How to Start Savage Raiding

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foreign s it's patch time baby patch 6.4 of end Walker is finally here and it's gonna be a big one with a whole host of new additions and changes to the game and with those additions comes my personal favorite a brand spanking new Savage tier this tier is going to be the conclusion to the pandemonium rates with four brand new challenging foes for the bravest Adventures to overcome if you're new to Savage rating or on the fence about giving it a shot then this video is for you Savage rating is the next step in difficulty above extremes and in my personal opinion it's some of the best fight designs the game has to offer it offers Unique Mechanics higher levels of complexity and a hell of a lot more fun in Savage raids you'll be revisiting old foes for an epic rematch with an added challenge it's a huge step up and difficulty if you're only used to normal content or the occasional extreme fight but don't let that deter you anyone can Savage raid and with enough practice and perseverance you can come out on top so if you're just getting into it or you're not sure if it's for you let this be the green light you need to give it a try but before you do there's some things you'll need to know number one is gear requirements because the damage output in the HP of enemies is much higher in Savage you're going to want to make sure your gear is up to Snuff at the beginning of the patch your best bet is to buy or craft the current tier's crafted gear this will boost you up to the current item level and give you the stats you need to survive the challenge you'll also want to make sure your gear is fully melded with Materia you don't necessarily have to have the perfect best in slot melds but make sure to have every material slot filled with Materia that is beneficial to you in some way the gear can be expensive on launch but it's well worth the investment if you want to see success number two all jobs are viable don't let tier lists YouTube videos or patch notes influence your decision on which job to play the jobs in Final Fantasy 14 are all reasonably well balanced and every single job and composition are capable of clearing any fight in the game it's very rare for a job to be considered unviable and oftentimes it's more of a skill issue than a stat issue play your favorite job or jobs and you'll not only perform better but you'll have a lot more confidence and a lot more fun than attempting to play The Meta that doesn't actually exist number three know your job at this stage you should have a good understanding of your job's prospective rotation you should know which buttons to press and when so you can provide the maximum amount of effort towards your team's success you should also know how your job fits in with a party how its abilities affect the party and mobs and ideally be able to play that job without looking at your Hotbar too much trust me the less you are looking at your Hotbar the better since you're going to want to watch out for mechanics a lot more than normal content the mechs can be a lot trickier a lot faster and more punishing usually resulting in a damage down debuff or for the squishier rolls even death you don't have to be perfect by any means but just do your best to make sure you can maintain decent uptime and have an assemblance of a decent rotation so you're not holding the team back number four raid food Buffs are extremely important and especially so in Savage content those extra stat points from food can and are often the difference between a wipe and a clear the last thing you want is to get the end rage bar down to 0.1 percent and wipe wishing you just popped that extra carrot pudding instead of hoarding it like the Thanksgiving Grinch whether you buy it from the market board cook it yourself or beg your culinarian friends to give you those sweet sweet chalky chips make sure you have it rating on an empty stomach leads to death tummy aches and social persecution number five how to Prague progression or Prague for short is gamer lingo for practice if you haven't cleared you're in Prague proc parties are going to be the thing you spend most of your time in as Savage fights especially the latter half of the tier take time and effort to master and complete the two most common methods for frogging fights are through party finder and pre-made Statics with party finder you're going to be progging with random players often coming up with and utilizing Universal strategies or using common guides on YouTube to work towards clearing the fight the benefit of using party finder is you can raid on your own terms without having to adhere to a strict schedule the other method a pre-made static is a full group of friends or acquaintances that raid together consistently usually multiple nights a week the benefit to a static is you have a lot more flexibility on which strategy to use and in my experience it tends to be the faster way to Prague fights if you like the idea of a static but don't have a full eight members that's okay too you can always form a partial static and raid with them with a mix of party finder players the important thing is to just do what's best for you and do whatever you have the most fun with all of these strategies are viable so pick your favorite and give it a go finally the most important note is a reminder that it's just a game and the objective is to have fun a lot of people can take things too seriously and sometimes some people can be a little toxic but those are a vocal minority of players and most people you'll raid with are good people we're just trying to have fun and improve their gameplay don't be afraid of making mistakes because in a Savage fight everyone will be making them all the time especially in Prague and you are going to wipe more than a Charmin Ultra commercial take some risks put yourself out there and push yourself to the next level I know you can do it and I hope to see you out there on the battlefield foreign
Channel: Salem Grey
Views: 5,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: at3852Mwx9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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