How to Take A Good Selfie (Best Kept Lighting Secrets)

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I'm gonna show you three of the best selfie lighting scenarios that you can pretty much find just about anywhere hey i'm Gia Goodrich and welcome back to my channel that's all about pulling back the curtain on professional photography tutorials tips techniques strategies behind the scenes and all the things you just need to learn so you can become the photographer you want to be today I thought I'd try something different whether or not you're a professional photographer you take selfies. We all take selfies. it's embarrassing to make them in public but we make them we like having the documentation that we were somewhere wherever but I don't feel like everybody knows what the best selfie light is I'm gonna give you a quick down and dirty tutorial two minutes soak it up you'll be good to go and just ignore my messy environment right now that's all the mail have yet to open first one is the one I'm using it is (drum roll) a big-ass window the reason a window is really amazing is because it's a big light source and it's soft because the light isn't pointed right at us. The closer I get the more highlights are happening further away I get the softer and less visible that light source is. Really you want to be close to it. This close. So the biggest mistake people make is that they don't face the window. You get this ugly raking light it's called raking light because it rakes across your skin it pulls out every pore every you like look at that not good but rotating here it's beautiful and even. Serving angles mm-hmm first one window light are there big beautiful windows just about everywhere yes ah okay so we made it outside so I'm gonna show you the second lighting setup they call it garage door light because you're in the garage and you're using the light outside of the garage so I'm trying to cross the street safely this is a great example of this light all this light from the Sun is spilling onto the ground but I don't want to be in that because if I'm actually in that this is what the light is doing to me which is actually kind of pretty light if you have your head angled high and everything but it hurts your eyes so you can do like a kind of sexy shadow thing but that's not what we're about today we're gonna take this light turn it around so we're facing it and then stepping into the shadow a beautiful even light so this is the garage door light if you're outside all you have to do is look for a place where you're actually in shade but then there's light on the ground in front of you and you want to make sure that there's enough light enough in front of you that it's not just up lighting you like the kind of flashlight crazy look but then all that the light is hitting the ground and all bouncing in all directions and hitting your face more random people looking at me so the last lighting setup I'm going to show you is actually indoors how to make ugly indoor light work and be your friend if you look at the light that's enemy right now like a lot of it nor spaces there's a lot of just overhead ugly light the quick simple trick is that you just tilt your head up then all of a sudden I have the same like the same light it's nothing the majority of my face so it looks beautiful as opposed to here like I just did this I was at a gala I got a look and we do that because the overhead light was so ugly and then we change it it was like oh there it is it looks a little ridiculous when you're doing it but I would rather have a picture with beautiful light all day every day so thanks so much for watching this tutorial I hope it makes all of your selfie dreams come true so you can live your best selfie life when you upload your new and improved selfies on Instagram be sure to hashtag #GiagSelfie so that I can see them and comment and give you so much love and also so we can congratulate each other on all of our epic selfies from here on in in a totally non narcissistic way obviously and if you haven't already be sure to subscribe because twice a week I come out with new content bringing you all the things you need to be a badass photographer
Channel: Gia Goodrich
Views: 47,017
Rating: 4.9583926 out of 5
Keywords: how to take a good selfie, how to take a good selfie for girls, outdoor lighting photography tutorial, iphone photography tips, best outdoor lighting tips for selfies, best selfie techniques, gia goodrich, best lighting for selfies, selfie, instagram, photography tips and tricks iphone, selfie hacks, take better photos, how to get good lighting for pictures, how to get good lighting, how to get perfect lighting for pictures, how to have good lighting in pictures
Id: F2CN_-XJh3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 38sec (278 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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