How to Tell American Brilliant Cut Glass, Chinese Silver, Copper Bowls, Jewelry, more | Ask Dr. Lori

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hi everybody it's dr laurie this is ask dr laurie live everything's unscripted i have guests with me from all over the world thanks for joining me let's see what they've got everybody's going to hold up their objects horizontal camera let's see what they've got you have you have a background noise like a tablet or something on background if you please turn it off so we don't have any kind of feedback that would be great i would appreciate that can't really see that can't really see that let's go with this duck looks like a duck smells like a duck might be a duck hi and you know it was great yet a nice clear background easy for me to see i didn't have to like fight with whatever's behind you so that was great hi what's your name my name is megan megan how are you doing where are you calling from michigan that's really nice how'd you acquire that um at an antique store i saw it um i paid 20 for it which maybe a lot i don't know but um and then it's got this little like okay so now um can i see the underside of it now i want you all to look at the underside of this piece do you see how white the wood is you're going white what are you talking about it's very light in color which tells you that the wood cannot be that old when you're looking at what to look for so you know you're you're saying dr laurie teaches me all this stuff that's what i'm trying to do for you when you see it like that that megan's gonna not show us the bottom anymore she decided to change it thank you megan so basically when you see the bottom you want to basically look for the color of the wood because that will indicate now of course that's because it's been sitting somewhere but it has to sit there a long time on a surface in order to get that color so now we know okay it's 20th century oh it's 20th century so now let's see this it from the side view if we could megan how much did you pay for it you'd said 20 bucks yeah was it a thrift store it was an antique store okay can you show it to us as if the duck is swimming at us straight this way there you go now look at the angularity of it look at how it's very very geometric and angular like form art which is made famous of course by the pacific northwest native americans and the native peoples also of canada so you're seeing these kinds of pieces i think the piece actually would would have been used in fact for that idea of um you know like a decoy sure but i think also it has some elements that relate to native american imagery the way it's carved i like it very much um it's a nice native hard wood value on it about a hundred and fifty dollars so it's a nice piece time period for it is what's interesting about it probably dates to 1900 to 1925. so you know younger than we might hope right i like to see it in the 19th century those are always based on actual sales records my values are always based on actual sales records where similar pieces have sold they have to have sold they're not just list prices there's not oh i saw it selling at bloomingdale's and it's worth more no that's a list price why i keep hitting them knocking that over um my question of the day is about pets you ready cats or dogs both okay both works both works for me too all right thanks megan nice to see you thank you bye bye bye we've got lots to see that piece was an interesting piece for a couple of reasons a lot of people have said what happened to the decoy market well the decoy market you know what happened to the decoy market antiques roadshow happened to the decoy market duck decoys just be very very hot very very expensive uh and the market really when they kept having them on of course a lot of the television shows in the early part of the 2000s the market got soft and the values went down some but i've praised some very nice collections of duck decoys but the market has changed a lot and the markets change it's like anything else all right ah you're in new hampshire you're watching thank you for watching i'll be doing another video call soon for items and learn how to read the presidium cryptically and for not so common stones yeah the presidium of course is a great um a great tool and you know it takes a little bit of working with like any other tool you know it's kind of like when rachel ray says you gotta develop those knife skills right when you're in the kitchen same kind of thing but the presidium will be helpful i want to say thank you for the online appraisal oh well nice to see you yeah thank you the online appraisal that i did i do a lot of them and yes i'm glad that they're easy any of you all of you guys can of course submit online appraisal photos for online appraisals i'm glad it was helpful to you chris a lot of you have told me that the online appraisals are helpful in reselling or establishing how much value is in your collection so it's great that's great so nice to see you so the swamp paper doesn't think it's a decoy well thank you for your comments i always appreciate the comments um having said that i want you to remember the source so whenever you are seeing this it is it isn't it is it isn't i want you to be aware of the source who's the source a lot of you say i googled this and this is what came up this was the answer and if you if you go to google you'll notice that you're getting answers well i'd like to know who these sources are so what are their backgrounds credentials information because you could be getting the incorrect information i see that a lot so we want to make sure you're getting that right but i like all comments and the comments i love to hear i love to know where are you watching from and of course your answer to the question of the day let's see what we've got so it looks like we've got a framed piece a little bit of copper i can't tell if that's a frame i can't tell if that's a pin or abalone or i don't know what that is i don't have enough of the background for that that's difficult to see i probably know what it is but your hand is all over it so it's hard to see and then we've got a little bit of what might be bar wear but i'd like to see a background on that too all right well let's go with the bar where this piece it looks like it's in a bowl and then it looks like it's got some pieces on it but because he's in back of it it's difficult oh there we go hi what's your name hey dr lori how are you i'm fine thanks what's your name where are you calling from my name is dawn i'm calling from uh knoxville tennessee hi don how are things in knoxville oh they're great great and who's behind you there uh that would be my life looks like pat's busy yeah she's very busy right now all right what have you got here what do you got what do you want to show me tell me about it i picked this up at a uh an estate sale and so i know it's a a dispenser for for liquor i guess yeah it has a glass bottom fairly heavy it's about 12 inches tall and uh just kind of curious about um if these are the right shot glasses for it because you have to tip them under a little to get it in there yeah a couple things first of all what you have there are a 1950s era dispenser and then you've got 1960s era shot glasses so i think somebody put it together you know maybe the and i don't think that it necessarily came with a matching set of shot glasses i think people just said these are the ones we use we're going to put them together and you were at the estate cell and you bought what they put together um it looks like it's pressed glass and it reminds me of course you know it reminds me of a tap right so a tap like on a keg kind of thing so i i would say that how much did you pay at the estate sale and are there any marks on the metal on the chrome there's no marks on the metal but on the glass uh it is uh it's marked and it says uh where it came from murfreesboro tennessee oh okay all right well that makes sense if you're knoxville so not too far away from you the other thing about it is uh the glass is marked and the glasses do not have the same mark right i think they do glasses have no marks i have no mark yeah so each individual glass those shot glasses 1960s nice colored if you put those together and you said here they are you know as a group i would say value on those you're probably looking at somewhere around five or six dollars a glass so six times however many you got maybe you got five of them or six of them so 36 bucks for that and then you have the piece itself does it work yes so you've been able to put liquid in the bowl and you've been able to tap it out yeah all the seals and everything are there wow that's wonderful okay value on that piece i would say 65 plus another 36 for the the glasses which i do not think are a set so 100 bucks if you sold them together maybe 110 bucks if you sold them together how much did you pay 25. very good so you made you bought it at 25 you know you're gonna make another se another 75 off of it i think that's great good for you so and simple questions yep um so if i was to change these i have atlas shot glasses that could go here are they clear they're clear i i think i would like that better okay i think i would like a hazel atlas shot glass small ones better and they'll probably work better for you okay yeah i think these are a little bit too i have to say um the bottom portion looks 50s and the top glasses look look 60s okay yeah so and when you're 100 when you're 10 years away from each other it's still mid-century modern everybody just groups it together but you know experts look at it and go wow those two decades are really different all right you know it's the difference between you know leave it to beaver and woodstock you know that that's the difference you know the 50s versus the 60s so there you go nice to see you thanks for being with me question of the day dogs or cats i have both okay so you like boat what about pat would pat like both do she prefers cats chief reverse cats okay good to see you thank you for answering your question for i guess for me and everybody else sure you're a virtual uh your virtual online that you do for two hours with the appraisal could you explain that a little bit my virtual online that i do for two hours appraisals it's a live event a live taping or something i've seen it on your website oh sure we do a lot of pieces things this of course is our live virtual we do this and then of course what you can do is look at our services which is on the specials and shop page so if you're talking about you can book time with me like video calls you can do that um if you want to uh have me respond to you an email there's a service that does that but in terms of the virtual live event you are participating right now in the virtual live event okay now the class which is what you're what the class which is of course also a virtual live event maybe that's what you're talking about which is at which we keep very very low in terms of cost um happens and there's only a couple seats left to the most current one so if you want to get there i suggest you get and that basically is a class with me so you're there virtually with your classmates and we limit how many classmates we have at each class and then um basically you can have an appraisal and ask any questions and learn from everybody else's objects as well so it's a class okay thank you makes sense yes okay hope to see you there all right all right thanks um again i'm sorry i didn't i didn't i thought he meant something else but anyway uh the class is popular and and if you want to participate the thing i would like to to have you guys think about because i think you're missing out and i think you're really missing out big time there's a reason why there's this number on my on my desk today the table has this number on it because there are 470 there are 400 there are 800 i'm sorry there are 847 other videos other videos that you're all missing you know why you're missing them you are not using the binge link what's the binge link dr laurie i don't know what it is here's what it is the binge link is going to show you all the videos so you do not have to search for them so you don't have to wait for youtube to serve them up to you because oftentimes they serve the same videos so i want you to get all the information from all of the videos at the time of this particular taping it's 8 47 this is 8 48 but basically i don't want you to miss more almost a thousand videos you're all saying i saw all your videos dr no you didn't and that's why we made you the binge link it's for you so go to the specials and shop page at scroll down to where it says binge link it's a little binge link so basically you would click on it and it will open up a page for you um and then what you can do is you can look on that page you can watch those videos and the videos are going to be in order for you you can't watch all 847 of them at once sure but save the link somewhere cut and paste it and save it and then click on it when you want to watch the videos so you're not searching all over or hoping that you get videos that are new that's why we made it for you thank you for binging please binge and the reason for it is because you're going to get all of this information that you need so you can succeed so you can learn more so you could have fun you so you can thrift thrift thrift and treasure hunt with me i guess i thought i didn't need the bins leads because i've done nothing but watch your videos since i found you two weeks ago okay well two weeks you would have to continue to do this continuously every day don't eat don't go to the bathroom don't do anything else just watch my videos if you in fact watched every single one of the binge links so keep binging and we're trying to make it helpful and easy for you easy for you your cat is binged okay well i guess i know what what pet question of the day randy would have uh of course uh cats not dogs that's funny uh my guests are here and i love them all and i appreciate them uh participating with me it's good to see all of you let's see we've got so we've got a shell and we've got some copper and we've got what looks to be a lithograph print and we've got a piece of glass and a figurine and i think i like to see your faces so when you don't sew your face i don't like that i like to see your face as well as your object so let's go with the piece of uh let's go with the piece of um it's a piece of glass and it's got a a lid on it looks like it's cut glass and it's clear and i need your your your phones or whatever it is to be horizontal when you're part of the match hi how are you hi how are you i'm good what's your name lucy and lucy southern new mexico southern new mexico wow okay nice to see you lucy so tell me what have you got here well i picked this up at a thrift shop um they had about 100 pounds of tape on it a 100 pounds of tape you know what it's funny you say that lucy because my family i like to send packages so i send packages and i tape the you know what out of them i love tape i think tape is great my family's like oh gosh lori sent us something and we can't get in it you know so a lot of tape huh yeah they didn't want you to lose the top it attracted me because the lid was still intact which is maybe because of the tape so hey probably because of the tape because tape is great okay so can you hold it up so we can see the whole vessel all right okay pretty large and it looks like american brilliant cut glass is it marked on the bottom in any way it has no marks that i can find anywhere it's quite heavy for the size of it okay so so for the size of it it could be crystal in fact that's what i wondered because i've heard you say that that it's heavy yeah clarity and weight are some of the traits that you look for for crystal also if you're looking for a mark marks are sometimes hard to find i want you to in fact you know go through and look at this particular um look use the loop in order to do that so this piece looks like it's not the 1930s era but it actually is a 19 i would say more of a 1950s era american brilliant cut crystal piece now i like it and i like the large um i like the large area or diameter of that lid i like the finial now the finial in fact and the pattern is how you can identify which maker made the piece so you have to look at all the different patterns and again compare those patterns and this is what to look for because once you know what to look for you can't be confused when you know what to look for you're going to know what quality is because you know the junk it's easy you're going well dr laurie never talked about that it's you know not what you want to look for how much did you pay for it uh 9.99 9.99 and that was including the tape yes i got the 10k i would say value on it in today's market just about 70 dollars great so for ten dollars you got something worth seventy seven times that's pretty darn good based on actual sales records we are seeing a movement up in this uh brilliant cut uh glass and crystal market you know it really is going to spike probably uh 2023 2025 that neck of the woods because it's going to reach its 100th year anniversary around that time so that's a nice piece did you get it at a thrift store and was it on the shelf at a thrift store and it just sort of looked better than everything else it was yeah it was on the glass shelf at goodwill um but it was it just looked uh clearer and it looked clearer when you saw it on the shelf at goodwill more defined and more defined like sharper cuts right sharper cuts is another thing you want to look for and you want to look for diversity of pattern so you want to look for you know hexagons octagons and then maybe crosses or diamonds that kind of thing so before i let you go from new mexico uh cat or dog question of the day what's your better what's your favorite pet i like cats but i'm allergic to them so i have dogs okay okay nice to see you thanks so much thank you we love all of our pets don't we we all love all of our pets cats dogs goldfish we love them all oh it's good to see you laurie mikos i want to shout out to laurie miko she's going to be embarrassed but i'm doing it anyway here's why this is a person who shares this is the person who comments this is a person who supports the channel many of you do that yes but i would like to basically give a shout out to her because boy she does not stop and and you know super sticker sure that's very nice of her too but what i appreciate is part of the community you all are that and i'd like to see you all share more why i'm trying to do more videos for you you need to share and it's true when some of you say boy there's only so many likes for this i would expect there would be more likes for this particular thing and you know a lot of times it's just that you're enthralled and interested in the content that i'm providing and you forget to share you forget to like or you forget to re-watch i really need your help and i'm asking for it so please share like you know do what you can in terms of commenting i'd like you to be part of it you know but i want to shout out to her because from the beginning she has always done that so thank you to her and thank you to all of you so thank you for the super chats and super stickers they help all of us to here to continue to make videos for all of you there so my guests are here from all over let's see what they've got let's see what they've got okay let's take a look at this piece that looks like it might be a pin it looks like it might be a fan and i'm not really sure what it is because i can't really see it very well and then i'm going to berate you about not being able to see it what is your name and why can't i see this better why don't you put a piece of paper behind it so i can see it okay goodness me cutie pie come on yes that's the same color so i need like a white piece of paper contrast you know sure so i'm serena from my sabrina that's better from north carolina nice to see you and this is not a pen it's not jewelry um i believe it's japanese it's marked on the side here um at the bottom where my where i'm pinching it and i think that says if i was told by someone who knows japanese that that says made by and then whatever the person's name this back bit i was told that it said um commemoration of emperor hirohito's ascension so i'm thinking 1926 maybe yeah like like uh similar to a coronation collectible from of course like like if we were looking at coronation collectibles from 1953 for queen elizabeth ii this is a similar type of thing of the ascension to the emperor position are you okay i didn't do the emperor position you were just telling somebody no you know like my six-year-old was about to come in i said no no that's a no right thank you yes that's what the person who who read it read this thought it might be so so the other thing that it is basically so it's it's actually handmade right so it's handmade by a studio artist and these are made sort of as a a nod of honor if you will and that's very very typical in asian culture particularly in japanese culture so value on the piece is going to be about 175 how much did you pay for it um it was free it was in a well my aunt purchased a big um at an auction costume jewelry box and she told me i haven't gone through it yet but you can pick something out of there if you want and i picked this piece okay so you picked the unusual yes um and perfect it's very heavy i don't know what it's made of but i did the ice test looks like applied ornament be careful of the goofy tests yeah you know you know be careful of the tests that are you know so because you want to get it looks like a base metal actually it probably um has a little bit of applied ornament on it which is difficult they have to sculpt that of course similar to jewelry casting really because it's small i like that piece a lot i think it's interesting for the cultural side i think it's interesting for also the design side it's nicely wet it's nicely designed so for free you're doing great yeah and um question of the day cat or dog for sure dogs what would your six-year-old say he would also say dogs yeah okay nice to see you thank you thanks for calling in from north carolina yeah interesting pieces and pieces which relate to culture in any way will always have a market right they'll have a market to folks who love history or who want to remind them of of course maybe their lineage if they were japanese this kind of thing uh that's what you're looking at so is there something different about my hair i don't know it's a little fuzzier and frizzier today i have no idea if there's something different about my hair um i will say that my hair goes into well i'll call it dye phases dye phases you know sometimes a little darker sometimes a little lighter it's always about sort of the same bob kind of thing and it's very very very thick there's a lot of it uh but thank you for asking i guess so there's something i don't know if that's a good question or a bad question does it look bad or good i don't know anyway there you go there you go so let's see what we've got we need horizontal cameras the person who has the rhinestones the hammer is not horizontal or the person who's holding up the uh the turquoise piece the person the piece is not horizontal oh you have so one person has changed your object three times now so can't keep track of that that's more too difficult for me you got to choose one and stay with it let's go with this vase you don't have to you could keep changing it but i may not choose it because a lot of times you know i'm trying i'm thinking about it and i choose one and then i expect to go back to you and then you changed it on me hi it's dr laurie how are you oh no she almost dropped the vape so sorry i was muted are you okay did you drop the vase no i caught it that was close you have good you have good hands do you play baseball what's your name my name is meredith hello meredith where are you calling from uh northern california i'm so glad you didn't drop it that was almost a real tragedy yeah so uh tell me a little bit about your vase well i purchased it recently at a thrift store i got two of them good are they a match they're a match and i love matches i love sets okay good wooden bases i think they might be chinese export silver i think they're chinese export silver can you show me the underside yes i'll have to unscrew the so you don't have to unscrew anything you're good okay so it has a base and that base actually is attached with a nut and a bolt right to the okay that's good the charlie chinese export silver right okay and there is a mark it's very small okay chinese mark two-tone textural so you've got some texture and then you've got sort of the flat areas as well and they're about what 15 inches yeah okay great great there's a shield on the back that doesn't have a engraving on it and then it's birds and magnolias i think so there's a cartouche on the back you're calling it a shield it's called a cartouche and a cartoon c-a-r-t-o-u-c-h-e and basically it's the area where you can put some kind of information a date a monogram whatever you want to put so and if it isn't utilized people like that because they can put their own cartouche engraved in it so that's a good thing value on your on your one right now i'm assuming the other one's exactly the same in the same condition is that true that's true so value on both about 300 for the set nice or the pair right based on actual sales records very nice how much did you pay i paid three dollars each for that now walk me through it you're in this thrift store where are they on the shelf why did you choose them what happened they were at a goodwill on the rack above the clothing and i noticed the scallop pattern okay from behind before i saw the birds okay and the woman told me that she marked them just three dollars because um the screw at the bottom was loose but i think oh that's the reason hadn't been screwed in so yeah come closer with it so we can all see the birds there you go yeah it's pretty shiny and it's well yeah it's got some lotus flowers and some other elements that are indicative usually of asian culture which relate to symbolism too very nice i like that i like that i would not call that ray poo say no good question uh but i would not call that rape who say reaper say is really really embossed beautiful and and you want to look at ray poussin you want to think of some of the great american makers like uh uh s kirk and sons or stiff or um from baltimore that's really that's 19th century 20 early 20th century ray busay this piece is a nice piece i'd say for the set for the for the pair 250 300 good uh question of the day sweetheart pet cat or dog dog and cat i have both and dog and cat a lot of you have both isn't that nice so that's great nice to see you thanks for being with me sure sure my pleasure my pleasure i'm glad you're all finding me and i know you're going to binge right specials in shop page binge get going uh and we've got of course guest galore from all over the world i've heard from you from all over the world canada and australia and much of europe and part of south south africa and all over have you ever had someone break something while appraising it well you know i have been known to be on the stages across the country and someone will say dr laurie do you ever pray so did you ever break anything and i'm like don't jinx me you know so i've said that a lot don't jinx me um in fact but i have a lot of sk i have a lot of training with respect to handling objects i have had people who have told me the story of oh i brought this big painting i had a piece of glass or a big print and i had a piece of glass and i was taking it out of the car to bring it into an event and to show it to you dr laurie and i broke the piece of glass on the way i have had that once or twice but not a lot i mean i have to say since 1998 not a lot of uh broken pieces people are careful and um i think for the most part you know maybe the guardian angels are with us i don't know i'd like to say that we'll have to say that so but uh seen a lot of objects that's for darn sure that's for darn sure so get a lot of them of course featured right here well here they are here they are let's see what we've got well let's go away i don't know let's go with this i can't really see it let's go with the copper piece hi what's your name hi dr laurie hi barbara from reno nice to see you barbara so tell me about this my leg is falling asleep so i'm going to move a little bit it looks like a copper cauldron and it has i think i think a cauldrons of being big right cauldron i don't know compote planter planter oh yeah oak island i love oak island okay so uh planter and then it's got these little sort of in uh elements that look like they're brass and a little bit of enamel can you get closer can we see one of those close up do your best and then just let the camera focus a little bit back up a smidge all right stop okay so um how'd you acquire it what made you buy it an estate auction how much did you pay five dollars well okay i like it i think it's early 20th century 1925 to about 1940 and i would say value on it is probably 35 piece of copper strong right copper is a good strong base metal and then it has these elements that are actually in size for decoration for the most part and then it's a pattern that that repeats what i also like go blue mary what i also like of course is the step down right base which usually puts us somewhere in that uh 1930s era sort of art deco in terms of its style when you see that that's called a step down um element for a cast piece that's what you're looking at the the edge which of course is scalloped right um and then the inside you're noticing that the inside doesn't look very good which oftentimes mean that we're going to put plant material in it whether it's a plant itself with actual dirt and soil or if it's going to be in fact something else but uh hammered all the way around and the ridge is also what you see you see the ridge you can actually feel the ridge around the scalloped area when you're looking at that right that oftentimes will tell you that you're looking at a piece from the 1930s early 20th century you don't see those later oftentimes later it that's not going to be there that's more attention to detail that you don't see usually after world war ii so hope that helps hope that helps thank you for the super chats and the super stickers keep them coming hey one more thing before you go remind me where you're calling from reno nevada okay you told me that cat or dog dog question of the day dog okay what kind of dog particular breed um i have a um what do we call a border collie lab oh you have a smart dog yeah she's a girl yeah the collies are smart right aren't they supposed to be pretty very smart she's very smart yeah i wonder if they're little yippie dogs my one sister has a little what i call yippie dogs they're very cute they're very cute they're sweet you know you want to just hug them you know it's kind of like you know hugging a big mitten i love them but the collies are gorgeous so it's a collie lab fun must be a fun dog she is she definitely nice to see you you're fun too thank you thanks for being with me honey so she did okay but remember certain materials you want to think about that was nice and decorative but again value not too high why a lot of them out there right and functional objects right oh goodness i just looked up on ebay chinese silver face and the first result was very similar to what she had and and one price was like 375 american dollars so the ladies was worth double that okay so the price of one was 375 so the ladies would have doubled that well g ministry of medals you're wrong and here's why you're wrong because you're looking at a list price you don't know the background of the person who listed it you don't know whether or not they know anything about the market you don't know whether or not that's a buy it now and you didn't look at at sales records right and that's only one place that you looked you looked in one place even if you looked at sold records right you don't know what was happening in the market when it sold you don't know in fact whether or not you could find another one that sold in a different environment for more be careful when you only look one place so many of you will say i looked on ebay well that's great you can look there it's not that anything's wrong with that but i want you to look at all different parts of the market do you know the places where oftentimes that type of silver will sell most of it doesn't sell for highest prices on ebay oh i didn't know that i know which is why you need the appraised value and why you need to understand the market not just look something up on ebay the people who are doing that really don't have a broad understanding of how the market works but again i know everybody needs a starting point uh dr lori can you tell us about the camera on your table is it a polaroid no it is not a polaroid uh this particular camera in fact um is a mid 20th century and here's one part of the the case and here's the other part of the case and there's lots of stuff that's oftentimes on my table um antique cameras uh this one's vintage not antique because it's not 100 years old but vintage cameras can be very valuable a lot of people actually look for them and they even look for the accessory pieces on some of my videos you know some of those 847 other videos that you may not have seen because you're not using the binge link uh i talk about cameras i talk about land cameras polaroid cameras pleaser cameras cameras that of course have the um the automatic where all of a sudden the um uh the the print comes right out of the camera many cameras that i've talked about a couple and more than a couple of videos right there so get that binge link check it out nice to see you good question too uh the value of the one on my table is about 50 bucks all right let's see what we've got my guests are here what fun tonight let's see what we've got all right we've got that piece got that piece we've got what looks like a stamp uh i can't see because of the i can't really that one's too much in the dark the the glass thing is too much in the dark kind of looks like a sconce but i'm not really sure uh i have to go i guess kind of hard to choose i have to go with this uh ring go with a piece of jewelry take a look hi what's your name hi dr laurie my name is chris hey chris how you doing look at that rock what bling we got what is this one what are you calling north carolina all right so what did you how did you acquire this and you know is there some lucky guy or lucky girl who's gonna get it yeah my wife she owns i like to hear this is she a happy person she's gonna be happier yeah okay how'd you acquire it so this was on uh it was the auction okay um i paid 180. okay it's a 14k white gold okay and this stone is a spinel can you get it closer yeah get it closer so we can see that nice white gold here's a couple things i like can you hold it right there chris i can okay baby here's what i like about it i like first of all the way in which we have all of the wrapped wires of the white gold okay i would like to see stronger prongs than the wires i wish they did the wires because it's a nice attention to that rope detail kind of feels a little david yerman-ish not quite but ish and then i would like to see nice strong prongs i think those are going to be fine but i want your wife once a year on her birthday go into a jewelry store and have those prongs checked so she doesn't lose it and while she's there she could pick something else up for herself because it's her birthday and she should treat herself well right chris that's good okay that's one thing the spinel is probably worth about 250 to 350 dollars and then you've gotta take into account the white gold setting so you're probably at around 500 bucks for this ring okay great not bad not bad now that that's a retail value based on similar pieces and a lot of it has to do with the color right did you test it as spinel on the presidium gem tester i did it we do not have that yet we have the diamond and the loop okay all right well thank you for doing that but uh because that helps support us we get compensation when you buy some of the product any of the products from us but what i would say to that is show me the show me the ring is so like show me the the the story oh goodness lori yeah show me that that's what i want that's what i want to see tilt up tilt up up up stop there it is yeah nice nice nice nice color's nice color is going to be what it is i would say 500 for it that's retail right and remember jewelry has a high retail threshold okay does it fit her finger does it have to be sized it actually did it fits it perfect it fits a perfect yeah it's a good size and then it was supposed to be hers tell her to wear it in good health and before you go i want to know what's her first name uh tylene tylene and i want to know cat or dog your favorite pet and i want to know hers too oh both dog both dog okay good to see you chris that was a nice gift thank you enjoy honey nice piece nice piece so remember uh sterling's if if that were set in silver and it didn't fit her hand didn't fit her finger it's it's more difficult of course the size sterling so the fact that it's white gold is better if if it had to be sized to fit her so be aware of that uh with pieces like that i like that ring i thought that ring was nice i thought that ring was nice so that's a good piece as well so we've got guest galore all over and they're showing me their stuff everything's unscripted i'm dr laurie this is us dr laurie live let's see what we've got okay we've got a little celtic piece there and we've got a piece that looks like a print of some sort we've got a piece that looks like acrylic painting let's go with this small round orb that looks like it could be native american uh ceramic probably southwestern united states hi dr laurie how are you hi dr laurie hi what's your name where are you calling from janice from albion new york hi janice can you back up a little bit yeah there you go hon so tell me how did you acquire this i just got it today at the thrift store okay and um i was so happy you were on because i was trying to do a little research and i think it's a seed pot i think it's a seed pot too you did well that research was great good for you good it's it's signed down the bottom but okay let's see it's signed on the bottom so it's probably a pueblo potter who made the seed pot right and then okay you're gonna have to read the signature because it's a little blurry for us i i can't make it out okay you can send me a picture of it send me a photograph of it and i'll make it out for you and then for those of you who are having problems with respect to understanding a signature try to write it copy it yourself your brain to your hand will actually help you to understand what letters uh the artist was actually drawing there i tried that can you back it up some more yeah i think yeah more no back it up so we can see the whole piece because i'm seeing mostly your fingernails i'm sorry that's okay there you go little better okay so you'll notice that there is a feather motif the blue and the white the white are actually feathers they repeat if she were to turn the seed pod a little bit she was to turn it you're going to see other motifs that are indicative of the southwestern united states arizona the akama people of course of new mexico and arizona and that neck of the woods nice piece so um what did you pay probably uh two dollars for the bag so i'd say 50 cents oh gosh two dollars for the bag oh my gosh that's wonderful at the thrift store yes yeah okay um did you run out of there yeah okay i just want to make sure you guys have your sneakers on when you are when you are at the thrift store value on that oh hi how are you hey dr laurie got my nails the color of kings i love purple that's beautiful uh what's your name ace from austin but i'm in rockport today okay ace from austin but you're in rockport rockport massachusetts texas oh rockport texas okay so tell me would you buy this piece this little seed pod oh definitely i love native american art and if i try to you know collect it not only to to to help you know without with other cultures around there but really i think they're the most valuable pieces of art out there to me to me i really are really aligned with them i think that's a nice thing to say and i would agree with you you can it is beautiful it's very beautifully executed and painted so you would buy it uh do you have an idea based on how much you think is worth uh well you see i went to tombstone not too long ago and they did have a lot of native american art and some of them are pricey but it's well worth the price because it goes towards the artists and some of their communities so something like that that's small i i saw retail anywhere from like 60 to 80 to 120. there you go it's worth 75 bucks ace knows what he's talking about why he's been watching me thank you thank you janice and jesus before you go cat or dog question of the day definitely a dog i had a boxer i miss her you have a bo you had a boxer wow yeah beautiful beautiful dogs i love i love them both i love dogs and cats so fun fun fun nice to see you you too thank you so much dr my pleasure i made the question of the day pretty easy for you today i'm dr laurie thanks for being with me thanks to my guest see you next time don't forget to share and binge
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 35,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Lori
Id: ibwHWcvQAoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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