why your youtube channel is failing

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if you're watching this video you're probably a small content creator like myself and if you're really like me you've been uploading videos somewhat consistently for some time and you're wondering when your channel is going to finally take off you've been grinding but what if I told you that all of that hard work is getting you absolutely nowhere the other night I was laying in my bed reflecting on my content in my YouTube channel really trying to come up with something special like I really want to have a banger video that blows up and takes my channel to a new level and over the past I've really been grinding and I think that's the problem I have a lot of friends who are also aspiring content creators and they're also grinding and I think that's the worst thing about being a small content creator everyone wants to be seen grinding and I tyed up an entire Twitter thread at like 3:30 in the morning thinking about this but I wanted to put my thoughts into a video but there's this idea that some people have where if you aren't uploading every day streaming every day posting a Tik Tok every day then you aren't working hard enough and to be quite honest with you I think that's that's [ __ ] if anything I think a lot of content creators waste their time performing content instead of practicing it and you're probably like oh what does that mean and I'll tell you a short story to give you an example growing up I was in band for 7 years I played the trumpet and I started in middle school and did it all the way through high school and during one particularly rough session after school my band director made a distinction between practice and rehearsal and what he said was that rehearsal is what we're doing right now we bring everyone together and every plays their part in front of the whole group and rehearsal is important because it allows us to show what we've been working on but practice practice is different practice is what you do on your own when you're at home and there's no one around to tell you what to do and it's just you your instrument and the music and practice is more important than rehearsal because this is where you grow as a musician rehearsal is a performance but practice is where you actually improve practice is how you get better and I think as content creators we spend way too much time on rehearsal now if you've never been in band and you don't know what any of that means it's okay I have yet another metaphor for you and this one should be a little bit easier to understand imagine if I asked you right now to Sprint 100 m no matter what kind of shape you're in you could probably do it maybe not fast but you could probably finish 100 m isn't that far but what if I asked you to run 5 miles is this [ __ ] serious but content creation is a lot more like the 5em run but a lot of people do the 100 met Dash every day and call it grinding but really you're just getting good at running 100 m if I asked you to run 200 you could probably do that too 300 it's a stretch but you could probably make it but running 5 miles with zero training is a tall order I think for a lot of us we found out early on that we can run the 100 met Dash every day no problem and we got comfortable doing that but really the goal is running that 5 miles and we all know deep down inside that running 100 m every day isn't getting us any closer to that running 5 miles is it's it's pretty damn hard all right and if you try to run 5 miles right now you probably fail and failing sucks and it makes us lose confidence and when you're a small content creator sometimes confidence is all you have so we try to avoid confronting the areas we know we need to grow in so we Run 100 m instead we stream we make a Tik Tok we do what we know we're already good at we're running away from that 5 miles 100 m at a time but are you really grinding if if you're just running the race you know you can win though if you know your goal is to run 5 miles why the hell are you mad that you can't do it yet when you haven't even tried you've just been sitting there running 100 m every day you can't be afraid to try something new because you aren't grinding you're performing and the ACT is getting old people want something new but all you can do is run 100 m you saying bolt is the best in the world at running 100 m but even he had to retire eventually when are you going to get serious about running that five miles yeah you're going to fail and yeah it's going to suck and oh it's going to hurt your ego but that's a good thing because that's what grinding actually is and a lot of it happens in silence because if you want to run 5 miles you need to do more than just run you got to eat right rest well and do other things outside of just exercise to make sure you're fit for running five miles things that other people won't see things that nobody will Pat you on the back for things that will probably probably make you second guess yourself and make you want to quit things that you'll struggle to do while other people seem to do it very easily I've been making videos consistently for about a year now and after a year I have about 1,500 subs and in that time I've seen new channels take off and hit 100K in only a few months meanwhile I feel lucky to get 1,000 views on a single video and I am you can reach for something greater while also appreciating what you have so far 1,500 Subs isn't a lot but it's a start and it shows that I'm able to make content that people enjoy but you also can't be complacent and that's what this is about because eventually if you're consistent you'll be able to run 5 miles but you'll never get there if you're satisfied just running 100 m every day my videos aren't anything super special and I think I can always make them better but you can't sit there doing the same thing and wondering why you're getting the same result that's not grinding that's running in place you have to keep pushing yourself and your creativity to new heights you have much more potential but you need to give yourself a chance to show it don't be afraid to fall on the way up prove yourself all right that's enough being serious bro this is getting cringe sound like goddamn David goggin's out here check out my other stuff if you want to laugh and maybe learn something and thanks for watching the video peace oh
Channel: suburbanwill archive
Views: 830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mistakes new youtubers make, failure, youtube advice, small youtube channels, small youtuber, how to grow your youtube channel, how to grow on twitch
Id: JdDA39rEslM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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