How to Teach Your Child to Read in 2019! | Teacher Mom Vlog

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so what is the best way to teach your child how to read in 2019 I'm going to tell you right now what's up guys my name is Aquila and I am a certified teacher turned homeschool mom welcome to another video if this is your first time here and you're interested in the best way to teach your child to have a fun and happy relationship with education and you want to maximize your child's potential start now by subscribing and clicking the little bell so that you don't miss a thing so one of the most common questions I get from parents and teachers is how do I teach my child or child how to read so the reason I made this video is because there's a lot of videos out there on YouTube especially early childhood learning videos that are either wrong outdated or ineffective in teaching children how to read now a lot of you are gonna ask why why why throughout this entire video because if I answered every why question this would be a very very long video however I will start off by just addressing some of the three major things that we're kind of doing wrong that needs to change so one of the things is learning teaching a child to read using their ABCs in ABC order that's not the most effective way of teaching a child to read because research has shown from some of the top educational experts and consultants in this country and abroad we want the child reading authentically as fast as possible as early as possible so if you're teaching an ABC order going both you're not being effective the next big misconception is with sight words you'll see a lot of people and a lot of videos too saying here sit your child in front of this and teach them sight words sidewards is a very outdated way of teaching a child to read now I learned how to read with that method it's called the whole language approach and I would say there's nothing wrong with it because I turned out well but for a great majority of the kids learning to read that way was slow and effective and we saw that later on down the line they had trouble reading phonetically reading words that they were not familiar with so throw sight words out the door a little bit we still use them but we're going to use them in a different way and the final big mistake is teaching a child how to read using the standard English alphabet we use something called the dis start alphabet when we're teaching a child how to read and I'll tell you why so the standard alphabet looks like this if you read this up here it says Pam had ham that's perfectly fine because every letter here in every word makes the sound the same sound so this Emma says boom this M says mmm this a says ah this a said at this a says act that would be totally fine if that were the case in English and and it's just not for example look here he and she go to the lake if you look at these underlined words or the underlined letters here e makes a different sound here here it says e here it says e here it says ah and here the e is silent watch out supposed to do it makes it really hard to learn English because of that and it's the same with the letters a here as well so what we do is we switch it up and we use the dist our alphabet which gifts kids little hints on how you pronounce that sound so for example we put a little line on top of the letters that say their name so for example here the child knows that we say e as in he you say o here and here you say a as opposed to this o where you don't say oh okay you say - as opposed to this a where it doesn't say its name it says ah so that's why we teach using the dist our alphabet that being said what is the best way to teach your child how to read in 2019 well it's a mix of direct phonics instruction mixed in with sight words in a specific order in a way that's fun and all of that what I just said is research-based so let's jump in and get started with our materials first of all everything I use here is linked in the description box below I find that I'm two ways either I want it for free or I want it right now and all together so just to let you know most everything that I'm using here you can get from your local library for free or wait and get it secondhand if you have the patience if you're like me on some days and I'm like nope just give me everything I need I'm going to start teaching my child how to read tomorrow Amazon Prime it to me I also put a list down there that has everything you need right there you just add it to your cart and you'll have all these materials ready to go to start teaching your child how to read to morrow now for the purposes of this video I've kind of outlined the steps to learning how to read in like ten steps so the first step is you're going to get some sort of reading tracker this makes it fun learning how to read is not always fun and it's tough and challenging for kids so all this is is a little tracker that my kids take and put a sticker on the number of lessons that they've done and when they reach a certain number of lessons when they hit three lessons done when they get eight lessons then when they hit 11 all the way up to when they finish the program or finish the lessons that I am teaching them they get rewards can be free rewards like getting a high-five party getting your nails painted at home it doesn't need to be anything paid I do have a treasure box full of goodies that I found for free or at my local goodwill stickers and things like that number two you introduce this star alphabet we've already talked about this but you're going to introduce it in a specific way any good learning program will introduce these sounds and just about this order because we want children reading right away research has also shown that the earlier child is able to engage in actual reading the better we'll be for them longer term so II we teach those sounds early on because think about it if we didn't teach until we got way 20 letters down to the T in the alphabet then my child would have to learn 19 sounds before they could sound out the word the what you're gonna do with that though is you need to learn how to say these sounds yourself and I'm saying that as someone again who did not learn how to read phonetically and so it was really hard for me as a first and second year reading teacher to teach phonics to my students with I didn't know it myself so I had to practice you're gonna practice these sounds on your own the best way to practice the sounds is to think about a word that ends with that sound for example d a lot of people when they teach a child how to say T teachers included will say the D as in dog duh duh you're saying duh the sound is it's different had I'm not saying Hannah I'm saying had okay and so it can be a little bit tricky but the reason we want to do that is because when you're teaching kids these sounds we want to make it accurate otherwise it's way to be more difficult for them to pick up on those sounds while they're read one of the reasons why I love this book is because it's got a pronunciation guide in the beginning they will teach you how to say the sound so that you can teach your child so I would highly recommend grabbing this from your local library or getting it in Amazon using my links below so we are teaching these sounds in this particular order using just our writing number three is you teach the child to write as you are teaching them the sounds so day one when you teach ooh you also of the child right out mmm I love this paper it's very plain and very simple especially for young writers however you can also use a whiteboard all right now after the child learns a few sounds we're going to teach them how to blend and I like to do is tell my children and the kids that I'm teaching to blend like Dory talks when she's talking like a whale so when doing talks like the whale she talks like this there's no sound in between the words she is saying a lot of parents and teachers will mistakenly do this mm II me that's not right the way you sound out the word is like this mmm not taking a breath in between these sounds meant met if the child is going mmm man tell them no say like Dory mat mat why because trust me I've taught fifth graders who are still segmenting out each sound like this and they can't put the whole word together so you're going to teach blending in an accurate way number five once the child has some consonants and vowels under their belt we're going to introduce decodable technique horrible text use this particular order of sounds so that children can read entire books or passages on their own now you can find decodable text in a few places one of them that teachers use is called reading A through Z it's not free it's a subscription-based service the other thing that is really really popular are Bob books Bob books are just the type of decodable text and the reason I love them is because they're small they're little and the child can say wow I read an entire book by myself and that boosts up confidence and that makes this process a whole lot more fun for kids so I'd highly recommend picking up some Bob books and introducing them after the child knows some letter sounds so number six which kind of goes with number five is you're introducing sentence reading a child starts here goes all the way to here learns how to read a sentence they learn that there are spaces in between each word right here and you blend the RAM is sad and they learn to stop at the end of a sentence when they see a period now you're gonna slowly and slowly tap the child increase the speed in which they are reading these sentences because they're going to be reading it so slow at first that they don't even understand what they read so you're going to show them good you write it slow no I'm going to read it the fast way the RAM is sad and you're going to slowly over a couple weeks do that and that child will be reading sentences like this in no time this is when it starts to get really exciting number eight sight words now this is the time when we start to introduce sight words well what are sight words there are two types of sight words one type of sight where it is a high frequency word and those words occur so often in the English language that we want kids to kind of just see them and see them the other type of sight word our words like was that cannot be sounded out no matter what you do so that's the type of sight word that you're actually going to introduce first and you just say okay sound this word out and then you say yep so that word actually says was and there's no way to sound out this word there are some words that we cannot sound out in the English language so we just have to know them this is one of them this word is was what word is this was there you go and so some of these other words just occur so frequently in the English language that we just want kids to know them now we don't want to start with this because I want my child to be able to decode this word I want the child to be able to sound out this word but I also want them to be able to say it fast and when I say it fast I mean within three seconds sometimes you'll see people going like this what does it say what does it say what does it say you're going way too fast give them a few seconds it is okay for a child to take about three seconds in kindergarten age to be able to decode a word or to actually be able to get a word from their memory bank now move sideways again we're not just going to take these sideways and flip them in front of their face that's the old-school way we're gonna play games with these sight words we're gonna have the kids engage with these sight words and really super fun ways one thing I like to do is hide sight words around my house and tell my child to find it when they bring it back to me I say okay give me a sentence with this word okay now let's paint the words we're really gonna dive deep here and we're getting away from a culture of just simply saying the word and moving on I love these particular sight word cards because they first of all they feel really nice but they also already have sentences on the back of them and that's just another way of diving deep with a child however obviously you can make your own side words with flashcards or print them out off of the Internet so these sight words are actually the first 20 24 H sight words here that occur in about 25% of any text a kindergartner is going to be reading so start with these sight words number nine now we're going to reinforce all the work that we're continuously doing with games and activity books so I recently found this Bob books developing readers workbooks I love it I've looked through it and it's not perfect but I love that it correlates with their other books and it gives children a chance to start to write words right away this is a super good workbook so I would highly recommend it however you can do any activity you want in order to get kids engaging with reading including reading to them and finally number 10 we're going to start to point out some word families to a child word families are just combinations of letters that we see common in the English language so we can sound this out it says ah once the child knows how to sound out some word families then you teach them oh did you notice that whenever we see this is this up and when I just change a consonant in front of this it says something different stop cop Bop okay so you teach that those word families after the child can already sound out the words alright so that's it now you know everything you need to know in order to teach your child how to read do go and pick up a text like this that is from an authoritative source because even though it's not really complicated to teach a child how to read it is difficult because there are a lot of small little things for example the names of the sounds actually make also giving corrections to a child that these experts know that is kind of difficult to learn the reason why I love this is because it's scripted and everything you tell a child is right here in pink all you have to do is read it and you're able to give clear direct instruction that will really benefit the child in the long run so I hope this video has been helpful to you guys if it has been helpful please just give me a thumbs-up if you have further questions head on over to the community tab put your questions there and make sure you're also following me on Instagram alright go and see something fun today [Music]
Channel: Akeeba Maze
Views: 1,087,012
Rating: 4.8628531 out of 5
Keywords: how to teach a child to read, how to teach your child to read, how i teach my kids to read, how to teach your child to read phonetically, reading tutorial, how to teach phonics, black homeschool mom, teaching reading, 2019, black teacher, teacher vlog, how to teach a child to read in 100 easy lessons, reading, teach reading, homeschool curriculum
Id: x_1kCvoIfuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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