How to Read for Adults | 5 Steps to Learn to Read

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I'm a pro McMurtry the developer of learn reading comm in this video I will show you exactly how to read I created the learn reading video courses especially for adults who either could not read or could not read well so if that is you then this video is for you you are the inspiration behind my entire curriculum and I hope that you will stay with me through the end of this video so that I could show you exactly how to read also in this channel I will be sharing every detail on every aspect of learning how to read so if you are interested in learning more about how to read or if you are interested in teaching someone else then I invite you to subscribe to this channel and click on the bell icon so that you can be notified when new videos are uploaded ok let's get to it in order to learn how to read one thing is absolutely essential before you begin to look at letters on a page that is what is called phonemic awareness phonemic awareness is being aware of the smallest unit of sound within a word and this does not come naturally to a lot of people sometimes the sounds within a word can sound muddled or blend it together or they turn into other sounds when you try to pronounce them for instance pillow comes out as pillow someone without a strong sense of fina microrna s' will be unaware of the sound of it in pillow it seems to them like an a so phonemic awareness needs to be established before the letters will begin to make sense within a word the good news is phonemic awareness can be learned or developed at any age you just need a proper teacher and a lot of practice to begin developing phonemic awareness you can start with a few simple exercises first look at any object around you say the name of that object very slowly and try to pick off just the first sound for instance if you see a lamp you would stretch it out mmm and then pick off just the first sound oh and then repeat with another object when this has become simple for you continue with the exercise but build on it try to identify each and every sound within the word so if your word was lamp after you stretched it out lamb you would then try to separate every sound within that word oh ah hmm and pay special attention to the vowel sounds in the word when you are stretching it slowly to make sure that you are seeing it correctly when it is separated and finally when you are feeling that you are separating all of the sounds cleanly and clearly add to this exercise by isolating the last sound and then identifying another object that begins with that sound for instance if my word was lamp after I stretched and separated the sounds and identified the last sound as I would then look around and try to think of or find a word that begins with that sound such as plate then after stretching on separating the sounds in plate and identifying the last sound as I would then look for a word that began with that sound such as truck and then continue practicing the activity learning how to stretch separate identify and eventually manipulate the sounds with a no word will develop your sense of phonemic awareness and then you will be properly set on the path to becoming a successful reader I have provided a sample phonemic awareness worksheet for you as a free pdf and you will find the link to it below in the description next to the number one the second thing you must know before you can learn how to read well is what the proper sounds of the alphabet are most people think they know these but they are surprised when they discover that they are wrong the sound for P is not paw the sound 4-h is not huh and the sound 4y is not what if you are going to learn how to blend letter sounds together to make a word you must know exactly what those letters say there can be no guessing and no almost if you are going to read well I have an audio clip which I invite you to listen to in which I very clearly and slowly say the most common sound that each letter of the alphabet will make I also have this in PDF format if you would like a hard copy of what the proper pronunciation of each letter should say you will find the link to that audio clip below in the description next to the number 2 and the free PDF of those sounds next to the number 3 you must know what those correct sounds are before you begin reading so so far we have talked about two essential pre-reading skills that must be established before you begin blending letters into words and I'm actually going to throw in one more at this point sight words sight words are words that cannot and must not be sounded out or decoded but they do often occur in everyday print so these words must be learned in an entirely different way when learning how to read first of all there are several popular lists of sight words but most of them contain words that can actually be decoded so I have condensed those lists and created a list of true sight words which only contain words that should not be sounded out by emerging readers and I will be referring to this list of true sight words as we discuss this topic so sight words can be difficult to learn there's no way around it but even though they are difficult words the way to learn them is actually simple in a word exposure you need a lot of exposure to sight words and it is critical that a student never try to sound out or dakota or blend a sight word when learning how to read so the way to learn sight words is to learn to recognize the word as a whole unit I use a reading guide this one - circle sight words when we come to them in written text as a reminder to look at that word is a whole unit and not a sum of its parts when we are just learning sight words I introduced just one at a time and then practice identifying that sight word within a page of those already learned circling each one as we go and sing the new word louder once you can easily locate and say the word several times on the page you can then engage in other practice activities using only words that you have learned to remember there must be no reason to guess exposure to a very controlled set of words only those that you have learned is absolutely critical in practicing and we'll talk more about that later I have a list of 80 truesight words for you as well as several activities that you can use to help master these words and there will be a link for those below next to the number 4 so now we are finally ready to start talking about how to actually read this next step is so important it is where most of the errors lie in those who struggle with reading this most important skill that must be developed is what I call carefully controlled blending now that you have phonemic awareness skills so the letters in the word we begin to make sense and now that you know the pure and correct sounds that those letters make and now knowing that when you come to a site word it must not be decoded but read is a whole word you are now ready to combine these skills and begin blending control the blending is the technique of training your eyes and your mouth to focus and study one grapheme or letter at a time graphene's by the way are the proper term for the letter or a combination of letters that make a certain sound or phoneme controlled blending involves the extremely careful progress real word I again recommend the use of a reading guide when blending for several reasons but most importantly it creates a multi-sensory experience and engages more senses than just your eyes and you can learn more about reading guides in the link next to the number five to blend with control you must think of your reading guide your eyes and your mouth as being a connected unit and moving together without any of its parts moving ahead or lagging behind you must focus and force your eye and guide to not move ahead in the word before your mind and mouth have had time to articulate that phoneme moving slowly is the key just like practicing the piano or any other skill you must master the basics before you can flourish and become fluent or proficient so even though you may be used to guessing and want to just read the passage as quickly as you feel you should be reading it please do yourself a favor and slow down and train your brain to develop extremely carefully controlled blending you can see video examples of the proper use of control blending as well as what it should not look like or common errors at learn reading calm in the free how to teach reading course and you can have access to this free course by clicking on the link below next to the number six so controlled blending is the extremely careful movement through a word however the material you use when you practice this skill is almost as important as the skill itself which brings me to the fifth requirement to learn how to read generous practice with controlled text controlled text is reading material that only contains words which you have already learned how to read so there is never a reason you would have to get at a word you want to break the habit of guessing and develop the skill of reading so controlled text is absolutely essential it can be difficult to find reading programs that teach all of these essential skills as well as provide the generous amount of practice with controlled text that's needed to really solidify your reading skill and that's why I developed the learn reading program every lesson teaches just one new grapheme just one new phoneme just one new sight word and you have access to paired card sets for activities and games as well as supplemental books which were written especially for every lesson in the learn reading master course and these books contain five short stories per lesson to practice reading with that carefully controlled text the learn reading master course is an online video class with me as the teacher I will teach you eighty-three lessons in the order that you will encounter those graphemes and phonemes in the real world it includes all aspects of reading instruction such as those we've discussed as well as vocabulary development fluency comprehension and much more and since I am a professional dyslexia specialist I of course use multi-sensory teaching techniques throughout the program and if you're interested in learning more you can just visit learn reading com or click on the link below next to the number seven but for my friends here on YouTube I want you to know that I will be posting very comprehensive videos on each topic that we've addressed today as well as many others there will be a video dedicated chest to developing phonemic awareness one video dedicated to the memorization of sight words one on how to use a reading guide and even a video on the importance of sketching or visualizing what you are reading to help with comprehension and many others so if those are topics that interest you either as a learner or as a teacher or tutor of reading I hope that you will subscribe to this channel and click on the bell icon so that you can be notified when these and other important videos are uploaded I hope you have found this information useful and I look forward to sharing more with you soon because everyone deserves a chance to learn reading
Channel: Learn Reading
Views: 70,198
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Keywords: how to read, how to read faster, how to read books, how to read better, how to read english, reading curriculum, reading curriculum homeschool, reading program, homeschool, online reading program, how to teach reading, how to teach my child to read, learn reading, reading tutor, phonics, phonemic awareness, sight words, phonemic awareness exercises, sight word activites, how to teach sight words, phonics program, how to teach phonics, phonics for kids
Id: 5SxuNSAtmxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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