How To Tame Your Frizzy Hair

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hi beautiful today we're talking about frizzy hair it sucks it's not fun it ain't cute and it ain't the thing to have it probably won't ever be trendy but listen there are ways that we can fix the situation at hand there are techniques that will help you defeat this frizzy hair problem but first we have to discuss what is frizzy hair i'm going to answer that question tell you all about how to fix it what you can do better what you ain't doing right at all so if you want to know what the to do about your frizzy mess on your head well you come to the right place and you've asked the right guy let's do it [Music] what is frizzy hair bro when where how why and what it's honestly quite simple it's probably what what you expected it's the hair fibers running in all different directions so the hair fiber's like no i'm gonna go over here and this one's gonna go over here and i'm just not moving positions this is where i'm meant to be okay here is a mathematical diagram on how what that looks like let's understand that we have an outermost layer of our hair the cuticle is that that doesn't give off what you want it to do sometimes as miley would say it it can't be tamed sometimes it can be often times a little like no thank you so when your hair isn't cooperating when it's all one over here one over there boom bang bang boom i'm gonna curve this way this one's gonna curve that way it creates frizz when all those shingles are laying down flat it's able to retain moisture which allows your hair to stay in place and not create extra frizz but when your shingles are all open it's all around bad because it's not able to retain that moisture it's becoming dry and it's becoming more and more frizzy and expanded i'm glad we got the basics down i feel good about that how about you so let's answer the next question the next hard-hitting question how does frizz happen what the i'm here to tell you let's get into the science of it we have carbon dioxide and um carbon monoxide and we have uh co5 i don't know i made all that up uh it's actually not that difficult to understand there are four main factors of frizz chemical and heat damage definitely a big factor coral pattern or the amount of curl we have environmental damage and can you guess the last one what do you think the last one is take your guess right now we're putting a timer right here you have five four three two one if you guessed the diameter of your hair or just how thick the actual fiber is you'd be correct congratulations you won absolutely nothing today let's review what we just went over but break it all down piece by piece shall we heat or chemical damage you know i love styling hair i love coloring hair but unfortunately a lot of the times it's damaging i'm sorry so every time you are applying that straightener heat you are blow drying with a blow dryer that goes up to a really really high temperature that is so unnecessary or a curling iron you're going to be causing damage which makes it harder and harder to align those hair fibers correctly and have them stay like that damaged hair does not like to cooperate and it does like to frizz up and create the hair fibers to be like you know and it creates a jungle of mismatched hair fibers that are going one direction and the other direction which is not what we want i think we've been over that a couple times today curly hair is known for the frizz the fluff the stuff it is tough oh which is a big reason why people that have curly hair swear by the hair products they use that is because girl y'all got crazy hair naturally because those hair fibers are not aligned altogether you got the waves and you got the curls and you got the some straight pieces some are bent some are crisscrossed that is what creates that big crazy frizzy hair okay so the curlier the more coily your hair is the greater the frizz is going to be and if you have more than one of these things i'm so sorry environment okay so where you live matters right everybody knows this one if you live in a very humid climate your hair is prone to being frizzy as you know think of the hair fiber as a sponge right so every time you go outside in very humid weather there's a lot of moisture in the air your hair is sucking in all of that moisture okay it is hydrating itself and once it hydrates itself it is sort of breaking the bonds of those styling products you put in your hair or a lot of it and what's happening is your hair is becoming bigger and bigger because most styling products are water soluble they are going to end up running out of your hair when there is humidity or water involved on your hair so the styling products are broken down and your hair becomes big again and frizzy and exactly what you don't want and lastly do you remember the last one do you remember the one i haven't reviewed yet the diameter of the hair is also a key player and how frizzy your hair is going to be typically the larger the diameter of the hair is the thicker the hair the more difficult it is to style and keep that style in your hair for a long period of time like we went over before frizz is just really created by hair not being aligned altogether and it being a crazy force remember that diagram i showed you earlier of the hair you know science you know so hair that has a larger diameter is going to be more noticeably frizzy and you're going to see those hair fibers more and it's going to be harder to keep that hairstyle intact after you say a blowout or straighten your hair or anything to style your hair you are going to see your frizz a lot more unfortunately we've made it to the main performance this is gonna be all about how to stop that from happening it's all about not drying your hair out right so therefore let's stop washing our hair every single day okay if you do that and you're complaining about your hair being frizzy girl stop it don't do it anymore it's not good for you at least go two days without washing your hair and if you really must get your hair wet if you feel the need to urge the oh please like let me just wash my hair i will allow you to rinse it that's as far as i go you can rinse it and apply some more conditioner okay conditioner is your b f f f especially hydrating conditioners anything with a lot of oils in it things like glycerin are great for your hair it actually penetrates inside the hair follicle and coats the outside therefore you can fight the frizz better speaking of oils oils are great okay natural oils are the best if i could bottle this oil from my scalp and sell it i would because it's good as hell so your main goal here is to distribute those oils on your hair strands okay natural bristle brushes are the best for this however if you would like to use something that is vegan you can totally do that as well just make sure it is similar to a boar bristle brush um they do make synthetic sort of bore bristle like brushes so go for something like that i will link some brushes below for you hair products are your best friend things that moisturize things that coat your hair those are the things we want on our frizzy hair things like oil viper smoothing oil by axmondo hair love it puts a beautiful gloss in the hair and fights humidity and frizz constantly all day every day baby within viper we have carrot seed oil argan oil and bobab oil which are all just like a powerhouse at frizz control baby we have moisture creams like electric rain by yours truly which has argan oil proteins built in and blueberry and apple extracts to really combat damage and deplete frizz a conditioning mist or spray or whatever you want to call it using a conditioning spray out of the shower is going to be phenomenal for you as well it's going to pack your hair with that extra hydration it needs as well as oils and proteins and all sorts of other amazing ingredients and when it comes to your shampoo again moisture baby oils give me literally every oil and just put it on my hair and my scalp that is going to lay your cuticle down flat and keep it flat for longer try out hydroglow hydrating shampoo and hydrating conditioner packed with oils and extracts to ensure the smoothest sexiest silky hair use a hair mask and no it's not like the mask kim kardashian wore to the met gala it's like cream that you put on your hair and you leave it there i actually get asked that question a lot like why do you call it a hair mask because it really coats the hair is that why is that why people call it a hair mask i actually don't know i could call it like a hair cream but then there's there's hair creams out there anyways hair masks are gonna be amazing you're usually leaving them on the hair for an extended amount of time and they have a higher concentration of moisturizing ingredients typically which means if you're doing this in the shower and your hair is swollen from the heat in the shower and then you're packing it filled with all of that great nutrients your hair is going to obtain that nutrients for longer and it's going to be healthier and more moisturized and decrease frizz try prismatic glow hydrating mask i recommend doing this hair mask weekly at least once a week you gotta do it you gotta keep up with it if you want that good good hair you know if you really really really want less frizz you're gonna have to not color your hair ever would be best like don't ever color it or color it a lot less let those roots grow in just hold off as long as you can go if your dull process blonde or you do a full head of foils constantly every month or a couple months you're gonna have to slow your roll because listen lightener or hair color in general it loves to give you frizz luckily nowadays though a lot of hair color lines actually decrease frizz and actually your hair can look and feel a lot healthier after the coloring process but sometimes you definitely get the opposite so you know just be careful with color or color your hair a little less if you want to be really sure you're helping decrease the amount of frizz in your hair put down the hot tools the blow dryer the curling iron the flat iron don't do it the more you use it incorrectly by the way mostly are using your flat irons and your blow dryers at way too high of a temperature and you're literally frying your hair making it go like this everywhere it's going to make it harder to style in the future and your hair is going to become more frizzy don't do it if you're going to do it please use newer styling tools with better technology and don't use them at the highest temperature possible that is going to fry your hair off also protect your hair use some force-filled heat shield it protects your hair up to 500 degrees fahrenheit be more careful when you brush your hair so when you pull on your hair you're tugging like this you're wrecking it when it's all wet it is much more pliable if you pull off a piece of your hair when it's wet and a piece of your hair when it's dry and you stretch both out you'll see the one that's dry does not stretch at all and the one that is wet stretches almost double the length sometimes so you don't want to be super aggressive with your hair when it is wet use a wide tooth comb or gently detangle with a detangling brush that is specially made for that but do not yank at it because it will stretch the hair fiber out and it will cause damage and breakage and your hair will become all squiggly and nasty and you don't want that because it creates fur is phrases the word we don't say today if you have extremely frizzy hair don't be afraid of using things like a pomade or a bomb in your hair pomades and bombs and things like that are not made just for men okay it is not just for this kind of hair it is made for people with extremely frizzy hair i love to finish my blowouts with some balm i use my own bdsm balm it's like a defined bomb and i put a little bit of my hand like that rub it all around and just go right on that top layer that sort of heavier a highly hydrating bomb is really going to help fight against humidity the heavier the product typically it stays on that hair it really grabs a hold and it really really sits on top and does not move so a hair bomb is a perfect way to get that extra bit of frizz down and keep it down water is your enemy and also your friend because if your hair is extremely frizzy the only thing that really really brings it down is some water spritz that water on and apply more product if you have curly hair try using wave tech wave foam or any kind of curl foam that you like so spray it spray it boom boom boom and then add your products on top and that will decrease your frizz and give you that fresh look be gentle when you're tele drying your hair do not go like this with your towel absolutely not don't do it don't do it don't do that and also use a towel that is soft if you have those bath towels that are like sandpaper it's time to retire them it's time to buy new towels it's time to buy very soft cotton towels you know buy a towel that's just for your hair there are also towels that are made for hair you can find a good one for you online and grab it and use it and do not go like this with it it'll create a lot of frizz and breakage and split ends and all that bad stuff stop running your hands through your hair all day don't go like this all day okay you're gonna add moisture i don't know if you ever noticed but your hands have a lot of moisture in them so when you're going like this all day obviously you're gonna end up with a lot of frizz friction causes frizz so tie your hair up when you sleep put it in a bun something because the more it rubs against that pillow the more it's gonna go poof and we want the opposite we want not do a bond building hair mask it actually rebuilds the hair fiber from the inside and healthier hair is less frizzy hair honestly i could go on for days about how to get your hair to be less frizzy but overall it's about taking care of your hair better giving it some love giving it those beneficial ingredients that are really gonna cure its dryness and its lifelessness you need to bring the health back to your hair in order for it to cooperate with you rebuild that hair add a lot of hydration and your hair will thank you it's also all about testing different products if you've used a curl product in the past and you didn't get good results from it well maybe just that product a lot of products have very different ingredients or more or less of certain ingredients and there is a perfect product out there for you i promise all hair is very different and sometimes needs very different products for certain hair types and textures so try a lot of things or just read up online google some things find out what is best for your exact hair type and your hair texture and try it out it's all about trial and error so that was fun i hope i can help some of you who watch today's video have less frizzy hair nobody wants that for anybody i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy take care of your hair and your hair will take care of you back it's a very important thing that's attached to your body that you should really take care of you'd be surprised at how much your hair can affect your confidence one last frizzy girl if you don't follow me or ex-mondo anywhere else these are my social media handles as well as ex-mondo social media handles check us out if you would like some incredible hair care and hair color products you can also check us out on our website right down below it has all of the products listed in today's video and everything you need to know about the product that is all for today beautiful thank you for watching don't forget to live your extra frizzless life and i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,052,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, How To Tame Your Frizzy Hair, frizzy hair, how to get rid of frizzy hair, frizzy hair tips, smooth hair, how to get rid of frizz, hair hacks, frizzy hair to smooth hair, long hair tutorial, how to prevent frizz, how to get shiny hair, hair style, no frizz, prevent frizz, frizzy hair treatment, frizzy hair products, frizzy hair shampoo, frizzy hair to curly hair, frizzy hair men, stop frizz, hair styles, easy hair tutorial
Id: 4m81qx43-MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 15 2021
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