Wednesday - Preschool Circle Time - Learn at Home - Tuesday 3/25

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good morning good morning how are you how are you this morning it's so nice to have you here with me today thank you for joining me for circle time this is our third day meeting for circle time it's a new day and so i think wait a minute i think i hear something do you hear it do you hear that make sure your listening ears are on i think i hear the good morning train the good morning train is coming how are you choo choo the good morning train is coming how are you choo choo the good morning train is coming the good morning train is coming the good morning train is coming how are you choo choo and we'll say hello to our friends wearing wait you tell me what color blue choo choo and we'll say hello to our friends wearing red choo choo are you wearing red and we'll say hello to our friends all of our friends wearing yellow are you wearing yellow choo choo and we'll say hello to our friends wearing pink that's right choo choo and we'll say hello to our friends wearing what color white choo choo and we'll say hello to our friends wearing green choo choo and we'll say hello to our friends all our friends wearing what color black choo choo and we'll say hello to our friends wearing purple hello friends wearing purple and we'll say hello to our friends wearing orange are you wearing orange choo choo and we'll say hello to our friends wearing brown hello friends wearing brown choo choo and we'll say hello to our friends all of our friends and we'll say hello to everyone wearing all the colors choo choo thank you all thank you for singing the good morning song and thank you good morning train for coming see you later bye good morning train now let's find out what day it is today but before i can go through our days of the week i'm missing something what is that thing i'm always holding in my hand i'm always holding my pop i am always holding my pu pointer that's right my pointer i have a pointer finger on this hand i have a pointer finger on this hand but i also have a really really fun pointer finger this big one that i use for circle time and this is what i use to point to all of the things on our circle time board this is the pointer so let's find out what day it is today let's sing the days of the week when we sing this song remember you can clap or you can snap or you can just sing the song there's sunday and this monday this tuesday and this wednesday this thursday and this friday and then there's saturday days of the week days of the week days of the week days of the week days of the week did you clap or did you snap your fingers did you clap your hands or did you snap your fingers what did you do great guess what we're going to sing it one more time so get ready remember you can clap or you can snap there's sunday and there's monday there's tuesday and there's wednesday this thursday and this friday and then there's saturday days of the week days of the week days of the week days of the week days of the week did you see that i clapped my hands and i also snapped my fingers so remember when we sing our days of the week song you can clap your hands or you can snap your fingers whatever you choose or whatever you want to try now let's find out what day it is today yesterday was tuesday yesterday was tuesday and so now we need to go down one more day today is wednesday wednesday starts with w wednesday today is wednesday let me get my small wednesday because we want to put it up here let's read the sentence together today is wednesday let's put up wednesday on the board today is wednesday today is wednesday today is wednesday all day long today is wednesday today is wednesday today is wednesday all day long all day long today will be wednesday all day long will be wednesday now let's find out what our number of the week is let's review the number of the week number of the week who remembers what our number of the week is we've been reviewing this number for two days who remembers what number it is do you remember the number of the week oh what was that you do well i heard someone say it's number eight number eight is our number of the week if you remember number eight great this week we've been counting all the way up to a number eight yesterday we counted sticks to make a fence and on monday we just counted the sticks and i held them in my hand well today we're going to count the sticks to make a fence and i added something new and i'll show you after we count the sticks are you ready to count to eight great i have my sticks all of my colorful sticks and i'm ready to count to eight with you let's do it together i'm going to place the sticks on our fence and you can count with me let's do it one two three four five six seven eight eight sticks to make our fence we put up eight sticks to make our fence you helped me count but can you help me count those sticks one more time great i'm going to use my pointer finger to point you count aloud with me one two three four five six seven eight now let's use the big pointer to count to eight can you count with me one more time great let's count the sticks one two three four five six seven eight eight sticks we built the fence again do you like our fence you helped you helped me by counting the eight sticks and we have just enough for this special special offense now i want to count something else and i know you can help me are you ready this is my caterpillar and there are eight spaces for me to put on pom-poms and i'm going to ask you to help me count aloud while i put the pom-poms on you help me count to eight you think you can do it well i know you can do it let's count together i'm going to put all of these pom-poms in my pocket and i'm going to take them out one by one while we count together let me move a little closer so we can do this together let's start counting one two three four five this is six seven eight eight there you go let's count them together using my pointer finger you count with me aloud one two three four five six seven eight eight pom poms on my caterpillar eight thank you for helping me now let's put this caterpillar on our circle time board let's find a space for it eight pom-poms on our caterpillar now let's go to our letter of the week what is our letter of the week who remembers what that letter is now before i show you i want to see who remembers what our letter of the week is remember every letter makes a sound and this letter makes the sound can you guess do you remember i think some of you remember our letter of the week is f f f makes that sound f says every letter has a sound and f says let's put f on the board now we can read the sentence together letter of the week f the letter of the week is f letter of the week f the letter of the week is f who remembers some of the words and pictures that we looked at yesterday for letter f things that begin with the letter f i'll give you the first one one of them was f for fish fish who remembers another one f for fan yes f for fan fan there are a few more f for fire fire yes oh how about two more let's see if we can remember two more f for flag flag how about one more this is something that i love to smell and they come in all different colors and shapes and sizes f4 flower flower you all remembered so many words that start with the letter f our letter of the week is f f says you try let me hear you say f says excellent try thank you for saying that now i know you know what sound f makes and you'll remember all of those things that f starts with so let's keep going let's see what else is on our circle time board oh we have to find out what the weather is today the weather where i live is let me look out the window the weather where i live looks really sunny i'm looking out my window and it looks really sunny out the sun is shining so bright today yesterday it was raining here but today the weather is sunny what's the weather like where you live it is did you look out your window great well the weather here is sunny so let's find a picture that we can put up on our circle time board here's my weather picture bag all right let's see if i can find a picture that represents sunny because remember where i live here the weather is sunny how about let me come a little closer so you can really help me how about this picture do you think this looks like a sunny picture no this is a cloudy picture how about this picture does that look like a sunny picture no that picture looks like rain and yesterday was raining not today oh how about this picture does that look like a sunny picture well yes this is a picture of the sun and since it's sunny out i think putting a picture of the sun is a good idea do you think it's a good idea great we're going to put the picture up of the sun let me put the other pictures down i don't need these anymore sunny now let's read the sentence now let's read the sentence together the weather is sunny yesterday was rainy rainy rainy and mr weatherberry put on his rain hat he put on his raincoat he put on his rain boots and he even had an umbrella but today it's sunny out well let's start with mr weatherbear's pants because he likes to wear his jeans do you wear jeans do you like to wear jeans i like to wear jeans some people call jeans dungarees but they're jeans or you can call them dungarees mr weatherbear likes blue jeans so we're putting that on him and we're going to find a light jacket for him or you tell me what jacket you think he should wear do you think mr weather bear should just wear a jacket because it's sunny out a little cold but sunny or should he wear a raincoat what do you think oh i hear a lot of you saying a jacket yeah it's not raining anymore so i think a jacket would be a good idea so let's put a jacket on yesterday mr weatherbear wore his rain boots because it was raining outside but today maybe he should wear sneakers what do you think should he wear rain boots or sneakers i think i hear a lot of you saying sneakers well since it's not raining today it's a great idea to wear some sneakers so he can run and jump so we're going to put sneakers on mr weatherbear and i think he's ready to go oh what's that you want him to put on a hat well these are the only two hats we have for mr weatherbear a rain hat or he could wear his little winter hat and since it is a little cold he can put the hat on just to make sure his head is warm which one do you think rain hat or his winter hat winter hat okay winter hat's a good idea that way his head stays warm and if he gets too warm or too hot he can take the hat off so let's put on the hat and since it's so sunny and the weather may be changing soon and getting a little warmer we may have to make a new hat for mr weatherbear like a cap maybe he could wear a cap on his head for those days that aren't that cold so we're going to have to do that and maybe you can help me do it we can do it together good idea great all right so everyone wiggle your fingers wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle ooh good wiggling over there wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle slowly wiggle slowly wiggle slow slow slow and you can move your body too while you do it slowly wiggle oh a little faster wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle stop good listening good listening let's try that one more time slowly wiggle slowly wiggle wiggling those fingers slowly wiggle and you can move your body slowly wiggle faster wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle stop good listening i didn't trick you you are listening and stop now let's do another song okay hands up open shut them open shut them give a little clap clap clap open shut them open shut them place them in your lap lap lap creep them crawl them creep them crawl them right up to your chin chin chin here's your chin touch it touch it touch it open wide ah you're a little mouth but do not let the lining in do not let them in nice singing and thank you for wiggling those fingers who remembers who remembers what our shape of the week is who remembers who remembers what our shape of the week is who remembers our shape it has four sides one two three four the shape goes just like that one two three four who remembers what shape that is oh i think i heard someone say it it's a square a square a square it's a square a square a square it's a square a square the square has four sides one two three four four sides let's put our square up on the circle time board there it is now let's count the sides of the square together let's count the sides together come on let's do it one two three four one two three four the square has four sides that's right you're correct you did an amazing job helping me today we did it together and so now it's time for our circle time song we have to end with the song and now i already got our cards out our circle time song cards let's see what song is on top today okay i'm going to move a little closer so you can see it sometimes it's far away and you can't see you see that let me move back a little bit the song today is five little monkeys jumping on the bed who knows that song do you know that song five little monkeys jumping on the bed do you know that one well i have some special monkeys here i have one and two and three and four and five we should make sure i have five help me count them one two three four five that's right i have five little monkeys i have five little monkeys all right are you ready to sing the song with me let's do it together five little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head ouch mama called the sucker and the doctor says no more monkeys jumping on the bed how many monkeys now let's count them one two three four four four little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumps her head ouch mama calls the doctor and the doctor says no more monkeys jumping on the bed how many now help me count one two three three three little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumps his head ouch mama calls the doctor and the doctor says no more monkeys jumping on the bed how many now one two two little monkeys jumping on the bed one fell off and bumped his head ouch mama calls the doctor and the doctor says what's the doctor say no more monkeys jumping on the bed that's right how many now one one little monkey jumping on the bed she falls off and bumps her head ouch mama calls the doctor and the doctor says no more monkeys jumping on the bed no more monkeys jumping on the bed zero mama lays down and rests her head she calls the doctor and the doctor says put those monkeys straight to bed good night good night little monkeys goodnight the end that's the end of our song and that's the end of our circle time thank you for joining me for wednesday's circle time i'll see you again tomorrow bye
Channel: Monica J Sutton
Views: 1,434,697
Rating: 4.4844923 out of 5
Id: rPuTYmL2PT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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