How To Tarp A Lumber Load Owner Operator Flatbed Load Securement

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ah it's like this guy needs to pull up so I can get in whatever other penis drop is going down there you gotta get out bud get out so the other guy could pull look I did it say hello last week same as that low said now I got a purple max that's my guy a blue yeah there you go buddy gonna put up hang up so I can get in you know highway luckily nobody down behind me good morning sir safe trip yes sir get going start unstrapping I'll get you yes sir [Music] okay she's a confederate flag over there hey that's a big one too speaking the wrong side of ten take a break break right here so getting that load she arrived here for a little bit last week when I was saying it took about a it's about 30 minutes why I got a little so hopefully don't take that all today we're ready money to go east murdered I can't make that turn around there because they're cheap moves what you did put it tight they're here Statesboro drugs I swore I'm ready 35-mile dean here from Sylvania that's where I was just saying that truck stop that was Sylvania George hey y'all know I can't drive in New York City it's a little Statesboro zones this ain't no big deal this Lowe's was born in Madison for jigna delivered soir between six and three I believe I've got a lot of time on my classroom I'm gonna be able to make it to far today I can knock out it I might I might make it back home they taste truth yes that's all that's on my agenda make it back to the house come on green light there we go we gotta make a right on Park Avenue Park Avenue 3a Park Avenue Nix Nix right Thanks it's gotta be this right cover the right here Park Avenue turning that's first place before Parker man it's a discard some more these guys aren't cutting this grace a guy had a motor truck right tight squeeze almost there almost there ain't want to just go to neighborhoods yeah like I said last time I came up here I came from a different route I didn't I came through the through the town where college was it I love these four-way stop sign everybody stops got cutting that grace got that troll in the room that's why I wasn't too sure about it turn Oh yeah I remember now last time I came up on steelwill I didn't come this way I came from right here like I'll make a right right here this is the way I came last time I was here they have a the topic area was down so I had had to talk with myself but it made me pull out the property not parking skills Road to skills for that being a driver they don't want be able to scale Culpeper didn't want you to scare me only scale out let's go check [Music] hey honest honest opinions only out of Spanish wear you out what do you all think about my drive she taught me to go around the board behind the cars which I think about my driving man hacking I was a tight squeeze I was just saying just now as a real tight squeeze around the bar behind colors looks like they're talking there you probably still work there cuz they got uh I got some random trucks parked there but like he's still down like I did last poor local tours over the wallet behind the cars oh now remember I remember my back last time I was here I'm back I'm back over there he just waved me up yeah I remember now last time I banged up over there honestly lows mostly strapped and talked strap to tighten before truck is moving okay whose I gotta tighten them straps man here last time I tighten it over there I also remember the last time I was here when they first started that then you're moving stuff you couldn't drive the truck over five miles now now remember that number back never back back last year what I had a new eld mandate to drive trucks at uh like 30 30 miles an hour up to 30 miles an hour before the kicking and drive and in Moodle you can take the whole trailer I will put over on top all right you [Music] [Music] been a while since I did it did a topping video it's been a good way Bunji missing a down hook it's been a good way I need to grab some more buddies [Music] now we're gonna close the back end up I'm gonna go ahead and close the back up close it back how the back look look all right we're gonna put one more right here just just in case this was the fallout yeah grab a couple more bungees Sacopee in the other side then we're gonna climb back up there grab a couple I'm gonna grab a couple man grabbed a couple from over there let's go ahead pianist oh I forgot about these and I threw down here I forgot about y'all I'll go ahead and put these over here while we on this side well we got one tarp up there we got one now we're gonna get another one I knew this place down tarpon station if I had a ladder I wouldn't have to do my acrobatics to get up here but y'all I already knew I'm a flatbed Olympian that ain't gonna work right here yes I did a while ago came up on this side want to be a flat bitter gotta be athletic I gonna say you got to some guys got ladders maybe when I get old what I'd need a ladder right now that ladder slow me down then I gotta take it out put it back up for now I stick to this I'm gonna sit down on the edge put my leg right here that way y'all got a little drop [Applause] believe it or not I try to minimize how much I jump down off that trailer okay right now I could have jumped down on this other side where do they go no steps over there so I could have jumped but I took the steps because when I do my body will pay for it Oh looks pretty good it looks pretty good only God won't bungee over here I'll go ahead pin this one just want bungee just so that down wind on a side to take it off go ahead pin it what we over psi then we're gonna get WorkCover closing this whole thing and this I don't got it man Adele holding so we gotta improvise improvised baby won't be a flatbed I know it got a hole in it silver there it is no no somewhere the d-rings missing that's what it is it's missing the d-ring damn so it's not the best we can do the d-rings tour yeah it's about this we can do without I put one right there we got to pull down that side right there on the other side you got to pull it down ain't got enough ain't got nothing to work with take a few punches on this side with me hey really don't got too much work wait over there that's about all I can do and got too much to work with babe so we're gonna do it like that because the loads are even at the top that's why it's like that it's not our flat [Music] [Music] so I'm I saw these bunches got to get another bundle down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I tell y'all the truth this is the first load that I've talked a lumber load I talked like flat steel those just won't talk it's the first load I talked in front of about two months so if you see me with like if y'all see me with a tarp load on Facebook snapchat anything it was a pre it was a pre load already talked when I picked it up this is the first load I talked down a long time so I'm not sure not sure how good my talking skills are I'm not sure if I can still call myself the master topper I let y'all be the judge of that but so far we almost finished I'm gonna go ahead and finish this side all the way psych my bungees been hacking up so long they do got it to a like I use them in a way [Music] and used other forever go ahead but just a long way sank I worry about it okay well hey get ready to the front I thought do this to do the other side yeah coming along nicely I've got nowhere to put this one just gonna really you back here somewhere well hold you right there baby I forgot about those right here we might need a whole nother bundle a bunches I need a whole nother bundle there's a rank at the top I got right here [Music] hey when that happens I screenshot this part right now stretched out right now that's my snap qu for the mental snap spring shot snapcode man right here once again dr melvin or snatch a real easy [Music] Oh Oh almost got me gotta be quicker gotta be quicker than that gotta be quicker than that I just walked all the way down here with two bunches in my hand walked right past the hole with my 67 that I dropped on the ground and now I got to go back and get off works more than a horse how many times I heard it works more in the we almost finish got a do the front and that's gonna be I got some bunches in my dog box that I need to take out they've been in there taking up space for the longest now is the perfect opportunity to get him I think I got some in there I probably need about eight let's hope this is enough let's hope this is enough we ain't got to take a whole bundle down this this side is dude poof almost forgot this almost forgot now my shirt got all these on this side yeah look pretty good let's close the front up we're gonna be out of here oh I see UPS truck up there remember how I was telling y'all by the eld own thing when I switched over we gonna drive five miles an hour because last time I came here I had dropped a load off in Florida Lakeland Florida and I had to deadhead Statesboro to get low but I got her too late so I spent the night here I saw the next morning I was born I was gonna creep and get loaded when I started my clock but when forklift driver came and got me man I couldn't keep up with him I'm trying to creep at five miles now man he took off on my head ever since the I have been able to creep sometimes I could do it depend on where I'm at all depends we're all dropping this load off it I'm a descent for genius if they if they don't if they don't unload you in that little area where you spend a night it you got to move to a different spot so you got to follow the forklift again once again you cannot therefore run yes trying to go five miles now and we're gonna take off you look back at your like what's your normal birth you get tired of creeping so users you just heat the gas to take off just say it take the loss but y'all don't know what he'll they'll talk about I'm talking about that damn 14 hour clock trying to lead trying to get unloaded without starting your fourth day in our club that's what I'm talking about the other night truck drivers y'all truckers they know y'all Luke I know how it is I forgot about these budgets in here these are the extra long bunches I keep them in here just in case I got to pull up on the side of the road that's also the main reason I got him in that dog box too so if I pull up on the side road all got to go over there and fight they get those out those are my emerge emergency budgets that I keep in the case of an emergency yeah I just grab those real quick if I got to pull over and fix something so that's why they're right there which I'll know about it any of y'all got emergency budgets that you keep somewhere it's about as good as this gonna get see if I creep this bungee up here here I creeped that one in there every little bit helps I got one more Rock putted it every little bit helps all right this is finally walking route right here game I'll tell me what y'all think to me if I did a good job tell me what needs to be worked on [Music] there's the back here's this side [Music] hey I can accept criticism now tell me what you think I'm not worthy it should be the master topper anymore I haven't talked in a long time put this on right here I don't really need it but like I say every little bit helps every little bit helps me fix this real quick we're gonna hit the road send my depart shipper and we out of here flat me again hope y'all enjoy this video man probably millions to Graham I'm out
Channel: Big Snow Trucker
Views: 15,963
Rating: 4.8407493 out of 5
Keywords: how to secure flatbed load, high paying trucker jobs, study for cdl license, how to use bungees, truck driver driving into protest, donald trump police reform, when is next stimulus check, navigation with rand mcnally tnd tablet, decker transport, ryder leasing, how to use ratchet binder, how to back up commercial 18 wheeler, how to operate refrigerated trailer, how to use end dump, how to open conestego trailer, how to use side curtain trailer, how to hook up dolly
Id: dHKyYunXBb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 52sec (2932 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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