TRANSFORM YOUR ENGLISH 💪 | ESSENTIAL Vocabulary for English Learners!

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[Music] hi there this is harry and welcome to the advanced english lesson classes with harry so what are we going to talk to you about today well the lesson is going to cover vocabulary and it's going to look at vocabulary related to emotions so advanced english lesson vocabulary dealing with emotions at the end i'm going to give you my address if you need to contact me or if you need to get some more examples okay so advanced english lessons looking at emotions okay so they're going to be a list of 14 so quite a lot i'll give them to you give you an example when you can use these and as always we're trying to help you to improve your english your business english your communication english or conversational english with phrasal verbs expressions and vocabulary as we're going to look at now okay so here's the list adoration amazement anger disgust ecstasy it's very difficult to pronounce ecstasy fear hate homesickness joy loneliness outrage sadness surprise and finally love or as they say love okay so here's the 14 emotions okay i'm going to go through them uh one by one and give you some examples and just before we get on to those if you really enjoy this lesson then make sure you like the video and subscribe to the channel because it really really helps okay let's get back to the lesson so adoration so what is this uh when we adore somebody we treat them with adoration we've got lots and lots of respect for the person in fact we love them so much yeah we treat them with adoration and that's the emotion okay so the celebrations that are taking place in the uk to mark the jubilee celebrations for the queen who's been on the throne of england for 70 years she's been greeted with adoration from all the public they absolutely love her they want to congratulate her they want to be part of the excitement they want to be part of the festivities so that's a real good example of adoration or the football team when they won the champions league they come back into the city they parade around the city on the top of an open bus showing off the trophy that they've won waving to the fans throwing scarves and jerseys and they've got total total adoration from the spectators from the fans adoration amazement well we this is a particular type of emotion when we are really really surprised so we can be surprised well i don't get surprised by the party but amazement by the reaction of somebody so you look on an amazement when your son or daughter takes the first steps it's a really interesting time you've been expecting it for a while because they've been trying and trying and then suddenly when they get up and they make those first few steps you go oh my god oh my god look look look so complete amazement on your face and that of your partner so as proud parents you look on in amazement as your son or daughter staggers across the room and plop falls down on the bottom okay amazement anger well this is a real sad type of a emotion to have we are angry when something happens that we didn't expect or didn't want to happen okay we show and express anger by getting really annoyed screaming or shouting or getting very red in the face because you really are ready to explode so you hear something on the radio you see something on the internet that really gets your blood boiling so you're full of anger so this emotion you're ready to burst ready to explode and you really want to go out in a forest and scream or kick a tree whatever it happens to be so you try to get rid of that anger that feeling like the volcano ready to erupt okay disgust well disgust is something we emotion we use when we really don't like something okay so it could be discussed when we smell something it can be discussed when we taste something we really don't like it can be discussed when we hear something that really goes against our views on life so you go to a foreign country you want to try the local delicacies but when you put the food in your mouth you oh my god what was that and this and you can't wait to spit it out because it just really really tastes very bad okay so disgust you can be have that emotion of disgust when you smell something very strong there's perhaps you're in the countryside and you're near a farm and you get that smell of manure that comes across the the fields and it's not really something so pleasant for you because you're not used to it so it's a real oh my god that's a disgusting smell so that's the emotion of disgust or you can have that emotion of disgust when you read some atrocity that's taken place somewhere far away and you wonder how people can be so cruel to each other and just you really read it with that sense of disgust ecstasy so we have to be very careful how we pronounce this x x ecstasy okay ecstasy is that emotion and that feeling that wells up inside us when we're really really happy very very emotional so we can be jumping up and down you know waving our hands in the air big smile on our face we open the envelope and we realize that yeah we got those points that we needed we got the place in the university so you've got that feeling that emotional sense of ecstasy right nothing can be better oh or you open the envelope and they've offered you the job the job of your dreams the job you'd really hoped for so ecstasy oh perhaps you open the envelope and a check falls out which is the winning in the the lotto something you really didn't expect that would certainly send me into ecstasy and that would be the emotion that i would be feeling so x ecstasy x ecstasy that feeling that good happy feeling that we would all like to get occasionally just once in a while once in a lifetime fear well that emotion when you're walking down the street and you see the dog coming towards you and he's a big dog and you're not so sure whether he's friendly he doesn't look so friendly he's eyeing you you're eyeing him you're trying to walk around him without that smell of fear but dogs have a great sense they know when something's not so right so he starts growling or barking and you stop dead in your tracks and you're frozen to the spot with fear until the owner comes out calls the dog and he disappears so that feeling of fear cold sweat breaks out over your forehead or down your back okay so that feeling the emotion of fear hate it's a very strong emotion hate you know we love to love or hate something yeah oh that's tv program on netflix yeah you're either going to love it are you going to hate it and when you hate it you're ah i just can't stand that i don't want to watch it no no no i'm not going to watch it i hate it or for some particular reason we take a um view that we don't like a particular actor or actress or sports player for some reason maybe we're a little bit jealous maybe it's something they say maybe they're a little bit arrogant and we come up with very strong emotions i hate him i really don't like watching it when he's playing no i just hate it or perhaps it's a particular sport we don't like ah i hate darts it can't be considered as a sport at all i mean guys who just drink beer throwing darts into a board how can that be a sport so no no i really hate it in my case i hate computer games i really really don't like it i never play them i have never played them and i don't really see how people enjoy it so for me it gets that emotional reaction of hate homesickness well homesickness is something that we've all felt from time to time when we've been away from home for a considerable period it could be that we are living in university in a city away from our home yeah so for the first few weeks or months we feel an element of home sickness yes so homesickness is that feeling where you miss your friends you miss your family you miss the closeness you miss the touch you miss the chat whatever it is so this creates and generates this emotional reaction of homesickness usually when people as i said go away to university or if you're sent away on a training program for several months or many a time when somebody joins the military and they go off and maneuvers for the navy or wherever then there's a feeling of home sickness ah yeah i'm really gonna enjoy this two-year stint in australia but i'm sure i'm sure i'm going to feel uh homesick from time to time so a feeling that emotion homesickness joy the emotion of joy well the opposite of sad so the feeling of joy when something good happens the birth of your children is a feeling an emotional reaction of joy when summer finally arrives or you're going to go on your holidays and the sun is shining you get an emotional reaction of joy so when something has happened something that you didn't expect to be successful even looking into your vegetable patch and seeing your first strawberries or your first tomatoes that might give you a feeling of joy and emotional reaction so it's all about happiness loneliness well that's another emotional reaction and loneliness a bit like homesickness is when you're on your own and you can feel lonely without actually being alone but loneliness is when you feel lost or abandoned your partner may have died the children may have left home you're in a foreign land you're looking at the four walls every day you're on your own a lot of the time this is when these emotional reactions occur the feeling of loneliness you're not lonely as such you can go out and you can meet some old friends or you can meet somebody in the park but there's a deep loneliness because the people you really love the people that you really would want beside you are not there so that feeling of loneliness the feeling of being lost in a big place we can be very very lonely and feel and have that emotional feeling of loneliness in a big city it could be a city of four or five million people but you can feel as lonely there as you would be in an open field loneliness outrage well outrage is about being annoyed about something the generally it's about a group of people are outraged at perhaps the actions of their government they're outraged that the government have done nothing about rising inflation every other country seems to be taking some action they are reducing the cost of that value-added tax on fuel so that it's not so costly they are reducing the cost of cooking oil or they are fixing prices in the shops whatever they are doing they're taking some action but your government seems to be a little bit slow and maybe they have some budget problems so the people are outraged so this is the anger building up inside they are outraged so the letters to the newspapers the articles and blogs on the internet the message getting through to the government ministers is that the population the general populace are outraged that the government has so far taken no action so they're going to be demonstrations on the streets people are going to be marching holding placards you know government out costs down inflation up all these sort of messages to show their outrage to demonstrate this particular emotion sadness well sadness is another feeling a bit like loneliness we're sad because something has or hasn't happened sadness can creep up on us because of changes in our life in our circumstances the death of a pet will leave us with that emotional feeling of sadness the loss of a job the loss of a friendship something has been lost something has gone something has changed and we cannot get it back so there's a feeling a general feeling of sadness we can just read on world events and that can make us feel sad that we are a little bit blue yeah so we we have a blue feeling because the news generally is not so good it's not great and we have are left with this emotional feeling of sadness we we are sitting there not quite sure how we will react but our face our body language suggests as a sign of sadness a little bit down in the dumps not feeling so good surprise well a bit like amazement not as high a feeling as amazement but surprise can come to all of us we can get a surprise because we get that phone call from our kids that they're going to pop around you haven't seen them for a while you get a surprise on your birthday when the postman delivers a card that you hadn't expected to get you get that email that what's up message wishing you a happy birthday these are all times when you'll get that feeling of surprise something unexpected something that makes you feel happy something that can give you that feeling of joy so surprise oh really wow great oh you're coming over to tonight great i look forward to seeing you so surprise in your voice surprise when you open the door and see the postman standing there with a package that you hadn't expected and you can't wait to open it to see what the gift is surprise and then finally love now there is a difference between like and love like is something that we feel comfortable with we like a friend we like a particular food we like to spend time on our own love is much deeper it's a deep much deeper emotional feeling we love our best friend we love our partner we love our family we hope we love our pets we love our favorite food and we can't wait to get to the restaurant to order that special pizza he had the last time oh i really love it so it's a real deep feeling make you feel really happy and really really satisfied okay so love as they say it makes the world go round okay so let's go through those again so 14 and they're all about emotions adoration amazement anger disgust ecstasy be careful with the pronunciation ecstasy fear hate homesickness joy loneliness outrage sadness surprise and finally love okay so 14 particular words vocabulary dealing with emotions so that's the advanced english lesson for today thanks very much for joining me if you want to contact me well you can do so on very happy to hear from you and i look forward to seeing you soon this is harry saying goodbye
Channel: Learn English with Harry
Views: 118,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Talk About Emotions in English, emotions vocabulary words, feelings words, speak better english with harry podcast, learn english with harry, positive and negative feelings and emotions in English
Id: fgPYKszZ5mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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