How to Survive a Plane Crash

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if you find yourself going into a free fall inside a metal tube hurtling through the clouds at hundreds of kilometers per hour and an oxygen mask drops down right in front of you try not to bend airplane crashes are highly survivable all you need to know is a few tips on how to survive a plane crash are you afraid of stepping on an escalator well taking a flight on a commercial airplane is about as safe as that the odds of being killed in a plane crash are 1 in 11 million yet we can all get that nervous feeling when we're taking our seats on a plane but maybe you just need to know which seat is the safest and what to do if this yellow mask suddenly drops from the ceiling luckily for you we put together six steps to help you get out of a plane crash alive step 1 dress as if you'll have to run away from the fire your flip-flops may be comfy but they're not going to perform well in an emergency and neither will your high-heeled shoes if your plane goes down it's not the fall that might kill you but injuries in post-crash fires so go for long pants and long sleeved shirts don't protect you from waves and sharp objects and put on lace-up shoes in case you need to run step two choose your seat wisely it all depends on how exactly things go south but generally your best bet is to sit as far in the back as possible you also don't have to walk too far to use the bathroom it sounds like a win-win to me but if you don't have a choice and are forced to sit at the front of the plane don't panic the difference in the survival rate between sitting in the front or the tail of a plane isn't too big besides if the plane goes down tail first you might regret your decision not to overpay for extra legroom but regardless of where your seat is you should know where the emergency exits are find the closest one to you as soon as you board the plane and stay calm knowing that you know where to run even if the cabin is filled with smoke step 3 stay awake during takeoff and landing the first 3 minutes after takeoff and the last eight minutes before landing are the most accident-prone times of the entire flight so keep your shoes on your seatbelt fastened and your tray table up put your carry-on items under the seat in front of you that will help prevent your legs from going under the seat and getting broken step 4 if you do crash don't panic [Music] the first 90 seconds of the plane-crash will decide your fate many people get so nervous they've forget to unbuckle their seatbelt listen carefully to the instructions but don't just sit through the disaster if the flight attendants don't say anything the cabin might experience sudden pressure loss and a lack of oxygen you'll only have about ten seconds before you go unconscious so if you see the oxygen masks drop down put one on yourself right away only then should you try to help someone else step 5 save yourself not your possessions evacuate from a falling plane as quickly as possible forget your carry-on you don't want to end up stuck with it on a burning plane if you're carrying something that's too important to lose stick it in your pocket but keep your arms free step 6 once you're on the ground get as far away from the crash as you can if your plane hits the ground there's a high chance it will explode need to run get at least 150 meters away from the crash site and run into the wind then wait for rescuers to find you you know in the history of aviation this is the safest time to fly commercial aviation averages less than 500 fatalities per year worldwide and of the planes that do get into accidents over 95% of the passengers get out of them alive but if in some very unlikely case you need to jump off a burning plane without a parachute don't worry we've got another video for that to help you survive whatever awaits you you
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 1,075,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, survivalguide, what if, science, how to survive a plane crash, plane accident, plane crush, survival guide, tips how to survive, life hacks, what happens when plane has a crash, how to stay alive in plane crash, scientific questions and answers, what do to in case of a plane crash, airplane safety, first aid, survival tips, documentaries, survival video
Id: t9nYVXCo18I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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