How to Stir Fry Any Vegetable - Three Basic Flavors and Recipes (蒜蓉炒西兰花/姜汁炒芥兰/虾酱炒通心菜)

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no chinese meal is complete without a veg dish so we wanted to show you how to whip up a simple stir fry of basically any sort of vegetable we'll teach you three flavor profiles you can do garlic which we'll show with broccoli ginger sauce which we'll show with gailan and shrimp paste which we'll show with morning glory first up broccoli with garlic cut your broccoli into florets then smash some garlic to get the peels off we're using about three cloves here and just give them a good mince we'll also mince up a little ginger not too much because we really want garlic to be the dominant flavor here now let's prep the basic sauce for vegetables quarter teaspoon salt quarter teaspoon sugar half teaspoon corn starch and optionally a sprinkle of msg add in a tablespoon water and mix so when we say sauce here know that this isn't some sort of gravy we're just looking to coat the veg to get some flavor and sheen quickly blanch the broccoli in boiling water blanching first gives the broccoli a much more vibrant color and also makes it quicker to fry all this needs is about 20 seconds then you'll take it out and run it under cool water to stop the cooking process or if you're weird like us and outside and don't have a sink candy use an ice bath now to fry first long yellow yo long yo by getting that wok piping hot then shutting off the heat and adding in your oil swirling the oil around to get a nice non-stick surface flame back on medium-high add in that minced garlic and ginger after a quick fry of about 15 seconds when those are fragrant toss in the broccoli once the broccoli goes in we're basically going to immediately hit it with the sauce because there's corn starch in there remember to give it one last stir and then in with the sauce fry for another quick 15 seconds being sure there's no obvious liquid left and then out with the broccoli super quick really tasty and crazy versatile if you're not really sure what flavor profile would go with your veg default to this one so besides broccoli you still have tai chi enjoy some pak choy and spinach yeah next up guy gylon with ginger sauce to prep the gylon separate the top of the stems from the bottom almost like you do asparagus take off the leaves and then just throw away this fibrous bottom part peel a solid chunk of ginger give it a nice smash then a rough mince toss that into a mortar and then just start pounding with a pestle after about four minutes of pounding this is what we're looking at now if you press that pound of ginger what you'd get is called jianjir or ginger sauce if you ordered this dish at a fancy cantonese restaurant they'd usually use this ginger sauce without the ginger but we're not a fancy restaurant so we just kept it in this time that ginger is going to form the base of our sauce add in a quarter teaspoon salt half teaspoon sugar half teaspoon corn starch and this time with our tablespoon of liquid we're going half half water and lyaujo aka shaoxing wine lastly optional but heavily recommended ingredient a nice sprinkle of white pepper so same deal blanch the veg gailan has those thick stems so go stem side down and blanch those stems for an extra 10 seconds or so then dunk the whole thing gylon are a bit heartier than broccoli so you'll want to blanch for a touch longer about 30 seconds you'll know it's done once the outside gets slightly transparent like this now to fry just like before long yellow then toss in the guy line after about 15 seconds to evaporate away the liquid from the veg toss in your ginger mixture stir it around for about 30 seconds and then out with the gylon and stir-fried gallon's beautiful yeah this flavor profile is absolutely awesome but definitely less versatile than garlic and usually goes best with vegetables that have that sharper mustardy undertone what else goes with ginger uh guy choi but i don't think you guys have over there so ginger with gailan is like the most classic one last guy morning glory with shrimp paste now if you've never worked with morning glory before what you first want to do is snap it into sections and then throw away those hard bottoms and then because morning glory is hollow we'll briefly smash the stems to allow for a more even texture so for the seasoning our main attraction shrimp paste shrimp paste made from salted and fermented shrimp and has a very distinctive taste a little goes a long way so we're only using a half a tablespoon here with that we've got one minced garlic clove and about an equal amount of ginger and some chili this is hong najiao or paprika chili it's not real spicy but it goes great with shrimp paste slice those up and then toss with the garlic and the ginger that'll give all the flavor we need so the sauce is just that basic veg sauce of quarter teaspoon salt half teaspoon sugar half teaspoon corn starch and a tablespoon of water and as i'm sure you could guess by now the next steps a quick blanch only one tiny change for this dish it's nice to add some sugar to the water which helps season the morning glory and balance out the salinity of the shrimp paste and then just like the gylon go in stem first give those stems an extra 10 seconds of blanching time then dunk it all in for a super quick 10 second blanch and out to stir fry hopefully the long yos become second nature to you by now and after that swirl add in the aromatics give them a brief 15 second fry and then in with the shrimp paste give it a mix and add in the morning glory and fry for another brief 15 seconds add in the sauce and after another 15 seconds once that water is basically evaporated out with the morning glory now this might actually be my personal favorite cantonese vegetable dish morning glory is a classic but this flavor profile actually work well with most crunchy vegetables and then you can also stir fry the shrimp paste one with uh stuff like long beans or green beans or some other crunchy vegetables that you would have even zucchini now obviously this wasn't an exhaustive list but it should be enough to get started if you're wondering how best to fry some vegetables that are common where you live shoot us a comment down below and we'll toss you some ideas as always there will be a detailed explanation in the reddit post linked in the description and subscribe for more chinese cooking videos
Channel: Chinese Cooking Demystified
Views: 2,718,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: healthy, broccoli, garlic, gai lan, ginger, morning glory, how to stir fry vegetables, stir fried vegetables, recipe
Id: a-Yu8qOAEYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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