FFXIV UWU Drip Tier List

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let's talk about these shiny weapons boys which Uber weapon is your favorite listen I know some of you may be saying it was so easy you know the weapons mean nothing shut your damn mouth Yes we might be on the easy side now compared to the other ultimates but I'll fight a who thinks these weapons don't hold up in a sea of gold and yellow the weapons stand out for that nice blue and the gay bog Ultima is actually the reason why I started doing these fights in the first place so a little bit of a bias I'll be honest so I'm here today to decide the best and worst ooVoo weapons remember my opinion is the literal truest and realist so I will not be taking any criticism but you can leave your favorites in the comments if you want all right let's get going let's take it from the top Cortana Ultima the Paladin weapon if you didn't already know almost all of the Uber weapon models are taken from the Around Reborn relics and to be honest that's a pretty sexy bass set of models in the first place I'm Gonna Keep it read with you here I think this is an S tier weapon right off the bat if you're talking Paladin you're talking light and bright and holy and shiny and these weapons hit all of that brother the sword on its own is probably a low a maybe a high B but that's shielded the way the gloves expand from it oh it's genuinely one of my favorite aspects of and the Ultimate Weapon s tier we're given Cortana an S here all right bravera Ultima the warrior weapon I'm gonna need you to sit down take a seat for this one take a deep breath are you ready no I understand that this ax has sentimental value for a lot of people being the same as ardbert's ax and all that jazz but man it's too damn small I want my axes to be large I want them to represent man mode this little thing looks like it's made for one thing and that's chopping down treason RuneScape [Music] I put this thing in F here but again the sparkly using the gloves do you be kind of looking clean so I'll keep it up there a little bit indeed here deathbringer Ultima The Dark Knight weapon look at my character look at him I have the most beautiful male Aura in existence something something clementines he's edgy right edginess is my passion I live for the age I'm not ashamed of this and deathbringer is the edgy Dark Knight weapon spikes and thorns and more spikes and an eyeball in the middle and God damn I truly think deathbringer Ultima is one of those weapons on your back that just pops off so hard when she and you'll notice it from a mile away you will exude poor raw par I just feel like when I see a Dark Knight with a deathbringer Ultima I know that they're gonna whoop some ass whether that's true or not I don't know but we're giving this bad boy a nice tear honestly tank weapons or can op I'll be honest they're all they're all really good for the most part sadly we don't have a gun blade review so here's my once per video played yoshp listen I don't ask for much I still log into the game you just stand around and do nothing like 90 of the time okay at the very least give the new classes weapons for all ultimates please please okay now on to the melee weapons Gay bolg Ultima the intro might have been a bit of a spoiler already but you guessed it gabolg ultimate is probably my favorite ubu weapon hell honestly might be my favorite Dragon weapon in the whole game dragon was the class I started with and I remember as a young Sprout wandering through a or zsc and someone with the gay bald Ultima the person that I was playing with at the time had more experience and they told me look away child for ye are not destined to equip such Majesty perhaps in another time another place but do not be tempted by a prize that lays so far far from Lane grasp but I knew then I knew that someday I had to do these ultimates I had to be the guy that Sprouts saw and we're like holy where do I get that I need it and so I did I still remember getting my first two-woo clear and honestly it was waking up the next day seeing my character with the weapon on the login screen I just got goosebumps just straight Goosebumps probably my favorite moment I've ever had in this game anyway SS here now monk is one of the melee classes that I just have no clue how to play I'll be honest so by default the monk weapons aren't gonna have as much meaning to me but all things considered I think these weapons are pretty cool monk weapons in general are really really hit or miss in my opinion but some of them just being too damn bulky and others just not feeling exciting but I think these sit comfortably in the middle I really don't have much else to say about these it's a solid beat here this weapon has caused the divide in my friends and loved ones like I've never seen before just like the blade of the sword opinions are split on one side you literally have everyone else saying the sword sucks because the blade is split in half on the other me standing alone against the world thinking the blade is rad as hell I'm risking Relationships by speaking my truth here but I won't back down no I will admit the sheath is ugly as hell and just looks like a lumpy mess but when every Katana in the game is just the standard straight blade this thing actually stands out for me I'm putting it in an a tier and I will die on this hill yoshimitsu Ultima last but not least for the melee weapons is our stabby ninja boys while initially they didn't stand out too much for me after I got them I did find myself really falling in love with them the Sleek blades look great when on sheath and while I do prefer chunkier daggers these definitely fit the Aesthetics of a ninja better overall because of the base model they do lose a few points because when all said and done they're pretty basic but I understand it for others that's sleek and clean design might raise them up higher still that's a solid beat here for me the Artemis bow Ultima now we're on to the rain's weapons and boy do I think most of these pop off the Artemis bow when on sheath is actually dazzling it really does encompass the best Aesthetics of a Bard and what I wish there was an Archer class that wasn't based around music in general I think this bow works extremely well to show that Bard can still be cool because of the Ultimate Weapon effect the fact that it's a Harpo isn't too overpowering so the way it unfolds from a cheat state is super satisfying to Me Maybe I'm alone this but I'm also a huge fan of covers when it comes to my bows so the fact that the Clover also looks nice is an extra bonus shame that I hate playing Bard too many timers that my smooth brain can't keep track of it's an a tier weapon Ferdinand Ultima no let's see machinist is my favorite of the Fizz range jobs but truthfully it's more for the gameplay than it is the guns I do think some of them are really cool but sadly this isn't one of them it's so chunky to the point where it almost feels undefined in a sense I don't want to talk about the other ultimate weapons too much in this video but I feel like there are some others that handle their guns better even if they are chunky also who decided that the little lunchbox that machinists have never get any kind of changes with different guns why can't my little Pokemon card collection get to be shiny and sparkly too I think it's a shame Ferdinand is a seat here Stardust Rod Ultima I am not a black maids player I can't do it man how are you casting all those spells what are your secrets Black mage's fire ice I I I I don't I can't anyway Stardust is a clean Rod it's just a rod I want to hold in my hands just a great great Rod the Stardust Rod is genuinely a fantastic weapon and I've capped it as my black maid's Glam ever since I got it I don't really know what I'm looking down at when I see the thing on top but it reminds me of like a meteor crashing down and like that's just dope foreign [Music] [Music] listen here to all of the haters who think books are lame I just want you to know that I don't know how to read anyway so none of your negative comments are going to affect me real talk though I always find myself loving some of her books for some reason they're usually just a Vibe this one though if I'm being honest just doesn't pop off as much as some of the others still a Great Glam if you're looking for just a sparkly book but definitely not the most exciting of all the weapons also one of my friends once said that it's got a butt plug attached to it and knowing I can never stop thinking about it when I see it I'm giving this book a high C needle Ultima stick them with the pointy end boys red maid's weapons are rad and I don't think I need to go into too much detail with this one clean on the hip clean on the flight it's just a solid pickup all around this one is just pretty elegant honestly the effects are in the focus especially feel pretty nice I'd say this is the perfect middle of the lane beat here right here like the actual midpoint of all the weapons is this Red Mage weapon beat here onto the heater weapon Cyrus Ultima I love this goddamn weight made staff bro it's got the Bible biblically accurate angel wings and everything when I think of white Mages this is the type of staff I want to be holding you know my one minor gripe with this weapon is why on Earth does my warrior like hold it like this with the wings to the side bro show the people the wings I know some people are fond of the Sleek low detailed rods and don't want a big old mess sitting on top but I love it I genuinely do the hardest content I've ever hated in a way is like an ad Walker normal trial so basically I'm a professional and I love proving that with the staff beat here omnil x Ultima who let my man cook come on this this can't be it I have a love-hate relationship with scholar I love being fast as boy with expedience and I always love having a scholar in my raids but I also don't really Vibe with the fairy Vore aspect you know anyway this isn't a white scholar this book is just undercooked like I showed with Summoner I'm not just a book hater I can enjoy enjoy a good old page flipper but this one genuinely just feels like it lacks everything the Sparkles need to be like doubled tripled this thing is just a sin D tier absolute shambles Atlas Ultima and finally the next season of Yu-Gi-Oh I love this thing it exudes blue eyes white dragon energy it's just seven Kaiba Corp the spinning glyphs The Shining yards it makes my ADHD brain happy like a fidget spinner what else I need to say it's lit a tier and we've come to the end of the list that's all of them boys be sure to angrily let me know which of my opinions do you want to see me burn in the sixth circle of hell eternally for down below see you all next time
Channel: ryai
Views: 1,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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