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hey yo donkeys andy lippy here about another streambot video and a lot of people have been doing timed actions for like doing shout outs in your chat and i'm not talking like shouting out all the content creators i'm talking like showing them links make sure you check out my youtube channel all that kind of stuff and a lot of people using stream about spam the chat and they don't know how to kind of make it so it's less spammy and it's just a bit more clean and i'm going to show you exactly how i do that in this tutorial all right let's get on with it put your over the stone let's go this portion of the video is sponsored by have got absolutely everything for your stream they've got hundreds of overlays and alert packages and right now they actually have partnered with epidemic sound so you can get tons of loyalty free music and sounds on your stream for a super super cheap price you can also save yourself fifty percent off your entire membership using offer code andy50 pro at checkout i'll leave all the links in the description and they go a long way to supporting the channel all right thank you very much for sponsoring this portion of the video i'm going to show you what i used to have set up in stream about first so jumping into stream about you'll see i've got like all my different messages here under timed actions so in settings then timed actions and i've got all these different links that play in my chat like my po box if you guys want to send me anything in the post then please check out my p.o box i'll leave a link in the description and you can also see all the intervals are set 600 to 1800 seconds and obviously i can do completely different random amounts but you'll probably find a lot of the times like it spams your chat so we're gonna fix that today so i've set up another stream about here with three different actions i've got message one message two and message three and they basically say in twitch this is message number one this is message number two and this is message number three so since we've got them we're going to create another little action so i'm going to right click and press add and i will call this time chat events and press ok and then now we're basically going to add all them different chat messages into here but we want it to not basically do them all at the same time so we're going to create a little counter and this is how you do a counter so we're going to do right click and press add action and we're going to go down to logic and we're going to say global get and then this is going to get a global variable so persisted i'm going to turn off because i don't want it to basically save the variable when i close down and we're going to give this variable a name so i'm going to call it chat commands and then the destination variable is going to be called global underscore chat commands it's basically so we can differentiate which is the normal variable and which is the global variable and the default value we're going to do is zero just there and press ok so now we're basically getting a variable and if it's not got anything in it we set it to zero so then what we're going to do is basically count up now because we've got two different variables if you remember we've got chat commands variable and we've got global check commands variable so we're going to count the chat commands variable up so we're gonna right click and we're gonna go to add sub action and go down to logic and we're gonna go to global set and this time we're gonna select global but we're gonna turn persisted off again gonna choose the variable name which was chat commands we're not using the chat commands there we go chat commands and we're going to change this from argument to increment so we're going to add a number to it so we're going to select one in there so we want to add one to this number every single time press okay what we've got now is we've got this check commands variable we've got a global check commands variable and it's going to increase the check commands by one so that means check commands equals one but global check commands equals zero you see where i'm going with this now we can create an if statement so we're gonna right click add a sub action and go down to logic go to if and we're going to choose the variable if global underscore chat commands because we're going back to the one that's zero we want to check we're going to say if it equals zero we're gonna do the action message one so it's gonna run the action message one and then we're gonna press break because then it'll stop and it'll make sure it doesn't do any more we press okay i just want to take a second of your time to tell you about my patreon it'll help support me make this content full-time for you and you'll get perks as well you can also support me on coffee and you'll also get the same perks and it goes a long way to supporting the channel now we need to add in message two and three so i can just duplicate this action if global check commands equals and we're gonna change it to one then we're gonna run message two i've done this a little bit confusing press ok and then now we're gonna do it once more because we've got three messages so i'm going to duplicate change this to three but since i only have uh three messages i'm actually going to tell this to continue the reason why i'm doing that is because if it gets to the bottom of these chat commands whichever the last one is we want it to continue because we want it to run some extra lines of code or actions just below it and what we're going to do is reset our global number back to zero so we're gonna go to add commands again go to logic and go to global set and we're gonna set basically reset the entire thing back to zero so we're gonna unselect the persisted because we're gonna be changing the chat commands to zero again because if you remember whatever chat commands is turns into global chat commands so we're gonna choose the chat commands variable and we're going to change this to a value of zero so now it's going to be zero at first as soon as you turn on stream above so global chat commands become zero and then check commands becomes one and then it's going to check all these i've just seen a mistake in there i need to change that to two because we did zero one and two and then that is it so we need to add that to a timer so i'm going to go to settings timed actions and we're going to add a new timed action i'm going to call it check commands it's up to you how you want to do this and then we're going to do it basically a pretty short amount of time so i'm only gonna do five seconds obviously i do not recommend that because that'll be really silly we're gonna choose the action just here and we're gonna do the time chat events action now when i press ok i've opened up my twitch chat just here we should see it'll start every five seconds increment in this amount so it'll say this is message number one and five seconds later it'll say this is message number two like so and once more it will do this is message number three but now it's finished it's gonna reset the number back to zero and it'll run this is message number one again so it'll do that constantly in a loop if you wanted you can add a randomization to this and obviously lots of different messages you can do announcements and everything like that if you do want to know anything like that please let me know in the comments and i'll bash your video together asap for you okay so big shout out to all these people that helped me make this content full time please if you want to support me join patreon or also the youtube members you'll get early access to all my stuff as well which is cool i've got a lot of amazing things coming out soon and it goes a long way to supporting me okay make sure you do subscribe and make sure you check out one of these videos just here as it will help your stream out massively put your over the stone much love
Channel: Andilippi
Views: 5,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andilippi, Andi Stone, stream aid, stream doctor, streamerbot, streamer bot, streamer bot alerts, streamer bot commands, timed actions, chat commands, twitch chat commands, streamer bot timed actions, streamer bot timer, streamer bot chat commands, sb, stop spamming chat commands, streamer bot queue
Id: vvND72G9HqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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