How to Play A Random Video from A Folder Using Streamer.Bot (Websocket v5.x)

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today's 10-second video is brought to you by all right seriously how many of you want to pull random videos from a folder to a media Source in OBS how many of you found the way to do it but it won't work with websocket version 5 and we're told that you needed to change over to websocket 4.9 compatibility well you don't and guess what I'm going to show you how to set it up for websocket 5 y hey The Crowd Goes insane storms the field and starts a riot all right so randomly I wanted to do this months ago just because and I couldn't get it to work with the new websocket I only found one video from a person on the subject and all they did was say it's still works and then in the description it said must be on websocket 4.9 compatibility and that just doesn't cut it for me you know so I spent an hour working this out and then I couldn't get it so I reached out to Ry and Tom and in the Stream bot Discord and hustle crow in the jeef bird's pool of goated people and together we made this work spoiler alert it's an underscore not a dash that isn't going to make sense to anybody but if you had been there you would get it and I'm putting it in this video for the few people that watched me struggle bust the hell out of this on stream only to realize that my raw code had a dash where I needed an underscore it was a whole thing anyway let's let's just do this okay yeah you're welcome Frankie first thing you need to do is open OBS and create a new scene named random videos and then add a media Source named random video player and then just hit okay without touching any of the sources settings that's it OBS done next open up streamer bot and create an action and name it jeef bird what a guy or random video from folder whichever in the subactions Box you're going to rightclick and go to core hover over arguments and select set argument in the variable name write video folder lowercase V capital F it has to be written that way all right for the value right in the location of your folder you want to pull videos from and make sure to double up all of The Backs slashes it's important and then hit okay next you want to rightclick go to core hover over C and select execute C code in there you're going to copy and paste the code from the description below because no way am I going to make you type out the code the last thing you need to do is set some OBS raw code and guess what yeah that's it's it's in the description too you just find it down there what a guy so right click hover over OBS and select raw in your subactions list and then in the Raw just copy and paste the raw code from the description below and then celebrate because that is literally it add a test Trigger or a command trigger and then send me a metal of dopeness cuz you're done it's done you set it up go if you loved this video and my amazing personality please like the video and subscribe to the channel because I'll be here doing great like this all year if you have any questions requests or love you want to share with me please leave a comment below or jump into a live stream I go live on Twitch every Monday Wednesday and Friday at 11 is a.m. Central thank you all so much for watching encouraging me to keep doing things like this and motivating me to put pants on every day yeah you're amazing hope you all have a great rest of your day take care stay safe and I hope to see you in the next video nailed it
Channel: Geefbird
Views: 78
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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