how to start freelancing

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nah bro if that was me I'd probably suck it oh my food is here I'll be right back yo what did he mean by that bro they messed up my order what' you order bro I just asked for a burger with nothing on it and what they put on it bro there's nothing on it [Music] freelancing is one of the most popular ways people can make money and it's easy to understand why I currently work at 9: to5 and when Monday morning rolls around I strongly consider faking my own death and moving to Mexico just to get out of work for a day at your typical workplace you got to deal with annoying customers annoying bosses and Human Resources telling you oh your joke about drunk driving wasn't workplace appropriate with freelancing you don't have to deal with any of that and in 2024 it's easier than ever to go into business for yourself whether it be driving for Uber doing door Dash taking photos or the countless other things out there to do the best part about freelancing is in the name free as in Freedom whether you want to pick up a side hustle for a little extra cash or you're someone who's looking to get into freelancing fulltime there's plenty of opportunity out there because in 2024 we don't want to be broke we want to have motion and freelancing will have you posting spread picks for all your haters on Instagram in no time I've had my fair share of experiences as a freelancer because I used to be a broke college student and I can now proudly say that I am no longer in college and even with a full-time schedule as a student and an on- campus job I was still able to find time to do things like door Dash or editing videos and that one time I dressed up as Spider-Man for a kid's birthday party now I'm not going to sit here and promise you that you'll make yourself rich off freelancing and be living in a pen housee somewhere in lower Manhattan but if you do it right you'll be able to earn an income so if you're like like me and you're tired of eating saltwater soup for dinner because you get paid bi-weekly and you spent $53 on a knife inv valorant then freelancing could be a great option for [Music] you now if you've ever gone on to look for advice on getting into freelancing you may have come across a lot of videos like these where people are like oh I make 30k a month freelancing and here's how you do it but one thing all of these videos have in common is that they never actually show themselves applying for the job that's because if you've ever tried this method you'll realize that getting a freelance job is low-key excuse me highkey difficult especially when you're like 20 trying to do this that's because a lot of the time freelancing is about doing a job that everyone needs but nobody wants to pay for for example do you remember those bird scooters that one day started popping up all over your city well that company just filed for bankruptcy want to know why because a really popular freelance job was going around your city and picking up used bird scooters and bringing them home home and charging them well once Co hit and people stopped going outside the pay for charging scooters wasn't that good anymore so people stopped doing that and now you just had a bunch of dead scooters lying all around the city and because of that cities just started Banning them completely so if you actually want to find a freelancing job you're going to want to start with a trusted website like Fiverr or indeed or a place where you can just sign up for the job directly like Uber or door Dash a lot of people recommend upwork too but I think upwork is asking for way too much I mean they want you to upload a res and some places even want to interview you like bro we're Freelancers we're here to do a job and get paid I don't want to join your team I work alone I'm a solo act here also I'm 23 and they want 10 years of experience in editing Tik toks [Music] bye so the good thing about freelancing is that you get to do things on your own work on your own time at your own pace and make your own money however if you've ever done any freelance work you'll know that there are a lot of scam scams out there too it's sad to say but there are a lot of people out there willing to take advantage of a Young Street gentleman grinding for his bread out here so you need to be wary of all these scammers that pop into your LinkedIn DM saying they have a great and exciting opportunity for you but fortunately most of these scams are very easy to spot one is if they're weirdly formal like not just being professional but they sound like a literal AI when they speak to you like this message I got on LinkedIn once there is no way you're not about to scam me out of the $37 in my bank account account right now blocked number two is to check the reviews just like 40-year-old Karens leave bad reviews about the customer service at your local McDonald's other Freelancers work jobs and leave reviews about their employers so if you're feeling iffy about a certain opportunity a quick Google search can expose these frauds and save you from getting scammed oh but Suburban will what about fake reviews fake reviews are actually pretty common for scams when I was in college there was a certain apartment complex that would give out free pizza if if you wrote them a positive review on Google allegedly but fake reviews are usually pretty easy to spot because they'll be like one sentence long or all be posted around the same time or just be written in really bad English since the review was probably written by a bot anyway and three if it just looks Shady look you know when something looks suspicious if some guy came up to you asking for your mother's men name in the three numbers on the back of your credit card that should raise a few eyebrows make sure you ask questions about the job and if they can't give you a straight answer then dip out before it's too late okay so now that you created your account posted a job and avoid it getting scammed out of everything you own someone has finally requested your services congratulations it's almost time to get paid and finally be rewarded for all of your skill and talent now the only thing you have to do now is the job and the key here is to do the job well because what you want is a good review and possibly if you're lucky a recommendation you you want your job to be done so well that they go and tell other people how good of a job you did for example when I was Spider-Man for that kid's birthday party after my two hours were up Spider-Man can't just hop into his 2004 Honda Civic and drive away so what did I do I made a heroic exit I sprinted into the woods jumped over the fence and when the coast was clear Dred in my car and drove home the key to making money while freelancing is keeping a job lined up some places do this for you like uber and door Dash but if you're fully independent you have to build build up a solid book of business and you do that by being reliable and [Music] consistent now comes the fun part getting paid and as a freelancer sometimes it can be hard to set your prices you want to make good money but you don't want to overcharge and risk people not wanting to buy your stuff and in my experience there are only two types of clients low ballers and Big Spenders low ballers are people who want to get as much work out of you as they possibly can while constantly trying to talk you down on pricing for example when I was working as a video editor there were always people who would ask me to edit their 6-hour twitch streams down into a 30-minute video then when I say okay that's going to cost you about $100 they act like you just handed them divorce papers but on the other hand you have your Big Spenders and they give you all of the details about the project and what they want from you and when you go to quote them a high price they just go okay do you take vimmo and the first time this happened to me I nearly told this man I loved him Big Spenders are like the best thing that can ever happen to you as a freelan answer because they're willing to pay you what you're worth it lets you know that you're not overcharging people and if you do a good job they're likely to recommend you to other people willing to pay that same price so here's some quick advice on setting your prices one take a look at what other people are charging for similar work and on top of that try and find out why they're charging that much is it because they're using expensive equipment or maybe they're adding extra fees for travel whatever it is another piece of advice is to consider what you think you're worth for example when I first started editing videos I was pretty bad at it so back then I was only charging people like 20 bucks to make a video for them but over time I improved and eventually I worked up to the point where people were paying me $125 per video it's all based on how much you think you deserve just don't do something crazy like charging people $500 for a Tik Tok and that's pretty much it sign up do the job get paid and try not to get scammed if there's anything I want you to take away from this video it's that in 2024 literally anything is possible so if this is the year you decide your 9 to-5 is harshing your Vibe a little too much there's plenty of opportunity out there so you don't have to feel stuck where you're at thanks for watching the video I'm trying to be more consistent with the V this year so whether you're new or you've been here we're going up this year [Music] peace
Channel: suburbanwill archive
Views: 657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: commentary, humor, funny, how to, advice, college, freelancing, college student, college jobs, college be like, freelancing beginners, how to start freelancing, freelancing for college students
Id: qHh3Nv2NIOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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