How To Stop Bees From Robbing

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hi and welcome to a little bit honeybees YouTube channel I'm the skinny bean man today is July 7th been catching Queens all day putting virgins in getting ready Queens mail off we did reach a million views were over like a million two thousand or something now and I appreciate you guys all watching and supporting the channel you guys give me a lot of good ideas for videos and I'm probably going to use a bunch of them but I said I was going to pick a winner and I picked the winner based on what's happening right now and what a lot of people have trouble with and we kind of think what I was going to say but anyway and he was a couple three of you give this same idea but this guy here was was the first so I'm gonna announce the winner first the winner of the free queen is shaking baked 68-69 I'll leave the email link in the description shake and bake you can contact me and I'll get you clean to you like say appreciate all of you but the subject was robbing the best way to handle Robbie is not to get started there's a lot of little things that you can do to keep the robbing at a minimum number one you can run them all strong hives if they're all strongly equal you usually don't have too much trouble with robbing that's one thing but a lot of times you end up with a weak split this that in the other and then you got to deal with Robin issues here I put these Robin screens on here on every split every time I make a split I put a Robin screen on because once you get them started robbing you can't you kid you can't get it stopped you've got to take that hive and move it out of the yard you can pin it up move it in your yard they'll find it continue to rob with that we're sitting here talking we got a virgin in the yard you see only be fun right here they're probably going to lighten this little apple tree another making swarm coming in like say once it get started the only way I know to save the hive is just to lock it up and move take it from our yard mile or two away and then you've got a chance on that but the Robin screens is a big plus and these particular ones I use are 3d printed the manufacturer has got to run done on them and they supposed to have them out any time when they do that I'll give you the name of the manufacturer and where you can buy some of these 3d products that I use I've showed you how to make them I got a video out there showing you how to make them out of eighth inch hardware cloth works just as good just don't look as neat that's one thing keep your yard equalized you've got one super strong high pull some Brutale that move it to some the weaker hide I wouldn't put the bees in it but I would put the brood in it and that way you're cutting the strong hive down and you're increasing the weak tithe the next thing is in a dearth I'm in a dress right now bad I'm feeding anywhere from 25 to 30 gallons of sugar syrup a day and in this yard don't feed on the hive top features or entrance feeders in a dearth its it causes Robin it's just that plain and simple just don't do it and by all means on your feed when you're feeding sugar water and a dearth don't mix in your extension oils in there it will cause Robin especially lemon grass oil you can get by with putting a little tea tree oil in there but I'd stay away from the lemon grass for sure and the spearmint and the wintergreen and lavender I would kind of not do that on that absolutely don't throw a frame of honey out in your yard for the bees to Rob in a dress that will absolutely get a whole yard Robin it's it's it's a no-no if you're going to do that carry it out there a couple hundred yards away from your hives and put it in a box and only leave about an inch home from the Gideon that way they don't they've got to come in now orderly they came they won't frenzied feet on like a bunch of sharks told you this was a little make this woman's gonna land I never see them coming I've got so much to do I'd like to find her box they found her way out of it I had to find a way back in like say on the honey now you can get by feeding a little honey in the yard in a box all kind of off the side when there's a good honey flow on but not not in the dirt it's just you two cause robbing like I say that that's the main thing don't get it started you get it started it's hard to in a later yard you can take a yard this size and if you get it going on real Biden today there won't be nothing left when you get back if it gets really bad you can't control it I mean all of a sudden you can go by and pop the feeders off or the lids off to stronger highs and they'll have to start guarding all that top entrance and that'll help slack off the robbing frenzy the main way I keep rubbing down in this yard is to open feed and the first thing everybody can say open feed causes robbing yeah it does if you don't feel open feed right it will cause robbing absolutely but if it's fed right and you keep your Beast fed up they're not looking you see these boxes here this is the I mean I've been in a dearth for three weeks you look in the vent hose there's no bees hanging around the vent hose sniffing Scout bees that they're getting plenty of food so they're not looking to rob if you keep them fed up well and they're not looking keep them busy I keep the pollen feeders full that keeps a lot of bees busy they haven't been on the pollen too much but the sugar syrup they have granddaughter's little red wagon makes a good filing fee cuz when they get to feeding the feeders ain't enough so I just put it out here and haul it back in the garage every night and that keeps them busy not to open feed the right way you need it out there at least a couple hundred yards from your highs and once you start feeding you can't let the feeders run dry you've got to keep you got to keep sugar water in there continuously with one earth swarm feeding on that em tubs they and they run dry I start looking and the robhan will start immediately I was sick here two weeks ago and I didn't get fed for a day and I had a couple hives Rob down that's the only instances I've had all all summer on the Robin are on getting robbed out rest of you see you can see these bees right here flying I don't know if you can even get it's kind of facing the Sun you probably can't tell what you're doing but these bees are going right here this yard is all low in my house it's about 28 feet to the peak and my feeding station is out line of sight you either got to feed 200 yards away or idle on the side we're going to go around here and show you the feed station I'm feeding within 50 foot of some hives but they've got to fly up over the house and back down into the feeding station and the reason that works that's what I've been told is if you open feed in your yard the bee come back in does the waggle dance and if it's in the yard she'll points you'll point the direction and say it's close well if they can't find it immediately they start looking in another boxes and that causes Robin here they got to do a whole waggle dance so they know exactly where it's at they don't look and okay hopefully you can see see this right here can you see this line of beach coming up and going over the house they're coming up going over but you're out of line of sight and here's here's my feeding station I'm feeding like say between 25 and 30 gallon a day right here that I put it out a couple of hours it goes probably getting light again now that we still got that one's empty the UC this is how I feed it's just toast you get some hoes in the ends and the sides we get a close-up of the whole I don't know about two and a half inch holes I put about three down each side one in each end need ladies some two inch strips of one by in the bottom don't make them fit tight make them loose from me in so they got they can go up and down space them out I don't only inch or so all the way across the bottom and throw you a bunch of straw on there and just dump the sugar water in they do just fine it does kill a few bees but I tried other ways and it kills more of these so it's the most efficient way I found to feed and it keeps them busy if you keep them busy well-fed you shouldn't have any trouble robbing don't use the essential oils absolutely don't feed right in the yard and that's about it that's about the only thing I know about robbing because once you get it started you can't win either and just take them out of the yard if you like the videos hit the subscribe button the bell next to it and you're getting notified when to put more out thanks everybody for watching and supporting the channel
Channel: Little Bits Honey Bees joe may
Views: 8,409
Rating: 4.917757 out of 5
Keywords: beekeeping, beekeeper, bees robbing, honey bee, little bits honey bees, skinny bee man, joe may, queen
Id: FvD8p5WARDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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