How to Survive a Dog Bite

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before we dive into today's episode subscribe to our new channel your body on we'll tell you how you'd feel if you ran a marathon with zero training if you ate only mcdonald's for a year and much more click on the link below to find out [Music] you're taking your daily walk and you see a dog approaching it's scowling and its body is tensing up as it bears its teeth and flattens its ears you realize that this dog doesn't want a treat it wants you here's how to survive a dog attack every year in the united states about 14 000 people are hospitalized with dog bite injuries and in an attack you might have to face more than one or two dogs fatal multi-dog attacks involving more than three dogs have risen 164 percent since the late 1980s in 2019 attacks involving more than three dogs cost 38 of all deaths and pit bulls were involved in 78 of those attacks why are some considered more dangerous than others should you stare at a dog until it backs down and why is running away a bad idea if a dog attacks you trying to run away is not likely to help most likely you will not be able to outrun a dog and running away can awaken a dog's prey instinct to chase and catch you and dogs who hurt people most likely do so because of their ancestry these dogs were bred for hunting working and baiting large animals like bulls people encouraged those dogs aggressiveness and bred them for their aggressive traits to help them better perform their tasks and centuries later those traits are still coated into dog's dna especially in dobermans rottweilers pit bulls pit bull mixes and wolf hybrids lists of dangerous dog breeds often include german shepherds and akitas too and the dogs we call pit bulls are often controversial many people don't realize that pit bulls are not a breed the term pitbull refers to the american staffordshire terrier american pit bull terrier staffordshire bull terrier and american bully dogs they're descended from the english bull baiting dog which was bred to bite and hold massive animals including bulls and bears a pit bull attacks by biting its target then shaking its head back and forth so if you have a pit bull it's essential to evaluate socialize and continually train your dog the dog always needs to know how you want it to behave and not just rely on its instincts but if the dog is threatening you and it's a pit bull or one of the other more aggressive breeds what can you do to survive the attack step one hope it has a smart owner the best way to prevent an attack is for the owner to train their dog not to attack and the owner should always make sure their dog is in the house in a secure yard or on a leash step 2 avoid dogs with a bad history hopefully the dog's owner will take appropriate action if their dog bites someone but don't count on it data from 2019 shows that 40 of people killed by dogs involved dogs with a history of being aggressive toward people about 21 of the killer dogs had a history of being aggressive toward other animals and shockingly 13 of the dogs had bitten or severely attacked the victim in the past so if a dog bites or attacks you stay away from it in the future step 3 assert your dominance if an aggressive dog confronts you the most important thing to do is to stay calm it's normal to feel fear or anxiety but don't give in to it and don't start yelling or kicking at the dog it's like psychological warfare an aggressive dog wants you to be stressed out before it attacks so if you remain calm and in control it slows the dog down and messes up its plans stay calm and assertive that lets the dog know you are not afraid and it demands the dog's respect when the dog senses that you're not threatening it and that you are not threatened by the dog it will probably lose interest then the situation is likely to de-escalate step 4 give strange dogs some space it might seem safe to pet an unfamiliar dog but you can never be sure of the dog's temperament this is good advice for you and your children in 2019 27 of the people who were bitten to death by dogs were children only nine years old and younger another six percent of people killed by dogs were 10 to 18 years old and the largest group of people killed by dogs 67 percent were adults aged 19 and older you might know that you're planning to pet a dog but the dog may not always know that so give an unfamiliar dog some space a pit ball mauled a seven-year-old girl on the upper west side of new york city in 2020 her mother gave her a dollar and the little girl walked up to give it to a homeless woman with a dog when the child approached the pit bull latched onto her face and slammed her into the sidewalk the little girl's mother and the dog's owner could not pull the dog away another bystander came to help and finally the dog got off the child the little girl was bleeding profusely and had to be treated at a hospital so if you don't know a dog keep your distance step 5 avoid staring contests avoid direct eye contact with an aggressive dog instead stand slightly sideways which also makes you a narrower target and keep the dog in your peripheral vision making eye contact may incite the dog to lunge at you and if it does lunge protect your face chest and throat but what if you realize that's not a dog attacking you it's a wolf we have tips for surviving that too right here on how to survive [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 709,027
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Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival guide, survival tips, survival documentary, united states, hospitalized, dog bite, dog, dogs, attack, fatal, dog attacks, pitbull, pitbull dog, cute pitbull, dangerous, scowling, dog attack, dog dna, wolf hybrid, german shepherd, akita, akita dog, terrier, terrier dog, american staffordshire terrier, american stafford, american stafford attack, bull terrier, calm, assertive
Id: gL8KJ9zv1dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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