How to Tame a Pet MOOBLOOM in Minecraft!

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this egg is about to hatch into a baby moo blue she's an adorable little cow and loves working at the dairy farm and now it's my turn to take care of her i also want to give a huge shout outs to america's dairy farmers who are sponsoring this video and to lindsay rocks for giving us a virtual tour of her farm and sharing so much insight with us okay guys you know what they say follow the yellow flowered road that's exactly what this is ladies and gents they say yellow flowers equals superpowers oh my goodness here we are and what what is this come closer i don't like that this is like some sort of shrine it's all yellow and beautiful but there's an egg what is this egg doing in there is this egg talking oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh whoa the baby chicken could possibly be in this egg and a tortoise enderman has stolen it he's running around like he knows he did something bad get back here sir i gotta i gotta hatch that egg for you have you ever heard of adopt me in roblox you gotta hatch the egg you have to take care of it you can't just oh geez you guys if i'm ever gonna get this egg back from that tortoise enderman make sure like this video and we can figure out what's in that egg together i'm coming for you haroldine so apparently there's some sort of tower up here that the endermen took oh no the egg oh that could have been so bad are you kidding me i have a diamond sword and i'm not afraid to use it i think this is called kiting right guys i'm a professional gamer now so i know you run in a circle get them to go in a line together like this like this and then you hit them oh i got one got one take that okay this one will not die he's he's oh he's obstinate i literally have a half a heart please die oh and you can keep your rotten flesh so it's pretty obvious to me that the tortoise enderman went up this tower uh there's no chests or anything just crafting benches that's not really convenient for me we are going to continue our journey up the ladder i'm a little offended that rapunzel's not here to let down her hair that's all i'm saying something is glowing there are glowing things everywhere and i don't think it's the egg are these ender fragments i have received an ender fragment and a lot of explosion sparkly things happen so i think that's a good thing here's another one man if they were trying to hide these they sure did not do a good job oh you know what here let me take that and i'm going to deposit one rotten flesh you're welcome totally an even trade how many hidey holes do they have here where is my sword i lost my sword somewhere this is very unfortunate very very very very unfortunate i must have dropped it somewhere and i am now going to die this this does not end well i just have to hurry i guess and steal all the ender fragments before the zombie can get to me oh i think that's it oh we're gonna hop we're gonna hop we're gonna oh there's multiple of them so i have received eight ender fragments i haven't received them i kind of stole them but i assume i need to use them to craft something there are a ton of crafting benches down here and i think mr piggy over here thinks i need to craft with this oh my gosh my sword was in my inventory all along cheesebury so there's eight fragments the only thing i know that would take eight fragments is a chest plate an ender dress top hat a dress made of ender fragments gives entities the sense the wearer is an enderman okay you guys let's test this out what do you think do i look like an enderman what do you think i i don't really feel like it's that intimidating but i also have a bottom half look at this don't confuse me with haroldine up there well now that i am just greatly camouflaged here i'm gonna go back up and try to make friends with the endermen i am one with the toward eye endermen we are friends there was literally no entrance to this castle though he definitely used magic to get in here oh okay joke's on y'all i look like an enderman and got it this egg needs to calm down sir i'm trying to save you and you you need to calm down you're also very large and i don't know how heavy you're gonna be you know what i'm gonna take you we're gonna go back to my house why is it levitating over my head typically when i right click something i'm holding it but this looks absolutely ridiculous yes you have now made this your home too as well since when do eggs run around and cause so much hub up havoc how are you able to climb the stairs hello this is my house can i at least give you a tour welcome to mtv cribs it's like he knows exactly where he's going that's that's the thing that's the most bothersome [Music] okay you guys out of all the things i have ever tamed on my channel i think this baby moo bloom has to be the cutest chuckles approved you can get him at but you have to hang out with me a bit to get this baby moo bloom i am here because i want to help give my baby moo bloom some nutrition now i'm in awe i have never seen tetris-shaped cheese this is beautiful the cream cheese i have swiss cheese i have blue cheese i have mozzarella cheese and last but not least i have the cheddar cheese okay baby moo bloom looks pretty excited or she just loves me let's be real my personal favorite cheese is cheddar because it's my grandpa's favorite and he knows as a dairy farmer what he's talking about now let's go outside you know we have to have manners baby moo bloom we can't just eat in the middle of the store okay so we're gonna start with you know the classic cheddar loves it loves the mozzarella blue cheese okay i'm shocked still loves it she has a very refined palette at a young age swiss cheese and cream cheese moo bloom is still hungry now i love cheese but the baby moo bloom seems to want to eat something else okay we are here at the dairy farm we have so many people working this is beautiful baby moo bloom did you know that over 95 of dairy farms are actually family run and owned isn't that sweet my grandpa used to be a dairy farmer oh they're so cute okay you must be the head dairy farmer you're at the end you're ready to talk maybe moo blooms don't actually eat like other cows they actually need bees to pollinate the flowers on their backs to grow if their flowers aren't growing neither are they oh i didn't realize she had little flowers on her she is a very unique looking cow moo blooms don't just come to you every day moo blooms only come once in a blue moon just as innovations like gps and wi-fi have changed life for the better dairy farmers are actually finding ways to innovate and make their dairy farms more environmentally and socially responsible and economically sustainable i am tired also what is wrong with that horse it just got real angry over there we have a cave this is a very official looking area oh i see what this is this is a door this is a secret door we all know this by now so i apparently have to figure out some sort of puzzle so i walked down this spooky call cauldron this spooky hallway and have found this just a random lever this better solve all my problems and bees better come out immediately a gate has opened thank you whoever invented this cave or created it they should have made this a lot more user friendly what opened i don't see anything that open okay this opened why do we always got to do the lasers we all know this is not bree's strong suit okay we're gonna we're gonna go through here luckily this is just red wool on the bottom so i don't have to hop over it like a laser but we're sneaking oh this one it's getting a little harder the longer we go yes yes let's watch this pattern here it goes up and we go down oh this one why is it getting so tricky this is unnecessary i'm literally trying to get bees honeybees why are they under locking ah i hit the laser you know what i think it's because i'm talking too much i need to hurry yup that did not go well patience please for the sake of the beast that's what i'm gonna say okay okay we've got this we've got this is complicated did it did it did it why can't there be a checkpoint like this one is just a lot of chaos going on here here two more or one more one more perfect last but not least we have the tower of crazy lasers i know when to go i know when to go i know when to go i am hesitating run yes finally now this better release a beast okay i just did a lot of work a gate has opened perfect more vague gates are opening but at least the lasers are gone i think i figured this out we have one two three four to open this door just a few puzzles now the dairy farmer did warn me about this she had a lot of knowledge she's looked for bees before so we have a pressure plate which i don't know if this is gonna cause world destruction world domination or if we're just gonna step on the plate fingers crossed oh a gate has opened well that was easy okay third one that that took no effort just a lot of steps hopefully this is the last one i am tired of this i need some bees for baby moo bloom we have water okay i'm gonna hope this isn't poisonous water because i'm swimming in it okay now we have reached the end of the water what is back here this is sketchy are they just trying to make me exercise are they trying to give me some sort of hint here how cool is it that dairy farms are recycling water and using each and every gallon as many times as possible and only using as much as they need i've got this i think i'm almost here i see the lever three two one release the bees main gate is opening perfect now all i have to do is swim back finally oh my goodness is this a beehive because if it is it is the world's largest beehive there is please don't sing me i come in teeth honey bees typically don't sting and they're just sweet like honey oh is that normal is is that normal oh it was a cage it wasn't a hive we are literally lagging right now i don't know if you guys remember when i tamed a baby bee but it was precious and we can't leave any behind let's go i love you i don't mean to brag but i am the mother of baby bees they literally love me they followed me all the way here i bet it's because my perfume smells good but let's go save our baby moo bloom also we still need to name her you guys put below in the comments what you would name baby moo bloom we just need to pollinate baby moo bloom's flowers oh my goodness do you think you could help me out with all these other moo blooms eggs yeah we we gotta fix this up a little bit i mean look at this oh so we have an anvil i'm supposed to place four diamonds here oh okay where are the other anvils uh there should be four in here one up high okay don't don't hide from me oh these are sneaky up there last one yay the eggs are yet again walking around totally normal and we have a beautiful barn can we all just take a moment to appreciate how cute this farm is want to escape oh no oh no we have a few empty stalls we gotta find them oh okay they just don't want to be alone how are you already an adult i blinked in the time pass by well we've got some milking to do now my adult moo bloom is not a typical dairy cow we have the actual dairy cows in here look how cute they are thank you so much dairy farmers can produce thousands of gallons of milk per day because some of them produce over 30 000 gallons per day i also have heard one time that certain cows will make more milk when they like the music they're listening to and i think that's true they're so comfy and happy i love it dairy cows are so cute last but not least we have this little one okay so we have to head to the milk condenser which i assume is down here ah okay we are going to drop all these 16 buckets of milk into this hopper oh it's already full okay we have provided this hopper with a ton of milk buckets we're just gonna add it to the inventory and see what we've got let's see what we've got in the machine oh oh my goodness that was so fast okay you're making me nervous be nice be gentle she is now the queen of the hive and what is this we have 15 bottles of honey that'll do i have nutrition for you excuse me sweet queen moo bloom i need to get in here since when did you guys turn into adults you blink and they grow up here here's some honey okay this is some crazy powerful honey they just have to eat it and they become queens themself you get a honey you get a honey now i don't mean to brag guys but this i feel like may be the most royal minecraft dairy farm i've ever seen hey what is there a zombie i didn't finish feeding my cows what are you doing what is that my moo bloom just shot a laser and killed the zombie well i'm gonna continue having fun as a dairy farmer dairy products are nutritious affordable and sourced sustainably
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 848,960
Rating: 4.9221702 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: qcA3AZM5Kus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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