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welcome to match oh I'm so excited that I could finally say that because I've been dying to say this so if you're watching this I'm a youtube welcome to subscribe comment like and if you are viewing this on my Instagram comment like and share so I'm sure you guys can't tell from the title this is a DIY highlight video I will be doing two of them I will be doing bleached I die and colored hi guy and I will also be doing this spiral technique and also the sparse technique so if you're interested in so I never thought I would have been doing my first video in a mask but I mean we all know what's going on so I hope everyone is staying safe I just pulled up to target so I'm gonna get like all my shirts here I did also notice a lot of like videos I've been seeing on like Instagram YouTube tik-tok like people have been doing sweaters and sweat out fits and shorts and crops so I'm just gonna kind of browse around and like see what I could find hopefully I find a lot of good stuff for you guys I also did see that they have tie ties Wow they have dyes to tie guy with so I'm hoping they actually do have them in store because I'll just order them online if not but if they do then we could do some color work as well so we're gonna head inside now guys and hopefully I don't get sidetracked because if they're anything like me target is like a playground so let's go see [Music] hi guys so what you're gonna go ahead and do first is you're going to soak all the items that you will be tie-dying so I went ahead and just did a bowl full of water in front of the camera just so you guys can see what I'm doing but if you guys are doing this at home you could go ahead and do this in the bathtub of the shower or to sing whatever is easiest for you so after you're done soaking it what you're gonna do next is you're gonna wring it out just to get all the water out because you only want your shirt damp you don't want it to soak so I'm gonna go ahead and do the rest off the camera to speed this little process up and then I'll take you on to the next step [Music] so for this up here we're gonna do the spiral technique now depending wherever you want the center of your circle it could be in the center on the top and the bottom anywhere you want I want mine in the center you're gonna take your fork place it down exactly where you want the center to be and just spin the fork and you see how the whole entire shirt is spiraling up like that that's what's gonna give you the whole circle effect for this next step here you're going to gather all the sides of your shirt and bring them together in one you want to follow the circle technique like I'm doing right now going clockwise or counter clockwise just so it's so pulls the whole spiral technique your next steps take your rubber bands and you're going to wrap your shirt up together now I you score for this but you can use more I've seen people use six I think people use eight the more you use the more dominant new circle will look when you open up the entire shirt at the end so you do want to sit mimic a pie shapes that's what's going to give you the whole circle effect [Music] for this next shirt here I'm going to do the spiral technique again without the fourth you just pinch wherever you want the middle of your circle to be and just spin it's super easy and it's a lot easier honestly than the fourth but I'm just super OCD so I like to use a fork to be like more like on point I guess you could say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the second technique I'm going to be showing you guys is a scrunch technique now this is actually super easy you're really honestly just scrunching or pinching the item of clothing that you're doing and you're gathering it all into one so for the next step here you're taking your rubber bands and you are tying them around the shirt in different sections there is no specific way to do this this is just more so this shirt stays together while you're dyeing the shirt so at first you can see what I'm doing guys like I'm just putting the rubber band on it and not actually tightening it but then I slowly realize my whole entire shirt is gonna come apart so then I actually went and I did it tighter and I wrapped it around twice so don't mind my mistake don't do it actually do like wrap it around twice it stays [Music] so I guess you could say the hard part is done now so these are what all my shirts look like right now so gloves are optional like I did post before but I just prefer gloves because I hate the smell of bleach especially if it gets on my hands I don't know about you guys but I feel like I can never get it off so you're gonna take any type of squeeze bottle I got this from the Dollar Tree I love Dollar Tree I think so all you're doing is you're pouring your bleach into the bottle now [Music] so I decided to do the spiral shirts first I just thought that would be a little bit easier so I'm just gonna go ahead and move these other shirts off to the side and I'm gonna start with this one first now when you're doing the spiral technique you have to put the bleach in every other triangle that is what's actually going to give you the effect of like the color or the bleach and then the shirt so I'm gonna go ahead and do that with each one of these triangles after you do do that you're gonna flip the shirt over because who only wants to hide out in the front of the shirt I mean it is optional you don't have to do the back but I like the tie-dye in both the front and back and you're gonna mimic the same exact thing and you're gonna put the bleach in the same triangles that you did on the front [Music] so now that I finish the spiral technique shirts it's time move on to the sponge technique ones so I did use a lot of my bleach thighs so I'm just gonna have to re-up on my bleach in my bottle if you guys want you don't have to use a small bottle like I am using when you see the rest of my video and you see the color dye you'll see the bigger bottles that I did use which I do wish I did that for this one guys look at my beanie that's the little baby Comey I mean I wish I could sit here and talk about him but I will be going on for hours so now it's just time to move on and actually dye this shirt so what you're gonna do here is you're literally just squeezing the bleach everywhere on your shirt the more bleach you do the more I guess haitai effect it'll come out in and then like I said before if you want it on the back of your shirt as well you're just gonna flip it over and do the same thing on the back of your shirt [Music] so guys now that all my shirts are finally bleached and done it's time to pack them away so you're gonna put your shirts in a bag you could use honestly any bag you want if you guys are like me you have a bag at home that has a million other plastic bags in it so that's what I decided to use some girls and guys that I've seen videos before they have used plastic bags they have used ziplock bags garbage bags honestly whatever is best for you so the reason you're doing this is to lock all the moisture inside of the bag and onto this shirt you don't want it just to completely dry out [Music] [Music] now it's time for the colorwork round - you're gonna do the exact same thing you're going to take all your items soak them in water but this time it's going to be hot water the hot water will let the colored dye stick to the shirt even more I went ahead and record all the tops already because you've seen how that was already done so now these are a pair of biker shorts I really thought this would be a little harder but it was super easy as well and I did some spiral technique for this one because I have a matching top to go with this one [Music] so now I'm going to be doing sweatpants I'm gonna do the scrunch technique on these so what is it different with this one was as I scrunched then I rubber banded I just felt over a little bit easier due to the fact that this material is so thick but I'm happy that it did actually work and it didn't unfold at all either so bear with me guys because this is my first time doing a pair in sweatpants or pants in general [Music] the next up here you're going to be mixing your dyes now this is where you're gonna take your dye and this is also we're going to take your bottle and you're just gonna pour it in the mix thing now I really wanted to see the pigmentation of the guys that I was working with so I poured the dye into the bottle and I tested it out on a paper towel now you could test it out on a towel a t-shirt paper towel napkin whatever is best for you and I am honestly so glad that I did this guy's because look how dark this screen is I hated it I wanted something more unlike a grass cream kind of like vibe I guess you could say so all you have to do is when you want to lighten your colors is just add water and shake it up and just keep this process going until you actually get the shade that you want [Music] [Music] [Music] let all my dyes are done guys I am super excited because we could finally start tie dyeing now I do highly suggest gloves for this because some of the dyes can be steaming so all you're doing here is honestly the same exact thing that I did with the bleach you're gonna be squirting it out all on the front of the shirt or the pants and on the back of it as well because like I said who only wants tie-dye on the front of your clothing now these are some of the previous shirts that I did before that I had said I did off-camera so these were for my sister and my nephew hence the reason why this shirt on the right is super small they wanted a mommy-and-me set and I was so excited to see how this came out in the end [Music] let the previous items add ice hi dad you're gonna have to bag these as well to keep all the moisture and all the color dye in so this was a little bit more on the messy side with all the color so as I dyed the items I decided to bag them one time as well as you can see guys my work area has a bunch of blue dye all over it so what I do here is I just take a paper towel and I wipe it up to start my next project now honestly I'm glad that I did report this I'm going to keep it on the screen because I do regret this part a lot of the blue dye it kind of just stayed I guess you could say on the plaster that I had put down and when I show it to the camera next you'll see there's like a little blue tint I guess you could say in the shirt that I have put down so I had to squeeze out a lot more dye for this but before I did do that I decided to fold it over so it was completely clean because I was not trying to have blue and green dye all over this shirt [Music] so this is a biker short set that I had showed you guys I only did this short on camera but this was a shirt that I'm doing right now and I am so excited for you guys to see how this came out this was honestly my favorite couple of pieces in the entire tie-dye set [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now this is a sweat to set I had only put on camera at the pants but the one that I'm doing right now is the top now when it comes to pings I I do highly suggest you guys squeeze out a lot more dye for this I've honestly used the entire bottle when I had this set because pink and red tend to fade when you put these in the washing machine after they're done drying [Music] I let all my pieces are done you even leave them to dry outside for 2 to 24 hours however long you prefer and then you're going to throw them in the washing machine and dryer house later [Music] thank you so much for watching my video guys and if you recreate any of these looks or do any looks on your own please send me the pictures I love to see what they look like [Music]
Channel: Victoria Biancaa
Views: 64,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X-mP4lISJbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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