20 Advanced Verbs (C1/C2) to Build Your Vocabulary | TOTAL English Fluency

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hi there this is Harry welcome back to Advanced English lessons with Harry where I try to help you to get a better understanding of the English language we help you with all aspects of English whether it be vocabulary grammar how to prepare for job interviews how to prepare for proficiency exams whatever it takes we're here to help you and in this particular lesson today we're looking at 20 Advanced verbs that will help you particularly in those all important proficiency exams like IELTS or CAE or any type of exam like that as you know I believe that one-to-one language learning is the most effective way in which you can learn a new language prepley is the complete solution to effective language learning a one-to-one tutor platform where you can actually learn how to communicate a language faster prepley has thousands of tutors that are native to English Spanish French Portuguese in fact over 50 languages with over 32 000 tutors to choose you can use their filter to narrow down your 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of these at some stage so they are quite advanced that probably not verbs that you have used on a regular basis so it might take a little bit of time perhaps you might need to watch this lesson a couple of times practice them as always you know the drill by now and when you practice more then you will improve more okay so let's take them as I said we're going to go through them one by one and give you a couple of examples so the first Advanced verb that I have for you is to articulate articulate and we'll also concentrate on the pronunciation for those of these verbs that can be a little bit tricky so articulate and to articulate means to express ideas or thoughts in a very clear and effective way so to articulate articulate means to give a very clear definition of something or to express your ideas in a very clear way so let's have a look at a couple of examples the politician was able to articulate his policy proposals in a way that resonated with voters so it made it easy for them to understand so like all politicians they can articulate quite well they don't always believe what they say but they can articulate their ideas quite well and the second example the professor was impressed by how well the student was able to articulate her arguments in the essay in the essay so the professor was impressed by how well the student was able to articulate her ideas in the essay so articulate is all about being clear the clarity of your opinion how you express it number two evaluate to evaluate something to evaluate something means to assess the value or quality of something or it's worth to evaluate and the examples would be the manager evaluated the performance of each employee before deciding who he should promote okay so the manager evaluated the performance of each employee before deciding who to promote to evaluate them to assess what each employee had done or what each employee had contributed to the business in the previous period six months or 12 months whatever the assessment period was and the second example the reviewer evaluated the book based on its content writing style and overall impact so the reviewer or the critic yeah so the critic was providing a critique of a book and he evaluated or she evaluated the book based on its content writing style and overall impact number three to reconcile reconcile and when we reconcile it means to find a way to bring two conflicting ideas or people who are have conflicting opinions to agreement okay so to reconcile to find a way to bring two conflicting ideas or beliefs into an agreement and it could be people who have a conflicting idea and we try to reconcile them or perhaps it's just simply parents who've fallen out with their children we try to bring about reconciliation to reconcile them so the example one the mediator helped the two parties reconcile their differences and reach a settlement in the divorce okay so the mediator helped the two parties reconcile the differences and reach a settlement or an acceptable settlement in their divorce and the second example the student had to reconcile conflicting information in order to write an accurate research paper so the student had to reconcile conflicting information in order to write an accurate research paper to reconcile to bring about some agreement or understanding make sure you click on the link below to get the 50 reduction in the first lesson that you purchase with preply.com verb number four conjecture conjecture okay so make sure you get the correct pronunciation conjecture and conjecture is to make an educated guess or hypothesis about something based on incomplete information so where you don't have the full information sometimes you have to make an educated guess and this can be conjecture so this is something that is not necessarily factual but you are drawing certain conclusions from the information you have and certain conclusions based on the information that perhaps you don't have okay and the first example of conjecture is the scientist conjectured that there might be life on other planets based on the discovery of water on Mars so they conjectured that so they believed or they came to the understanding that there might be so there's not absolutely definitive that there might be life another planets based on the fact that they found evidence of water on planet Mars and the second example the journalist conjectured that the company was hiding something based on their lack of transparency so where the company weren't prepared to answer questions or the information they gave was a little bit veiled or in secrecy than based on that lack of transparency the journalists conjectured that the company had indeed something to hide or were trying to hide something okay so that's number four number five to elaborate okay so when we elaborate we expand on an idea or a topic okay so to means to provide more detail on more detailed evidence or explanation on a particular topic so you'd often be asked could you elaborate on that please means could you expand could you give more information so the examples the author used examples to elaborate on the main theme of Facebook Okay so the author used examples to elaborate on the main theme of his book to expand to give more information and the second example of elaborate the teacher asks the students to elaborate on her answer to the question to ensure she fully or they fully understood the concept okay so the teacher asked the student to elaborate on her answer or their answer to the question to ensure she or they fully understood the concept so to elaborate means to expand give more information give more examples more clear understanding of what you have said so that you understand it and the teacher or whoever is assessing you can understand very very clearly what you mean so to elaborate on something somebody might just simply use the Expression would you kind to elaborate or so would you would you yeah would you be so kind as to elaborate or would you be would you like to elaborate in in some way yeah okay or kindly elaborate on the point that you are making so please give us some more detail more information to elaborate number six to infer to infer something okay so to draw a conclusion based on evidence or reasoning so when you infer you draw a conclusion based on evidence or reasoning for example the reader inferred the character's motives from their action in the story The Reader inferred the characters actions or motives from the actions in the story so to infer something means to draw a conclusion what are you inferring might be a question somebody will ask you meaning what conclusions have you drawn or what decisions have you made or you know why are you saying that what are you inferring you've got obviously something you would like to express and the second example the scientist inferred the presence of a new planet based on its gravitational effects on nearby Stars so some examination of the stars in the galaxy and the gravitational effects suggested that there was another planet close by so the scientist inferred that there was another planet somewhere in location or the locality of these Stars based on some examination of the effects of gravity on those particular Stars so they inferred that they won't they weren't saying categorically but they were inferring that there was the possibility of another planet being there okay number seven now this is a difficult word to pronounce so just be very careful with it extrapolate to extrapolate and when we extrapolate we make predictions or we make estimates based on known information so we have information and based on that information we make some predictions so we extrapolate okay so we take the information and we suggest or predict what is going to happen for example The Economist extrapolated future growth rates in the Economy based on past Trends so this is typical of what an economist might do they take some past Trends they look at the numbers they figures and then they extrapolate based on that so the economist extrapolated future growth in the Economy based on past events or Trends okay so they extrapolate so they get information and then they use that to make a prediction to predict what will happen and the second example and again here is very important when they do extrapolate is when the tournament weather forecasting saw the climatologist extrapolated future temperature Trends based on current data so they looked at data that they had gathered for five 10 or 15 years and the changes in the climate and the temperature and these climatologists or meteorologists then extrapolated future temperature Trends based on that particular data so to extrapolate practiced extrapolate means predicting or estimating what's going to happen Based on data that you have to extrapolate number eight again slightly difficult to pronounce again another verb to elicit elicit okay so when we elicit we draw out a response or we get information or reaction from someone so by asking certain questions once we get information or answers so we elicit the information or the response that we are looking for the psychologist tried to elicit the patient's Feelings by asking about their childhood experiences so if the psychologist was trying to get to the bottom of a psychological problem that the patient was having they have a way in which they would try to elicit that information by asking searching questions in this case about the patient's childhood yeah so to elicit their reaction to see how they react and to try and identify the particular problems that they're having to elicit and the second example the teacher used thought provoking be careful the pronunciation thought provoking questions to elicit insightful answers from her students so she asked very searching questions as we said here thought provoking questions to elicit insightful deep and detailed answers or responses from her students so to elicit good now as you said these are all advanced verbs so I'm sure many of them you're hearing them for the first time so try and practice try and understand the samples that I'm giving you in the examples and try to see how you can work them out okay number nine augment to augment something okay when we augment something we make it Greater by adding to it okay so we increase it or we enhance it to augment so somebody can augment their monthly salary by doing some overtime they could augment their income by taking a second job so students often you know augment their perhaps pocket money or allowance that their parents give them by taking a job in a restaurant or a bar to augment their income to give them some additional spending capacity so that's too augment to make something Greater by adding to it okay so to to enhance or to increase so the examples the company decided to augment the workforce by hiring more skilled workers or more skilled employees the company decided to augment their Workforce by hiring more skilled employees or workers and the second example the author augmented her book with additional chapters to address the latest developments in the field so if someone who's doing some research and they had produced a book but they wanted to update it so they augmented or added extra chapters based on some additional information or research in that particular field so to augment the information in the book okay and then number 10 exacerbate okay again a difficult word to pronounce and be very careful it sounds like extrapolate which we had before extrapolate and this is exacerbate exacerbate to try to get the pronunciation correct exacerbate when we exacerbate something we make a problem or situation worse or even more severe so to exacerbate the heavy rainfall exacerbated the flooding in the low-lying areas so perhaps those areas were susceptible to flooding and the heavy rains that they had received in the previous few days exacerbated the situation meant that the flood was even greater than I had previously been so I exacerbated the situation on the second example his lack of sleep only served to exacerbate his feeling of anxiety before the exam so before every exam children or people whoever doing the of course children are people as well but children and adults before an exam they get a feeling of anxiety and if you don't get enough sleep then that lack of sleep will exacerbate that feeling of anxiety so if it gets worse okay so to exacerbate something is to make the situation a situation worse or even more severe exacerbate okay so this is quite a long lesson so hopefully you're listening attentively and you can understand what I'm saying but you know they are difficult verbs and you might need to look them a couple of times so we're on to number 11 and number 11 is ameliorate ameliorate okay so when we make when we ameliorate something it's to make a situation or a problem better okay so or more tolerable okay so to ameliorate the situation to make it better or at least more tolerable for example the new healthcare initiative aimed to ameliorate the living conditions of the less fortunate so they introduced some changes to the social welfare or Healthcare System so that those on low incomes would benefit so the new health care initiative aimed to ameliorate the living conditions of the less fortunate to make them better off or improve their living conditions or their standard of living on the second example regular exercise and a healthy diet can ameliorate the symptoms of depression okay so if you're feeling depressed try some more exercise or healthy regime and diet and that will ameliorate it won't of course cure all the problems but it might make it seem or appear a little easier to ameliorate number 12 innovate to innovate and to innovate means to introduce new ideas new Concepts new methods or products to create or to do something in a better or different way to innovate the company aims to innovate by developing cutting-edge technology in the renewable energy sector so the company aims to innovate or to be Innovative if you want to use it as a an adjective by developing cutting-edge technology in the renewable energy sector so to innovate the artist decided to innovate by using unconventional materials in his sculpture so perhaps most sculptors and artists use plastic or concrete or marble or plaster whatever they use but this particular artist decided to innovate by using waste material or fungus I saw an article recently where an artist used fungus that grew in a house and he used this to create his art for his sculptures okay so to be Innovative or too innovate and to be Innovative and it's using that as an adjective of course and to innovate is the verb number 13 this is an old-fashioned verb to Garner okay and it's it's quite formal to Ghana and to Ghana means to gather or to collect or accumulate information to Ghana to collect accumulate information the researcher got data from multiple sources to support her thesis so the researcher garnered collected data from multiple sources to support her thesis so when you Garner something you collect you gather information data in this case to support a particular idea or thesis and the second example the presidential candidate garnered widespread support for his Progressive politics okay so if somebody was running in the presidential race for the first time and they wanted to get a lot of support from the people so to Garner that support to collect or to gather that support they used different ideas more Progressive policies and this garnered widespread support okay that's number 13 and number 14 to bolster to bolster means to strengthen to support someone or something so you can bolster a wall by putting in some concrete or some supports yeah so that was bolster so make it stronger or if you want to bolsters we had in the previous example to Garner support if you want to bolster to strengthen your support you have a lot of giveaway ideas in your policies okay so let me give you the examples the managers took steps to bolster employees morale by implementing more flexible working hours so during the covert situation people were allowed to work remotely and they still can and what this did was to bolster employees and morale of make them feel better by implementing certain changes and practices in their working habits or working hours or the football manager decided to bolster his defense by signing two experienced Defenders so that his team could stop leaking or letting in so many goals so the football manager decided to bolster his defense by signing two senior experienced players that will help him to survive the drop or so so they wouldn't be relegated and then the other example I have the government's infrastructure Investments bolstered the companies other countries economic growth so the government's infrastructure Investments bolstered the country's economic growth so a little bit more formal in that particular example and that's the word bolster so number 15 abate and when we Abate to Abate means to reduce something and then the amount or the degree or the intensity okay for example the weather or the Thunder the rain can Abate meaning it can reduce and it's not as heavy as it was the day before the winds can Abate so they might have been blowing at 150 kilometers an hour and they dropped to 90 kilometers an hour still very strong but they abated overnight okay so to a bait let me give you the example as the storm abated so as the storm reduced as the storm abated the rescue team were finally able to reach the stranded hiker so the the storm abated so as the wind and the rain reduced the rescue team were then in a position that they were able to search and reach the stranded hikers and the second example the central banks measures helped Abate inflation and stabilize the economy so the measures introduced by the Central Bank helped to Abate the impact of inflation and stabilize the economy so to Abate means to reduce an amount or a degree certain situations and number 16 to concur to concur so it's not conquer that's a very different word to concur so that it's a C Sound concur and when we concur we agree uh or we are in harmony with somebody else about opinions or views okay so we can concur on our on certain views opinions actions whatever we wish to take okay for example the expert panel concurred with the findings of the research study the expert panel concurred on the findings of the research study so perhaps there was some leak in the water system and there was some research and they weren't sure but when the experts looked at the information the data they concurred as to how the leak had happened or had come about and of course they also concurred on the actions that they should take to fix whatever the problem happened to be conquer and the second example after lengthy discussions the committee members concurred on the proposed budget so perhaps they're having difficulty passing the budget for the Tennis Club or whatever committee it was but after lengthy discussions the committee members finally concurred on the proposed budget so they finally got agreement with them each other as to what they should do and how they would spend the money to conquer number 17 exemplify again be careful with the pronunciation here to exemplify and when we use exemplify it means to serve as a typical example of something okay or to illustrate something by giving further examples to exemplify okay the teacher used a simple experiment to exemplify the scientific principle okay so the teacher used a simple x experiment to exemplify the scientific experiment or the scientific principle and the second example the dedicated volunteers actions exemplified the spirit of community service okay so the volunteers in the community worked all hours day and night if somebody was stuck on the mountain side they would rescue them if somebody was stuck on the ocean and the waves they would go out and they would rescue them okay so this dedicated volunteers team or this team of volunteers their actions exemplify that communities and the spirit of community service so this community attracted a lot of people coming to them for holidays unfortunately from time to time people got stuck on the side of mountains when they were ill prepared for that or they went out in a boat and then the storms came and they got stuck in the high seas so somebody had to rescue them so this these actions by this dedicated team exemplified the spirit of community service so they were very keen to make sure that everybody who visited that Community was safe and sound so to exemplify number 18 embellish to embellish something well when we embellish a story we make the story or the description more interesting we certainly make it bigger and we do this by adding more details some of it might not be actually truthful so a lot of people will be accused of embellishing the stories just for effect so it might not actually be correct a grandfather telling a story from 50 60 years ago he might embellish the story from time to time to make it sound more interesting for the grandchildren so let me give you my examples first example the tour guide embellished the story of the haunted house to entertain the visitors so here are the perfect example so perhaps the house was haunted or perhaps it wasn't but for the visitors he needed to make it sound good and it'll help him in terms of getting some nice tips so he embellished the story about ghosts or sounds or rattling of chains the noises you would hear on certain nights okay so to embellish a story and the second example the artist embellished his life's story to impress his audience so perhaps he said he learned how to paint in this gallery on with this particular painter and perhaps he it was a little bit untrue but he used this information to embellish his story to build up his reputation in order to impress his audience to embellish number 19 persevere number 19 persevere and it's a good verb to use at this stage because you've persevered through all of these explanations and that's exactly what persevere means persevere means to continue on a certain course of action even in the face of difficulty even in the face of problems with little or no Prospect of success so you persevere that means you stick to it you continue to do it even though you may not be successful persevere let me give you the examples first one despite the numerous challenges she faced Jane persevered with her research project so she had her heart set on completing research in this particular project and met with many many difficulties trying to get information so despite all of those problems and shortcomings and failures nevertheless she persevered and finally completed her research project so to persevere is to stick at it yeah really get it finished and the second example the athlete persevered through the pain barrier and eventually completed the marathon so he's a really good example if any of you have tried to run a marathon and you hit that proverbial wall at 35 or whatever number of kilometers you'll know what I'm talking about so in this case the athlete persevered through the pain barrier pains in her calves pains in her thighs hips anywhere you could have a pain she had the pain in and eventually completed the marathon to persevere and then finally finally finally number 20 yeah we're at the end number 20 mitigate okay mitigate and to mitigate is to make something less severe less serious or less painful to mitigate the government implemented new policies to mitigate the effects of climate change so these new policies will try to help us where we are having colder Winters warmer Summers heavier rainfall so the government implemented new policies to mitigate to reduce the impact of climate change and the second Example The company took steps to mitigate the risks associated with the project they took steps to mitigate the risk so yeah they wanted to go ahead with the project but they also recognized that there were certain risks attaching to that so they made some changes to mitigate those risks so they would not be so severe okay so you've got 20 yeah total 20 verbs Advanced verbs that you probably haven't heard before and I've given you two examples in each so you've got 20 times 240 particular examples of how you can use those particular verbs and as I said at the beginning if you want to contact me you need more information more examples and please write to me I'm very happy to hear from you and very happy to help you if you need any further help and if you have enjoyed this particular lesson then please like the video below and if you can subscribe to the channel because it really really helps and there are thousands of you literally thousands of you who are subscribing to the channel and I really really appreciate it okay so this is Harry thanking you for watching thanking you for persevering with this particular lesson and remember join me again for the next lesson
Channel: Learn English with Harry
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Keywords: advanced english lessons, learn english with harry, c1 english level, advanced english learning, online english lessons, find english tutor, speak better english with harry podcast, english fluency, improve english speaking, become fluent in english, build your vocabulary, proficiency english level, ielts exam, ielts writing
Id: Sw7acXGiQeQ
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Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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