How to Survive a Nuclear Apocalypse

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uh that doesn't sound good [Music] [Applause] you survived catastrophic disasters in previous episodes like tsunamis landslides and hurricanes but this time the entire world is at stake an all-out nuclear war has erupted countries are launching attacks and others are retaliating what should you do to get out of this world-ending scenario get inside because here's how to survive a nuclear apocalypse right now nine countries are in possession of nuclear weapons if any one of them launched even one of the almost 000 nuclear warheads in the world it could cause a wave of chaos and destruction a blast from a one megaton warhead would vaporize anything within one kilometer from its center all of the buildings within seven kilometers would collapse from a blast of air anything in a 12 kilometer radius would be hit by a thermal blast hot enough to cause third degree burns ouch and you better look away because everything within 20 kilometers would be hit with a flash of light it isn't too dangerous but it could cause you to go blind for a few minutes what should you do when you hear the sirens why would fleeing be a bad idea and how could you survive the fallout i know surviving a nuclear apocalypse may sound like a daunting impossible task but here's a few tips on how to get through the initial blasts and the aftermath step one hide the sirens are blaring and everyone's in a panic better act fast because you could only have a few minutes before impact your first instinct might be to evacuate and get as far away as possible hate your monday morning commute well imagine that but much much worse the roads will likely be jammed with everyone trying to get out this is a traffic jam that you wouldn't want to be caught in you'll be a bunch of sitting ducks and you can probably picture the rest your best bet is to hunker down and find shelter if you or your neighbor have a bomb shelter well you don't need me to tell you where to go if there are any underground subways nearby go there they're some of the safest places to withstand an incoming nuke but if there aren't any subways nearby try to find the largest cement building in the best case scenario go to the basement if it doesn't have one get to the center of the building hiding in a building will help to shield you from the blast going as deep as you can underground will protect you when the radiation hits today is your lucky day you find a basement to hide in everything around you violently shakes as you hear a deafening boom you find your bearings and the rumbling settles but don't leave just yet it's still incredibly dangerous outside step two wait it out if you head out now you'll be facing nerve searing heat and a whole lot of fallout in as little as 15 minutes radioactive bits of dirt and debris will start to fall from the sky soon enough everything outside will be covered in a radiated dust coming in contact with this stuff can quickly induce radiation poisoning which is a terrible way to die try to stay inside for at least 72 hours after that it will be safe for you to venture out while you're in there stockpile any packaged food bottled water and first aid supplies that were left inside the building they'll not only help you get through these three days but anything that you have left over will be handy to help or trade with other survivors speaking of trading you might try saving as much money as you can you'll never know when you have to dig into your emergency funds for an apocalypse the thing is if a nuke causes society to collapse your money will pretty much be useless but do you know what will stay the same while the dollar will lose its value gold if times are feeling a little unstable it's a good idea to invest in precious metals you'll be able to hold on to your wealth once society bounces back from the devastation and who knows gold could be the most valuable resource during an apocalypse if you're in the market for a hedge against a nuclear apocalypse you should head over to the sponsor of this video jm bullion is an easy to use discreet and accredited physical precious metals retailer with over 4 billion in revenue and over 2 million orders shipped gm boolean is one of the largest most respected online retailers of physical gold and silver products in the world you turn on your phone to call for help but the internet and your phone service is knocked out you can't stay here forever it's time for you to explore this new radioactive world step 3 look for information you take a step outside the world you once knew is now a wasteland but don't stop and stare too long time is of the essence the longer you're in contact with radioactive material the more it will affect your body search nearby buildings for a radio it's crucial to get information in a time like this you could find help learn where the shelters are or figure out if there will be any more attacks the radio hisses and crackles dead air step 4 search for others you can't depend on world leaders to get through this you're going to have to rely on yourself and the help of others while you're searching the nearby buildings call out for other survivors you can get a lot more done with friends and you can work together to survive if you do find others and they're not so friendly try to make a trade if you don't have anything to give you could use your skills as currency step 5 move you collect a decent amount of supplies and make a friend or two now you should consider traveling somewhere with warmer temperatures a large amount of the ash and soot from the blast will be injected into the stratosphere potentially blocking out the sun working on your tan will be the least of your worries temperatures around the world could drastically drop move away from the north where it'll reach freezing temperatures during the nuclear winter you and your group of survivors journey safely to the south unfortunately because of the irradiated land you'll have to live off canned beans and tuna for the rest of your days but you made it through the nuclear apocalypse alive now that you're a seasoned veteran of the wasteland do you think you could get through another how could you survive 24 hours in death valley don't worry we're here to help you handle whatever life throws at you on how to survive [Music] [Music]
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 2,870,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival guide, survival tips, survival documentary, nuke, nuclear apocalypse, nuclear war, nuclear, apocalypse, end of the world, nuclear weapons, radiation, threads, survival gear, how to survive the apocalypse, apocalypse now, survival kit, survival skills, survival tactics, nuclear bomb, survival gadgets, life hacks, survive the warning, nuclear explosion, documentaries
Id: xh8DMM_Vk-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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