How to take your fantasy WORLDBUILDING to the next level

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this episode of Chatty versity is appropriately sponsored by world anvil one of the very best world building tools to organize keep track of and share your incredible fantasy worlds for role-playing writing game development and more there are heaps of new quality of life updates including video tutorials so it's even easier to get started one of the most awesome updates which is literally right around the corner is probably already out depending on when you see this video our family trees this is a tool to help you keep track of noble lines vampire bloodlines hereditary conditions diseases and even inheritances and seriously if you've seen the bloodlines and histories and something like say Game of Thrones you can really see that if you want to create an immersive fantasy world going in such detail like this having a tool like the family tree tool that's coming - well devil is going to be phenomenally beneficial and helpful I know as a writer myself keeping track of all the various details from the coaches to the cities to the important people to the maps to the histories the more detail you can add the more realistic and immersive your world becomes but the more difficult it is to keep track of things but with world anvil you can link things together if you're talking about an important event and some person played an important role in that event you can link to that person's profile it has interactive maps and it's just a brilliant tool to keep track of this vast fantasy world that you might want to build never lose track of the details of your immersive fantasy world show your world to everyone else and get them hooked and the best thing most of these features come absolutely free with some more exclusive awesome features available if you'd like to sign up so please do go check out world anvil it's like I said one of the best tools for world building there's a link in the description below [Music] greetings I'm shot and I want to talk a little bit about world-building but not the general run-of-the-mill kind of make your map make your Nations and interesting locations of lat I want to talk about how to take your well building to the next level now what qualifies me to talk on such a subject oh I am a published author my novel chronicles of ever fall shadow of the Conqueror is available in a print ebook and audiobook and is very well received at the moment are the audiobooks are sitting at a rating of four point six out of five stars from over 2000 ratings so people are really loving my novel and one of the most consistent compliments that come up in reviews for a novel is how much they loved the original well building that the world building on my novel makes it really stand out because it's fresh it's different and so what did I do to achieve such a standard and that's what I want to share to you what has been my approach and some things that I think can help you do the same thing I'm not saying you have to copy everything I do but I do feel at least there might be one or two things that you might be adding on and realize okay that's that's something useful to do and to emulate now before I mention what the core key kind of mindset that really helped me out of my world building it should mention it's important to mention that world building is not going to be the thing that makes your novel there can be a thing that breaks your novel if it's done terrible but even if the world building is phenomenal if your carries a story that aren't up to scratch you're not really gonna be out have a great engaging novel now that perspective can sometimes cause people to devalue the world buildings side and I disagree because proper good world building can be one of the greatest compliments that enhances an already good story and good characters and it can be such a phenomenal source for conflict in this story so that is how the story can be enhanced phenomenally by the world building how so all there so many interesting unique kind of elements that you can add in and we'll get to some of the specifics later on but absolutely so world booting needs to be understood in its correct context it is by no means without value it holds tremendous value it's not going to be the thing that your story is going to be resting upon for its success okay because a separate to the setting the setting you have your plot and characters and the plot and characters are gonna be the main things that will set your world apart the world building almost is like the foundation not necessarily foundation I don't know about is the complementary thing that can make it so much more engaging and then of course you have those three things setting plot and character hold together by your prose which is a complete separate half to a storytelling okay and it's and it's just as an important 1/2 I talk about this in my video how to write a novel okay because understanding prose is still something that I'm trying to perfect I think there's no writer in the world that has felt like they've perfected it that they're not trying to get better because it is the prose that is the bridge that brings your story to the reader and the more effective a bridge it is the easier it is for your readers to enjoy the story but anyway we're not focusing on that I just wanted to point it out because we need to understand where things fall in context so now let's bring it all back to well building such a significant thing that can enhance a story and also might be one of the most enjoyable things of your story but that's only if the characters and plot of the story aren't getting in the way if they all work together and then you have really good world building it can be one of the most beloved features of a story which has really happened with my own novel okay so the mindset that I had when I was approaching my book okay was simply why be constrained to what we think a world should be this is fantasy we have sky's the limit and so it started off with the simple mindset of why do we always think it needs to be on a planet planet like a spherical orb in space well that's our main point of reference that's what we live on so it kind of makes sense to place people in world on sphere of orbs in space but it doesn't have to be this is fantasy terry pratchet certainly didn't think so look at Discworld there's a reason why it's called Discworld and so kind of looking at this other example because I like the idea the concept when the people once believed the world once believed the earth was flat that idea can actually be really interesting in a fantasy setting where there is literally an edge of the world that you could fall off of and it creates unique kind of conflicts and limitations within the world if the characters trying to run right from something and they're running really really far in a certain direction they're gonna reach a point where they can't run anymore which is a direct limitation in contrast to a world that's on a spherical orb and so for me I kind of liked that idea but then I wanted to figure out how could it work what are the lengths and limitations and what will the universe be like and I have to admit sometimes it's really hard because the other thing that I feel is very important to our booty and it is a very strong mindset that I try to apply is to make it believable believable isn't it should be understood because sometimes I also say make it realistic but people say it's inherently not realistic because fantasy but you can make things feel realistic by making them believable and by justifying certain things either with rules that are consistent in the world or even just by the laws of physics that exist in our real world and you can find interesting ideas by looking into science what if kind of videos did you know that a doughnut-shaped planet is actually possible and like it could be you know self-contained in an orbit and I be structurally sound imagine a setting like a fantasy world that was set on a planet that was shaped like a donut and the differences that would create because they would have uneven distances to different areas if you had a kingdom on the outside of the doughnut okay and there was a kingdom on the other side of the doughnut but other than the inside the logistical problems of trying to get back and forth are far different than just moving in one direction okay you can't move in one direction to get to that other kingdom you have to constantly move around stuff to get to where you need to go and so the state of the physical land that people living on is just one thing for me I decided to go and it's not actually that original it's just continents that float in an end of the sky I really like that concept but this is where the interplay comes in because one it's an idea that is taking the advantage of fantasy that you can do anything okay you're not limited so of course we don't need a planet we can't have continents floating in the sky but then I wanted to marry that with trying to justify it and making it believable because why other planet these things floating in the sky what's causing them to float in the sky sometimes it's just magic but that was unsettling I wanted a mechanic to explain it and the mechanic I used to explain why the continents float in the sky and my setting became the very underpinning technological foundation of a post-industrial society and I was so fun and awesome to explore because it gave me a justification to make a world a city where they were fairly advanced in certain areas but because they were lying on this said it's a material to it as type of stone that is physically locked in space where no light is shining on it and there are vast kind of slabs that run the length of these continents which lock them in in space in the sky in place and that is appropriate into technology and they base most of their technology on the interplay between dark stone that and it's polar opposite a stone called Sun star and their advance in that area but that also made me justified to make them very uh advanced in other areas so again extrapolating things I'm going to talk about logical extrapolation because that's really important to nail down properly with all building because it creates consistency there are a lot of pitfalls you can fall into if you make inconsistencies in the world building where you create either a technology a magical material a conditioned state in a nation or a but the landmass or something like that and a logical extrapolation of one of these things aren't used which would be so obvious to people who live in the world so that's important I'm going to address more on it a bit later but now I want to go back to focusing on its kind of tag team of two mindsets one you can do anything and to try and justify it at least logically and you can make up rules okay I didn't need to resort to real-world fizz to try and justify why when masses were locked in space I made something up but I gave it very specific rules and I was also consistent of those rules that it actually comes off and feels like a set science and the way it operates is so predictable that I can then use it in inventive creative ways ways that you know the characters might not have thought of yet but if it's consistent with the rules that makes sense and then it can be used to resolve conflict in a really satisfying way now this is just one example but I think we need to stop like restricting ourselves to what we think a world should be look at our world in our state and you don't need to throw away everything because you want things to be relatable enough if you're having humans and you know one other world setting with characters and life but you can take even one thing and flip it on its head and one of the other things that I did flipped it on its head did something completely different was the size and shape of the universe itself and this is something that is actually far more original to my sitting because people have done floating islands before but this was completely different because I needed to try and justify the air pressure in the universe and again it's it's trying to solve a problem logically that led me to a really original concept because it's fair to see we can do anything and this ability and fairness you shouldn't be belittled you can just do anything fancy don't take it seriously no because when you are doing something that sir that's out of the normal in a fantasy setting if you can justify it logically it can feel very serious especially if you're consistent with it and so I needed to find a way to justify the atmosphere in this you know a universe because if I had the universe be the size of regular universe the way their atmospheres work with X pair X pending with heat and contracting and cold and getting air currents stuff like that there would be storms and wind currents on the size of galaxies if I was in the size of universals unpressurized universe that would reach the speeds of light in some instances almost and so it was like problems beyond problems but then suddenly if I shrunk the size of the universe I could actually have an atmosphere operating in a far similar way to the way that atmosphere is on a planet but I don't need to shrink it completely I just flattened it and so alright how would that work well again I look to scientific theories postulation stuff and as a documentary on I forget where I watched it when I watched it but I was just on people scientists trying to theorize what the shape of the universe was and one of the theories that they had when you reach the edge of our universe was that you can't actually exit universe your literal physical state is only manifest by the laws that exist within our universe so you can't leave it and still be in the same physical States just got and so when you reach the edge of the universe they postulate that you just re-enter it from the opposite side and that the universe is technically like spatially connected on every angle and so without going into too much confusion I caught on that idea and I decided to use it if I shrink the universe horizontally it's a flat and then if you leave it you just re-enter it from the top and then I put gravity into the universe I everything is being pulled down except the contents which are fixed I suddenly have a really cool and original world setting that has this really interesting strange mechanic of this interplay of when they leave the universe at the bottom and just re-enter at the top the thing that in the world that is cold with a barrier and then I got to explore different ways of what this interaction with the barrier was and it's one of them you know I don't want to spoil too much but let's just say the magic system is related to the barrier as well because we have no idea what we're exiting our universe entering a universe would do so I can just make anything up and it still still feels consistent enough and even if it wasn't consistent with the real world it's consistent with the fantasy universe so again this is just looking at one thing the shape of the universe is in regards to a fantasy setting and saying I can do whatever I want it's fantasy so what else could you do what about gravity okay would it would be an interesting fantasy world in which gravity literally wasn't a thing yeah well maybe you could take the fact that things with masks causes a space-time curvature and geodesic ER that causes things to fall in towards it and stuff I and you can basically remove that force out of the universe say just gravity now that would cause so many issues if you try and extrapolate it because planets wouldn't be able to hold together than everything like I had to need a new mechanics trying to explain how planets could exist now things like that but let's go instead of trying to justify let's try and explore what you could do in a setting that didn't have gravity in honor you know and what plans live but that alone because again it's something that we are restricting ourselves because that's just how the world operates now that could make it so different that will be hard to do a traditional kind of fantasy story in that sense but I'm using it as an example that you don't need to be restricted by anything it's fantasy try and think outside the box in actual fact there are so many interesting things that you can do that extrapolating each individual example is going to take too long and so I'm going to be launching a new series on my youtube channel just looking at one idea and then extrapolating and trying to explore all the different ins and outs of how this could affect society and I'm going to list some of these video topics that I'm going to be going to you as examples of things that you can just switch up that would make a really interesting and original fantasy world for instance what would a fantasy world look like if you were to consider it to be mostly earth-like in terms of the progression the biology of human stuff like that and removed wood trees okay or that plant life only grew in bushes about a foot or so big half a meter that would throw a society on its head do you have any idea how influential and crucial timber has been for human advancement okay we build our homes with it we use it as a source for fire and heat and light and if you just take there's one thing out of the picture suddenly society and a human like development system is flipped on its head completely massively so the world and society history would be completely different with this one change is one change another example what would a fantasy world be like if you couldn't have stable fire consistently and there's a lot of different ways that you could achieve this if the humidity in this world was so high that it's - everything is just too wet naturally that you can't get a regular fire unless you really make something specific that you can get rid of the humidity and moisture in a sealed off you know room or you know thing but then if you would really want to take it further change something in the physical nature of the materials the elements okay to make to just take fire out of the picture completely and then think about how much that would change a world setting incredibly so and you can do this not just by taking things out of the status quo of what we think a world looks like based on what we know our own history in order to look like but you can do this by change the way things operate like for me I change the way in which the land you lived on existed in space it floated and the universe was different completely or you can add things in I added in a fantasy element dark stone and Sun stone which flipped the technological progress and the state of society completely but I was also able to you know justify a really interesting familiar in post-industrial setting but it was founded on a completely different technological basis what would happen to a society of humans stopped aging at the age of 25 or 30 what if reliable contraception existed much more what if only one gender had access to magic and we see that in Wheel of Time and the extrapolations that you can get there I know both genders had access to magic metals very different and of course the guy no spoilers read The Wheel time is great how would a society function if babies when they were born were far more physically stronger than the adults you don't have to make them physically bigger you could still keep them in a small package but imagine what you would have to do because and keep babies operating the same way that babies do like that's just a weld-on right there right going back to the whole gravity thing instead of taking gravity out of the picture what about just changing the strength of gravity gravity being half as strong or double is strong which affects how high people can jump have the head things people can lift and that would affect the biological evolution of the life on the planet as well an interesting idea I kind of want to explore is a world setting in which humans are half the size as a regular people but with no point of reference for that to be made aware in the context of the story and so when you're reading it humans are just in a world where all the animals seem far bigger and more imposing and a far more dangerous and I'm going to actually go through that and make every single animal basically a dire version that they're no normal animals releases it's all die animals and basically this world is a natural death zone but just on the biological and you know life but like so a wolf will literally be a direwolf that twice three times as big as a regular one same a horse sense of layout and just thinking about what a society would be like and I picture these you know Matt like any village is always having that big walls kind of attack on Titan styles and hunters would be regarded and much greater esteem to other people because they're literally you know hunting back but also providing food you wouldn't be out of farm regularly or if you did you'd have to be under guard and everything like that I kind of like the idea that wool from these dire versions of sheep which are like as big as horses are actually the woolly get off from stronger than steel and so the armor is actually textile armor that could only be cut with like razor blade saws and stuff and then they're wearing textile kind of armor that better than full plate and things like and it's just that all these cool fun ideas that come from the simplest smallest thing that change the I guess strength comparison between a regular human and the entire animal kingdom and make all the animals like twice as strong as what they regularly are and still use familiar animals that we have in the real world just making larger and so I'm not making up like you know cockatrices or strange we'd we'd be so I'm just increasing that and again throws everything else indicates is really interesting danger phil was setting that Eric it was gonna be really fun and I'm probably going to explore in the future so I think about the endless list of things that you can alter change remove or even add in and then extrapolate and that's what I want to talk about now because one of the key things about you know exploring different Ray's is extrapolating properly and realistically and consistently because we humans were very industrious little things okay and if any new technology advancement material whatever is discovered invented we come across right we are going to try and figure out every possible use of this thing for our own benefit okay if it can be used for our own benefit including and probably one of the most prominent ways if it can be used as a weapon okay there's any technology anywhere in the world where humans naturally always going to try and figure out if it could be weaponized or not but also using other applications and this is one of the things that's bugged me so much with both style was in Star Trek and the fact that in you know the more prominent shows I know this exists in video games and things like that but in the actual shows and movies they rarely ever do this portable shields okay they if she was on the spaceships they have shown that you can get shields and a small enough package that would fit a humanoid type person and if they explained that if they're too small they're too high radiation stuff like that well in Star Wars you have the Gungan DeShields everything so it's already showing that this is possible sometimes in individual episodes they have like a device in Star Trek you have a device is this big it's portable and can protect your shield okay no one is using it I did like and it just and you see a lot of this in Star Wars both saturate but it's just an example of poor world building where things are not extrapolated in such a way that it becomes unrealistic or unbelievable because that's not how humans work we would extrapolate and try and figure out all the ways in which things can be adapted to so when you change a door any one of those things especially if it's a big thing like you know you know shape of the universe something like that you need to try and figure out all the ways how humans would use it employ it adapt it and how would it affect the world on a larger scale you just need a all right what about this well it can and keep going keep going down the rabbit hole now this is why you probably don't want to do too many different things because sometimes the calculations could be too overwhelming and then you don't think of obvious things and stuff like that and I found it's always been helpful to focus on one thing at a time and I haven't really needed to change too much to make a really cool interesting world setting sometimes it only needs to be as simple as changing the continent shape of the universe and then extrapolate there are classic fantasies that I honestly feel haven't done this to a satisfying level like the type of magic and what magic can achieve and how readily available it is in Dungeons and Dragons I'm not sure you could maintain a strictly medieval style setting with all the things magic can do now granted there are some really interesting creative kind of world settings that seem more in line with a world in which vast magic like this would be when vast magic like this will be available like forgotten realms where you have complete government controlled by magic users and stuff like that and there's class distinctions and how it affects and so there are some instances very much in Forgotten Realms where they do a really good job sometimes I feel nearly as satisfying invention can often be a result of necessity and if you take away that necessity certain inventions naturally would not be developed nearly as quickly ratably or just not developed at all and so if you have magical healing how can you justify medical technology being advanced just germ theory herbs and other things like that if it's so available it would advance if it's not nearly as available and same with like dean DS type magic you could have dean d type magic in a medieval setting it wasn't nearly as available and widespread it only a few small individuals use it then it wouldn't affect society nearly as drastically but if it was widespread commonly available well then that would be affecting a lot of things especially technological progression depending on what the magic can do and regards to healing it would hinder and put a block on medical technology in quite a significant exactly what's happened in my book magical healing is so available that there medical technology is pretty horrible and having said that the medical technology the Meadowview period just by itself was pretty horrible it's also you don't necessarily need magic to justify that so if you're introducing a new spell ok really try and figure out how prevalent it is and how much it would affect society and even history ok our kingdoms built upon the foundation of this technology or spell or disutility or whatever now I could be listing endless examples but then I think the video would honestly be too long so I'll basically round it up now and say these are my three kind of main cardinal rules for taking your world building to the next level the first one don't restrict yourself to all the conditions that we have in the real world it's fantasy you can do anything you want to when you do change something up okay try and justify it logically and consistently within the world because then you can actually employ those rules in the story and I actually think I should expand on that a little bit more but finally the third rule extrapolate okay if you're introducing or changing or something like that and you've justified it logically figure out as much as you can how it would have the effect society and how would be employed and then you can come back to our saying at the beginning of this video you can to use it in such fun ways in regards to the plot so in my world setting because darkstone can literally subvert okay laws of gravity and other things like because locked in space they use this to create sky ships and sky ships are everywhere and so trade and transportation are going through the roof of my world sitting because they have such access to easy transportation and really effective and fast transportation that are then effects warfare and economy and how does it affect story well your characters are living in these worlds and so if they need to get from point A to point B suddenly they have access to get from A to B a much faster because of sky ships how disguise ships operate is our way to make them faster as a way to make them slower how do you disable them how do they fight how dangerous are they to operate all these things actually really important to figure out because they would naturally come into play in the story and so these sky ships can reach really fast speeds so then what about g-force and restrictions and so of course there would be mechanical safety limitations to prevent these ships from accelerating too fast from stopping instantly and having people become pancakes in the walls and to prevent them from turning too sharply and you'd be thrown off to the sides of the walls and all these things so again logical extrapolation but then my characters in a situation where they actually need a sky ship to go faster but they can't because there are limitations built into it so I have to disable the mechanical safeties of the ship who knows how to do that is there anyone trained to do it okay and so now literally my characters in a situation where they need to do something but they are prevented I'm doing something based on the world building and setting in technology and the rules that I have put in place which creates tension and conflict and problems that they need to overcome and things that can be overcome in a satisfying way because in my book I'll try and avoid spoilers so I'm gonna be speaking very vaguely but the characters need a ship to do something and so naturally they disable the safety so I can do it easily come in later in the book they're in a situation where they really importantly need a sky ship to do something and they don't have much time but aha the safeties have already been disabled on this ship because of the previous condition and so suddenly that limiting restrictions like oh no we can't do something is already resolved by it already happening previous of plot and it's like we instantly overcome a problem and you get the satisfaction of a victory because it's already justified in the setting and this is how good world can affect the story in dramatic and important ways and therefore even though it's not necessarily the most important thing of the story it can elevate and enhance the story to new heights okay so it is very important and I really encourage any writer to try and do it as good as possible be consistent with it because when you're not consistent with it well then it can undermine things completely in a perfectly example of this and I know I've complained about a lot but I'd need to put in seconds it's probably the best example of when inconsistent world building elements rubs a scene of how awesome it could have been because this could have been a phenomenal scene but because it's inconsistent and contradicts while building a massive way so many people have just looked at that and felt it's stupid when it could have been awesome and I'm talking about the whole dough maneuver from Star Wars the last Jedi okay that scene is visually spectacular even in the sinner I was like that looks awesome but then oh hang on how does that work that contradicts everything and and like why haven't been redoing this before like so many questions arise because of being inconsistent with a very important element in the world booty the way technology is used and employed in the setting what would have been so cool if there was actual possibility provided in the technology somewhere else and it's subtle no none of you audience availa thought of it but then it's explained that it can be done through these you know elements these rules that are already in place and someone smart enough a character smart enough was just able to figure it out and then do it and then achieve something epic and suddenly have this brilliant scene that is always justified in the world building setting in technology and instead of being robbed of this awesome moment it enhances it even more because a character just did something really brilliant so once again well building especially in fantasy shouldn't be belittled or taken less seriously or give less time devoted to it I'm not saying spend years apart by the way there is something like well building disease well I'd forget the exact thing but as people spend way too much time on world building so I was trying wrap it up but this is important to also mention he and it's a tool that I use as well is you only need to world build enough for what is serviced in the story and what because that's the only parts of the world that you're actually showing the audience all the other parts in the world they're not being revealed to the audience they're not even there and so if you well built all these other nations that's kind of wasted potential and time you can utilize them that's fine later on the story and so it's good to have that kind of ammunition ready to go but if you're not going to be using it in a story you're not using your time efficiently and so something that I do and a lot of other writers do is I kind of list the nations and Bay and if I come across someone in the nation well then I'm like okay what do they characteristics culture things and all they need to do is well do that for that given scene but if I never come across someone from that nation I have the name there it's ready to be developed deeper when I need to but I don't need to waste time on it because it's not appearing in the story and so this is like the smoke and mirrors of world building where when you see an iceberg you think there's you know logically because if you know anything about icebergs the underside there's a much deeper iceberg underneath the surface but in regards to world building all you need to show is the top of the iceberg to imply the depth of it underneath I really got this impression and I could be completely wrong but when we're eating Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan it's so interesting where he has certain characters mention past events battles a specific general who thought this might he stand and one character in particular becomes connected with history I'm not gonna give spoilers but because he has a connection with history these different historical moments pop up continuing through the book and you get immersed by this rich vast history of the The Wheel of Time but I wonder how fast it needs to be or even if it is that vast probably is because well Robert Jordan is a phenomenal world builder I'm not saying this wasn't done but it also showed that this seemed where this general and his battle was mentioned I if I write a book I could actually just mention that scene that battle and leave it there and I would give the exact same invocation of a vast rich history without having to write that vast rich history of this kingdom this nation their cultures their practices their hereditary lines okay all the things I actually don't need to do it okay you can just hint at it imply by the story that there is a vast rich history but then you don't need to go to the trouble of doing it because so many of these battles and things some are mentioned again like that's a Hawk wing ok becomes am I saying that Otto Otto I don't we all have time fans really gonna arrest me they're just got the pronunciation but he becomes really significant as a historical figure that becomes referenced and mentioned quite a lot manner it becomes a very important historical nation country that you know I won't give spoilers but referenced a lot in The Wheel of Time and so there are important history so don't get me wrong when they become an integral to certain elements in the story you need you know yeah I detail globe building to explain well history stuff but there are so many nations peoples and events mentioned only once the oil time never revisited and they give the impression of that vast rich history but nothing else is really revealed and even if there is a vast rich history that Robert Jordan had written for it you don't actually need it and that's kind of the lesson I took from that is like I can actually just do these kind of hints and we'll build to the level that is needed for the story and because of that I can make a novel that is complemented to very in very high regard for the quality of world building but there are areas in which I this might be disappointing that I haven't even needed to develop yet because they were in the story yet but when I come to you know in book two apart we're okay characters now gone to a new nation that haven't visited before then I'll need to really nail down their cultural norms and practices to far greater detail his stream the government style the fashion sense and all those things but I haven't done that for all the cultures in my book and people have commented that I love all the different cultures because different people from different cultures are shown in the book and they mention that these cultures are there that's mentioned in the histories and stuff like that but as to the detail most of them are nowhere near as detailed as the main culture and a nation in which the book is based in which is Samarra which I have a vast history written for I have different locations and events and people's mention all the Seng really detailed because that is what was needed so important little trick about well booting there you don't need a world build everything you just need a world build what is needed for the story but there are people who just love well building everything and not saying don't but if you want to use your time efficiently for writing stories there is a you know - there is a syndrome of all building too much and you spend years upon world building you never get the story and if you want to write novels you should use your time efficiently so there we go how to take your old building to the next level some of the things that I do and the practices and mindsets that have really helped me achieve what many people regarded to be fairly good world building and I'm flattered by the compliments as all say thank you and thank you for watching I hope you've enjoyed and of course I hope to see you again so until that time era [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 292,813
Rating: 4.9536738 out of 5
Keywords: worldbuilding, world, building, fantasy, lecture, lectures, medieval, epic fantasy, magic, harry potter, mistborn, brandon sanderson, branden sanderson, high fantasy, writing, how to, novel, book, literature, game of thrones, lord of the rings, middle earth, publish, self publish, diskworld, hard magic, soft magic
Id: 0j0mkPEFVIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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