute best Spector absolute or best I mean there's only one best right the answer is very tricky to to give because the differences are all depending on the state of budget your characters in what kind of build it is are you using utility specters or damage dealing specters or both so let's talk about some approaches to this the list of specters is very simple we're going to have a war caller which is an ancestral League specific Spectre we have the Moon Dancer which is a league specific Spectre as well these two specters are currently available in necropolis and not available moving forward because they're not part of the core game but we have other specters part of the core game such as the previous old type specters like Arena Masters and pale Sim but we also have the spectral leader which is also a tier 17 Spectre which means that after this league is over unless they make any changes the Spectre leader will be one of those specters that will follow us then we have classical Specter such as primal from the Harvest encounters like Primal rex or Primal Crush Claws and stuff like that so which specs are then the best well let's just crack into it shall we before we crack into it I do want to say thank you to everyone who's been subscribed to the channel I do appreciate it if you watch this video and you happen to enjoy it when you're done watching it do consider liking and subscribing let's start with damage dealing specters now there are currently based of my own testing and a lot of people have been contributing with the feedback and testing purposes I have Bol and many other people have been helping out a lot with this going to talk about damage dealing specters and when I say damage dealing specters I mean where your specters are meant to be used as a main source of damage output Moon Dancer was the craziest things I've ever seen H when we first encounter them and that is because they have a tremendous amount of HP allowing them to be used as early as as soon as you get access to the Spectre gem If You Can level a new character and you get a spectre gem you can equip and summon out your Moon dancers and they will completely obliterate the entire campaign there are also fantastic specters to you be used as a lowbudget approach where enemies aren't too rip risky in bad gear if you will and the reason for this is also that we have a position where single Target boss fights are not too scary the problem with the moon dancers is that there's going to be a brick wall where they start to fall off and that is because they do not cast or attack their spell they are triggering this on a timer and then they trigger it even more if they are actually moving which means modifiers to movement speed increases the amount of projectiles they shoot which is really awkward but this means that they are capped in how well you can scale them towards endgame meaning that moondancers are one of the craziest early game specters you can use and most builds that would be using this is essentially any type of leveling build any build that uses utility Spectre can just smack these on early on instead of having buffing specters most prominently we have builds such as the SU men using this now what's really cool with the zo mener is that in the build guide that I have posted on Pue Vault uh which looks like this uh you have the availability in the pub section a little note about the current generation of the new all flame Spectre Moon dancers now keep in mind again that's only for this league and this link here will uh provide you to the setup and in which case we're using greater volume minion damage minion speed Co penetration hypothermia now there's quite a few different setups you can use but what I want to talk about is two things specifically um one is obviously the minion speed being their movement speed to help trigger them faster the other aspect of it is the approach of um the greater volley you want to give them as many projectiles as possible so greater volley is very important because of the extra projectiles but the reason we use greater volley instead of GMP is because the projectiles themselves with then land in a clustered line which allows them to do better single taret Target damage which is something they lack now something else to add to this is that for the sake of clearing we use faster projectiles for these guys and the reason we use faster projectiles for the moon dancers is very simple they have a wider range where they're shooting they're also casting mortars these mortars will actually Collide on ground or if they collide with an enemy Target this is how they are not completely obliterated in terms of single Target damage if you have a faster projectile on the other hand projectiles that if that might have landed next to the boss and done damage to the boss will now miss the boss and land further away and miss it entirely that is why faster projectile turns into hypothermia or slower projectile when you're doing endgame Pinnacle bosses with moon dancers the problem again is after the initial end game red tier Maps first couple void stones and whatnot mooner starts to fall off and you kind of want to switch away from them so when it comes to the sancer build when you move in from Moon Dancer specters into using utility specters that is something I would do once I get a what's called a minion helmet that is a hypothermia minion damage supported Elder shaper helmet that's the kind of position where I would go back to the build guide and look at the utility specters and therefore just run with those instead now what kind of specters would you then switch to cuz we're not going to deal main source of damage with our spectors anymore as we're now back on our regular Zoom manager build instead we're going to be using the best setup for or utility support specters however there's again different utility best choice of support specters depending on the build so for the sancer that would be a primal Crush claw because of the cold that M taken we will run a spectral leader that I'll be talking about in this video we're also going to be running an arena master and the fourth one will be a a war caller that would be the list of specters I would deem to be the best for suan specifically as it is a cold damage dealing build if you're looking at builds like Bama U from prevy for example or many other generic bills like poison SRS for example the best support specters would actually be in order of efficiency spectral leader Arena Master War CER and pale sfim in that order so that's kind of like the top choice of actual generic damage dealing spects which will like doesn't really care what kind of element of damage they're doing it's just generic speed and efficiency that's coming to the table so what exactly is then do happening when it comes to the war caller and the actual spectral leaders I'm going to talk about this real quick and that is first and foremost that the war caller has a pretty much a permanent uptime of a thing called horn blow this is also something that is only available in the current state of the league uh in necropolis through the all flame encounters and these guys are giving onslot Which is 20% movement attack and cast speeded to you and your minions in a radius pretty much full up time on this that is what they are doing which is worse than Arena Master which is doing that and gives 20% increased damage that's why the arena Master is prioritized over the warcaller the other sport Spector I was talking about which is basically one of the top choices is a spectral leader now the spectral leader is very very specific they have a 80% up time from a spell called the speed Ora Atlas Uber this is a 0.7 cast time ability with a 10-second cool down and it gives literal 20% action speed which is one of the craziest most strong buff you can find in the entire game with an 8sec duration now keep in mind this spell from the Spectre is tagged with duration which allows you to run duration support as an example should you choose to I don't think this is super important but I definitely think that it should be pointed out the war col itself shouldn't have any sort of specific extra support GS to it whilst the r the spectral leader has the ability of doing such things like having a duration support as an example again not something that would focus on or prioritize but it should be mentioned so the support specs support gems for these specters has more to do with the utility approach that you would normally do anyway such as me Shield Elemental Army uh minion life and that kind of approach however moving on to the other part of spects and that is damage dealing specters what do we do when we can't use Moon dancers if you decide to play either a pure Spectre build or a spectre build or build that is focusing specters for main source of damage output in general once we move over from Moon dancers and we want to use something else that actually scales foran game the switch period or the switch time frame would happen when you have the pos position where you are moving from three specters to four specters there are two scenarios where this happens one is if you get a delve spec delve only drop chest piece that has plus one to maximum specters or your Spectre gem is now level 25 either through the UN use of the unique bones of UL boots plus one or plus two levels from your weapon maybe plus one from your Shield plus one or plus two from your helmet will allow for these things to happen you can also get plus one from your amulet in some cases or even plus three from a replica however the amulet should not be used in this we used for replica Dragon we are going to be using peral's toe for Lucky lightning damage hit and the reason for this is that once you move into four specters you will then have a beneficial damage outut and a functionality of The Wretched defiler Now The Wretched defilers are a casting minion that is dealing pure lightning damage and the problem with these is a little bit how they behave so I'm going to talk about the support gems used by the r defiler and the really crazy part about this is the strength and power provided by the action speed speed that is coming from the actual spectral leader is so strong that this is one of the very few times over the past decade where a build that focuses specters on main source of damage output would not only have their specters be of one type we're going to have three wretch defilers and one spectral leader this is going to net you a speed buff but most importantly an actual DPS output gain compared to having four Rich defilers so that is a setup and if you go into five specters you just add another rich defiler and for the actual approach of the um the the Spectre helmet we would run the same setup one spectr leader and the remaining specters would be reg def filers now in the descriptions below you will find a link to my Pub that I've made which is a mockup thrown together lowbudget R defiler pu for the Spectra build that I'm working on on stream you swing by the stream if you have any questions so that is available in the links in the descriptions there is also a link to my Bild guide Hub in which you can find the saner where the Moon Dancer build is available as well as shown in the video so rich defiler is very very tricky they basically are casting and they have nine projectiles fired in a spiral but these spirals do not happen in a spiral but rather as a fan in front of them which means that they don't have a circular 360 AOE projectile shooting this means that you're going to want to have the Spectrum as close to the enemy Target as possible and then they will hit with all of their projectiles the problem with this is that they have a tendency of literally running away and then shooting the boss from afar so it was actually a net DPS loss to convocate them on top of a boss because they actually stopped shooting many times over to run away e and then start shooting from a distance even if I had Predator as a support jum for them or even if I had feeding fry so what do we then support the actual um r defilers with the Pu that I'll be linking is showing minion damage obviously but the the important ones we're going to talk about is Spell echo which is obvious you know very logical the other part is returning projectiles which is covering your entire screen with projectiles and for this to work you need peers so those two are super super important and then we run a faster projectile and the faster projectile is also again to cover as much ground on the screen as possible now it is very beneficial to use faster projectiles for the simple fact that faster projectile is actually giv you increase damage output returning projectile is not the best for single Target but Pierce is also one of those support gems that actually gives increased damage which is not the best so if you want to optimize your specters for single Target damage outputs you will actually need to use sensitive remove the vichi white color sockets uh approach to the game use Omens that drops or purchase to color white sockets you need to remove the returning projectiles and turn it into a predator support if you want to be really picky you could also change the faster projectile or the Pierce uh for a gem such as um in lightning penetration or slower projectile it's up to you how many gems you actually want to swap for optimal damage output now you might notice that we're not using greater volum or GMP despite the fact that those Pro support gems do not actually alter the trajectory of the projectiles this is because very often they were missing quite a few of the projectiles as it is already so adding more to them would just increase their fan and make more projectiles Miss whilst the projectiles that actually are hitting are do dealing even less damage making this a net loss of DPS output so this was the best way for us to find a middle ground and have them actually do really well clearing fantastic even on a four Spector setup where three of them are defilers it's what I've been playing on stream doing tier 16 Maps having a very comfortable experience with that right now despite the horrific gear I'm running perkle toe helps the lucky hit with the lightning damage output and we cannot use a support such as volatility because that's an attack support and these guys are casting spells so that's basically what we have so far I do not have a r inspector helmet pu yet that is because I'm trying to set it up first so I can play test it I don't want to give you a mockup that is just a based of theoretical information I wish I really want this video to give you black and white 100% transparency and you know all cards to the table this is the best and I can guarantee it and put my name on on this and say with confidence that you have been given accurate information now I will say this though that there are still specters that look theoretically very very bad that we are still testing since there have been cases in the past where a spectre that looks theoretically bad have been the best to use S such as The Syndicate operatives so we will be verifying if there's something hidden we've missed but as of now this is the best setup that we can get so a quick recap damage dealing specters you will start on very low budget or leveling even to use Moon dancers once you reach a point where you can have four specters you want to use the wretch defilers instead as your main source of damage if you want that to be from your specters when you go four specters you will use one of them to be a spectral leader instead however if you're running support specters the best support specters for generic damaged approach or poison or chaos what you would want to run is a spectral lead leer an arena Master a war caller and a pale sfim in almost every case the only time this switches is to basically push this entire list so that the Spectra leader is the second Arena Master is the third and the war caller is the fourth and the first one being whatever minion support you have for a specific element mostly talking about lightning being Primal Rex matriarch and cold being Primal Crush claws to increase the damage output from those approaches and even then I would still say that the Spectra leader should be the number one option when it comes to this one little detail besides this is that if you are unable to uh if you are unable to um find these specters you can always swing by the global 6666 channel in which myself and many other are sharing these specters for free of course with the with the assumption that you also help share them with other people in the channel besides this you can pick up the tier 17 factors from any tier of maps and the way we do that is by specking into the invasive adversaries the very top in the middle of the atlas passet tree is a node that says your Maps contain 10% more Monster packs consisting of difficult and rewarding monsters if you spec into this node you can just Spam up a handful of tier one maps and you will eventually actually see your tier 17 Spectre as well this is how we were able to pick them up early on in the league and some of us like myself were buying the tier 17 maps to pick these out to test but this is one way of achieving this moving forward which is much cheaper much easier to do than buying some tier 17 maps um when it comes to the allf flame specters if you're playing solo cell found or you don't want to have help getting them from the global channel uh you would have to engage with a league mechanic so when you engage with a league mechanic that is one way to get yourself the actual approach of these um specters that is only for the league specific encounters right now and this pretty pretty much concludes this entire video I hope this is of use of you for you and I really hope that um the spectral leader will stay as strong as it is right now because having action speed buff is absolutely insane one little detail though before finalizing this is the fact that you want to keep track of your spectral Leader by simply looking at his HP he is the squishiest of all of these specters unlike the moondancer who's built like a tank spectr leader is built like a piece of paper this means that some investment on your tree to minion survivability is definitely needed this is also a very effective way for us to have a extremely strong buff that non minion build players will not be able to reliably maintain because if you don't have Investments to your minion survival this guy will not survive I think that's a pretty cool way to do it in terms of balancing but that's about it if you think I missed anything or if you like this video like I said before please do consider liking and subscribing and let me know in the comments below what you guys think of it and I'll catch you guys in the next one so till then as always stay safe keep [Music] rocking
Channel: GhazzyTV
Views: 75,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ARPG, Path of Exile, PoE, Diablo 4, poe crucible, crucible best builds, gazzy necromancer, necromancer builds, poe necro, necro 3.22, poe builds 3.22, best builds 3.22, poe best builds 3.22, path of exile best builds 3.22
Id: OA5Z0eq9CYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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