How to Stop Missing Skillshots in League of Legends

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just waiting for your video to catch up with audio okay here we go where should I throw the spear a towards where they're headed B behind them to predict the Dodge or C where their flash would land them let's find out well you clearly suck so why didn't I present that as an option well it was to demonstrate how first things first let's start off with some general rules to follow that'll immediately improve your aim as long as you listen to me and follow them okay number one I call this the Tarantino rule in FPS games you're taught to go for head shots cuz they do more damage that's fine but in mobile games like League they actually do nothing if not hurt your damage output reason being everyone's hit box is actually on the ground with their feet it might be hard to imagine so I drew a graphic for you to understand but you don't need to understand this rule just aim at their feet and you'll be good I don't really want to explain further so this means when you're trying to aim ahead of people if you're shooting from the east or west simply account for the fact that you might be aiming for their head and then adjust rule number two always predict this one actually requires a little bit of explanation but I'll make it very simple to start so here's the oneliner now always throw predictions against players who have played this game for more than a year so before the game starts just check their OPG for this condition don't question it just do it okay now let's get a little bit nerdy about it as a caveat I'm going to explain to you a system of thinking that will make it easier for me to articulate and for you to understand but the actual topic of metagaming is significantly more complex and timec consuming so I won't be perfectly accurate and accommodate all situations put it simply I'm trying to put it simply so don't nitpick me YouTube is a game in and of itself here are the three primary layers of intent with dodging these layers repeat themselves over and over based on the players predictions but we're going to stick to these three first because human beings more specifically mobile players do not play past these three layer zero is simple you're not thinking so when a skill shot comes at you you don't Dodge probably get hit by a too layer one is what every player with at least a year of experience but not required will default to they will Dodge consciously because it registers in the brain that that a skill shot's coming at them Layer Two Is Where It Gets difficult to understand because functionally it looks the same as layer zero where you don't Dodge but this time it's on purpose why because you're anticipating an anticipation let's go over the layers of intent with skill shots to understand this better and then come back to this these are the layers of intent for skill shots layer zero you're not consciously thinking about where to fire it so you default towards where the character would go this is probably because you're assuming your opponent's path will remain the same ler one you anticipate a Dodge so you fire where you think they will Dodge and this doesn't necessarily have to be behind them just basically anywhere but where they're headed Layer Two now bear with me here you are expecting them to run forward because you think that they think that you will fire a prediction Beauty in this system is that I don't even need to film a different clip to demonstrate layer 2 layer zero and layer 2 look exactly the same from the perspective of the one dodging if you think about it there's no difference between where you're shooting for for layer zero and layer 2 the only difference is in the intent the why you're shooting where you're shooting which is why from your perspective it is actually a different shot I know this is confusing in theory so we'll examine this in a practical setting but before we need to do so I need to introduce two extra rules that govern who wins the skill shot SL Dodge game first let's establish that because every other layer is functionally the same action for example 0 2 4 6 as well as 1 3 57 we need to find a formula to win for both sides so if you are the one dodging you have to be on the opposite kind of layer if they're playing an even number like zero or two you have to be an odd number layer of thinking like one or super deep for a human three therefore if you're the one firing the skill shot you have to be on the same kind of layer by default most players Dodge at layer one this means against most people you always fire addictions now let's take a look at this theory in practice I've used this example a ton but it's good to start here cuz it's a simple one keep in mind the rules I mentioned if I'm shooting at them I want to be on the same layer I anticipate a default Dodge so I'm thinking one layer deep he's anticipating a default shot so he's one layer deep I win here mf's path is going to the left and slightly up I fire prediction deep to her right and she just barely default Dodges and tries to correct afterwards but I hit her anyway immediately afterwards I fire a prediction towards the Lux but you'll notice she does not Dodge I hit her anyway but you have to think about whether or not it's layer zero or layer 2 do they mean to or were they lazy now this is where it gets very interesting you have to make an educated guess as to whether your opponent intended to do that or not a really really simple way to tell is to think about what you look like from their point of view if you're constantly firing predictions and they get used to it they're clearly playing a layer deeper at level two and now you have to assume that it is a conscious decision so the way to beat that now is to play on the same layer and not predict and it's exactly what I do here and just to demonstrate this Lux never Dodges for the rest of the game against me could be lazy could be smart so you don't actually have to learn any of what I just said I was explaining like that just to try to appeal to both sides the Nerds as well as the ones looking for a quick rule so for the average player just predict every shot until they catch on and then you mix it up and for the Nerds probe your opponent with the first couple of skill shots you throw against them to determine what layers they like to play on then adjust your strategy accordingly every skill shot you throw you have to think about what kind of profile you're creating for yourself and try to anticipate the opponent adjusting to you ahead of time this goes for both Dodges and skill shots you'll notice I hit some nasty Dodges but they never once adjust why because I assume they're noobs so they won't do what I just said and I just go with the same default Dodge every single time all right rule number three use the environment the environment you run you and your opponent can be used to read where your opponent will Dodge in plenty of cases there will almost always be an environmental factor or some sort of detail that allows you to narrow down your opponent's option don't want to go over every single case so let's just go over some super General cases case number one walls people generally can't Dodge into a wall therefore the only way they can dodge is off the wall and this means that if you line up your skill shot to be parallel with the wall or somewhat parallel you can force your opponent to have to dodge off of it and then we can also apply rule number two GG for example here this dude recognizes he needs to get off the wall but he gets too antsy and Dodges again into the wall so I can overlap his entire hit box of my queue and he has no outs case number two zoning in a lot of cases you don't actually have to land at skill shot to gain value if you fire a skill shot in a way where either they get hit by it or take another bad option you can get value regardless of what happens for example he is trying to run away from a gank and can either Dodge or not Dodge similarly n is trying to gank and can either fire a normal spear or prediction spear this creates a 2 x two Matrix let's go through each case first we have normal spear versus Dodge n clearly misses but she zones the into an auto attack at the very least next we have normal spear versus no Dodge n gets a nice hit in and then we have predict spear versus Dodge nle gets a nice hid in and a slightly better position finally we have predict spear versus no Dodge nly gets nothing look like an idiot so obviously there are a ton of factors that can change up the 2 by two Matrix like them having a dash or maybe they have a teammate nearby and they're baiting or they don't have to care about getting zoned the general principle still stands sometimes the highest expected value play is to not throw a prediction and go for a zoning one instead aiming straight at them to force out an option so you need to learn when to predict and when to Zone on a case-by casee basis there's no formula there's only experience sorry buddy case number three Vision play pushes and Corners are the most common Juke points because object permanence is one of the first skills you learn as a child someone disappears into a bush you assume they'll keep the same trajectory they Juke once they cut Vision not everyone does this but if they do it a single time that is a key point of information about your opponent's profile means they're aware and now you must play The Guessing Game when they turn that corner are they dodging or the keeping path here are some common Jukes that you'll see I'm sure you can derive a general principle from this the easiest way to counter this is to have vision and spot so Waring around the corner or the bush is always an option if you have one but again by default always predict all right the final Rule Number Four metag game now a lot of these topics are closely related and I'll be repeating some points but I think it's worthwhile to do separate categories so it's easier to focus on one particular thing at a time all right with that being said some people are good at this game and others are emerald the average human reaction time is about 250 to 300 milliseconds for gamers I'd imagine it's more like 200 milliseconds but that's probably cuz like they tend to be on the younger side but I'll do a more in-depth video on reaction times in the future to put it simply Here Pay particular attention to just how fast some reacts if at all to your skill shots or often than not there will be some player on the enemy team that is just an easier shot than the rest we tend to call them support players Jokes Aside if you constantly play the metag game of watching the person and not necessarily the character they're playing you can identify who has reactions and maybe even just like bad ping that you can take advantage of now I'm not going to feed you like people tend to dodge left and down instead of up and to the right because it's easier to move your mouse towards yourself than to move it away given their posture I'm not going to say like that it's more like small things you know pay attention like ADC players like to do zigzags Mage players might not be looking at the screen when they're casting long range abilities some people like to stop Dodge and they do that pattern a lot some people Dodge really long with their clicks like a noob and they just move way too inefficiently other people click a lot tighter to the character maybe they're using wsd for camera or something some people are robots some people are absolute trolls you never know basically just pay attention so I can't guarantee that you'll become Challenger overnight following these rules but the whole point is to become a lot more aware of not only your opponent's habits but also your own additionally you'll probably spend less time bitching at your teammates if you focus on the actual game plus it's actually really fun getting back-to-back reads on people up your game guys if everyone followed these rules than we as mobile players can finally have the mix-up conversation we're probably still decades behind the fighting game players not me though I'm always predicting and so should you hi you've reached the end of the video go ahead and click Subs subscribe for the next video I'll probably put like the next one here or like the previous one very nice what's funny is if everyone predicts if everyone always predicts and listens to this video then the actual proper thing to do is to run straight from now on instead of default Dodge but then if everyone gets on that layer and everyone decides to run straight then the proper thing to do would be to never predict and always Shoot Straight it it keeps going it keeps just pay attention okay thanks for watching
Channel: King Nidhogg
Views: 69,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skillshots, league of legends, king nidhogg, nidhogg, league guide
Id: 3qAr9J2lBhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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