How to Tame the Ultima Werewolf in Minecraft!

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today i have found the strongest werewolf in all of minecraft the ultima werewolf and she must be tamed because she's used to being obeyed also i would like to give a huge shout out to aphmel thank you so much for this awesome idea okay kira hello i i have found this random aztec mayan situation temple in the middle of nowhere oh wow i really like it yeah i do too but i don't like that the fact that i received this upon arrival what is that it's okay we're gonna go through oh they're spider webs i'll bring a flower thank you you know that'll make someone's day i think we were just given these because because of the spider webs maybe this is like a fun little you know adventure not it doesn't have to be like terrifying right well what do you think is behind all the spider webs i really have no idea hopefully not spiders that isn't my favorite thing i mean that would make the most sense to be honest but in that case i will be leaving okay well here we are interesting it looks like a prison we need a moment of silence wait i'm poisoned i'm poisoned please don't die let me flip this we're gonna be fine golden gate has opened i'm really stressed what does that mean um i don't know let's just run through the golden gate and get away from the spiders okay i'm not into spiders i'm really not into spiders either how about you know what you do the honors and open this chest what's what's in this are you sure yeah i believe in you last time we touched something spiders happened oh wow golden necklace oh why didn't i open that you can have it oh i expected you to take it look at me look at me look at me are you jealous got some gold yeah i like it what is this i am unsure it better not be a spider egg oh i have picked up a strange egg is what i was just told it's on your head you know i i feel like this is the new fashion accessory you know you just gotta walk around with a big egg on your head okay i have the egg and it is leaving me here oh my god why is it running i don't know are we supposed to chase it i mean i'm going to because whatever's in there nobody else can have okay it has oh my god that scared me so much baby ultima werewolf should we kill it no give it your flower okay hey she doesn't like it she heard what she said we have to take her home we have to take care of her okay okay um this way i don't really like babies okay um i have a question okay okay why does she know how to get to my house because i don't know it's literally down this path i'm i'm a little scared but also maybe i mean she's meant to be with us nope i'm not sure about that it looks a little creepy oh my gosh she's drowning oh oh no wait get up she doesn't want to go in the house in monica come this way um why did it grow why didn't it grow without my oven i don't know why is it chasing me hold on i think she's mad because apparently silver is bad for werewolves so we just have to make her a new house okay i'm making an entire new house for this random baby i don't think that's a baby anymore [Music] wow nice house thank you it is wood apparently now the baby is safe but kyra what is that thing that was trying to kill you it's literally under the bridge i am unsure and i i don't like it maybe you go take care of that i'll take care of the baby oh my god ultimate werewolf is hungry what does it eat i i don't know apparently not silver comedy can i eat this thing that's right outside the door please i've got to have something something in here how what do you feed a werewolf guys comment down below i've never done it like people right i'm not gonna feed it one of us okay there's just a suggestion hello what would you like to eat robbie please stop looking at me like that it's it's a look of love okay um i don't know about that she's just hungry here we go okay i'm gonna here there you go oh that's nice that that was literally an entire steak and she's still hungry i'm afraid she's gonna get bigger after this like what if she becomes a human it's the last one i have there you go you good oh no what is that it's a teenager ultima werewolf i hate it i don't trust this werewolf situation i really don't she's very intensely following me so i think that means she needs us you know she's our friend yeah i'll stay back okay okay okay oh okay um this is me wow i am a wolf oh you're a wolf i am a wolf did she bite you she i don't know she just turned me into a wolf we have to figure out what she's doing okay she's in a cave perfect i am now a wolf in a cave this is a long way it's pretty though maybe she's taking a sightseeing oh my gosh i almost just died you know what cara how about you lead you know you you follow her i'll stay back yeah i i would rather not turn into a wolf today i feel great wow hello yeah i guess so can i open some of these chests i guess oh you want to open a chest so i'm taking basically everything she has really quick and she won't know there's something interesting in this one oh what is it magic red powder oh i have never seen that before magical red dust with cooking properties enhancing any cooking oh good a hunting trip here do you see this in chat he's gonna hunt us we we have to leave oh is he gonna kill us oh he's following us he's a hunter of wolves i'm going back to my house oh oh oh okay i'm not a wolf anymore so that was not me i'm glad it felt really weird having you as a pet i know i mean i feel like i was good at it though but i think she was hungry i think that's why she was growling at me or whatever i mean we did take her diamonds at least we can offer some food you know what i don't want to give the diamonds back but i will give her the golden necklace did she eat this oh oh refused i was gonna let her chill here while we went to the village to get her food but i guess she wants to go with us okay oh did she bring that in our village it looks dangerous what if that thing attacks it's not gonna attack guys it's nice okay oh my gosh guys what are you doing just chilling outside oh no oh no you turned everything into dog well i i guess that means we can go she wants us to go in the library okay we're just gonna we're gonna go in here you have led us here you've turned everyone into a wolf um except for kiara kira has not had the chance to be a wolf yet it's fine right click on a bookshelf and tell me what book you have okay um nothing first steps of a dolphin train your giant eagle and then yours went in my inventory too tricks for dinosaurs or how to feed the ultima werewolf how convenient apparently you need gold meat clay red dust that does not sound healthy okay here you said you have the ingredients i mean personally i do not i thought we collected the gold oh no on the red dots okay i have raw mutton okay um gold excellent okay play ball oh red dust grazie i don't feel like you should ever eat clay to be honest but here we go i've created a food pot which is magical cooking pot that automatically cooks food for you i'm i'm fine with this okay so i'm gonna put this thing down it's cooking it's cooking and we're good you don't have to hide it's great it made the mutton oh oh now it's an adult so apparently kyra if you're not wearing red and black pinstripes or horizontal stripes you're not an adult yet do you see it the same way i do okay so we fed it it's an adult and now a villager says help are you kidding me dude i didn't think they liked the werewolf me either it says brianna ultima werewolf please help us so now they want our help brianna the red giant has started attacking our village that does not sound good no no it doesn't and there's a lot of growling out here let's go to his village we're going gonna help him and get away from the scary wolves okay so we are at the village and there are a lot of red zombies one is writing a chicken what do we do about that we just love on him because i love chickens that's why i have chuckles guys he's on and kiara has never seen chuckles it's an atrocity okay um die we don't need you we don't need you anymore just get out of here yes okay let's go is this the clock tower i think we have to go in the clock tower it does look like a club tower but there's no entryway it is going there we go that was so epic okay so what is this wait i think i know what we have to do you take all of them off and then put them in an order okay so we're gonna try final two this makes sense now now we should be good i think right something good happened like it was a very good noise right um where are we going i'm i'm down here i'm alone up here there's a giant huge zombie throwing fireballs at us i hope you're okay i'm stuck down here i'm good and the werewolf is receiving a diamond why it sounds like the werewolf helps me not die i mean that huge zombie is gone now [Music] oh my gosh it grew i don't think you're ready for this i'm going to be totally honest look at this it still kind of looks the same to me apart from has a crown now yeah i mean it's pretty snazzy are you beginning to like her though um i am beginning to like her you know she's a little glitched out for me but um i'm sure she looks very nice she's just hi we are going down a random path where i don't know we're following this random queen i feel like i'm starting to feel weird and i okay yeah yeah i am getting very dizzy i feel nauseous i blacked out i was brought here oh wow yeah i have a sword and some wood that's never a good sign does that mean we have to fight something probably i don't know let's just go through the doors i'm gonna start with door one that seems logical oh nope it's definitely not door one i am stuck in here okay so i just got out of that one door that seems like i was gonna be there forever and i'm going over here i'm gonna try this one that sounds good wait it's obvious because the door is already open right should we so we shouldn't go in there no i think we should do you want you go ahead don't worry about it i'll be right behind you i'm fine nothing happened okay okay okay wait where are you now did you go through the second door yeah i'm just i'm entering doors and nothing is happening well um it is oh where am i oh wow this is really creepy oh did you hear that yes a firework did happen why is there something in here oh wait i got something i got a gift it's a lollipop oh wait what is that um it's an enderman do i kill it i i don't know i don't know i have a scepter should i maybe i right click where is he right click him caught in a gaze should i kill him he says wow so pretty no he likes us now oh oh did you see that yeah he did just sink into the off no no no no no no the werewolf ate him well at least we now have a darkened eye of inner that probably does something cool probably here i'll let you hold on to it i don't trust myself so what do you think we should do just to say thanks to this werewolf for saving us numerous times give it a gift what would you make maybe like a diamond or something oh okay here i was thinking the same thing i will make something with diamonds but i need help finding them um yes oh there's some hair oh okay okay okay do you need any more i yes i need all the diamonds you can give me okay okay perfect perfect now what do you think i should build just something epic oh okay i know what that is okay yes okay yes um a diamond block [Music] oh wait wait wait wait wait i i made it armor i thought it was going to get excited when i showed it to him here there you go wow super cute wait she's leaving oh goodbye she's she's got kyra we spent a lot of time and effort on this thing and it's just leaving us growing up i'm ready to go live in the wild no you seem like you don't mind but i do i'm sad about it i didn't get that attached to it honestly okay well you guys have a blessed day i'm gonna follow this werewolf and i guess kiara's gonna stay back i will see you in my next video and let me know what i should do next
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 741,410
Rating: 4.8942332 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: 58ROBKztqws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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