How to Start with Robotics? for Absolute Beginners || The Ultimate 3-Step Guide

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Are you a fan of Michael Reeves or  the "Stuff made here" Youtube channel.   Do you watch their vides and wish you  could also build and program a robot   all on yourown? If so, you are  watching the right video.   This is a robot you can build and program  with no prior knowledge of programming or   electronics in less than 3 months if you follow  the steps I laid out in this video .   In this video I lay out the exact steps you  can follow to learn programming and electronics   to be able to build a robot car  and program it if you are an   absolute beginner with no prior knowledge  of programming or electronics.   Hi everyone, my name is Dr. Robot,  I have a phd in surgical robotics   engineering. and I teach you how to become  a Robotics Engineer in this channel. Now, let's get right into it. Step #1: Programming Language   The firs thing you need to  learn is a programming language.  Now, You may ask why do I need to learn  a programming language Dr. Robot? Well,   the real reason is robots are dumb before  they are programmed. You need to tell them   exactly what they need to do step by step.  The precise step by step instructions are   communicated to the Robot  via a programming language.  Ok Dr. robot, I agree, I need to  learn a programming language. Now,   what programming language do I need to learn? That's a great question. As a beginner, the best   programming language for you to learn is C. C  is the language used to talk to electronics and   hardware. C is used to program an arduino board  which we will talk about next in this video.   Also, C is a pre-req to learn C++ which is the  most used programming language for robotics.   Dr. Robot, I'm confused, do I need to  learn C++, how about python or java?  No worries, I understand why you are confused,  but lucky for you, I have created a video that   answers your question. Please refer to the card  above or the link down below for the video.   But again, as a beginner and  to start just learn C.   Now, what is the best online resource or course  to learn C? no worries, I have done my research   and here is one of the best online  courses to learn C for beginners.   This course is on coursera platform and is called  c for every one. This course will teach you   only the basics of C, it should not take you more  than 22 hours to complete the course. You can   Skip week 5 because pointers and references are  advanced topics and may not be needed to program   an arduino or an educational robot car. Step 2: Electronics   You need to learn Basics of electronic  using an Arduino board. First,   what the heck is an Arduino board. Arduino is an easy to use microcontroller   board designed for absolute beginners  without any prior knowledge of electronics   to do cool projects, projects like atomic clocks,  drones, 3d printers, robot cars and many more.   Arduino is essentially a small computer you can  use to receive inputs from sensors and command   actuators such as electric motors to do stuff. Arduino is programmed in C and comes with   its own text editor or IDE. Arduino is even used in the industry   to rapid porotype ideas and to build  test fixtures. So, knowing arduino   is a good skill to put on your resume. OK, first you need to buy an arduino kit.   I have done some research and found  this Arduino starter kit by Elegoo   to be a great and complete Kit to buy. The kit  is available on Amazon and runs for $38.99.   I contacted Elegoo and they have been nice enough  to offer a promo code for some discounts . The   link and the promo code will be in the description  section. Please note that this video is not   sponsored by Elegoo, they just sent me a Robot  kit to evaluate which we will review next.   If you live in a country that Amazon  does not ship to, please refer to   the description section for additional  resources. Also, comment or contact us and   we will do our best to send you an arduino kit. The eelgoo arduino kit is loaded with sensors,   LEDs, and motors. It also comes with 14  toturials that you can follow to learn   different things from turning on and off LEDs with  different colors to displaying numbers on a small   LCD display to controlling a servo motor. If you do not like reading tutorials, don’t worry,   I don’t like them either. I'd suggest you  take this course on Edx to learn how to do   some cool hands-on projects. You should be able to  complete the course and learn how to use arduino   in 3 weeks if you spend 3 hours a day or maybe  just a week if put in enough time each day.   Now, you may ask, can I use rasbery pi instead of  arduino? The short answer is yes, however, again,   as a beginner, it's better to start with Arduino  as Arduino is much easier to learn, has more   training resources, and is more popular. Step 3: DIY Robot Kit   Alright, in Step 1 you learn C, in step 2  you learn how to use C to program arduino.   Now that you know C and electronics. It's time  to move on to build and program a Robot.   Well, a DIY robot kit is probably the best tool if  you want to get hands-on experience with Robotics   in short amount of time with minimum cost. I did some research and I read about a few DIY   robot kits, and finally I found  this robot kit by Elegoo that   is highly rated on Amazon and is well priced. I  contacted them and they sent me a sample to test   out and review. They also offered you guys a promo  code that you can use to get additional discount.   Please see the description section  for the link and the promo code.   The main reason this kit is a  great kit to learn robotics are:  1- This kit comes with all the tools and  fasteners you need to put it together.   You basically do not need  anything else to assemble the kit.  2- The second reason is this is an arduino  based robot kit, from step 1 and step 2 you   know how to program an Arduino and how  to use an Arduino to different things.  3- The third reason is This kit comes with  7 easy to follow lessons. If English is not   your first language, no worries, because these  lessons come in French, Italian, and Dutch.   We talked about the good things about this kit,  there are some points that you need to keep in   mind when you start using the Robot kit: 1- the assembly instruction is clear but is   not too detailed maybe on purpose to challenge you  a little bit which I believe is a good thing. So   be patient when you try to put this kit together. 2- The app to control the robot is easy to use but   may not work right out of the box. However,  you do not really need the app. In my opinion,   the app is mainly for kids who want  to play with the robot and have fun.  3- They robot comes pre-loaded  with the default program that   is controlled via the remote controller, it  may or may not work properly. It's better to   follow the lessons in the tutorial folder and  load the program to get it to work properly. Please keep in mind that these lessons have been  designed to get you started and some of them may   not be detailed enough for you to understand  what's happening under the hood. I’ll put some   references and additional resources down in  the description box that you can watch and   follow to get a deeper understanding of the  electronics, how the program works and everything. Now, let’s summarize 3 steps:  Step #1: Learn C as the programming  language used for Robotics  Step #2: buy an Arduino kit and learn  electronics using the Arduino kit  Step #3: buy a DIY robot kit and learn  how to build and program a Robot
Channel: Robotix with Sina
Views: 804,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robot, Robotics, Robotics Engineer, how to start with robotics, how to start with robotics for beginners, learn robotics, robotics for beginners, robotics for beginners+tutorials, elegoo smart robot car kit v3.0, programming for robotics beginner, how to get started with robotics, robotics engineering, robotic courses, robot course online, robot for beginners, robotics projects, build arduino robot, robotics introduction, arduino basic, robotics where to start
Id: J0ssFp7yN8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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