How to Trace Patterns from a Book to CLO3D

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in this video i will show you how to trace patterns from a book so look through a pattern book and i selected this particular pattern piece because it's a one piece combination with the front and the back but obviously this applies to any pattern that you choose is just that you might choose multiple patterns if you have a front back sleeve various components like a collar or pockets but i wanted to do one garment with one particular pattern so let's start with an empty screen window and we're gonna bring in an avatar so i'm gonna left click on avatar i'm gonna go for a female avatar since this is a women's shirt and i'm gonna select um this particular avatar she's loading up that's grace and now i'm going to bring in my pattern piece but before i do that i want to make sure that we have a large pattern piece on which we can trace that so i'm gonna come to my rectangle or that's our polygon rectangle ellipse do not go to internal or baseline go to the first tool so let's take a rectangle or shortcut s and i'm going to create a large pattern piece on which we will create a which will trace the pattern so i just left clicked in the 2d window and i'm going to give this a let's say 30 by 30 and you can see how big that is and let that synchronize and bring that over accidentally created the second pattern piece so i'm going to delete that you can also see how big that is in the 3d window i'm going to remove the random color i'm going to make it monochrome so you could again you could either left click and create a pattern piece or you can so i deleted this one or you can with the polygon tool you can just come and outline what you would like so i'm going to create a large pattern piece that can um with the polygon tool rectangle tool so i'm going to create a large pattern piece that can fit enough of a front and sleeve and back and if i need more i can always make it bigger so the next thing we need to do is we need to bring in the pattern piece we can do that in multiple ways we can either click on the plus button and find out where that pattern piece is and mine is called kimono and you can click on that pattern piece and bring it in or you can also go to the property editor so make sure that your width pattern you select it and make sure you have the object browser and property both open so for this particular one so i would like to come down to the texture make sure that you clicked on that particular fabric and come down to let me expand my window a little bit i just want to be able to see the right side you can move the bar down here just like you can move this one here to see more or less you can also make the property editor a little bigger or a little smaller this is as far as this one would go so let's look for the texture so again we have left click on the pattern piece on which we want to bring the tracing we have selected it in the object browser then we come to the property editor come down to texture left click on texture and locate where you're tracing where the image of your pattern is so mine is on my desktop it's called kimono double check that that's the piece and i brought it down i cut out just the pattern that i want i removed all of the writing and everything else so i cut it down as close as possible to the pattern so i'm gonna click open and that's gonna place it on my pattern piece so i'm gonna minimize the object browser property editor so now we're gonna work in the 2d window so you see that chloe brought in the pattern piece and multiplied it or created a print out of it so what we want to do is we want to enlarge this so i'm going to click on my edit texture tool so we're going to work with the edit texture tool to enlarge the pattern piece so we can trace it but we need to have some kind of a guide we need to know how big the pattern piece is so that means that either you have measurements on the original pattern piece and you know for this pattern piece so let me enlarge it so you can see what this is or i can also open it in the preview either in the original pattern piece you need to know exactly what's your either center backs and a front long length of the sleeve lock on the shoulder you need at least one measurement that you can reference that will correspond to the avatar so if you're working from your own measurements then you need to have an avatar that has your measurements if you're working with this um basic avatar as far as we know this avatar is size six so we can approximate or you can measure your mannequin or form at home or in school and approximate what the measurements would be so let's say that i want to make sure that the length of the center front is particular measurement from the neck to the waistline you could also measure yourself and figure out what that measurement is so let's say for me let's say i want my center front to be about 20 inches from neck down to the waistline so that means that it will cover somewhere down to the hips so let's input that measurement 18 to 20 inches whatever you like so in order to do that we will come to internal polygon line and we're going to draw a line i would put it uh vertical to let's say one side and we're going to orient the pattern so i'm going to make a line that is the measurement for me right now i am going to go for center front so i'm going to make this an 18 inch line you can right click and add the length that you want and then click ok or you can just left click left click so when you're done click return and that will give you a measured line so if i click on edit pattern and i click on this line it tells me this is exactly 18 inch so now we're going to come to edit texture and with the tool make sure that you clicked on the pattern with the tool first of all i'm going to reorient i'm going to rotate my pattern piece and align it with this internal line here so i'm going to i want to make this center front line 18 inches long because i've decided that my center front will be 18 inches long so i have my guideline that is 18 inches long which you can barely see it here and i want to make sure that my pattern piece center front is 18 inches long okay so i'm going to keep playing around with this until first of all i just aligned it to this line and now i'm going to enlarge it and i'm going to keep moving it and enlarging it until the center front line on this pattern piece is exactly 18 inches so i keep trying to align it here and that is my measuring guideline so we're almost there so a little bit smaller just a tiny bit bigger so this might take might take a little bit of time and we can also so that's good enough and also i just want to rotate it a tiny bit okay that's perfect so now i know that my center front on this particular pattern piece is 18 inches and now i don't need this line anymore i can come and just delete this guideline because that was just a guide for me so i don't need that line anymore but now i see that my original uh piece of fabric that i created is too small so i'm gonna come to the edit pattern tool and i'm just gonna extend it more to make sure and you can call hold shift to make sure that you extend it on both sides i'm gonna extend it so it covers the pattern piece that i have so i am selecting the two dots on this side holding shift and just pulling out so that it creates an equal amount on both sides and this is good enough and i see that on this side is too long so i'm just gonna make it and bring it closer so we're ready to trace this pattern piece and what you can do also is come to transform pattern a select everything right click on it and just lock lock everything so now it doesn't matter what i do uh nothing moves anymore and once we have aligned and everything is in there we don't want it to move anymore so now we're going to come to internal polygon line select the internal polygon line or g and with that tool we're going to trace around the shape and there's a couple of different ways you can do it one of them is you can so i would zoom in really well so depending on the pattern piece that you have if you have a lot of straight lines it's very easy to do the trick is when you have curved lines so if you're really good at tracing i would make sure that you zoom in so you can see everything really well you can you know start clicking on the corners and make sure that you're really well in there and then come to every single corner and respect the lines and make sure that you're tracing as well as you can so you can do this really precisely if you can so when it comes to the curves i would come to the middle left click hold and create the curve but it's very difficult to create a really good curve right so nothing is quite perfect and as even as i'm trying to i still see that i need adjustments to do later so and for the next curve it will probably be see right there in the upper right corner i need more adjustments so you can do that and later on you can add more curve points or what you can do is so i just deleted all of this the easier way to do this is to just do the straight lines and then come in later with edit um at with edit curvature uh edit curve edit curvature or edit curve point v either one of these tools and then add all of the curve points so i will do that because it's much easier so let's do this so watch what i'll do here is i'm gonna zoom in and make sure that i'm really well in the corner then i'm gonna go to the next corner and just do all of my straight lines and then when i come to a curve instead of trying to recreate the curve i'm going to find more or less the middle of the curve and just click there with a straight line and then go to the next corner i'm going to zoom in here and completely ignore the curves but just give myself a little guide there so i know where i need to come in and create curves so this will be a much easier and much faster way so i'm going to kind of more or less find the middle again i'm going to do it right at the notch and then come to the curve at the point here i mean to the corner not the curve and again i'm trying to be really precise and you can zoom in as much as you like and just really uh decide if you're right in the middle of the line or on the outside of the line whatever you do just make sure that you're consistent i try to be right in the middle of the line and that's fine so here you can even go straight here or you can also try to find the middle and then go to the next corner uh here there's uh they've created the dart but we're going to stitch that and come all the way to here so i'm just going to click there and i'm going to go straight and close it so be careful to click exactly inside the dot and that's going to close the shape and synchronize so now you have a complete shape now our overall shape is trace so i'm going to come to v which is edit curvature now edit curve point v because that's gonna let me add a point wherever i wanna create a curve so so now watch i'm not clicking yet i'm just watching exactly i wanna be for this particular one i want to find the deepest uh end of the curve here and that's where i'm going to place a point left click hold and just bring the whole line in and you can also move and find where is the perfect curve here where is the perfect curvature when you're ready release and that recreated the curved line and we can do this for every single line and later on we can also remove that middle point for example if you're not happy about it but right now i like it and if you want to remove that middle point click on edit pattern and right click on that point and convert to curve so we're converting that point to curve so come back to v which is uh edit curve point and continue we don't have any curves here we have curves here so again i'm hovering over the line left click hold and then bring the line in and if the curve is not good enough you can add a second point so here it looks like i'm gonna have to add a second point and i'm gonna add it right here and you can move around see where it is okay this one is here perfect and i'm going to keep doing that until i get all of my curves really good so i might have to do this first and i put a point there that i want to remove in a second actually i can move it so i'm going to come to edit curve how to edit pattern and just kind of move it or use the edit curvature and just add points wherever i like them and again if you don't want to point you can also work with edit curvature and just curve the whole line and i will let you uh play with the whole segment so playing with c and v edit curve point and edit curvature and eventually you will get the ideal shape that you like and this one is still not perfect uh i'm going to push it a little bit more i so this is much more in the middle of the black line so i'm happy with that and again i'm going to come to edit curve point of v i like working with that because it lets me place a point and then when i left click i can still manipulate where and how and what's going to happen with that so i'm going to put this one here and then the next one here and this one took three points but now i'm happy with this it looks like is almost perfectly in there and again if it's not perfect you can come in here and just push the line a little bit with c edit curve so i'm coming back to v edit curve point because that lets me add points and i'm going to do this one and then one more here and now i am happy with this so this was bringing a pattern and then tracing it around and now all we have to do is we need to actually bring this outline as a pattern outside so when you finish with this make sure that you're very happy with all of your lines you're going to come to trace or shortcut i you're going to select all of the lines or you can just grab all of them or you click on every single one of them to make sure everything is selected or i just outline all of them and it's only grabbing the internal lines because i locked the overall patterns and now i'm going to right click on it and i'm going to trace as pattern so again i have the trace tool in my hand you can see it highlighted in blue on the right side i selected all of the lines that created the outline of this pattern right click anywhere on them and trace this pattern left click on that and now you're gonna have the pattern in your hand so i'm gonna just place it here to the side and that is my new tray style pattern now if i want to see and add any kind of signage or any kind of internal lines i can still come and play with my edit texture tool and i can move this around to adjust so i can see because remember this creates a repeat in the background and move that around so that i can see exactly maybe where my notches are maybe where my um internal lines are for example um if this line here was actually a stitch line i can now come to my internal polygon line and create a internal line that connects pattern piece to pattern piece and click return when you're done and i can also split this into two different pattern pieces or i can use this internal line for example to place some kind of pattern annotation on it so for that i would need to open property editor select the internal line make sure that that line is selected and i can see my pattern annotation so i can change this so if this is a fault line for example i will choose the fold line symbol here if this happens to be not a fault line so with pattern symbol i will come and i will delete that if i don't need any pattern symbols there um if that happens to be a cut line i place my internal line i'm going to right click on it and i'm going to cut it right and that's going to create two separate pattern pieces so that's also a way to if you have symmetric patterns or front and back this will actually be much easier to simulate when i get to 3d because this large open pattern will be very difficult to drape over the avatar so i'm actually going to leave this as two different pattern pieces another thing that i highly recommend that is proper to do with patterns come to pattern annotation and come and name all of your patterns so this one is front i'm going to do it in capital letters and then for the back piece the back piece and if you want to change it i clicked on the smaller a or edit pattern you can grab that and you can let's say rotate it or move it or do whatever you like to do or just move it anywhere you want and for the back i'm gonna so with that pattern notation i'm gonna click there type back and again with the smaller a or edit pattern annotation i can grab that and move it and maybe this one needs to get rotated so it's proper naming when you're done with this um you can also add all of your notches for example remember we have a notch tool up here called notch and you would come in and it would add all of your notches exactly what they're supposed to be and that will help matching up your sleeves and help your sewing so we have our notches so create everything that needs to be created here and when you're done with everything then you can come in and delete this was just uh it won't delete because it's locked so i'm going to unlock all pattern lines and again select it and delete it and now we have our pattern pieces here and again i don't need these once you annotate and put all of your symbols and lines and everything i don't need any of these lines anymore so obviously um you can assign different fabric but i don't have any other fabric here all both of these have prints on them so i'm going to come to fabric left double click on that i'm going to open all the fabric choices and i'm going to bring a default see how this one says default for simulation so either one of these is fine they don't have any particular specifications one is a little heavier they're both exactly the same thickness and everything so i'm going to bring one of these and either bring it to the object browser and assign it or just drop it on top but here it dropped it only on one of the patterns so i'll select the second one and then assign the default fabric to that one too so now i have nice and clean patterns so that was tracing a pattern from a book and adding all of the annotations and all of the signs and everything else
Channel: BobbinTalk - CLO3D
Views: 1,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clo3d, clo3dfashion, clo3dtutorial, howto, topstitching, virtualfashion, avatar, clo, 3D, fashion, virtual fashion, clo3d patterns, pattern drafting, pattern drafting in clo3d, custom patterns, trace pattern from a book, trace pattern clo3d, trace patterns clo3d, how to make patterns in clo3d, make patterns in clo3d, create patterns in clo3d, trace patterns in clo3d
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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