How To Start Blogging | My $100K A Month Blog Journey

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the elevator to success is out of order you're gonna need to take the stairs old buddy you know there's lots of people online that say that there's no shortcuts to success there's no quick ways to make money but today we are putting that to the challenge and we're going to talk about some real ways that you can use to shortcut your success to making money with blogs because here's the deal there are shortcuts in every aspect of life there are people you hear all the time that have the get rich quick story or i started a blog a year ago and now i'm making 90 000 a month and while we might look at that and say to ourself well hey what's going on is there some magic button here on the keyboard that i don't know about is there something that we have to have that makes this work or is there something else going on well today we're going to talk about that something else going on and i want you to look at this in a very specific way because a lot of people say marcus there is no shortcut the gurus can't teach you anything there is nothing we can learn we just have to go and do it ourself well i want to point you to the medical industry right if you look at the medical industry i am glad that my doctor takes shortcuts that were based on thousands and thousands of years of medicine that way he could look and be like hey i know what that thing is you just need to do this and it'll go away thousands of years ago they didn't know they said you got that thing you need to go over there to the to the cave of the end of your life and then people would go over there because they didn't know the things that they know now in medicine and now i can go to a doctor and it seems like i'm getting ripped off sometimes because i'm like hey buddy here's 500 bucks and he goes yep here just take this and i'm like wait a minute that was 500 bucks well you're not paying 500 for the time it takes him to look at your eye or whatever it is you're paying 500 for his years and years and years of medical education now we need to understand this because in life there are shortcuts in blogging there are shortcuts there are shortcuts everywhere that's how the human race advances if that's not how it worked we'd be driving cars on square wheels because the guy hadn't figured out how to make the round wheel to make the car go fast but i'm glad we have a shortcut and we have a round wheel that way my car goes a little bit faster depending on traffic than it would if i had square wheels and we need to understand these things because ladies and gentlemen there are clues there are shortcuts and while you're sitting there trying to figure out the maze to making money blogging this one hour or 90 minute training however long it is however long my throat will hold up i've had a cold the last couple days is going to open your eyes to things that you never saw before things you didn't even know that you didn't see because in life there's several different things and this is very important when it comes to making money online when it comes to getting the results that you want in life there are things that you know you know be on a shadow of a doubt that you can make money blogging all right that's not a question if you're questioning that give up on internet marketing right now if you're like i don't know if people make money with blogs well then you need to quit because if you're sit here in 2021 almost 2022 and you don't know that people make money with blogging then you need to find something else to do with your time but there are things in life that you know you know you can make money blogging there are things in life that you don't know right and then so something you might not know you might not know that before i started this training i was looking at a website that talks about like vitamin c and lipstick and makeup and they're making like seven thousand dollars a month you probably didn't know that sites like that existed all right now you didn't know that and and you know you're like whatever i don't know that lots of sites exist that make money that's why we listen to marcus and watch his entertaining videos because he teaches us this stuff now most importantly there are things and i'm speaking directly to you the youtube university we call you guys the youtube university because a lot of people have a lot of comments that are seemingly expert comments but a lot of people just don't know what they're talking about right they're they're like i'm going to argue with you because i want to argue and it's like i've been doing this 21 years don't argue with me argue with 21 years of experience and you got to look at this and you got to understand it and you got to realize first and foremost everyone is an expert okay i mean that tongue-in-cheek right everyone's an expert because everyone thinks they know what they should do i learned this in rehab uh the rehab guy comes in and he's like you know you have these people that say you know what you should do with your dog you got a dog you know what you need to do with your dog you need to put your dog up here and they know what to do with your diet it's like you don't know what to do with my dog it's my dog i know what to do with my dog you know i got to tell me what to do and a lot of people tell you what to do and you're listening to all these voices and you're wondering why the maze of success looks like this anyone feel that you feeling me that is because you're listening to too many things don't listen to me all right he said marcus what are you talking about you're here on the youtube i gotta listen to you isn't that how it works well listen to the data look up what i talk about find out if it's true look it up there was a guy last night on youtube and he was an expert and he says you know what marcus i think you're full of it you didn't make millions of dollars in myspace well i went on google and i said people who made millions of dollars during myspace and i found a bunch of people all my competitors were there i wasn't there because i don't talk about what i do too often right one of my friends copied that site so i didn't want other people to do it but lots of people made millions of dollars in myspace just because you don't think it's true doesn't mean it's not true so we have things in life that we know i know i can make money blogging we have things in life we don't know like that guy he didn't know that people made millions [Music] with myspace he didn't know that and then lastly there's things that we don't know that we don't know all right this is the dangerous one things that we don't know that we don't know he didn't know that he didn't know that people make money on myspace which stopped him in his beliefs from making lots and lots of money people didn't believe there's a market you can't make money with happy faces you can't make money giving things away you have to sell things right you have to do this and so we have to look at it and say well you know let's challenge that idea because until you challenge your ideas with data none of what i'm going to talk about today is going to make sense but if if you say marcus i know that there's some things i know and in the entire world this is even with marcus marcus is a smart man he's very wise all right this is marcus's brain or this is this is all the universe knowledge okay this is all the universe knowledge and let's say i'm real smart and i know point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero keep going one percent let's say that's how much of the knowledge i know in the entire universe suddenly i don't feel so smart yet we have no problem commenting and telling people what we think will and will not work yet one of the things i love about internet marketing is that if you keep yourself humble and you say to yourself i might not know everything you're gonna see some crazy stuff like the guy on tick tock who makes a million dollars making silly videos or the guy with a blog about how to fix your hurt toe that's making six figures or the guy who has a site that has printable archery bow and arrow targets that's making money right think about this if you're willing to humble yourself but you've got to say mark i'm willing to learn because here's the deal my teacher is the internet and if you look at this we're going to get into this and we're going to show you how to start a blog and shortcut your way to six figures so if you made it this far in the video congratulations because you just got a little opening of the brain for what you're about to learn and what you're going to learn in the next 90 minutes is going to be so powerful you can't dispute it if you say marcus i don't know what niche to pick marcus i don't know where the money's at mark i everything's too competitive i can't get any traffic nothing seems to be working well that falls into the realm over here of what you don't know that you don't know you don't know that you don't know that there are some clues out there that are going to show you exactly how to do this now mike says how about the guy that sold pixels a million pixels for a dollar each all right well that was a cute fad it's probably not duplicatable so we're not gonna look at that see we gotta ask ourselves can i duplicate it probably not okay so let's take a look now what we're going to do today is we're going to show you how to start a blog and shortcut your way to six figures let's take a look at this now butterfly says if you don't step out and learn and make mistakes you'll never get there true but i don't want to make a lot of mistakes mistakes can be costly mistakes can be detrimental to our marketing so what we're going to do instead ladies and gentlemen i want you to say it with me is we're going to look at the data now if you stay till the end of this training part number one i'm going to show you how to choose a niche based on data not what you think not what's cute not your hobby not what you like not what you know a lot about where the money's at you want to make money we have to look at where the money's at money doesn't care what you're interested in money doesn't care if you're good at playing the violin on top of a mountain at the sunset in wyoming it doesn't care alright what cares is data and if you start to look at data you're going to be able to learn how to make money very important so part number one we're going to choose a niche based on data we're going to show you exactly how everything works now a lot of people say learn from mistakes learn from mistakes and mistakes can be true and i'll tell you something i learned a smart man learns from his mistakes but a wise man learns from the mistakes of others think about that for a minute now part number two we're going to show you how to shortcut the domain process yes buying the right domain can help you make money very important part three i'm going to show you how to skim the competitors for top keywords we're gonna skim all the good stuff we're gonna focus on the good harness good weed out bad harness the good weed out the bad part number four we're gonna show you how to put up specific targeted content based on exactly what you need to do that's gonna make you money part number five we're gonna watch the stats treat each post as its own and then part six we're gonna sell some stuff monetize and grow now you might be saying marcus i don't know you from a hole in the wall hopefully you don't have a hole in the wall but you know you gotta show me that this stuff actually works well check it out if you were to look in the description of this video what you should do after this video is over you're gonna see some links where i set up a live site in front of you that's right i got some domains and i said oh friends on youtube which one would you like me to buy you told me which one you wanted me to buy which one you wanted me to set up i went out i set it up the thing is ranking in google if you were to take a look at a snapshot of that site you could see that that site even though i haven't changed the tagline from just another wordpress site you can see that we rank in google for 648 keywords and i think it actually has some amount attached to it so yeah so like they say that the traffic's worth 191 i think it's worth more we're gonna monetize it and see you know who's right this thing or the old marcus who's been doing this a while so we're gonna take a look at this and i got 648 different keywords that this is ranking for marcus i don't believe you nothing on the internet works i just want to make money well pay attention because check this out if you were to go and look at how long does it take for abs to show or how long does it take to get a six pack or whatever it is you're gonna find out that my site actually ranks you could go to google you could look this stuff up you could do your research and do it right so starvation mode symptoms this is a keyword we have we could see here that we have a ranking after just a couple days of putting this stuff up i think we're like number nine it's fluctuating a little as the content starts to settle but you will be able to see that there we are right on google there's where it's ranking now how does this work this works because people search for it 700 people search for that term if i get some of those 700 stuff people clicks things i can get some money if i do it right and if you dig this smash a like button let's get that to go over 100 let's crush the 100 likes if you guys are digging this and we haven't even seen anything yet we're getting to some stuff that's gonna knock your socks off if you're struggling if you don't know what to do if you don't know how to start a blog guys i don't really have much to sell today i mean i'll talk to you about some domains i buy if you want them but if you follow along you're going to get a free education on how to make money that's how we roll here so these keywords are ranking i can get traffic i am getting traffic right now right now as you watch this i am getting traffic from these keywords and these keywords equal money if you know how to do it right so we can see that this stuff works now what we're going to be doing here is we're going to be taking a look at these things and we're going to get people so we're going to get traffic targeted traffic to our sites or blogs or whatever it is or videos or whatever you're doing and then we're gonna drive them to things that make us money you guys got it type one two three if you got it we're gonna target the traffic we're gonna get our sites and then we're gonna go to things that make us money now notice that we do this before we pick a niche right we're going to pick a niche based on data and that brings us to part number one part number one is how to choose a niche based on solid data it's all the data all right so you want to make money you're like marcus yes yes here i am here is me marcus this is me right here this is me and i'm sad because i need to choose a niche but over here i want some money that's what i want to do i want to do affiliate marketing and there's several different things here there's people that we call people on a mission who are like i want to start a blog because i want to change the way people think about x y and z like my sobriety channel that's a channel that i have i do want to turn it into a business but more importantly i want to reach people with the message that helped me get sober right so it's a little different now for you guys here you're here watching this because you're like marcus i'm not really on a mission maybe later in life right now bro i need to pay the bills that's what i need to do so i need to get over here and i need to be happy right and you're like how do i do that i know people are making money online i watch videos about people making money online and everything i try seems to not work why well that's because you are not choosing your niche and your market based on data you guys know that i have a high ticket niche program we sell domains all the time the value of it is me picking your niche all right it's not because it's a fancy website because it's not it's not because we get you great content we don't it's not because of all the it's because i picked the niche that i know will work and i'm going to show you the process right here right now so you could do it yourself without even paying me anything and if you want to pay me something later great wonderful we'll cross that bridge when we get to it but part number one we need to choose a niche based on solid data so marcus when i look at this and i say i want a shortcut to success i want to know that the niche is going to make me money so what do we do do we go out there and say well i know i got it marcus i got it what we're going to do is we're going to do weight loss yeah some gurus no stop stop the madness well marcus i know i'm going to do affiliate marketing because affiliate marketing stop the madness i don't know what i'm going to do what am i going to do what am i going to do i'm going to look at the data so what we're gonna do is we're gonna choose a niche based on solid data okay is there money in the market can i get the money right it's like you're walking on the road and you're like okay there's a tree and there's five thousand dollars up in the top of the tree and there's four thousand dollars towards the bottom of the tree well i'm not as tall as shaquille o'neal so i'm gonna have to get the stuff toward the bottom of the tree right i'm five feet tall he's like 18 9. right his shoes are probably taller than me he can get the one on the top i can't i need to go for what i can get and you need to remember this because when you're starting out you got to go for what you can get very important now what we're going to do is we're going to look at data how are we going to look at data well i'm glad you asked and if you want notes from this video i got someone standing by to make notes and she'll have them for you in a couple days at because i know we're going through a lot of stuff and i'm talking kind of fast and it's kind of exciting and fun and i don't want you to miss anything but what we're going to do at you can get those notes we're going to check flippa flippa is a website you can go to to buy websites now you could take a look at websites on flippa and they tell you what they're making same with ebay all right now you got to do your due diligence i'm not saying buy the sites maybe maybe not go daddy not saying by the sights i'm saying let's check this out okay so we're going to go to flip up and we're going to go to flipa and we're going to be like hey maybe there's some sights here right here's one about living well and they say they're making three grand here's one about beautiful brains and all this other stuff and they say that they're making money so i could go there and be like hey if i want to make five grand a month maybe i'll find one that's making 10 grand a month right then i'll just get down that'll be a little easier because then all i have to do is half as good as the other guy all right so i'm going to look at flippa i'm going to look at top affiliate earning sites here's a tip in the notes when you go to i'm also going to give you a video and the notes from this which is going to show you a secret jogger method to finding websites that are affiliates and you can find them and you can do the research and you can reverse engineer them and make money like this watch this if you search for amazon affiliate disclosure guess what's going to come up and you have to do it in quotes just like that you have to do this exact which is why you're going to want to get the notes if you search for amazon services llc associates program what's going to happen is you're going to get 10 million different results of people that participate in the amazon program because amazon makes you put i'm a participant in the amazon associates program i make money when you buy things blah there we go done deal so all i got to do is go through here look at the different niches see what's out there see what kind of traffic they're getting and then boom i could reverse engineer take a look at what's going on and now i'm making decisions based on data and you can search for any of these different terms here you could do affiliate terms you're going to find all kinds of stuff that people are using now another thing i like to do this is a this is a good tip i told you guys this is going to be a doozy like i'm going to go out on a limb and i'm gonna tell you that this is probably gonna be more valuable than some courses you guys bought from some other folks right if you guys think that smash the like button let me know because i want to give you good value and i want you to take away some stuff you can use here's another one what you do is you go to the google and you do blogger income reports income reports bloggers this you're gonna find all these people that post the income reports of their blogs like they literally go there and it's like hey this guy's making 60 bucks or whatever this guy's making uh 200 320 000 a month now is it true i don't know i don't know but i do know that we could check the data even more and see if they're working how many of you guys are digging this i need you to light up the comment section or the chats or type something below if you're digging this because this is stuff that nobody teaches you this is stuff that your old buddy marcus when i go to start a new site when i go to do this stuff this is what i look at right i'm going to look at this and be like hey this guy's making a million dollars a month okay what are they doing is it something i can duplicate is it something and by duplicate we're not talking about copy no no we're not talking about copy no no no bad bad no we're talking about getting in there and looking at what's there so what we're going to do is we are going to focus because most blogs have 80 junk and 20 percent that produces money and here's what happens people go out there and they start to build these things and they're like parker so i'm not getting any money this whole internet thing don't work oh buddy and that's because you're doing 80 junk you never get to the 20 and you quit but what if instead we were like well i'm going to look at all the junk that these sites have and i'm not going to focus on that i'm just going to focus on the 20 that actually makes money because i know that's where the money's at right think about that for a minute we're going to go through and we're going to look at this logically the problem with affiliate marketing and the problem with making money online is the fact that people are like i want to make money online and then they like have their head here here's their head and they just like take their brain out and they're like i'm gonna put my brain over here because i just want money and they don't focus but guys i'm here to tell you put your brain back in start thinking specifically if you don't have answers to the questions that i'm asking you don't have a niche you don't have the money you're never going to get there because people oh i'm just going to buy this program oh i heard about that people come to me to go well marcus what about facebook well are people in your niche on facebook and does it rank in google and is it going to help you well i don't know so you're just telling me what about facebook because you heard another guy talk about facebook we need to stop doing things based on what we hear and we need to start doing things based on what we're actually seeing and i'm going to show you in this video how to look at what the gurus are doing and reverse engineer it and do the same thing here right what if you could reverse engineer and be like hey there you go that guru is doing this maybe i can do that after i have a sip of coffee all right so you guys dick it uh yeah you guys digging it if you are we're gonna teach you how to think outside the tesseract i actually bought a tesseract because i thought it was cool and a good training program material thing all right so here's what we're going to do we're going to look at income reports we're going to look at the gurus foolish posts all right anytime a guru posts them even me i want you to start thinking about it differently think about it differently all right look at what they're doing if there's some guy oh i made nine million dollars on the old amazon good look at his stats look at what he's doing oh i did this look at what they're doing don't listen to the stuff don't look at the lamborghini it's like magic when i used to be a magician we would do something we'd go over there and be like hey look at this pen over here look at this pen oh whoa a dollar and my idea is to get you look at the pen for no reason other than i'm hiding a dollar over here all right and that's what the gurus are doing but if you go over there and you're like hey i'm gonna look at the dollar you're gonna learn what's going on and stop listening to all the hype and the junk and the money and what you want and start looking at what's actually going on so what i want to do when i get into affiliate marketing or internet marketing i want to get as close to a sure thing as i can so if i go over here to godaddy domains okay and you might see this little cool tool that i have on my godaddy domains if you're part of blog profit network we're going to give you this tool but you got to go to we give you all kinds of cool tools it's not ready yet but it's cool it like actually gives you this stuff like this square does not show up for most people all right so we could go here we could see my we could see that domain is for sale and i can actually go and say okay maybe i can go over here uh to aahrefs okay and i can take a look at exactly what's going on for my keto plan and i could see are they making money are they doing this how does it work all right so we go through here and we're like hey wait a minute let's check out the movements the keyword movements and we're using the ahrefs tool by the way so we got like keto diet plan but that was in 2018 so it's okay all right another one i looked at earlier was um this aquaponics one right i'm like okay aquaponics it's got a clickbank offer it's got ways to make money it's got some cool stuff you know we're looking pretty darn good there i think that might be a good one right so we go through and we're like cool here we got these aquaponics things and it's got some rankings and whatever and i can go buy this domain uh vertical aquaponics it's got the rankings like right here you could see exactly what's going on there you go right it's got some decent things so i can look at this and be like okay are there people making a living with aquaponic sites well i i think there is i like if we look at this and we go keyword explorer and we do um aquaponics like this all right we got lots of traffic lots of stuff going on here aqua so here's a fish tank all right so aquaponics fish tank 2600 searches a month could i sell these aquaponics fish tanks could i give them some stuff could i make this work like for me and i want you to get inside the way that i think what i think is 179.99 okay so what i would want to do if this was me i'd be like okay i would need like an aquaponics kick a kit right like like a kit with the tank and the thing and whatever and maybe i'll charge 250 for it and maybe i could drop ship it or put it together myself because you know if i do this on amazon i'm gonna get one percent i'm gonna get like two bucks when i sell that that's not gonna be good so i need to think about this logically all right i want you guys to write that in the chat box i want you to put that in the comment i want you to say forget the gurus i'm focusing on logic type it in there i want everyone to put that in there i want you to put it as a comment if you guys are getting what i'm laying down forget the gurus i am going to look at logic because if we look at this logically it's all about asking the right questions i say okay go green aquaponics here's these other sites we got some videos so is youtube going to be part of my aquaponic site you bet your butt it is there's some good stuff there we're going to go through and we're like um some kind of sprouts thing and and this so there are people right now as we look at this that are making money in aquaponics i remember uh a couple years ago i went to a youtube conference uh it was it wasn't put on by youtube it was a conference for youtubers and there was this gal there really nice lady and i noticed her because if you guys know me i'm not very tall i'm like five feet tall and everyone is taller than me except the lady with the aquaponics site and she's like i have this site in the fish site and she was a nice lady really cool blog really cool sight she was just she loved fish and she had this site about fish and she was making more money than the average person in america makes at their job talking about fish like that's logic so what we're gonna do is we're gonna look at these things and again that's a domain that i could buy that has backlinks that's ready to go for aquaponics here's one for keto i could look at the other godaddy stuff and again do your logic oh well you know we see uh bum oh marcus that's got to be good stocks are money well it doesn't have any links it doesn't have anything for it so who cares about that uh my fresh food okay nice name cute doesn't do me much all right now this one does because here you go you got keto you got this you got whatever but if we do one like stock bum okay i'm gonna do this off screen because sometimes these give you interesting results but we're gonna go through and look at stock bum and i'm going to show you exactly how this is working right um bruce says logic what about following uh fads well that's up to you when i did the myspace i looked at the data i looked at it logically i made a bunch of money but my space was kind of a fad right it phased out um so we got to look at that so for um stock bum there ain't nothing right that might people would go and your logic would tell you the logic you listened to from the gurus would say well stock bum is better than some stupid fish site right how many of you guys would be like stocks are better than fish marcus like biff tannen you lose you're wrong but you've got to look at this specifically what am i doing here i want to build a business i want to make this work so i'm going to look at the data we also have all this stuff so what i want to do is i want to find something i can use now if you can't afford to buy a site at auction don't worry about it you can do this from the ground up it just takes a little bit longer now i like to do shortcuts which is why shortcut number two is to shortcut the domain process now i have to ask myself let's say i get the fish one all right i get the i get the aquaponics one it's got the rankings uh let's let's put it in there aquaponics uh we'll put this in here and we're like okay aquaponics we don't want the stock one now stocks i might buy stock bum because it's cute and it's sellable again i have to ask myself can i make more than i spend on it so this one aquaponics all right we rank for apartment aquaponics so it's got some good rankings some decent stuff i could build this up i could do really good with these keywords so the question i have to ask myself is okay let's say i buy the aquaponics one okay aqua all right i got tanks i got a clickbank book i know there's a clickbank aquaponics book let me see if i can find it for you guys so you can see aquaponics okay um so yeah clickbank aquaponics like hydroponics or something like that yeah so there's um aquaponics clickbank all kinds of stuff they're like 30 sales whatever and they teach people all about aquaponics so the question is okay we got some traffic i can build this up it's got some money attached to it so let's say i have to buy this domain for a thousand dollars okay i probably won't but let's say i do okay how many of you guys paying attention i want you to tell me in the comments i want you to tell me here how many of you guys think this domain to me based on the data based on the money it's got some backlinks it's looking pretty good okay how many of you guys think and they're they're relevant backlinks too which is pretty good how many of you guys think that this domain to me would be a good thousand dollar investment or bad type good or bad good money bad money let me know in the comments let me know what you think okay very important now to me i look at this and i'm like yes i think this is a good bet what are the odds of making my thousand bucks back well i could build it up i could sell it for a thousand bucks probably not that difficult i think that's pretty good so what we want to do is we want to say if i buy this for x what are the odds i can get it back if i buy this for x what are the odds i can get my x back okay what are the odds i can get my thousand bucks back on that well i could you know there's lots of ways to do that now um i do this all the time one of the things i do in business a lot of people think all i do is make videos but i've been doing this for 21 years i do all kinds of stuff all the time and i buy domains all the time this year we acquired i think 600 domains or something like that some at auction some that we got other places and i got to tell you it's crazy because when you look at it if i'm buying domains regular i spend 9 to 15 bucks for them okay and some of these earlier this year a guy gave me 6 500 bucks for one i spent 15 dollars for another one uh two days ago a guy gave me 300 for one i spent 15 for and i asked myself okay this guy's offering me 300 bucks i like the domain it's good am i going to do anything with it that's going to make me more than 300 bucks well i got 750 probably not so i'll take it 6500 i basically took that because i know he would go higher on the amount and i don't like settling for less i like giving as much as humanly possible like the one couple years ago where he said he'd give me 1700 i ended up getting 25 grand from him for the domain result's not typical applied or guaranteed you will probably make nothing the majority of people wanting to make money online don't make anything even if you look at logic even if you do all the work this is a business you can say well marcus people are hungry i'm going to open a restaurant and i'll get rich yeah but there's a lot of variables to that right it might sound easy like but you gotta really know what you're doing and that's what we're talking to you about here so if i buy this for x what are the odds i can get x back i'm gonna go out on a limb and i'm going to tell you to do this with my courses and my programs so if you buy a website from me for 1500 bucks or 3 000 or whatever it is what are the odds you could get that back ask yourself that question before you buy anything oh well this guru says he's got this okay what are the odds you could get it back i asked myself this every single time even when i bought my little miniature car there right the the fun little car you guys saw i was like what are the odds i can make it back well the first video should give me enough revenue to make that back i ask myself this all the time okay very very important so if you want to see some of the domains i buy you could go here and you can look at the domains i buy and you can reverse engineer it and see why i buy what i buy or you could go here and you can buy one if you don't want to you know mess around with auctions and stuff like that we could go through and say okay well you could see these now with the domains that we do we actually build the site and help you out and give you all kinds of cool stuff like this gaming one is pretty awesome um and we go through and we do this these are domains that i bought at auction and we build them up just like nerd getting fit right like you guys see this is working you cannot argue with it there it is you go to google you search for it there it is now you say well marcus how do you know that that is worth money well check it out people are advertising right there's people advertising all over the place here so it's gotta be worth something right and we gotta look at that and understand it now part number two what we're gonna talk about i think we need the old air conditioner on there we go pardon the noise but it's a thousand degrees in here all right uh part number two we're gonna shortcut the domain traffic process all right what we're gonna do is we're gonna try to find a domain so if i wanted to go into the aquaponics niche i'm going to buy that domain if i want to go into the fitness niche i'll get a fitness one and there's always something good available if you know what you're looking for okay you got to know what you're looking for and it doesn't hurt to have this tool that you get with blog profit network right so we go through and we're like okay birthday cakes you know and we go through and we find something we want now it does take work but it's a shortcut it'll help you get where you want to go which is really cool uh skiffy says ahrefs costs a lot of money is there a good free version no pay for what you got do you want a shortcut pay for it right there you go like if i want to go and and get across town i can walk across town for free or i can like call an uber and and pay to get across town so sometimes in life you got to pay for what you want because i guarantee almost everyone on this call spends 100 bucks eating out going to the movies watching netflix come on do what you got to do when i first started i rented a room i i didn't have a tv right our tv was like just movies that's all we had why because i wanted to do what i wanted to do i wanted to make this work you got to make a sacrifice to make it work and sometimes it's worth it but make sure it's worth it because when i did it it wasn't i i'm going to make this sacrifice because i hope this works no no no i'm going to make a sacrifice because i'm going to make this work i'm going to make it work at all cost and guess what it worked was it perfect every step of the way did everything go as planned hell no but did i do it and did i shortcut and i make it work yes i did one of the things you could do is buy the right domain name right very important we can go through and make it work ahrefs is a great program i think it's 99 a month so three bucks a day so all you again ask yourself the question if i have that tool can i make three dollars a day i sure hope so i i if not then you need to be in a different line of work if you don't think having that tool and that data will help you make three dollars a day and guess what they don't even have an affiliate program some guy asked me this the other day he's like why don't you promote you know sem rush they'll pay you i'm like because i like this because i like this that's what it works i'm gonna use what works i'm gonna tell you what works did you know that i could tell you about a keyword program that i don't really like and i could probably make another 100 grand a year but i'm going to tell you to get the best even if it costs me money right because i want you guys to get the good stuff and i want you to do it and i know you're gonna appreciate it and buy stuff and sign up for stuff and i'm doing all right without having an affiliate program for that so we go through and we look at this and we're like hey check this out we're gonna go through we're gonna make it work um so i'm gonna go and i'm gonna shortcut the process just like on nerd getting fit look at the movements you see exactly how it worked i went through and i was like okay here's the old nerd getting fit right and i'm like okay look at this i took it over on november 3rd you can go back and watch the live stuff where i bought it and everything so the third there's a gap from when i took it over eight days later i started ranking was that worth 400 bucks right the domain cost me about 400 by the time i did the fees there we go there you go and we look at it we're like hey i'm gonna do this i'm gonna make it work okay i'm gonna make it happen okay very important now another little hack when i first started what i did is i helped other people with their websites get results this is how i was able to afford tools i was like hey i'll build your website for 500 bucks okay well there's a tool for you know five months or whatever i did what i had to do so if you're broke figure out a way to make it work i did you gotta figure you got internet access you can make money did you catch that you got internet access you could make money people out there are making money in the silliest craziest stuff craziest stuff and if we look at this and we and we pay attention it's very very cool all right so let's take a look at what else we have uh here's one that's ending in two minutes let's take a look at this one right and and see if it's good so this is like something about a fireplace all right fireplace outlet uh i could probably sell fireplaces i was just watching a video the other day of a guy who sold uh heaters right here in heater in in florida people buy heaters all the time because it gets cold here and people forget right so we got like carport look at that carport prices carolina carport prices thousand searches a month they want a carport which is expensive uh chimneys uh fireplace outlet i mean look at that you guys look at it there it is right and we could go through and we can make it work and we could buy this domain and build it up and there we go all right super super super simple if you focus if you focus okay so i could do that now i have to ask myself how am i going to make money now notice how what i just showed you has nothing to do with how the other gurus teach you to find your niche did anyone catch that if you caught it put it in the comments below put it in the chat box did anyone catch that because all the gurus are like what you want to do is you want to go into weight loss or you want to go into clickbank get your old clickbank out no no no no i'm going to go where the money's already at right do i want to like get something that's already half done or do i want to mess around starting with something that may or may not work i do stuff i know is good i don't invest my time unless i know it's going to work and i know it's going to work based on the data and this is why my high ticket niches are so valuable because i find the niche and people come to me markers you know i got this niche and uh buddy i i don't think it's worth a thousand well then you ain't paying attention because if you pay attention you're gonna see where the values at very very important look at all this guess i could sell do people buy gas fireplaces yes do they buy them online yes can i get this traffic yes is there an affiliate program or a drop ship yes then i can make money there you go you gotta ask these questions very very important all right so we're gonna go through and we're gonna do this and we're only on part two and i've already showed you a lot of good stuff so if you're gonna stay to the end i don't know how long we're gonna go and my throat is getting there i gotta i think i got another hour left but i've been kind of sick and my throat's like shut up marcus but at any rate right uh we're gonna look at godaddy we're gonna look at the old flippa we're gonna look at all this stuff and we're gonna focus on what is working we're going to focus on what is working very important all right godaddy flippa we can buy them direct we can go to websites and buy them direct we could go to spamzilla spamzilla will show us sites that that do that as well we could go to you want a shortcut okay these are domains i buy at auction and you could see the ones i buy at auction like this jolly covers sounds kind of weird but you know whatever jolly covers is a seat site they do like uh seats for cars universal car seat covers car seat cover look at this all down the line my thinking is good dropship site pretty easy uh probably also could be a good affiliate site um it could also tie into car insurance or car warranties are you guys getting it how many of you guys are getting it you're like wait marcus you think completely different than other people you think outside the tesseract ooh fancy all right there you go right pretty cool stuff so we got to look at this and we're like hey there we go could i make money with this i could make yeah i could definitely make money with this this is pretty easy right pretty simple and we look at this one here's another one barks and squeaks right i could get right like this and i think it has to do with like pet stuff which is cool we'll do it off camera just in case we get weird stuff oh good good so check this out right we got like cocker spaniel gifts uh microchip dog uh father's day gift look at it gifts for dogs people buy so much delicious why do dogs wear bandanas there you go all right don't know how i make money on that but maybe i could sell a bandana a custom band demo right so we go through this uh gmo says i can't find the notes for this video you're correct the video is not done we can't have notes before the video is done so you got to go to after the video and they'll be there right look at this look at all this all this dog stuff there you go boom bang done i can get these domains i can shortcut it and there you go guys it's not that hard to do you just have to really really really focus okay so what we're going to do is we're going to go and we're going to find a domain based on the value i'm going to look at this stuff and be like okay sheds yeah i could make a lot of money with sheds carports carport colors all kinds of stuff that we have here rent to own sheds new york all kinds of stuff okay so i'm gonna shortcut the domain and traffic um process okay i'm gonna shortcut it i'm gonna make it work we're gonna be ready to go now part number three drum roll please this is important what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our new domain okay we're gonna take our new domain wherever our pin went so here's our domain and we're gonna niche it out okay what niche is my is my domain in all right we're going to look at that and be like what niche is my domain in all right so barks and squeaks that's in like pet accessories okay then i'm gonna think money pet insurance is gonna be the big thing and then accessories is gonna be a little bit of money um and then maybe even like uh dog training stuff like that but pet insurance again remember the 80 20 pet insurance is gonna make me most of the money on this site the other stuff is going to pale in comparison to what i'm gonna make on pet insurance i just did the research on another blog that is in this exact niche most of their money is coming from pet insurance they're doing a hundred thousand dollars a month are you guys getting it how many of you guys are getting this this is where this is made this is where it's made they're making money now are you going to get in there and make 100 a month probably not most likely not the average person trying to do this makes nothing i know there were some people that said i get irritated when you say your disclosure marcus when you say the disclaimer that no one makes money online i don't get it i don't like it well if you don't like it then you're probably not cut out to be an entrepreneur or businessman i know it's easy and cute to put entrepreneur in your instagram tag serial entrepreneur it's like you're a cereal how much money have you made well i don't know i bought a bunch of courses then you're not an entrepreneur an entrepreneur is someone that makes money on their own accord with their own business they start things so until you start something get that out of your instagram thing because that ain't true right there's so many people that like even people who all they did is sell a course or whatever right even if all they did is sell a course that ain't an entrepreneur i mean maybe but then you got to look at what people did i am more impressed like i see the guy who's like i got the click funnels award and i made 10 million dollars selling people how to make money on amazon that doesn't impress me doesn't impress me what impresses me is a guy doing the pet insurance what impresses me is a guy making the money with the myspace layouts and the guy dude the niches impress me that's what i like because that's what i could reverse engineer and that's how i can make it work like you look at it you're like markers can i copy what you're doing on youtube probably not it's like a personality business right it takes a lot of work copy the other stuff so you have to look at this and understand it how many guys are getting what i'm dropping smash that like button let's get that thing over 200. all right now what we're going to do we're going to niche it out and we're going to go through and we are going to skim the competitors keywords now there's an old movie called barnyard funny cartoon if you haven't seen it watch barnyard it's a great movie and on barnyard uh the farmer like gets these new cows these lady cows and the guy cows are really happy and he goes thank you farmer and he's the cow and i'm gonna show you how to find a thank you farmer and i want you to say that in your head because it makes it fun you look at it and you say okay where's the thank you farmer because here's the deal you got your niche you got your domain you got your stuff and it's ready to go okay so what are we gonna do next well next what we're going to do is we're going to go through and we're going to figure out what the competitors are doing and we're going to do the 80 20 rule okay how many of you guys are digging this if you're digging it stick around smash the like button let's get this thing off the road because you're getting stuff that i've been through courses i've been doing this 21 years i bought a lot of courses i've spent 10 000 on courses i know people like to brag about my mentor is a hundred grand well then you probably got ripped off unless you know what you're doing because even though it's cute and fun to get a hundred thousand dollar mentor most you guys wouldn't know what to do with it even if you had it i wouldn't so we're gonna go through and what we're gonna do is we're gonna look at the 80 20. so i'm going to go through and i'm going to look at this and i'm going to skim my competitors keywords all right here's an example that i did for and danny says i feel like a child again inquisitive there you are that's the sweet spot you have to dig this when i enjoy what i'm doing i make a lot of money and lately i've been enjoying it and my wife's like where's all this money coming from what are we gonna do with it we're like keeping it up in the you know i don't know what we're doing with it but it's good it works so we're gonna look at that and we're gonna have fun with it and we're gonna understand that money comes when you look at logic and you enjoy what you do and you stop trying to force it don't force it look at it and say hey this is what we're going to do now i went through last night and i looked at a competitor how did marcus how did you find a competitor well what i did is i looked at one of the keywords that my site ranked for so my site ranked for how long does it take to get abs okay so how long does it take to see abs what i would do is i would google this and what i'm doing is i'm looking for sights give me a minute stupid cold but um what i'm doing is i'm looking for sites that have to do with exactly what i'm doing so healthline too broad i want something super specific something that is focused on exactly what i want okay so i got to focus exactly on what i want so what we're going to do here is great greatest i think i used this one nutrition yeah that can work um cosmic these are too broad pop sugar too broad live strong maybe okay now sometimes i'll do a maybe if it's like fitness i might do this on that slash fitness i might include that uh built with science definitely cora no too too broad and i'm going to go through and i'm going to the sites body building meal plan boom jackpot i love it um fitness pro boom love it uh let's see what else fitness reloaded love it so i'm gonna take these like i did and i'm going to look at their competition i'm going to look at the kd which is the competition and i'm going to look at the volume so this guy is getting 15 000 visitors a month from this one keyword lego workouts at home he's also getting other ones so what i did is i isolated ones that i think i could get because i'm like okay nerd getting fit you know we got some 18s and 25s i could probably swing at 35 might be difficult but let's see what happens all right so we're gonna look at that and we're like okay so what i did is i highlighted the ones i want leg workouts at home boom i could get that guy i could sell him something direct because he's looking for leg work exercises too competitive too broad ain't even gonna touch it with a 10 foot pole even if i had an 11 foot pole i'm still not gonna do it because we're looking at it and it is too difficult it's too broad and it's too difficult so i'm going to go down the list to do adjustable kettlebell boom i'll take it there we go seven thousand like if you had eight thousand people a month looking at your site with an adjustable kettable kettle bell and they're looking for an adjustable kettle bell do you think you'll get some sales out of 7000 i mean unless you're saying please don't buy this kettlebell doesn't exist well then you know it might not get sales then but we'll take a look at it i'll take it it's a 12. keep going now notice all the blank space remember the 80 20 rule i'm focusing on the stuff that i want i'm focusing on the stuff that i know can make money adjustable cuttable hyperbolic stretching what's the best protein powder how to lose face fat these are jackpot words right there that's a good one there's people making a living with how to lose face fat um keto candy best pre-workout for women best tasting protein powder medicine ball you guys getting it do you see why i singled these out do you guys see it anyone see it type it in the box all right hopefully you guys see it all right we'll keep going we got uh arm workouts at home boxing bag now what i did and we're gonna take a look at this and while we were doing this training i actually got barks and squeaks i want it for 237 i got why whatever fireplace outlet and we got some others i'm bidding on too so i'm actually doing what i preach so people are like marcus i don't know if you do it well i'm doing it right here live i just spent what 500 bucks there it is right why would i spend 500 because i know i can make money so we got boxing bag now what i did is i took my competitor i took this competitor i put it into the keyword tool that some people say oh marcus it's too expensive i'd rather go and eat fast food all month instead of get the tools that i need to make a living because you know not having good health and no money is my goal right hopefully not but we're gonna go through and i put the competitor's stuff i found 900 keywords with less than 10 competition and it showed me 700 000 visitors a month potential there we go rack pulls leg curl incline dumbbell curl all this stuff now if i want to do this and be in it to win it i would have a youtube as part of my repertoire because these naturally like if i want to show someone how to do a leg curl and doing a video would be good well marcus i don't know how to do that and i don't want to be on good go hire your local person and say i'll split it with you you'll get 50 or 20 or whatever and you just show people how to do this stuff so simple and so we look at that and here's another one i took another competitor and i found another 864 keywords with 578 and then i kept going look at this you guys here it is watch watch this watch this we got this look at all these keywords there they are site number one here is site number two look at all this traffic site number three somewhere over here over here somewhere there we are site number three there you go people still looking up the shake weight yeah i thought we were over that but you know to each his own whatever cool deal all right and we got all kinds of stuff here look at all this traffic five hundred five thousand people a month for mini treadmill i don't know what a mini treadmill is but you know i'll sell them i'm sure they're expensive and so we go through and we're like wait a minute now just to show you that this pretty much works with darn near anything all right let's keep looking because i did the same thing ready you ready come on come on come on listen on step number one because i could go to step number one i can look at those people like when people brag about how much they're making look at their site see what they're doing because these people were out there and they're like wait a minute check it out here's a site here's all his traffic this is all the stuff he ranks for and he says he's making seven grand a month here's another one for poker stuff boom there you go here's another one for skin care she said she was making three grand a month all right now my guess is she probably ain't making much on the word lotion she's probably making a lot on like exfoliators so all i got to do is weed the stuff that i want focus on what i want and what i can get and strategically place myself in front of those people very very important life hustle which tool do you use for finding keywords with youtube hint i don't use a tool more about that later if someone reminds me okay very important so what i'm doing now one i'm finding my domain using the stuff again we'll have notes on this i got to pay someone to make the notes and uh she'll go through and make the notes and everything like that okay uh two we're gonna go through and we're gonna shortcut the domain process and get the domain next we're gonna go through and we're gonna skim the competitors keywords and we're gonna get the good stuff that i want i'm not gonna take something if i don't see a clear path to money healthy breakfast ideas those people want a pinterest and they want little recipes they don't want to buy my stretching book they don't want to buy workout equipment it's a stretch they don't want that people looking at peppers right they're just like me they like to eat hot stuff right so i need to figure out what i'm going to do there needs to be a clear intent boxing bag they want to buy a boxing bag low calorie snacks i could probably do something with that um and when we look at this we have to get the words we want i'm not gonna get words unless i know what they want like ducks walk i didn't know what that was right i'm not a fitness guy um even though i bought nerd getting fit i am not a fitness guy i don't know if you could tell or not i have one ab and i'm pretty flabby but at any rate i didn't know what duck walk was so i had to look it up and it's a type of workout so i'm like okay yeah i could do something with that um squat machines uh dumbbell curls all this stuff metabolic confusion that's a good keyword there um and we look at this and we're like okay cool so i could go through and i could get some of these and make it work in a really really easy way okay simple now number four what am i gonna do next well i'm gonna go through and i'm gonna put up specific content with a specific direction to make this stuff work okay so i'm gonna go through and be like okay duck walk all right i'm gonna think got to use the brain logically someone looking up duck walk what do they want okay well um i would have to look at what that is so i'd go to google and i'll search for what doc duck walk exercise okay so deck walk exercise is a um purpose of the duck okay glutes quads hip fl hip flexors ah okay so the old duck walk links to hip flexor now i've been doing this a long time which is why my courses are valuable that's why it's not because they're fancy and good and they got good video it's good because i've been doing this 21 years and i was able to take duck walk exercise i saw that it it it led to hip flexor and i know that clickbank has some kind of uh hip flexor thing let me see if i can find it here give me one second so get in here and see what's going on okay marketplace flexor okay so hip flexor there you go so we got um for this we got unlock your hip flexor do you guys see the path okay if duck walk was just some silly thing people did on tick tock to laugh i probably wouldn't do the key word okay are you guys getting what i'm putting down i hope you're getting it because i think it's pretty good stuff i don't know you know you could tell me by smashing the like button if you think it's good but i think it's pretty good all right so we got the hip flexors and it's like okay there we go boom done deal yeah i could sell a couple of these the average per uh commission is a hundred one dollars it fits directly to duck walk so if i had that keyword for the duck walk and i got uh 9 900 searches a month so 19 almost 10 000 people you know maybe that one post focusing on it because now i can go through because this is how i think i'm like okay duck walk good good good so duck walk keyword explore we're gonna go duck walk boom okay good so we got duck walk duck walk exercise we got all this stuff here duck walk exercise um a lot of weird stuff people look up weird duck stuff uh but we're gonna look up that and we're gonna be like okay now i'm gonna go through i'm gonna get the keywords for duck walk maybe i'll put some hip flexor stuff in there boom i'm gonna link them to it it's gonna be simple here's how to do the duck walk here's the great thing check out this to unlock your hip flexors or whatever it is notice did anyone catch something there did anyone catch something really important okay estelle says everything has to lead to making money yes but something more important because this is just one blog post i'm gonna put on my blog it's just one notice how i'm treating this completely separate than everything else if i make a post about how to get uh a six-pack abs i treat that different with a different offer it's its own entity very important because people think i have a weight loss site i'm gonna put weight loss ads i hope i'm gonna make money and you're going to make pennies on the dollar this is why it works i look at people who are in the same niches as me and i'm like dude you got five times as much traffic and you're making a tenth of what i make because they're not treating it separate every video on youtube it's treated separate surprise surprise it's all treated separate that's why i have different links and different things for people to do and we have to look at that and understand exactly what is going on and the data like medi says the data is always going to tell us what to do and if you focus and you understand this it's game over you win do i make an individual page for each keyword i make a post for each keyword a post for each keyword very very important right so i'm gonna go through and i'm gonna make that duck post and i'm gonna go through and i'm gonna make these separate and this is how you shortcut your way because now look what i did i went out there and i'm like boom okay you're sitting here and you're like i'm gonna start a fitness blog yay great and you're out there and you're like okay so everyone says between 12 and 48 months to make money okay before you see anything all right well you know i i got mine from the third to the 11th uh so that's eight days so i started getting results in eight days so i already hacked that then i get rid of all the waste on my site and competitor sites look at that list this is oop there we go i can open that again let's see hopefully i have yes i do have it open there we go come on it will load there it is okay cool so notice on the big list how much waste there was and it'll take a minute okay so legwork is at home one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so there's like more than twenty percent that's used more than eighty percent waste poison sauce substitute am i do i need that no he did all the work and now he ranks for that and what's the point am i gonna sell some poison sauce and make four cents i mean what are we talking about right we gotta go through we gotta look at this we gotta understand exactly what's going on get rid of the waste when you zero target i want the people i want that are going to make me money if i don't have a clear path to making money guess what i ain't going to make content we got a hummingbird that brought us a seed there he is he went over there always love the nature right if a bird comes to see you that's a good sign so we got to look at this and we gotta understand that we're gonna get rid of the waste get rid of the waste we don't want the waste we want only the stuff that we're gonna get then we're gonna put up specific targeted content specific stuff so when i go for it i'm gonna be like okay let's say we're gonna go for the duck walk duck walk exercise we google it what shows up well we got the lady doing the duck walk on youtube we got some sights okay and we got images am i going to do a video in images if i want to shortcut my way to 100 grand hell yeah 100 gonna do it you have to do it why would i not it's there it works i'm gonna utilize what works i'm not gonna swim upstream i'm gonna get in the flow of what's already happening and if you guys start to do this everything will start to change dan danny says wasn't the sauce keyword in accidental ranking i have no idea uh yeah i don't know if we do uh what was it poison sauce poison sauce substitute let me see what comes up for that poison sauce substitute so for that um let's see if he's got a ranking for that no that was on purpose what's the point like okay i mean i could probably make four bucks on that but why here's the the key you could spend the exact so if i spend time okay to make a duck walk post let's say i make a duck walk post and a duck walk video and i do um some images duck walk images okay let's say this takes me three hours okay let's say i do the hoisin sauce one hoisin sauce all right you might be able to do an hour and a half so you save a little bit of time okay now what is going to make me more money the hoisin sauce or this this duck walk if i do it right is going to make in my estimate 1 000 times what this post would do are you starting to get it right that that's the key like i could literally go and find the stuff that i want that he ranks for because his site's pretty competitive pretty similar to the domain that i got and boom bang done i'm done i go through and i'm like all i'm going to do is spend the time now i can outsource this because i don't know anything about exercise and duck walks i could outsource this for maybe spend 100 bucks on content the question again if i spend 100 bucks on content will i make my 100 bucks back well according to clickbank i get 100 bucks for one sale of the hip flexors one sale can i make one sale a year i certainly hope so i certainly hope so like if i don't like i need to quit right so we got to understand what's going on and again it's got to be super targeted and if we get rid of the waste and we're like boom i'm just going to get what i want all right you're going to take that stuff because all the other people they're touting this 24 to 48 month thing and their 12 to 48 month plan and it's okay it works okay i've seen people i saw a guy blew me out of the water this guy came from nowhere i'd like to do an interview with him um he started a blog made like 100 a month by the end of the year and he's making even more than that now seems like a nice guy he's got really good content um and i was like okay that's cool now we could look at that and we can reverse engineer what he did now with these 24 to 48 month guys they're kind of doing a throw everything at the wall and hopefully some stuff's gonna stick and what i'm doing is saying hey that one's stuck and it makes money this one's stuck and it makes money this one stuck i'm not gonna waste my time on all the other stuff i'm gonna work smarter and go for the stuff that i can see works and that i can get everyone getting what i'm putting down smash that like button let's get that thing over 300 let's get it rocking and rolling okay and if you start to get this this is where the key is and we look at it with any site right we go through and we're like okay how about um the trends website so here's the trends website with a bunch of random stuff right so what am i going to do here well this has to do with like an xbox thing i don't know a lot about xbox but maybe here's here's one for project free tv so they want to watch tv for free maybe i could do whatever with that find my iphone kernel security check failure boom that's a good one i would go for that because i could link that directly to um some kind of registry editing software boom uh what does sim lock mean i i think that has to do with a sim card uh aaa in flight okay those people are looking for like in-flight wi-fi i could probably sell them like a wi-fi thing although they're on the plane they want the wi-fi they probably don't want to jack around with my website i probably can't even get to the website okay once they can get to it they probably won't need it so everyone get how that works uh we got uh all kinds of stuff here check power supply on pc like that could link to hey get a new computer um all kinds of stuff right so i'm gonna go for what i can get and what you're gonna find is that on a list like this we're going to find a couple of ones that are providing all his income i guarantee if you look at a site like this there's a couple of them that are making all his money or at least 90 of it and when we look at that and we focus right very very important to look at okay we have to look at that and say okay boom we're gonna get exactly what we want and then we're gonna watch what happens so like with nerd getting fit right we go here we do nerd getting fit and i start to watch what happens i watch my traffic like a hawk i'm not here to mess around i'm here to make it work and zindor says you're right i've seen bloggers on youtube tell you that you need 500 pieces of content before you start my hogwash hog wash i don't have a hog but we got a gator gator wash right there we go gotta have fun with this stuff you don't you look at this nerd getting fit i got four or five posts literally got four or five posts we're getting traffic why because i went for exactly what i wanted now nerd getting fit used to have some rankings i didn't want right so if we go back before i took it over we look at um quickly get abs cardio help me lose weight it's got mostly what i like mostly stuff i want uh does your body like that yeah probably wouldn't i can't make money with that hey why would i do that um game changers fact check no i don't want anything to do with that uh will one slice of pizza ruin my diet that's not worth it uh right so i'm i'm going for the stuff that i want and going for the things that i need now will quantity help sure but do quantity the right way right i'd rather make 500 pieces of content that are the right way based on things i can make money then 500 where 90 of them is gonna be junk right and we have to look at that and understand exactly what's going on and is there anyone here that's bidding on the aquaponics site i know one of you guys out there is doing that which you know to each his own but we have to look at that and understand i'm bidding on it right now too um and it's kind of fun right you look at this and you understand exactly what's going on and you make it work in a really really cool way and now we're focusing on exactly what we want exactly what we want right and we go through and we're like okay now i can go through and watch the stats so now i can look at it and say well where are we this morning i noticed um how long does it take to get abs started dropping a little right we were number six last week now we're like number 11. okay so i need to see what it what can i do to get that higher because having number 11 versus number three is gonna be a big big difference right does that make sense to everyone it's gonna be a huge difference okay pretty cool so um we're gonna take a look at that and then i'm gonna go through and be like okay well what else am i getting right and if you do this strategically that's what this is about it's about the strategy it's all about the strategy and if you have the right strategy you are going to win hands down all right hold on a second are you guys liking this i can't tell because the like button is not lit up so like that like button up if you guys are digging this because you know you've probably been through some courses that you paid for that doesn't do that um that don't teach as much as what i'm doing here fm says do you wait for your site to generate uh traffic before putting your offers it's up to you sometimes i do sometimes i don't um yeah i mean you might as well get the traffic right how do we know out of these keywords if a particular one will work you're gonna look at the competition and if you're buying an expired domain um so if i was gonna do the aquaponics site okay um i would take a look at what it ranks for and i would i would try to go for ones that have good traffic and also had a good ranking so like this 150 and 91 and it was a direct hit it's probably not that good that's probably why i'm not gonna bid on it anymore um because you know for the amount that it has it's not that great now we could look at the backlinks and say maybe but with backlinks that should have ranked like that diy aquaponics fish tank this should have ranked there's no reason it shouldn't have ranked um so that's probably why i would look at this and be like okay uh what are we gonna do so we have to take a look and say okay well i could do bluegill or whatever and now if you're doing a new site ladies and gentlemen some of you guys might not have money to go buying domains like me which is fine don't worry about it what you could do is you could start a new site and go for low competent saltwater aquaponics plants i'm gonna go for all these that are under five and there's a lot look at all these all these are like 11 is the highest one right so we're like there we go that's that's pretty cool um and then we can go through it and make it work in a really easy way okay uh when you export the c oh yeah we open in excel um yeah okay any questions on what we're going over because like if you're doing this with a new site it's not that hard or you can even use uh spamzilla uh spamzilla i talk about all the time where sometimes you can get domains with backlinks um so if i'm going to do that i could go here to spamzilla and i could be like okay aquaponics and see if there's anything for aquaponics sometimes there is sometimes there's not so like this um that aquaponics site's going for about 600 bucks right now i might be able to find something diy aquaponics guide so this one like i could literally go over to uh godaddy domains or i like to buy mine at namecheap i could go over to namecheap and go diy aquaponics guide boom i can get this for nine bucks let's see if it's any good right so diy aquaponics guide make sure there's no weird stuff okay so it's got some backlinks um decent no recent keywords these won't have recent keywords because when they're expired they kind of drop a little bit uh so yeah like look at this so diy aquaponics build aquaponics system so those of you who are like i don't have 600 bucks to buy the aquaponics site well good you could buy this one for nine dollars i mean come on how many of you guys are like dude this is this is mind-blowing how many of you guys are getting this and it's all based on data and understanding exactly what is going on you have to look at the stuff um how much am i build each month for my ahrefs i don't know um i i think it's like 500 bucks or something i'm not sure yeah uh okay off topic boot camp yes boot camp is moved because my throat is toast that's why we moved this call today um but uh it is gonna be moved till tomorrow all right so um yeah that's a good domain someone go buy that there you go happy birthday there's a good domain for you and you could do this you could do it and you could get it rocking and rolling and guess what this one's selling for 600 bucks so you know that sites in this niche go for a lot of money and you just bought it for eight bucks are you guys starting to get how this works are you starting to cut past the fluff of get this automated system that's going to make you money overnight by sitting around and doing nothing hey guys nobody makes money doing nothing unless you're like the heir of a family that has money you ain't gonna make money doing nothing there you go um is spamzilla all expired domains no sometimes they'll have godaddy in there too so like if you just do the regular search you'll see uh godaddy but i have my filters set to where i use this specifically um for you know um expired ones it's not that hard um that's actually that's actually a pretty good domain i would buy that uh if i wasn't offering it to you guys to go get it and i'm sure someone probably got it by now anyway um there's another there's another one five coast view aquaponics that might even be better let's take a look coast view aquaponics uh do i have a youtube on how to do drop shipping newsflash andrews i just showed you how to do drop shipping it's the same process like you're just gonna get traffic and instead of an affiliate link you're gonna have a drop shipping click here to buy the thing people over complicate this stuff way more than it needs to be it's all the same it's getting traffic and making an offer well marcus what about youtube i'm getting traffic here like you guys are watching the video that's my traffic i'm gonna make an offer and uh you know that that's how it works smash the like button all right so there we go we got this here um part five we watch the stats and grow and then part six we sell some stuff monetize and grow very very simple right we make it work we have to go through and we have to look at this objectively we got to get out of the there's good shortcuts and bad shortcuts most people up until now have been looking at shortcuts that are bad they're actually going to take longer than actually doing it the right way the stuff that i taught you is a shortcut that actually works you're taking over something that actually worked you're building something that actually does stuff and you're looking at the things that are very specific uh jim says with the dotnet or dot org version be any good good question so would the dotnet or dot org be any good i want you guys to answer yes good no bad put it in there because this will be an eye-opening moment to everyone okay so jim says so would it be the same if i got because those are available and the guy would it be the same okay are backlinks ever not a good thing when shopping for domains if they're crappy backlinks yeah i try to look at if the backlinks are are decent so this i want to see backlinks that have to do with like fish and aquaponics and you know stuff like that and it looks like yes this does this has stuff that is very specific okay there are some junk ones but overall i think it's it's better than than the other one okay um let's see here we have um how about selling a loss leader of course yeah i do that i've done that to um to build a list or build goodwill in my marketplace okay uh how we know out of these keywords particular one will work you're gonna look at your competition um okay a lot of people are saying bad congratulations my friend if you said bad we don't want the org or net you're correct and the reason is because i don't give a rip about the domain i care about the links okay so it wouldn't necessarily be bad it'd be pointless okay be completely pointless can i rank on medium without a website okay so here's how you ask that question okay what we do is we go over to um to uh our keyword tool and we type and we see if ranks does it rank yes can you rank yes if you put a post up on it can rank anything can rank a video anything can right can we do this method with medium instead why like do you want to make money or do you want to fool around looking for you know silly stuff right can you well if medium is something i require but it's not going to be until i actually get the stuff so if i go medium and i do medium and i see what they rank for let's see make sure there's no junk in here let's do reviews maybe yeah so like there's lots of stuff that that medium ranks for so if i do like v shred reviews uh v shred i think is a workout thing okay we could see here v shred reviews um well it said medium ranked it must be an old ranking let's see where was it well let's try clean my mac reviews it says it ranks for that too number three yeah there we are so see how it ranks there okay so yes you can but they're finicky about how you can make money with it now what i would do is i would use medium as a booster i would make articles there and then point them to my site okay all right uh we have professionals we shouldn't need a moderator yeah like i don't want someone telling me what i can and can't put on my page i don't want people say oh well you know you can't do this and you can't do that i want to make my own page i want to control it like it it really is a matter of what are you willing to do to get what you want to do where you want to go like the same people who say oh i want to do medium for free i guarantee you got a thousand dollar cell phone in your pocket so you're walking around with a thousand dollar cell phone but you won't take a risk on your own stuff when i first started i had the cheap cell phone because that's all they had back then it was a big old huge phone i had to keep in my pocket and had an antenna back in the 90s and i was like hey i'm gonna do what i gotta do i worked a job so i could afford to learn this stuff right i probably could have not had a job and just you know messed around with things but i had a job in the beginning so i'm like hey i'm going to do this so i can afford it and then i built websites for people and i did what i had to do and i got web hosting um and and i got a i remember back then the keyword tool was 300 which might as well have been a million because i didn't have it but i was like i'm gonna do what i have to do to make it work and guess what newsflash it paid off if you make it pay well marcus what if it doesn't work well i know that people search for it i know that i could rank for it so i'm going to do everything i can to make it work if something doesn't work i'm going to learn from it and i'm going to go through and do it and what i like about this is when you use these shortcuts you're not just saving 12 to 48 months because here's the deal the 12 to 48 months halfway in you're going to start getting your data this is what other people teach this is when you're going to get your data this is where the magic happens when you get your data you look at your data you tweak and you grow i've already skipped i'm already at the data point news flash on my nerd getting fit site i'm already at the data i'm already getting traffic i'm already learning and we look at it and we make it work guys think about this think about this how many of you guys are getting smash that like button we got to get over 300 before we call it a day but this is where the rubber meets the road and if you guys get it that's what happens someone said i i sold my playstation 5 to get a copy of uber suggest you know the the first and last computer game i played was the first version of doom like on on literally windows 95 i tried to play it i got bored with it and i was like i want to make money with this computer my grandma gave us a computer i broke it and then she gave us another one and uh that one i learned and i learned everything on an old 486 because i said i'm going to do this i'm going to learn it i'm going to make it work i'm going to make it work i'm going to focus on the data and i'm going to invest in things that help me directly okay we need to get away from give me a hundred bucks and i'll show you how i make nine million dollars on amazon or give me a hundred bucks for the software that's gonna shortcut it guys it's 2022 almost we know that most of that stuff does not work the way it's supposed to but if you can invest in someone who's going to shortcut it maybe you'll go to and you'll get a domain that i have and with the domain uh with the ones that are the premium you get 12 pieces of content i do the research i do the content i get all the junk out i get you the ones i think will work we give you the domain we build it up we get you ready to rock right done deal that's a good shortcut or if you're on a budget go to why marcus you know some people said that your videos are kind of misorganized and that's not why you buy blog profit network you buy blog profit network so that you can come on every tuesday and say marcus i put this post up it didn't rank what do i do hey i did this thing what do i do hey i'm making a little bit of money how do i make more that's what you pay for and if you don't think it's worth 37 bucks a month to be able to ask any question you want about your site again you probably should not be an internet marketer if you're not seeing the value of this stuff then honestly pack up and do something else pack up and do it because you've got to be willing to put your time and your money and or your money sometimes both sometimes one depends on what you got to make it work you got to be willing to do it and if you're not willing to do it that shows that you're kind of wishy-washy i wasn't people came to me they said marcus what's your backup plan i said dude i have no backup plan well what if it doesn't work it's going to work yeah but what if it it's going to i tell my kids the same thing they say hey i want to do this this career i said make it work yeah but there's so many other people make it work you can go and you can make things work the way that you want if you're willing to do it you have to be willing to do it when jeff bezos started amazon he left a comfortable uh stock market job now some of his business practices are questionable in my opinion but he did it and it paid off it's like one of the richest guys in the world he has more like if you think about this you have to think about this that guy makes more money in about a minute than you've made your entire life all right now that's a testament to i believe a political failing too but at any rate when you think about that i want you to look at the magnitude because all you're looking for is something not that big now is it difficult it can be but is it out there yeah it's out there and that's all i need all i need to know is does is it out there is it there can i see it how does it work if you can't answer those questions don't invest in anything don't do it he knew i'm gonna set up a site i'm gonna sell books i'm gonna get traffic from google because people look up books a lot oh wait a minute that sounds a lot like what marcus has been doing for 21 exactly exactly it's the same process i watched a documentary on netflix the way that they crushed blockbuster it's a great documentary if you didn't watch it uh it's by the same stuff like the ceo was like yo we did forum marketing and we posted on these sites and i'm like that's what we do with booster sites it's the same thing and he said we're going to make it work we're going to make it work it's not guess marketing it's not hope marketing it's not i wish it's no i'm going to make this work come hell or high water so i'm going to do because that's what i want i want to make it work so i'm going to make it work how many of you guys are going to go make it work how many of you guys are going to go to get yourself some notes how many of you guys are going to blog sign up how many of you guys are going to binge watch my stuff because you know i tell it like it is and i show you the truth about what it takes to make money if you want to get a domain go to um you can see we have tons of domains there some of them are cheaper the ones that are are more expensive actually come with the site setup so like this one here this this how to approach her was a good one list giant was a good one um build a gaming pc i love this one because this one watch this it's already started for you you just go there and you're like hey check it out it's already got the rankings i can rank for all this stuff like i literally just spent like i don't know four grand or something to have a custom computer built it should be here this week i hope um and someone could have gotten commission look at this cheap streaming computer he was number eight gaming pc for 300. do people buy pcs would they click your link yeah because you'd be in front of them here it is you just follow the roadmap and guess what with these domains i do the work we give you 12 pieces of content i'm going to go through and i'll be like hey so here's the domain i did the research i sat around and i bid on it and i bought the domain and now i'm gonna do the research and i'm gonna find the keywords so i would go through and i'd be like wherever it is i'd be like best gaming pcs under 300 bucks gaming pc uh pc under 300 i'm going to build 12 pieces of content on the specific ones that i think we can rank for i'm going to put them up you're going gonna make it work if you stick with it it'll shortcut your your time to get set up and bada bing bada boom there you go guys there it is what brand is my new computer i started buying from uh computer upgrade king because he's the only guy i found that i could get 128 gigs of ram the other one's like it's a pain in the butt but this guy like it's cool we're gonna do an unboxing um the engraved affiliate marketing dude on the side of it so it should be pretty cool i'm excited um this one i've had for about five years it was a custom build um a couple years ago but uh the rams starting to get the space is getting lower and yeah so uh but no the new one should be should be pretty good for video editing it should be top level because i mean this thing we got eight gigs in this or eight terabytes in this and it's already i have to get new hard drives every couple of months okay cool hope you guys like this smash the like button subscribe let's see get us over 300 come on there you go um but this one like you take a look at the others um air bounce party this one i got because i thought would be really good for um [Music] for like a franchise of bounce houses how to budget for article writing well you could write them yourself or if you want to budget for article writing um i usually spend about 25 to 50 dollars per piece of content just ask yourself like when you budget for it can i make more than 30 bucks on this if i can boom done deal this one has good backlinks for the bounce house stuff we got uh ryder web this is really good for like freelance writer stuff this has a clear path to making money it's actually a good sellable domain too like that one you could you could probably sell it pretty good um plagiarism remover online this is a really good one if you like this kind of niche um we got some others too uh neat stuff gifts made fresh jolly covers all kinds of good stuff and we we build them out for you um and and what's cool about this is it's not a course we teach you stuff we give you a course we help you out um you get lifetime support as long as i do the tuesday morning calls if you get one of these you're on them and i've been doing calls every week for 12 years now so i don't think we're going anywhere but pretty good stuff so uh binge watch the stuff i'll get the notes out for you as long as you put your name and email on downwind uh we'll get you that stuff and guys this is where the rubber meets the road if you like this smash the like button let me know in the comments below enjoy it use the shortcuts because there's tons of them have fun and i'll see you next time
Channel: affiliatemarketingmc
Views: 11,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money blogging, 100K a month blogging, 100K a year blogging, how i make 30K a month blogging, blog income results, blog shortcuts
Id: sCkR1F49YeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 30sec (6090 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.