Don't Call the Plumber Yet: Common Causes of 6 Plumbing Noises

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we get this question asked a lot in our comments section is common plumbing noises around the house so you hear a noise and you're like what is that where's it coming from is it a plumbing issue this is kind of like npr car talk right here you guys are making growling noises and stuff like that so hi i'm jordan this is my dad jim the grumpy plumber welcome to the grumpy plumber the first thing is that when a plumber shows up you're not going to hear the noise but i know it's there i know it's happened because you would call we believe you we believe we believe noises yes noises but you might get a chattering sound that can be caused by a if you have the old-fashioned faucets with washers in them that could cause that problem if you get like a squealing sound sometimes they the uh ball on a toilet can cross that if you hear that kind of a tick tick tick tick tick noise that can be a lot of times with the pipe expanding it might be too close to the wall and not a lot of things you can do about that one you might even get a noise of uh uh you know like turning on the garbage disposal might have a grinding sound or i'm not making the right noise maybe one of the lugs or people think they're called blades are hung up inside the garbage disposal you know a big thing too is a well tank if you have a bladder type well tank or if you have a expansion tank on your water heater then those those things can make a squealing sound when they get a hole in the bladder the average life is like about five years for those things so if you think you know you're gonna get that noise you know check it out you can get expansion tanks that get old they don't last very long well tanks probably to last longer but an expansion tank on a water heater and i'd find out they only got about a five-year life on so keep an eye on that your everybody wants to put an expansion tank on their water heaters and that makes it a squeaking noise it can make a squeaky noise or if it goes bad it'll increase the pressure when the water heater heats up we call that thermal expansion so that's one thing that they claim that makes a water heater you know break start leaking in your experience is there one noise that happens most often like the most common cause of a problem you might find a chattering noise on it or you can hear that's in the faucet and laughing in a faucet a shower valve can do the same thing a pressure balance valve there's a little piston inside of that a little ball bearing and you can turn on a faucet somewhere in the house and hear a punk plunking sound or something a lot of times that comes from the pressure balance valve on a shower so pay attention what i'm saying is pay attention to where the noise is and see if you can track it down before you hire somebody to come in and check it out for you and prepare for it so there you go i hope that helps you out and i appreciate people asking me you know questions and stuff on my on my youtube channel thank you so if you have any questions especially if you have a noise in your house feel free to drop in the comment below and jim we'll get back to you on it thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: The Grumpy Plumber
Views: 40,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plumbing, plumbing advice, plumbing DIY, plumbing noises, plumbing noise, pipe sounds, pipe sounds normal, sounds in the wall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 21sec (201 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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