How to stop your hive from swarming

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hi and welcome to little bit honey bees on the scheme's bee man I had a hive here that was acting funny things growing so fast that I put a new box on him last week and has it seemed to slow him down so I got into it today and sure enough they've already got swarm sales if you got a hive it's got swarm cells in it you can split them and do whatever you want you're not going to take this form out of them usually so what I've got here you see here where the camera is at I got the Queen over here in another box I've already got her out Queens already on this on this frame here and I'm not a hundred percent sure I think are a clean cell right there yeah you bout got to shake all the bees off the frame to find all the clean cells I mean they they did a marvelous job of hiding them but here anyway let me see here here's our queen I hope the camera is showing this out here in the sunlight I can't see so what we're gonna do we're gonna take her up here we're gonna move the Queen so they've already made cells so that we can't stop them from swimmin or wanting to do I'll show you what we're going to do make sure our queen didn't fall off on it around and she's gonna change sides with me or fell off you know she's on that side so we're gonna put her in here for right now [Music] now we're going to shake that frame too but I'm going down here and I'll show you the setup I got on this other side because if you shake nurse bees they got to have a way to crawl up they can't fly got a board up there just to ramp it up so we're gonna we're going to take get another frame hopefully done have no Queen cells on it we'll walk down here back to the other hive and we're going to shake a couple frames of bees up here and put them in that box and what this is mimicking they're going to think they swarmed that's what they want to do so they're going to think formed so we're going to give them an artificial form now you look your frame over now you can see if there's any clean sales help see there's one hidden see how they hide these Queen cells down in the corner we got bees on there you can't find them clean cells now there's a couple things you can do you cut I could I could leave them a cell in there to make another hive or put a mated Queen or a virgin I'm gonna step around so I don't step on the bees there once they start fanning that the Queen's here they'll all come right up there now I'm gonna take the frame the Queen was on pull it back out locate her again here she is I'm gonna pick this recenter and go pick that clean up now we know our Queens in the box let's start fan is here in a minute now we'll take the frame out that we had her on and we're going to shake this - then we're going to go over this frame with a fine-tooth comb there's a queen cell here I want to step on the bees there's one there - there - here if you don't find all the Queen cells now this cleaners go ahead and swarm out you got to make sure you find them all you need to shake the beans there's two things they think that they swarm and they don't have any clean spells - you make Queens out of okay there's her see this is a telltale sign of swarming you see all this drone comb down here in the corner all this drone coma here when that starts on that side that's they're telling you two weeks from when you start seeing that when that's first capped they're going to go to the trees and I just been so covered up I knew they was on the verge but I just hadn't had time to get to them yet well then I get one more frame of these had a clean sale I just looked this frame over got one right here get rid of it now then we've got them all in there now we're going to hurry them up a little bit they're all disorientated right now they're gonna get their act together here in just a short order gotta write my number down that we moved her out of she come out of 103 you went into number 4 put a brick on here 1 over 3 to 4 I've got about ten in the yard just like this and I'm gonna have to do something about hopefully I can get to them all today because I'm sure they're all in about the same shape right here what we're going to concentrate on now you get in a little closer for us we're gonna get these beasts start up this lighter and now that's our Fanning and then with this one walk away and leave them they'll be fine just get them started up that way these out here they don't know where they're at they're lost they got once they get line started up in here and start planning everything will be all just alright gotta give them a little agitated here you gotta get further out alright let's give them that now let me get settled down you can see they're starting to go up the ladder they're starting to fan though these girls are all find their way back they warned us warm can you know see all these bees on this ladder tell dr. button there they're going to think the name the gland now can you think no work like do you think of it that's enough clam and they're all thinning they're nice and off the gland right here the line is gonna pick up right here and they're just gonna start marching in and this hive would think that they swarmed took the swarm out of them they walked up here on the back ain't made up their mind to clean there yet they're working on now let's start move pickup we'll come back look at this a little bit we still got another box to take care of this particular Queen here I hex I just put all Queen cells out but I had ready just morning hasn't planned on this so this is a good Queen so I'm just going to let him have a cell or two and let them make their own Queen in here okay now we're going to go through this box should have brought the smoker down here with us I guess in my high school now we've done several things about doing that we moved that hive in the yard we made them think they swarm so they're all going to reorder in taking them bees they think they swarm so that's going to be their new home not going to get a lot of drifts back back to this hive took the swarm out of them that hive is not going to swarm well awhile I mean if they get too many you've seen all the frame guys took out this box and put in there I just put this box on here seven days ago and they they just absolutely annihilated it I got a queen cell here got a larva in it I'll probably leave them to don't ever leave over - just don't leave them all in there it's a good way to end up queenless the Queen's get to fight and sometimes once they all hatched out at the same time and you you don't have a winner so never never over two for two cells most of the time I just do one falling frame full frame with cat brood Helen Queen cells on the top I may not be no Queen cells on the bottom I'm gonna sing one another full frame cat brood no Queen cells again there again you see all this drone comb that they're putting in here I should have been in these highs I'd have caught it before they went into this swarm oh but like I say once they made sells this is about the only way I know to stop it here you got another sale there so they're good you got plenty plenty to do fact for just insurance that this one don't want to swarm out I'm probably going to set it bop it up here and probably shake some bees up on this boom shake them all don't want to shake the frame with the Queen cell on particularly don't want dislodge it so that no that frame there's got the Queen cell it's going to shake a few beads over here in the front make them think they swarmed now then we're going to give them to frames in the bottom you look at them see there they're acting like swarming right now they was ready to go Oh stupid wind so we give them three two frames in the bottom yeah actually I just put them a little harder give them another frame that's a good way to get your frankly frames rolled out - they'll jump up on this draw these frames out I got another box here just like it it's ready to go I don't had to do something with it get you around here looks like it's gonna blow in a thunderstorm here just got it had to have away for the nurse bees to walk up there to the hive they don't fly some of them can't they're going back in ok let's go back up and look and see how our Queens doing and on the swarm we put in there on them okay they're progressing a little bit they're getting closer to the allbeing being there get out here and let's see what they look like on the back do they then I see I've got a pretty good Batman on the back let's see if we can hurt him up a little bit ouch usually I don't get stung but I doing that but they didn't like me I rushed it a little bit probably now and reach back here and see if we can get a few B that's more like it and I really wouldn't be hurt worried about these bees because they all find their way in there but it look like it's going to storm on try to hurry them up a little bit see most time these will hurt you come on girls we gotta get in the house gotta get in the house you know if you like the videos hit the subscribe button and the bell next to it get notified when I put out more videos kind of watch your eyes right now they're growing really really quick and I say I put a bucks on that seven days ago and didn't slow them down any you guys have a great one
Channel: Little Bits Honey Bees joe may
Views: 38,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beekeeping, beekeeper, honey bee, queen, beginner beekeeping, little bits honey bees, skinny bee man, joe may
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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