How to Think Big as an Entrepreneur

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I believe today's the easiest time ever in the history of mankind to think big. Ever! I'm talking EVER. And you'll find out why by the time you're done watching this entire video. I'm going to cover things that you can implement for you to start thinking bigger than you've ever thought before. And here's why; this is my argument. What is difficult is for you and a group of people to decide to create the pyramid in Egypt without cranes. Now that's difficult to think big. That's impossible, some would say. What would seem impossible is for you to invent a machine that weighs tons and tons of weight to tell 400-500 people at a time, go in that machine right there and fly 4,000 miles. It's not going to crash, you're going to be safe. And a billion people say, "Okay, I believe you." That's impossible. That's difficult to say I'm going to think that big. I'm going to create this ship. It's okay you guys can get on this ship. I know we don't see what's out there, your name is Christopher. Christopher, go out there. And we don't know what's going to happen. We're going to make it out of wood because we don't know how to make it out of metal at that time. You go straight, and eventually you're going to get to maybe another land, and you can call it, it's your land, while people have been there; that's impossible. That's not thinking big. That's impossible to a lot of people. Landing on the moon for the first time, it had never been done. We don't even know what's out there. You know what? Why don't we just go up there. We don't know what's out there. We keep looking through these lenses and you know, it's kind of cool. I think there is something out there, and it's called this, and it's called that. Let's go check it out! That's difficult. Today, for an entrepreneur to think big, piece of cake today. It requires energy, it requires you knowing the formula. It requires effort. Requires the desire, but if you're somebody that's watching this and saying, "Pat, I absolutely want to think big," I'm going to cover it with you here today. But before I get into my points, I want to first of all thank a lot of you guys. Today's my birthday, and we've had so many people send us gifts from all over the place. I want to thank you. We started off with some strange - what do you call that from our friend, Mark Molina, what do you call it? An exotic dancing gram, he sent to my headquarters for a lady to come and sing happy birthday to you. I appreciate that, but I'm not the wolf of life insurance industry. I think he mistook me for the wolf of Wall Street. We got so many, I mean, balloons galore, we could start a balloon business here. I got here from John, John, you sent me this here, John, an attorney from New York, and your son, Andrew. Andrew, buddy, I love the note you sent. You keep listening to your pops, and you keep learning about what it is to become an entrepreneur. One day in the future we could possibly vote for you to become a president. I like this gift here from. . . Senna, you know I'm a Senna fan. My daughter's name is Senna. Exactly - S E N N A. This is how much I love this guy, Senna. And Armand sent me a nice little thing here, Senna, I appreciate that. I'm not going to go through all of them. I'm just giving you a flavor here. James Dean, James Dean, if we go through the top it says, "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today," which he did, but that quote is a great quote, and I'm going to leave one of these here that was funny for me. I get shoes sent to me all the time because of a video I did a long time ago on how I used to set up meetings, when I was a financial adviser at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. I would send a box with a shoe in there saying now that I have one foot in the door, help me get the second one in. And these guys got a little more creative. They decided to send me Air Jordans. And I've got to give them love. This is from Arash Kari. Arash, you are the man, and you are creative. And I can't wait to get the second shoe of this pair, but I appreciate all the Happy Birthday messages I got on Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Thank you for all the love. More and more, every time I hear this message, this validates how many entrepreneurs we have around the world that are following this content that want to do something big with their lives. So let's get right into the episode on how to think big as an entrepreneur. Listen. The usual suspects you'll hear about is what? Books, associations, environment. Pat, you've got to read the right books, you've got to have the right associations, you've got to have the right environment. Absolutely, these are the usual suspects. Whatever I cover with you does not discount this. You need to do this, but I'm covering things you don't typically hear about, the unusual suspects. Then I'll give you a plan on the end of what to do, and some things I'll cover, there's going to be a bunch of points. I don't know how many points it is. I'll have them all here. It won't be in any specific order. You need to take notes even though it's typed out on my website. But you'll probably have a lot of questions you'll want to ask about this that we'll start a dialog on the bottom. Okay, so let's get right into it. #1: One of the things is that I love doing is I look at everything on thinking big from the standpoint of math. So let's just say math. Math has a lot to do with thinking big. Let me make my case to you on what I mean by math has a lot to do with thinking big. The way I used to do it was this. I used to ask myself, what number comes after three? So if I can make three dollars, do you think I could make four dollars? Everybody would say what? Of course. Okay, if I could make 100 dollars, could I make 200 dollars? Yes, Pat, where are you going with this? If you can make $1,000 can you make $2,000? Of course. If you can make 10 grand in a month, can you make 11 grand a month? Yes, of course you can. So when does this stop? Never. It only stops when you no longer are applying math to thinking big. See, thinking big to me is purely math. No number is an end number. If I ask you right now what's the biggest number in the world, you can't think about a number. Because there isn't a number that's the biggest number in the world. A billion times billion times billion is still a number that's bigger if you give another multiplication times another billion. And that's still not the biggest number. If you go against another billion. And another billion and another billion. There is no number that's a limit. People aren't going to hit these numbers. Billionaires seemed impossible until somebody became a billionaire. Today, Elon Musk could be the first guy that could potentially be a trillionaire if he goes at the pace that he's going. This is going to happen. But you need to take these big numbers that seem impossible, and I'm starting with this first, you need to take numbers that seem impossible, and just know it's numbers. There is nothing to be afraid of numbers. It's purely math! What is so big about numbers? Nothing is big about numbers. You need to look at math first, period. The difference between a small thinker and a big thinker is multiplication. The big thinker's multiplying. The small thinker is addition. He's only adding. Two plus two plus two plus two plus two is ten. Two times two times two times two times two is not ten. It's a lot more than that. It's multiplication, but it's math. Multiplication, addition, math. It's purely math. So start off with whatever you think seems absolutely big that you cannot do. Bring it down to a number. Look at it as the number you haven't done yet, that's all it is, a number you haven't done that you eventually need to get to to do. The number one thing that I like to do is, I look at everything as math. I bring it down and make it a smaller bite, then I know I can get the bigger bite, but I've got to get the smaller bite based on that. #2: Next point about how to think bigger. So whatever the big thinking idea is that I have, whatever the big thinking idea is that I have, I need confidence to be thinking bigger. And confidence happens with smaller victories. If you can have small victories in a game, or in business, you eventually start believing you can have the bigger victories. But a bigger victory doesn't all of a sudden happen. A big victory is a combination of many, many small victories that didn't stop after another one. You have one victory, boom, go get another one, and another one, and another one and another one and another one. All of a sudden, you have a massive victory. So you've got to have a lot of your small victories that are taking place together while you're going at it. #3:Another thing that I would do is, say you have a big idea. And you want to do something big. Say you have a goal in your business, you want to do something big that's never been done in your business before. Test it with five people, and see if you can convince one of them that believe you. It's a very interesting exercise. Get five of your team members. You've got five sales people? Meet with them individually, or in a group setting. Or take five of your employees. Take your wife, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your husband, brother, sister, mom, dad, best friend - whatever it is. And tell them you have an idea. Hey, you know what I'm thinking about? What are you thinking about? I'm thinking about doing this, this, this, and one day we're going to do this and . . . and see their reaction on how it is. If you can convince them to believe you even this much, it's possible. Does that make sense? I don't know if that made sense. Try to convince somebody about the big idea that you have and watch their reaction. That ought to tell you a lot. For instance, I remember when I had nothing going on. I was broke, $49K in debt, I had nothing going on. I was driving a Ford Focus. I would go intentionally to Ferrari dealerships. And you know what I would do? I would go, walk in, I'd walk in and I'd walk around the dealership and I'd be looking at the cars and I wanted to ask myself, can I convince this car salesman by the way he looks at me, does he believe I can actually be a qualified buyer? And if you go in and nobody comes to talk to you, they don't believe you're a qualified buyer. If you go in and they come and talk to you like you know what, he just acted like he believes I can buy this, maybe I can one day buy this. Go to a real estate showing where they're selling three million dollar homes. And walk in. And walk around. And say, I'm here for this open house. Great. And see if the listing real estate agent believes you. Watch the reaction. The first thing they'll do, they'll go like this [looking down], they'll come up, but forget what you look like. You know what they look at? At your body language, at your eyes, the way you walk. If you convince them, they're trying to tell you, I believe you could potentially one day own a three million dollar house. That's what they're really saying to you. So take your idea and share it and pitch it to three to five other people can see how they react to you. If their reaction is believe it, even if it's 10 - 20%, then it's possible for you to actually go out there and hit that. You've just got to think bigger, right? Test it out with the people around you. #4: Another one is, study people. When I say "study people," I don't mean by studying people in the way where everybody says, "Go study this person, go study that person." Study what that person studies. So, for instance, don't just study Michael Jordan, study who Michael Jordan studies, which is David Thompson. Don't just study David Thompson, study who David Thompson studies. And go deeper in that. Don't just study, you know, I used to study the people I was looking at in business in the insurance world, and I would say, "Man, what makes that guy special? Who did he study? He studied Teddy Roosevelt. He studied Coach Bear Bryant. He studied Churchill. Man, let me see why he studied those people." This other guy was so strategic. He studied Alexander the Great. He studied Darius. Why did he study those guys? Oh, now I understand. This guy here, he studied the Chinese emperors and what was he doing studying the China Dynasty and all these guys have built this big military. Why was he studying them? This other guy here. . . layer it, layer it. Why was Tony Robbins studying this guy? Why was Reagan studying. . . why was Kennedy. . . why were these people reading. . . Who are they studying? So go deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. What this does to you is this. Let me tell you what this does to you. It tells you that the person that you admire now, at one point, they doubted, but they studied other people that injected belief in them to make them believe that they can be the person they are now, that you admire. I hope I'm making sense. I'm not trying to get too technical. Go study who they study, and that will give you a source of inspiration to know that you can one day be the person that you're looking at, saying, this is impossible for me to be like this person. No, you can, based on studying the people that they studied. Let me continue. #5: So, next point. Again, Paul's going to put the numbers here, I'm not putting numbers here. Next point is this. I believe, just like when I said earlier to you when I said it's easier to think big, it's also the most important time to think big. I said this on a video, I've been saying it on Mentions, I've been saying that I believe 100% of world's problems are going to be solved by entrepreneurs. I believe that. I believe 100% of world's problems are going to be solved by entrepreneurs, if we keep giving birth to entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs who make it, they have one ability - they're problem solvers. They look at something complex, they make it simplified, they add five steps to it, you follow it, you win, you make, you can solve cancer. You can solve health issues. You can solve job creation. You can solve economy challenges that we're facing in the world. You can solve anything we have going on. Every single problem in the world can be solved by ent. . . every single one of them. Our educational system, our political system, our oil challenges we're having - anything that we have can be solved by entrepreneurs. So, as you're watching this, a lot of times the first motivation for somebody who's never been an entrepreneur will say, it'd be kind of cool to have a lot of money and to have this. . . That's great. There's nothing wrong with all that stuff. Don't let anybody convince you having a big house, having cars and having toys is not important. If you like it, you go get it. But, it's got to be bigger than that. It's got to be bigger than that. You've got to want to do something bigger than that. Today, know that the world is counting on you to solve some big problems. You can run your business, but know that you've got to figure out a way for your business that's making a lot of money to also make a positive impact on the world. Social cause, positive impact in the world, with you being an entrepreneur. #6: Imagination. Big thinkers, if you're ever around big thinkers - today, we just had a meeting, literally a meeting right now. It was a meeting we had right now with me, you, Paul and Tom, right? And we're writing stuff on the board. All of a sudden, boom! Mario says something. Then I said something. Then Paul said something. I think Paul started it. Paul said something and I said, "Paul, that's a great idea." And then I said something, then Tom said something, then Mario said something, and then Mario went to the bathroom and then he came back, but then Tom said something, Paul said something, and then it led to a massive idea. Then I asked Tom to send an email to a couple of guys we've got to get a call on from Australia and we're doing a call now about this massive idea that has to do with the business that we're running today. But it lead to them because it's like, "What if we could do this? And what if that takes place? How about if. . what if it cost this much? What if. . ." Seeds, seeds, seeds, and the roots keep growing, keep growing, keep growing and then boom, all of a sudden you've got a massive idea. So imagination, especially if it's a group of people that are also people that are imagination type of people, and that goes. That goes, so the big thinker is all about imagination. A big thinker is all about imagination. Nike used to get killed. Nike was getting killed. A guy, there's a whole complicated story behind it. Some people say it's not him, some people say it's an Italian Mafia guy from New York that came to Nike and said, the way we're going to save it is there's a guy that's coming out of college, North Carolina, he's the most incredible basketball - he's going to be the greatest basketball player of all time. He goes to Nike and says, let's sign this guy and give him a half a million dollar contract. What are you talking about? We don't have money. I'm telling you, forget all these other chumps you're giving 50 to $100,000. Give this one guy a half a million dollars and look what will happen. No! And then Michael comes, they talk. And all Michael, he wanted was an exotic car, apparently in the negotiation ended up with them giving him a half a million dollars for two years, or a million dollars for two years, and a Lamborghini or something. So Mike, he signed a contract and then today, you know what this [shoe] is going to make Mike be worth in the next ten, fifteen, the number's estimated 20 billion dollars in ten years. Imagination. This guy imagined what would happen if we brought MJ to Nike to solve Nike and Nike dominates everybody. And basketball used to be Reebok. Basketball used to be Converse. Magic was Reebok. Wasn't Magic Reebok? Converse, all these - nobody was looking at Nike as basketball. And then it took off. Imagination. So you don't necessarily have to be an entrepreneur by the way. You can be working with an entrepreneur in a company and you all of a sudden come up with an idea like this that takes the business to the next level. You're a big thinker. You're linked to a big thinker. It wouldn't happen without you, because you're a big thinker, right? So imagination. #7: Next one. You've got to turn off the noise. You've got to turn off the noise. The noise needs to be turned off. And I'm talking different types of noises. One is too much social media time with newsfeed, it's noise. Too much. I don't need it. Too much political stuff right now, you think a big thinker is looking at every single thing about Hillary Clinton and she's doing this, did you know she did this and did you know Trump did this and did you know. . . They get bullet points in the morning when they wake up because current affairs, you've got to know what's going on with politics, if it's the country you're living in. But if you go diving into it, then you reading the conspiracy theories, Alex Jones, and Rachel Maddox and all this other, oh my gosh, did you see what Anderson Cooper said, or Sean Hannity. . . you're too much into it. That's noise. Way too much noise. Way too much noise. Clinton and Trump are not going to change your life. They're not. They're not going to change your habits. They're not going to make you better entrepreneur, they're not going to make you sharper, they're not going to help you come up with better ideas. They're actually going to consume your mind with things you shouldn't be thinking about that's going to piss you off. Because regardless of who you support, you don't like the other person. So the other person's going to piss you off nonstop. Turn off the noise. Turn off the noise of negative friends, small thinkers. Turn off the noise of family members that don't support what you want to do. Don't even bring up the ideas in front of them. Some of them you can't get away from. Some of them are your parents. Some of them are your brothers and sisters, siblings. Some of them could be a boyfriend, girlfriend. Some of them could be your spouse. Some of them could be your cousin. Turn it off and if you know you bring up an idea it's going to go to negative time, do not bring it up in front of them. Turn off the noise. Turn off the noise. Stop any distractions, any negativity, make time to think, about what you could do to think bigger in the business, in whatever company, whatever business you're running, as a real estate agent, insurance agent, as a technology, IT, it doesn't matter. What can you do to think bigger yourself to be the dominant force in the company you're part of, in the business you're part of, in the industry you're part of. What can you do? Think bigger. Right? Think bigger. #8: Next one, test the capacity of an idea. What is the capacity of an idea? Take out a piece of paper and pen, or board and marker. Test out the capacity of an idea. Okay, what would happen if this step. How big can this thing get? It can get this big. How big is the market for this? It's pretty big. How big can that market be? How big's the market in New York? 23 million people. How big's the market in LA? 4.2 million. How big is the market in Houston? 3.8. Didn't they just pass Chicago? Chicago's now 3.6 or something? That's a pretty big market. How big is this market for this? What if we actually. . . what if we sell to this market? What if we get into that market? What if we got more people that were doing. . . what if we got more people to sell the product? What if we got somebody. . . what if. . . Capacity's pretty good, if we do this. But test the capacity. What if I take this to even a whole different level? Remember, Mark Zuckerberg wasn't necessarily a big thinker. He was a developer, a mind. The big thinker where Facebook became what it is is who? What's his name? Sean Parker. So Sean Parker was played by who in that movie? Justin Timberlake. Sean Parker's the Nabster guy and he [Mark] said, Man, I feel like we have a million dollar opportunity. And Sean said, no, no, this is a billion dollar opportunity. Right? And he comes and sees the capacity, and he says, what if we can get into this? What if this is not just universities? What if this is not just colleges? What if we go into Canada? What if we go into Europe? We haven't even gone. . . what if, what if, what if? And man, he's got a point! What if? Boom! Today, 1.7 billion users on Facebook. Dominant over everybody. Zuckerberg's worth 50 something, Sean's worth a few billion. A bunch of people made a bunch of money, but everyone was thinking about what can they do to test the capacity? So everybody was testing the capacity of how they can make it bigger and bigger and bigger. A group of big thinkers that said, what if we can make this thing even bigger? Test the capacity. #9: Next, let the idea loose. Let the idea loose a little bit. Let it loose. The Tasmanian Devil needs to be let loose at times. You can't lock up a Tasmanian Devil. You won't know it's capacity. You've got to let him lose at times. You got to let a great idea loose at times and see what it leads to. It could take you to places you never thought you could get to, but you've got to let the idea loose at times. You've got to let the idea loose at times. And you'll see it spread. It's kind of like test the capacity but let the idea loose. So imagination, you know, test the capacity, let the idea loose, they're all kind of somewhat together, but each one of them I want to tell you so you kind of understand the purpose of each one of them. #10 Next, curiosity. Ask a lot of questions. For instance, I'm in an industry, I had a call today with a very, very, very, very big company. Let's just say a few hundred million dollars. We had a conference call today with them, and they're very interested in what we're doing, and I brought up the idea to them on what I want to do. And I was telling them all these ideas I have with what I'm thinking about doing. And I started questioning certain things. And, he's like, "Wow, it sounds like you know the market pretty well. And we're curious about this. Because we were curious, we asked this question. When we asked this question, we got this answer. And when we asked this question, it made us research this and this research brought us to another question that led to another question and we got the answer here. And then we also looked at this here because we were curious what could happen if we could do this, and we got stuck because one question we couldn't answer and then we figured this out, then we contacted the right person, then the right attorney whose $1200 an hour, and then she introduced us to this person, and we got this answer. But we were curious. And we asked the right questions. And so collectively, they're on the call, now we're meeting, New York, big meeting, etc. etc. and that could lead into a whole different story, because we're curious on how we can make an industry that I'm a part of that's probably the most boring industry in the world, the life insurance industry that no one's paying attention to, but because we're curious, we're finding ways to disrupt this entire industry that I am in love with. That people think, Pat, you're out of your mind. How do you love life insurance? I LOVE what we do, right? But we were curious. And I'll get into a little bit more on that later on in the video. #11 Next, ask the question when you're thinking big, why don't you. . . and answer it. And I'm not just doing this motivational video, Why not you! Why shouldn't you win! No, no. Forget motivational. Let's get logical. Why not you? Actually answer that. Why can't you be somebody that can do something in your business that's never been done before? Why not you? Answer it. So give the argument, logically, here's why not me. Because I don't work hard enough. You can fix that. Stop being lazy. Well, whatever, but because I'm not that good in sales. You can learn sales. So, okay, because, I don't know much about the product. You can learn the product! But why not you? Because no one in my family's been rich. So what? No one was rich in Zuckerberg's family before he became who he is today, and nobody was in Job's. Job's mom even gave him up for adoption. So, whatever, but. . . so why not you? Make your argument. Why not you? Truly get into it. Then, give the other argument. Why not you actually doing this? Why shouldn't you be the person? And say, I'm a very smart person. I love people. I actually like to make money to make a difference in the world. And you know what? I care for people. And I have some things I want to do. If I get money in my pocket, I'll be good with it. And I've got a big heart, and I have talent and . . . And I know the right people. Boom! That's why not you. Make both cases, as if you're an attorney representing yourself. One, why not you, meaning you shouldn't be the person, and the other, why not you, meaning you should be the person. Sell both of them. And then see which argument wins. Something tells me the argument on this side's going to win. But make the argument. Take a sheet of paper and make that argument. Why not you? Question that a little bit. Who convinced you you can't do it? Who convinced you you can't be part of a group of people. I watched so many guys on YouTube that, even some of these guys are considered experts by big magazines and they've written New York Times bestsellers and they say some shit like Oh, you know, entrepreneurs are born. Give me a damn break! Entrepreneurship can be taught. Entrepreneurship is an inspiration that comes from here [belly] that want to solve a big problem. What do you mean entrepreneurship is something you're born with? I completely disagree with that statement. I fully disagree with that statement. Jumping 48"? That's God-given ability. You can't do that. Entrepreneurship? It is a formula. If you hang around other people that think like this, and you watch this video, and you watch all of Valuetainment or some of the people that are feeding the right type of content to you, and the right books you read, your imagination won't stop working. Because the entrepreneur is numbers, solving problems, how can I do it better, faster? Why can't you learn those skills? Why can't you? You can. So why not you? And don't let anybody convince you that people who solve some big problems and are big thinkers have to be born being big thinkers. I'm here to tell you you can figure out the formula to thinking bigger. Don't let them convince you that these elite people, sometimes I sit around with my friends that are worth money as well. I'm around these guys all the time. So now you know, hey Pat, come around the meeting, we're going to have some party with these billionaires. Okay great. I'm going with these guys. And, you know, I was always special because. . . Oh my gosh, stop it already. When you almost lost everything, you did not think you were special. None of us do. And then we have our break, and we win. You can do it as well. #12 Next one, cut the fat. Cut the fat out of your life. Let me tell you what I mean by cut the fat. if video games is not how you're planning making your money, cut the fat. If you have these three hobbies of you playing badminton in Bakersfield or you're playing ping pong or bowling league or all this other stuff that's requiring nine hours of your time? Cut the fat! If you've got three girlfriends or three boyfriends, cut the fat! If you party at the nightclub three times a week, cut the fat! If you're going out there, not taking life seriously and there's two bad habits you have or vice that no one knows about? Cut the fat! It's hold you back from thinking big. Stop it. It's not helping you out as much as you think it is. Cut the fat. You know exactly what I'm talking about. I don't need to explain it to you. You know what I'm talking about. Think about it. You're thinking about it right now. That thing you're thinking about? Cut it! If you want to think big. It's holding you back. It's not worth it. I promise you. Whatever thing that's giving you fulfillment, it ain't going to give you as much fulfillment as thinking big. I guarantee you that part. It ain't going to give you as much fulfillment. You've got to cut the fat. #13 Next is believers. Be around believers. Now there's a part of this that's environment, but I'm talking about believers that believe in your idea. You know, this could actually happen. What if we could actually do this? You know, what if we could actually pull this off. You need believers. Just like Justin Beiber has his fans, he calls them what? Believers. You need believers is what you need. #14: Next, this one's a little technical, so I'm going to try to explain it to you in a way, but it's a little bit technical. Momentum vs. Resistance. Momentum vs. Resistance. What is momentum vs. resistance? Big thinkers typically have one of these two on their side. No one goes and takes the normal way out of being a big thinker. It's either they get themselves caught up in the momentum that's taking place in their industry or they go absolutely against resistance and they win, and they become a hero. You want some points? I'll give you some points. For instance, John F. Kennedy had momentum. MLK went against resistance. Now both of them were assassinated. I'm not telling you you're going to get assassinated. I'm telling you they both did something that history favors both of them. JFK, MLK. JFK had momentum, MLK had resistance. History books, 2000 years from now, if Armageddon doesn't happen and we're still around, and our great, great, great grandkids are around? They're going to know about JFK and they're going to know about resistance, MLK. Let me continue. Today, on this [resistance] side, you would have Elon Musk. Resistance. Why? You tell me the last time somebody broke into the car market and gave Ford, Toyota, Chevrolet, all these guys a run for their money. You tell me the last time someone did that. Who? Fisker? Fisker failed. Who else are you thinking about? When was the last time? How many years? No one has. Elon Musk went against resistance. Let me get this straight, you're going to create an electric car? And you're going to take market away from these bigger guys? Yes. How are you planning on doing that? It's resistance. He went against resistance. The other one, PayPal. Resistance. Why? No one's going to trust - remember back in the days when people didn't trust buying things online? I don't trust giving my credit card information. Remember those days? Today, how often do you give your credit card information online? They had resistance. There was resistance for it. Amazon was resistance. You're going to stop selling books in bookstores? No, no, no. Borders. No, no, no, Barnes & Noble. Resistance. He proved, he won. Almost went out of business, but he won. Now momentum. Netflix is momentum. Someone says, that's almost resistance. No, it's momentum. Today I watched a movie, what movie did I tell you guys about that I was very impressed with? The Accountant, with Ben Affleck. I'm not a Ben Affleck fan, but Ben Affleck did Good Will Hunting, phenomenal and The Accountant, best movie of the year for me, phenomenal movie, right? Right now, you know what momentum is? Today is not making movies, it's making episodic series, whatever you want to call it. House of Cards or Narcos, give me some of them. All these other things that are out there. That's momentum. So people are, YouTube wants to do that, you have Roku, you've got Hulu, everybody. That's momentum. People are in the momentum way. In mortgages in 2003, 2004, when mortgages were skyrocketing? Everybody was getting into the pick a payment loan. That was momentum. You're riding the momentum. But in 2008, Big Short, the movie, that was about what? Michael Lewis wrote it. That was about resistance. Same industry, one way was momentum, the other one is resistance. They said, No, this is going to collapse. Here's 300 million dollars. You're out of your mind! Goldman Sachs. Here's 300 million dollars. Yes, haha, he's an idiot. Resistance day one, made a lot of money, millions of people lost their homes. Resistance. So what are you doing? I'm in the resistance game. I'm in the life insurance business. I'm not in the momentum business. I'm in the resistance business. I'm in the resistance business today. I'm in the business that most people say, Oh, I'm not going to get into insurance. I'm in a business right now where the financial industry regulation, regulation, regulation. I'm in the resistance business. But here's what I do know about the resistance business. I do know 41% of Americans don't have any life insurance. I do know 95 million adults today don't have life insurance. I know we have the fewest amount of life insurance agents we've ever had in America in a LONG time. Nearly 50 years. 50 years. I know what's happening in the industry. There is resistance in our industry. I know the industry lacks multi-cultural agents. I know the industry's increasing in multi-cultural clients that like to be sold preferably by multi-cultural agents. I know the industry has resistance because 25 year olds coming out of college are not turned on by the life insurance industry. We're doing it. And we're very comfortable saying life insurance. Our competitors are afraid. Don't use the word, people don't like it. I don't care if you don't like it. I love the industry. Resistance. Resistance. I know people buy shoes, cars, homes, clothes, no one buys life insurance. Life insurance is so. . . it's resistance, I know it. But I see a massive opportunity with it, because I see exactly what's going on with the industry. I chose resistance. You don't have to choose resistance. There's momentum, there's resistance. You choose which one you want to be a part of. And by the way, I can go on right now VR, virtual reality is the hot thing right now. Hot thing, virtual reality. You've got offense [momentum], you've got defense [resistance]. You can put it up the way you want to put it up, but you've got offense, defense, I already covered a bunch of these things I have here. Momentum vs. resistance. How is your business going to be part of either one of these things? Is it going to be momentum or is it going to be resistance? Big thinkers figure one of these two out. You know, if we do this, what if this thing gets like this, there's momentum. You know there's so many problems in our industry, what if we actually solve it. We're heroes. Resistance. Which one do you want? Big thinkers chooses one of these. Make a list of it, in your company, in your field, in your industry, in your profession you've chosen to be part of. Which of them do you want to be part of? You can choose either. I chose resistance, many choose momentum. You can choose your own. Let me continue. #15 Next, look where no one's looking. Look where no one's looking. I've said this so many times. You go to a bar, men, when you go to a bar, who is everybody looking at at that bar or nightclub? Who? The hottest girl in the club. And everyone knows which one it is. It's the girl in the green dress. Everyone's checking her out. And guess who's around her? Everybody. You know what your odds are? If there's 500 men in that nightclub, there's one of her, it's one to 500. Do you know what those percentages are? .2% chance she's going to say yes to you. Do you want those kinds of odds? You don't want those kinds of odds. Go find the eight, and look what happens with the eight. The eight has only 30 men looking at her. You're one of them. You've got a 3% chance. It's higher chances. Go look at places that no one's looking at and see who's more interesting. It's not always the sexiest thing on the outside that's the best company to be a part of, or the best industry to be a part of. Sometimes it's where no one's looking. Everyone's going here [left]. You go here [right]. Everybody and their mother's joining this incredible next movement that's going to be the revolution of . . . that's great. Let them go. You go look at something no one's looking at. Massive opportunity. Blue Ocean, Red Ocean. Shark infested market everyone's biting, killing each other, there's only a couple of sharks you're dealing with. You can actually negotiate with those sharks and say, hey listen, I've got a big bite. You want to share this? Yeah. Here's a bite for you, here's a bit for me. Cool? Pepsi, Coke. Big market. You take some, I'll take some. Are we cool? We're cool. But only two. Everybody else wants to fight for, why? Everyone wants to fight for, you know, beer. Look, dude, what do you want? You're a big shark, I'm a big shark. Yea, go eat the food. I'll give you some. Here's yours. Fine. Let's go do it. Go where no one's looking. It's so much easier. #16 Next, deliberately forbid conventional solutions. Stop thinking about the conventional way of doing things. No, you've got to be an out of the box thinker. You've got to be an out of the box thinker. You can't think about every single way everybody else wants to solve that problem. Drop conventional thinking. Big thinkers kind of look at it different ways. They stick to it and they don't constantly change all the time, because once something works, you stick to it, and then when you have to make certain adjustments or adapting, all that other, you don't make overhauls, because when you make overhauls, man, it hurts you. But you make adjustments. Some say Tiger Woods could have beaten Jack Nicholas' record of the most masters if he wouldn't have dramatically changed his swing, when he did. That took his game back two to three years, and then he got hurt, because it was a major shift. And I know people say the knee, the back, all this other stuff, but he could have won most masters, because it was goo dramatic of a shift. There's a lot of motivational speakers that like to say, you know, look what Tiger did, and he made the shift, even in. . . I get it. It probably validates an argument that person's trying to make at that time. But sometimes when something works, work it, but while you're going to your game plan, try all the other unconventional way of solving that problem that industry or company or the product is facing. So what do you do now? Let's say you have your plan in place. What do you do now? Now you've got to work backwards. So think big. Where do I see myself being 10 years from now in this business, in this company, in this industry? Put a 10-year plan. How about five years? Then three, then one, then six months, then three months. Then today, put a one, two, three plan together. Today I need to focus on one this, two this, three this. Everything needs to be tied to a number. Why? Because big thinking has to do with what? It's the first thing I said - math. So everything is math. You notice numbers here. It's math. Put your numbers together, start thinking bigger, and next thing you know, you'll actually say, you know what this big thinking stuff is not as difficult as I thought it was. But I hope you take this whole message very seriously on how to think big. And I wanted to give it to you in a way that most people, you know, the typical traditional things you read on magazines that, set goals, you know, do this. I want to give you a completely different way of thinking about bigger that some of the other outlets don't talk about. But my challenge to you is don't make this about you. Make it about a bigger cause, the world is depending on you to think big, and solve problems today more than ever. And like I said earlier, it is easier today to think bigger than ever before. Mario, let me get my pillow here. By the way, some of you guys, Mario wanted me to send a message to you guys and thank you guys for the most incredible heartfelt messages you guys have been sending him about Street Team. Mario's so thankful about all the messages. I love you! If you haven't seen them, don't worry about it, but Mario's been getting a lot of love from people that watch Street Team. Paul, you're part of that as well, so I've got to throw you in that, too. You're part of that as well. They're trying to figure out and see what's going to happen with Street Team. We're going to be launching a lot of new stuff here soon, so stay tuned. If you haven't subscribed to Valuetainment yet, please do so. Our goal is to get to a quarter million subs. We're at 100,000 subs now. Our goal is to get to a quarter million subs by June 1st of next year. This is a channel that many say is the #1 channel for entrepreneurs on YouTube. We love for you to test it out against anybody else out there that gives you the best how-to for entrepreneurship, without asking for $8,000 or $6,000 or $10,000 or $5,000. Free content that we have here. Mario: We have the contest videos. Patrick: That's right. By the way, for some of you guys, when we did the 100,000, if you haven't posted your video yet, October 25 is the last day to post your video. We already have a ton of people that have posted, and Mario's put the top 15 or 16 playlist that you can see. Just go on YouTube and type, "Why I love Valuetainment." You'll see a bunch of people that have submitted their videos. We're going to choose three of them, where you'll fly in here to Dallas, Texas, and you and I will get some one-on-one time for three hours for me to do the business planning with you for your business in 2017, but only three of you will be chosen to come here and spend some time with us. So if you haven't submitted it yet, you can also email Mario. Why don't I give them your email address - - Paul, let's put that email address here, He'll get back to you. It still works. And if you've got any questions about the episode today, on how to think big, comment on the bottom, questions, thoughts. Thanks for watching everybody. Take care, bye bye.
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 666,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, mindset, thinking big, how to think big, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 5sec (2465 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2016
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