Build a $2,338+/Month Affiliate Marketing Website With Me

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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show today what we're going to do is we are just going to fire up everything and go ahead and set up a website from scratch that's gonna help you make money now this is part number four i believe it is in a series that i don't know how long it's gonna be because we haven't filmed it yet but what we're gonna do is take the domain that i bought and take it from zero to profit and i'm going to show you everything every step of the way that's right there's nothing to buy there's no courses or anything like that unless you decide you want personal help but only decide after you decide that this is what you actually want to do so today what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you how i take this site and build it up from the ground and actually get traffic and make everything work now i do have to disclaimer this i am recovering from a really bad stomach bug last night so bear with me if i take a little bit more time than usual now if you want to learn this stuff i would highly recommend that you watch this entire video you could go watch tons of little videos about how to make money with this or that or this or that and chances are you're not going to get very much ahead of the game because they're probably just going to run you in circles so this series is about you and about you getting the info you need to build a site that actually makes profit we're going to talk about some things that i've learned over the last 21 years of making a full-time living online actually a pretty good living online from doing niches from how to tie a tie to different recipes to prime rib to myspace backgrounds and layouts and pretty much anything you name it i've been there probably done a website in those niches so we're going to talk about how this works and one of the cool things about this is we're not going into the make money niche i know a lot of people say go into the make money niche and they show you screenshots from like warrior plus and jvzoo and all these things that are basically big circle jerks where they're just teaching other people how to make money and no one's actually out there in the trenches doing it so in this training we're gonna do something different we're just gonna show you exactly how to do this in the fitness niche now if you want to follow along with this training there are links in the description to videos one through four you can watch those as well but stay tuned on this one i think you're going to learn a lot of stuff that you're going to want to know now if you want notes and the different things that i'm using in this video you can go to there's going to be several things we use in this video templates themes customizable stuff all kinds of things and you're going to see exactly how to use them in a really cool way now this is the extent of my notes so most of this is just going to be me setting this up right in front of you if you like that make sure you smash that like button and watch this entire video i guarantee it's going to be worth the time that's why i didn't cancel it i was like hey and i'll feel that great i could probably just cancel this but i wanted to be here and make sure that you guys get this information and of course i wanted to boost my views up too but let's go ahead and dive in and talk about how this works now the site that we are looking at here is nerd getting fit you can go to you can follow along you can see what we're doing you can watch everything there's nothing hidden from you all right the only thing i charge for in my courses is if you want my personal help or you want me to set this stuff up for you right or my team rather okay that's that's really what we charge for so if you want my courses there's in-depth training and personal help and everything like that but if you want to follow along and you're like marcus i don't want to buy anything i don't want to pay for anything i just want to build a site and make money for free and you know give me everything free well here we go this is the next best thing that's why it's titled the free course so you can follow along you can see where we're at now you could see that we have a simple wordpress install if you don't know how to get here there are some videos in the description that'll show you how to get here after you watch this training live watch those trainings next now this is basic basical wordpress all right now what we're going to do here is we're going to go ahead and log into wordpress hopefully i remember my logins i had to have my programmer change it like 50 times so that i'd remember it there we go first try does anyone else feel like they hit the jackpot when they get their password on the first try well maybe i'm alone i don't know so here's what we're gonna do first thing we need to do is we need to pretty up this site now i wanna give you a little backstory here too when i got this domain name it cost me 300 and about 330 dollars with the fee to acquire this domain name now the reason i acquired this domain name is because it has backlinks right we can go here we can see the backs links back links we got nbc news we got different dieting sites we got backlinks from all over the place which is pretty cool this is all about dieting they're relevant backlinks now in addition to the backlinks we also had some keywords that this site ranked for which was cool i was like hey this ranks this is totally worth 300 bucks i bought it now if you don't have 300 bucks to buy a domain like this you can go over to and you can start your first site for like six dollars a month all right now it'll take a little bit of work to get it to rank but this is pretty simple okay so we're gonna go through and we could see that this did rank for like converting fat to muscle muscular and fat uh how to get out of starvation mode and we can see also if i go to movements using the ahrefs keyword tool i can see here that we have a bunch of stuff starvation mode symptoms 700 searches a month what is starvation mode 500 so this one post here has over 1200 searches a month we can tap into we also have how long does it take to build abs how long does it take to get a toned stomach and what i'm going to be doing is building these up as you can see what i did in my last video which again after this training watch those other videos binge watch this stuff go do this this is what i do for a living a lot of people are like marcus prove it well we're proving it right now you guys are watching live as i build this stuff and i've proved it a million times over the years but apparently no one wants to listen so i gotta do it again but i like doing this stuff so that's all good all right so we have all this stuff here and you can see here um we have uh how long does it take to get abs this one here we have um like this okay and you can see here we have the post that we did and this was outsourced content so i haven't written one word of content yet this was all outsourced and this is a site that uh i purchased now what we want to do is we want to take a look and and see where our site's at i do this probably when i have a new site i do this pretty much every day and i'm going to go to google and i'm going to type in or whatever your site is if your site was like how to train an elephant to juggle it would be how to train an elephant to all right so you would do site colon and then your website you don't need any wws or anything like that what this is going to do is it's going to show me if a site is indexed pretty simple right uh future says your tips have increased traffic to my blog well future stick around because buddy we're going to show you how to make money on this some people don't talk about because they do the one-size-fits-all thing which i think is like a disservice to the people visiting your site and your pocketbook so we're going to talk about how this works all right so what this is going to do is it's going to show me i got 21 results in google as of writing this or as of recording this and we could see some of the stuff that is showing up in google we can also just do nerd getting fit like this and we can see what the home page brings up often times you can go and look at the home page of nerd getting fit and see what the cache is if you go here in google and you hit cached you could see what the old website used to look like since this was on sale this is the you know page they had while it was on sale so we could go through and see what's going on what they look at this is important because we want to know how often we get picked up so like this one this is snapshot of a page september 11 2021. so this was like two months ago all right some of them will be a little bit more relevant some of them will be less relevant or less frequently picked up so we're going to take a look here and we're going to go through and we're going to say okay good so now we know what's getting picked up we can see what's going on okay we're getting the lay of the land to see where we're at now if you go here and you're like okay nerd getting fit okay and you do site colon let's say your site is and you have nothing that means you're just waiting for google to pick you up not a big deal pretty simple pretty easy you just wait now if you're using wordpress and shared hosting google will naturally pick you up you don't have to submit you don't have to pay one of those guys it'll naturally pick you up probably take a couple of weeks sometimes less sometimes a tad bit longer but they'll pick it up free now what we're talking about in this training is backlinks marcus why did you buy this domain well i bought this domain because google already knows it exists right that's that's the main thing like nerd getting google knows it exists all i got to do is build it up it's going to get indexed boom lickety-split because i am completely impatient and i like results now that's why i buy expired domain names otherwise you could build them up yourself okay very important now another benefit to expired domain names which in the description i got videos on how to buy these if you want to buy them or if you check out our high ticket niche program at high ticket niches dot com i think it's down here uh we actually provide you with expired or auction domain names depending on your niche we go through and do the work to find you one that i think is gonna work good for you so pretty cool you don't have to sit around and wait on auctions because i have people that do that all day every day and we find some good stuff so pretty cool stuff uh that's what we're looking at if you want me to set it up now what we're going to do here is we're going to take a look and say okay good now what we need to do is we need to get rid of this just ugly wordpress theme here and we're going to make this look pretty now the way we're going to do that is we're going to go over to simpleblog all right you guys can all go there it's free i actually developed this little tool theme thing for you free you go to simpleblog right like this it'll look like this it's pretty it's wonderful i worked hard on this right actually i didn't work that hard i paid someone to work that hard but we can go here and put in our info here at there we go and after you put your name and email you can click the button and that button is going to magically transport you to the page where you can download this all right so all you got to do is go here and hit download simple blog theme click it it'll download right here it's under the camera so i have to go like this and then like this and open in folder there we go all right gotta love having a camera in your way so we're gonna go here i'm gonna go ahead and take this zipped file i'm going to right click it and i'm going to hit extract all boom it's going to go like this extract now we can extract it wherever we want if i want to put on the desktop or whatever i can do that i'm just going to put it here and then we can move it where we want for ease of use so now we have this theme here okay i'm going to move this just so actually you know what i'll just keep it in the ear but we're going to rename this to we'll call this nerd fit one okay i always like to name them one two three that way if i make a new one i just call it two and i know and then the latest one is the one i use pretty simple all right so we're gonna call this nerdfit now we're gonna unlock uh we're gonna open this and we're gonna see all kinds of just ugly code stuff and if you don't know code stuff don't worry about it there you go now a lot of people ask me they say marcus why do your sites look so simple they look at this and they're like this looks like it was from 1999. marcus doesn't know what he's talking about you need a fancy website to make money online markets you have no idea what you're talking about you can't make money with simple themes well let me show you a trillion dollar company called that oh lo and behold it has a pretty simple theme i mean there's no fancy stuff like all the stuff that people are selling you like the whiz-bang fancy stuff it's not there so i i i think i'm going to listen to amazon because you know they got like trillions of dollars and you know most people don't so if you have trillions of dollars you can argue with the logic now marcus you're wrong you're completely wrong you don't know what to talk about well let's take a look at dot com this certainly should have a fancy theme certainly should i mean it's got oh it's not that fancy either oh it kind of looks just like amazon weird maybe they're all doing this because it works which is like that's why i do this people say markers you know you need a fancy theme your stuff looks like it's from 1988. there's an old saying i have which is don't f with what pays the bills something pays the bills don't mess with it use it right very very very important go for it look at the top hundred sites top thousand sites simple makes money all right so with that said let's make a simple one there's another one there we go brian thanks for that let's take a look at google oh wait a minute this doesn't even look like 1999. this looks like like 1942 right this is like right when the newspapers started printing color that's when this is there you go right so you can argue with you don't argue with me it's not me argue with results because that's what we're about i'm about results people say markers why don't you do what this new guru said because i don't listen to the gurus i listen to the customers i listen to the visitors the visitors are gonna tell me what to do and you know what sometimes i might be wrong like i remember years ago um there was a a site i had where they used a phrase and i was like that phrase is stupid it doesn't make any sense and my friend's like use the phrase that's the phrase that this market uses i used it my income shot through the roof and i was like oh hey i was wrong about that so i can be wrong you could be wrong your customers are always right because they're going to click on the things that they want and that's what this is about very very important we're going to get into some stuff that's very very important if you follow along if you skip out and you're like hey you know what i love lucy's on i'm sorry i can't compete with i love lucy she's that's a pretty good show or or uh laurel and hardy i can't compete with those and they might be on tv and it might be more entertaining but if you want to make money you come to your old buddy marcus here so uh let's go ahead and take a look at the theme okay and we got the simple theme here so this is what it looks like this is the code of a theme if you don't know coding don't worry about it you don't need to your old buddy marcus has got you covered check it out here's all you do all you got to do is take a look at all this and just be like oh that's confusing good thing i don't need to pay attention to it because i'm just going to go to images and again if you want this you just go over to simpleblog so we're going to go to images and marcus has got you covered here you go to you click download you go to images and you say hey wait a minute i i would like a logo on my site okay good so what you do is you right click on my logo large and you hit open with and you open it in your favorite image editor boom there we go there we go there it is there's the logo so now all i need to do is make a little logo and i can do that by going to like and i could do uh workout okay because this is a nerd getting fit so let's get some workout stuff let's get the old nerd getting fit all right let's see where's our nerd to do we find something we don't spend too much time on it it was me i'd probably use that guy but i don't think it would fit too much people probably wouldn't like it so but you know we got to test it always be testing that is the key to making this stuff work okay so what we're going to do is we're gonna find a little logo here this is kind of cool maybe there's some in this set or this here we go this will work okay uh don't spend too much time on this like people they spend so much time on logos again look at the top logos seriously like nike it's like a whoosh thing like literally you don't need to spend that much time on it all you need to do is get people to recognize it so what we're going to do is we're going to use our favorite image editor i'm going to hit capture and i'm gonna go and this is snagit by the way snagit if you're not using snagit um you need to rethink your internet marketing life just just saying okay so we're gonna snag this here because snagit is a great tool okay so we're gonna get this here i'm gonna copy it i'm gonna go to the image now it's very important that you do not i repeat do not change the size of the logo say it with me do not change the size of the logo very important so what we're going to do is i'm just going to put this on here and i'm going to resize this to my logo size okay and i can kind of turn it or whatever i like that okay cool then i can go through i'm gonna get a shape i'm just gonna get a blank spot and i'm gonna put it here and send it to the back so there we go now i could go through and do my text nerd getting shrink it down right like this shrink it a little bit more i liked it on two lines there we go get rid of this big bold thing here change our text color and then we can go ahead and change i think we can change like the adjustment shrink it a tad more boom all right and then you can change your colors and everything if you want to do like nerd getting fit all right pretty simple i'm not going to spend too much time on this because i know that the logo is probably not even going to be seen by that many people because it's going to be on the bottom okay very simple all right so now we have i would probably go to fiverr and hire someone to make a nice little logo or when you get a high ticket niche my team makes you a logo pretty cool right so they do that and they do fancy this is marcus's hack job logo now once you're done with the logo the way you like you go file save as i'm going to save it over top of my logo now if you do it right this little thing will come up and you say yes and then we're going to file save as and we're going to save it over the other one right right here my logo and my logo large and it should change them see how it changed it boom there we go now we got the logo we can go to our file here and we can see the logos are changed next we're going to change the background now the background is a little bit different we're going to save something called page.jpeg very important okay so what we're going to do is we're going to go over here and we'll do work out and we can do like maybe a giant one so we'll do workout search okay so we could do that's like a rabbit working out what is it why would you have a rabbit where i don't know whatever maybe it's the easter bunny i have no idea okay here we go cool so we could do something like this all this workout stuff okay we're gonna go jpg full size and download now with this it's gonna be big okay so we're gonna go file save image as now a little tricky we're going to go over to um downloads downloads and we're going to go to our file come on come on old boy you can get in there all right maybe come on it's working on it i'll just sit and wait for it to work on it do we have patience for this i don't think we have patience for this so we'll go ahead and save it right like this let's do j yeah there we go haha okay now we're going to go images little patience there and then what we're going to do is we're going to do all files because jpeg is not going to show okay jpeg all right like this all files come on nerdfit images jp should be able to save it here okay there we go page.jpeg replace yes boom now the three files should be replaced page logo logo large that's it congratulations my friend you have just done what other people charge lots of money for and you created a custom theme with your old buddy marcus's help okay so now we're going to rename this it's going to be what i just did i didn't explain it because i do this stuff in my sleep i'm going to ctrl a to select everything in the nerdfit1 i'm going to right-click everything i'm going to hit send to compressed zipped folder and i'm going to call it nerdfit1 boom there we go now watch this all i gotta do is go back to my blog go to appearance themes okay this is what it looks like now ugly green we're gonna go add new i'm going to go upload choose file and i'm going to do downloads nerdfit it's always a zip folder even plugins are all zip folders fancy wonderful if you're digging this smash a like button let's see if we can double those likes in the next couple minutes if you guys like this if you don't like it then don't smash the like button but if you like this we're showing you how to make the old money and we're gonna get to some good stuff in a minute so now we're gonna hit activate what that's gonna do is it's gonna take us from green to our theme we just made with our background and our logo cool right how many of you guys are like that's pretty simple that's pretty easy i like that alright if you like that smash the like button let me know all right and you could do whatever you want as long as you got your logo and your background you are good to go and guess what ladies and gentlemen well marcus you know you don't use the same stuff we do i mean come on well actually you know if you go to the old i kind of do i it's not even kinda like i do there it is there's my logo there's my background it's using simple blog theme there you go pretty simple right so we're gonna go through and now we have our theme and everything set up now next what we're gonna do is we're gonna get rid of this stuff on the sidebar and down here on the bottom bar okay so we're gonna go through we're gonna go to um widgets and we'll probably have the old widget edit or the new widget editor which i can't stand yeah see this widget block thing no i don't like this so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to plugins we're gonna go to um add new and i'm gonna go uh classic with digits widgets all right classic widgets install boom then what that's gonna do is when i go to appearance and widgets after i activate it i always gotta activate them we're gonna go appearance widgets and we're gonna get rid of all this stuff over here and then there should be some stuff down in the bottom widget area too and we're going to get rid of all of it and all you got to do is drag let go drag let go and boom now we should have nothing but our content boom we're getting somewhere right how many guys are like hey that's pretty cool and yeah like ef said he just refreshed the website exactly you guys could go and follow along there's nothing hidden from you this is the real deal yeah it should be digging it okay so there we go now we have these links and you can see how long does it take to get abs now this looks a lot nicer right this is like something i can read simple simple cells say it with me simple cells now we're going to get in some other tips as well but first what i want to do is i want to show you how to make a simple opt-in box because here on the home page we want to build a mailing list if you don't want to build a mailing list uh go get yourself a cup of tea and skip this part but trust me you want to build a mailing list there's only two niches that i didn't build mailing lists in uh i don't regret it because i made a lot of money in those niches and i didn't really want to to keep up with them um so i just got money and got out so sometimes you don't need a niche it just depends like review sites and stuff sometimes you won't have an edge all right a list okay so what we're going to do check it out your old buddy marcus has got you the hookups check this out in your simple blog theme i have enclosed a gift a gift that is simple it's called aweber.txt all you gotta do is click on it right like that it's gonna open more ugly code oh this is so ugly this is hideous but that's okay because we're not interested in that what we're interested in is copying the code and putting it right in here check this out all i gotta do is take the code i'm gonna back these down a little i'll just put a little dot here and then i just find the dot here and i paste the code watch this tada there we go all right mark says we've already been shown more stuff in the first 25 minutes than most paid courses show you in the first two weeks exactly right all right so now here we go check this out if i hit update watch what happens i go back to the old nerd getting fit and now i have an opt-in box boom there we go now i could go through and i can edit this image and make it look like a fancy little book so if i want to give something away i could do like abs ab workout resell rights okay and i can buy the rights or give away rights to like easy abs or something right so we could just go like this okay cool so like if i wanted to use this all i got to do is use my old snagit tool right like this okay and make sure you have the rights to this stuff um a lot of times these will give you giveaway rights so we're just going to go ahead and file save as ebbs and i'll just save it right here in images so i have it and then i can just replace this image with the old labs where's my labs here we are images and there's my old labs all i got to do is drag and drop right here see people say oh you need to have some fancy stuff marcus you need to spend a thousand dollars for software no you don't use free wordpress and the tool zero buddy marcus gives you and you're set to go put your headline in here get rock hard abs fast free download boom there we go all right and then i could put bullet one get abs without working out or whatever right you make it true i'm just kind of winging it here so you get the idea get abs without working out learn the foods that make you fat plus 10 dieting tips that don't work or whatever okay so there we have that now very simple we update and you can see what it's starting to look like boom free rock hard abs fast free download we can space that out a little bit too and remember a lot of this you can do with images as well which is pretty cool then we have free report got the things got our links here so google will pick these up looking pretty swell pretty good all right and we go through and we're like okay there we go now in order to make this work okay it looks pretty how many of you guys are like dude that's looking pretty good i tried to do this for years and i couldn't do this but thanks to your free tools and your wonderful guidance i am able to make an ab site all right pretty cool all right so there we go now in order to make this work what we're gonna do is we have to go to aweber okay we're going to go over to aweber we're going to go over to list options now if you don't have a list you can create one by hitting create new list you create a list boom you're done okay now when you create a new list you can go to list options and there's going to be two things there's going to be a unique list id and there's going to be a list name okay now yours will be different i made this back in like 1902 so that's back when these matched yours will be like aw list 95608-5251842 something like that okay so you're going to copy the unique list id copy watch this watch how easy this is you go to your site you hit text boom you look for where it says aweber list name right here you paste i'm going to give you a guess a wild guess what do you think you put there well the aweber list name of course pretty simple right then what we're gonna do is we're gonna make a thank you page so i'm gonna go here i'm gonna go uh to the little plus sign new page and i'm going to call this thank you for subscribing publish boom here we go now what i'm gonna do uh what if you use a different email provider well i'm gonna show you why i use aweber in a minute um very important okay and if you're scared of the code don't worry all you're doing is looking for the stuff i put here like where do you put the thank you page right here see all you're gonna do is edit between what i put there for you that's it done deal now watch this update okay now we're gonna go here visit site and we go enter name okay if you wanna make it secure all you gotta do is put an s i think it's because i'm using the old version yours should be the new version so let's say aweber aweber aweber i think it's down here somewhere and you just put if you want stuff to be secure you just put these little s's in there and they're getting fit and there it is https and then there should be one more aweber and we'll just put a little s there and i'm just going to put s's here too because i like to be ultra secure there you go we want to have this like fort knox of internets there it is https update now our form will be secure there you go pretty cool all right that's awesome now we put our stuff in marcus marcus i'm gonna put some other stuff because i'm probably already on this list and now boom get instant access should take you to the thank you page boom how many guys are like wait a minute that's pretty cool we're only 32 minutes in we already got a funnel started now you say well marcus i just i'm at a loss i have thank you for subscribing but what do i put on my thank you page what am i going to put arrow buddy marcus has you covered e f d says how many columns is your theme it's a two column but it defaults to one column if you get rid of the sidebar stuff now we're going to talk about some plug-ins that you can get they're in my paid courses because i spent over a hundred thousand dollars building these plug-ins i built them for me but we give them to you in the blog profit network course i'll show you some of those plugins we have a couple of free ones um but some of the bigger ones have that as well so if you're wondering what to put in your thank you for subscribing page you just go here and i think i have the template there it is here's our template so you're gonna put this template here right like this okay in this template you can get at there you go okay we're going to have lots of stuff at you'll get updates you'll get behind the scenes of this series where i build this site out you'll get everything okay so there we have that um now our thank you page all i'm going to do i'm going to make sure i'm on visual because i like the way i made it i mean i made it pretty fancy there you go paste thank you for subscribing in just a few minutes we'll get you will get an email from me with your free giveaway okay all you do is replace giveaway with ab workout book or if you're selling you know cat juggling tips please don't juggle cats it's not a good idea um you would say cat juggling tips then you say the email will be from okay and you'll usually use your own email so it'd be like marcus at use a domain based email very important okay so uh very important sidebars yeah so it's outside so the column it's set up to be a one column if there's no sidebar but a two if there is and if you use the funnel voodoo plugin which i'll show you in a minute uh it'll allow you to have some pages one column some two and different things on different it's really cool it makes your wordpress into a funnel okay now that is a paid plug-in i don't want to spend too much time talking about paid stuff because i don't want to make the people angry so we'll just talk about the free stuff but i'll show you that in just a minute too okay so now we have thank you for subscribing we put our email uh this has a link to a whitelist email page so that'll be simple while you're waiting check out these killer uh workout resources okay and then what you're gonna do is you put instead of click here for resource one you would put click here for the lost ab secret and then you put a little description and you link it to your affiliate program important note your thank you page is one of the most profitable pages on your website a lot of people are gonna buy a lot of people are gonna buy okay very important uh ef no the background has nothing to do with your uh columns it's completely separate okay so there we go we got that ready to go okay now what we're gonna do is we're going to hit update boom there we go okay now we got our update here looks good now our thank you is going to look like this boom there you go now you can put affiliate offers you can put all kinds of stuff here this is just a basic template layout for a thank you page i've made seven figures with this page on multiple sites pretty simple pretty easy if you're digging this smash the like button um and you'll get all that stuff well you'll be able to watch but if you want all the stuff go to or one of these links all right pretty cool all right i think my lack of sleep is catching up with me alright so there we have that pretty simple pretty easy now we have our layout and we have our opt-in and everything like that now very important i want you guys to pay attention to this fact okay a lot of people are going to teach you affiliate marketing and internet marketing and what they're going to do is they're going to tell you this they're going to say you're going to go out there and you and you guys have heard this if you've heard it smash the like button and tell me you've heard this okay they're gonna say uh first you pick your niche then you're gonna make lots and lots of content on your page okay they say oh do this for like two years three years a year or whatever and make content and they're going to say make all this content and go after keywords now so far this is pretty good advice right you should make content you should go after keywords you should do all this but what they say is that you should make your pages and you should monetize them with like ezoic or you should monetize them with adsense which are good i've made lots of money with adsense i haven't tried zoick yet i probably will on this site just to give you guys an idea of how it works this is what they say to do okay so you put your content here you put your ads here and then maybe some of them will tell you hey check it out put some put some ads in here too okay now here's what's going to happen this because i've done this for a long time is going to get a 3 to 10 ctr meaning if you get 100 people to this page on average three or less are going to come and click the ad which means you're only gonna make money on three now if you're using a paid ad platform you're probably gonna get like you know a couple of pennies per click or whatever maybe a little bit more if it's a big market but still what that tells me what that tells me is that 97 people i did all the work for and the content and everything made me nothing i don't like that all right there have been case studies people they they argue with these their markets i don't believe that what you do does that well i got proof i've been doing this for 21 years i got some gray hairs in there but what i've done is i've actually made ways to get as much as 90 or more to click on various things on my website now this is very important because what is this this is engagement doesn't matter how much traffic you have it matters how much traffic is engaging doesn't matter how many followers you have it matters how many people are engaging look at youtube if you got a million youtube subscribers but only 500 people watch your next video then those million subscribers don't really give a rip about your content it's about engagement not traffic all right what i want to do and what i'm getting at here the important thing if you get nothing from this training what you need to get is that you need to treat each piece of content as its own business very important okay it's much like this all right um i like concerts and i like sporting events and i think i can go to a basketball game i got a birthday coming up and my wife's like what do you want to do i'm like i've never been to a basketball game so i figured i'd go watch people that are four times as tall as me jump around for a couple hours you know and so we were getting some tickets and and stuff like that we were looking for other stuff and here's what you got you got a stadium okay here's our stadium woohoo here it is and the basketball people go here there you go there's our basketball stadium isn't that wonderful i mean come on you got to put your hands together for the wonderful basketball stadium okay and here's the deal you have the stadium and you have the basketball but the stadium also has like concerts and stuff right so like here's guitar man and he's rocking out and the stadium also has like other stuff and other things now what they do is they market each event as its own business right because if they were like just come to our stadium and pick from the list of things you want to go to that wouldn't work that wouldn't work right so what they do is they treat everything different so when i have a post watch this pay close attention come on in close pay attention smash the like button you need to get this all right when i go out there and i look at something like how long does it take to build abs okay this is one piece of content now this one piece of content will rank for some keywords it's going to it's not a question it will rank okay it's gonna happen now when i see this what i see is that there's 250 searches here 300 here 50 here so i got thousands of people looking this what percent of body fat for abs okay so i got thousands of people looking this stuff up okay and now if i was to send them to a blog post with just the same generic stuff on it you're gonna lose so much money so instead what i do is i say hey wait a minute just like the stadium they're looking for the basketball game i'm not going to pitch them the other stuff all right until you're amazon you can't do that amazon can do it because you go to amazon to buy stuff and that's what you're doing there they come to your site they're coming to your site looking for how long it takes to get abs so what you need to do is you need to treat this as its own entity so what am i going to do i'm gonna find ab affiliate programs okay now we're getting somewhere we need to speak to each person as if i took them out of the internet and said hey buddy here's what you're gonna get based on what you searched for and i could go over to offer vault and i could say well let's do let me do this off screen because sometimes offer vault gives us some interesting results so we'll do abs and let's do workout okay okay cool so we work out all right so now instead of just ezoic or whatever there's a health flex belt it's for abs it helps you medical grade toning technology for your abs the flex belt pays me 68 dollars per sale now if i take this content that i had here somewhere along the way under posts all posts um this one here okay and i treat this as such i'm like hey click here to get or click here for my favorite ab workout tool or whatever okay boom or i put a little guide hey uh what kind of ab workouts do you do situps this this this and i give them little options to click on you're gonna get an insane click-through rate why because i'm paying attention to why the people came to this blog post because i realized that this blog post is its own entry point to my business and if you understand that forget everything else you learned because everyone just get some automated thing and put some automated ads and put some automated amazon screw that ain't going to make money that's why you put it got some automated amazon website and i got four bucks really how long you had it well three years so you made four bucks in three years how much traffic did you get and this is why the most valuable thing you can get in terms of coaching right forget about courses courses are good when you need to learn something they're great if you get the right course but don't get a course just because it's going to make you money no no get it because i want to learn ad writing or i want to learn this skill or i want to learn how to build this or i want to learn that get it for a specific reason now if you want to invest in stuff that really will get you farther invest in someone who knows how to monetize traffic how to monetize traffic how can you monetize your traffic in a simple way how can you look at what these people are doing and say hey i need to get in here and make this work and you get in here and get these people to convert all right so you want it to convert we could do something like um not getting abs fast enough what workouts have you tried boom and then i can put a picture of a guy doing a sit-up a picture of a guy lifting a weight a picture of a guy doing planking right and guess what people are gonna click it i had a lottery site and people said you can't make money with lottery website and i had this lottery website and i i put a drop down box why because i was thinking okay people looking at the lottery they clicked the drop down because it says november 5th whatever 2007 or whatever it was okay and then it dropped down to get the winning numbers for their date boom simple psychology is what's going to make this work okay it's not about automated it's not about junk i can make more with one post on my blog than most people can make with their entire blog because i know what i'm doing and if you know that and you build that now it's not about pretty themes it's not about funnel builders it's not about all this other stuff it's about this guy search for how long does it take to get abs or what body fat percentage for abs how do i go through and talk to him and get him to convert so if he's looking up body fat percentage for abs i don't think i would sell them the flex belt wait a minute marcus wait it pays you 68 bucks why would you not sell that well because there's a disconnect if he's looking for body fat percentage guess what he's looking for diet and nutrition stuff so i'm gonna go to clickbank and i'm gonna get something about what do you eat okay now i'll probably have both of these on the same page just in different places okay are you starting to get it those of you out there that have traffic and you're not making money you're wasting your traffic because you're not looking at this what do i do i go through and i look at the site logs and i say why are people coming here this is what i obsess about other people they obsess about design design you can go get some guy to make a design of a website in five minutes i just showed you how to make one in 25 minutes with a stomachache and no sleep and trying to do it live okay that's easy that means nothing i can take a sheet of paper and i can outsell you with a fancy versus your fancy website because i know who i'm talking to and if i can teach you that skill of knowing who you're talking to that's the key that's what makes this whole thing work right so i'm going to go out there and i'm going to find the stuff that's going to fit exactly what these people want and then guess what i'm going to do i'm gonna repeat the same thing when i get another post and i say well wait a minute this other one here they're looking for starvation mode okay well maybe i could do a meal plan or some kind of some kind of fasting program or whatever intermittent fasting okay does that make sense very important okay austin says thanks marcus just started in october i'm already getting a 60 ctr on my sites using this process awesome and that's what you do and this is where i learned this okay i i made a lot of mistakes in my career when i first started um i got over 100 million free visitors i made some money i probably made you know 1 million maybe 1.2 million off of it but now i look at that and i'm like 100 million visitors and i only made one million dollars off it i suck you're right i was like i i'm not doing that good um and so i i went to the paid route and now if you're paying for traffic and dollars are coming out of your pocket for every visitor you have to learn to convert so i had to learn to convert and then i got back into seo now i know how to convert and now it works like crazy efd can design give someone more profit though it can and guess what there's tests that say not having a logo at the top of your site increases sales so like everything you think works is probably the opposite because people want a straight simple message this is why my stuff works people oh margaret you know these sites look like they were made in the 1980s do i care i'm not in it for like people to go huh bravo marcus beautiful site i'm in it to be like i want the money let's do this for a living so we got to look at that and we got to really really really focus and understand what's going on um what's gonna make people stay on your site longer is not the design it's the content look at this this this video all right i got like a little banner at the bottom i got some weird stuff this is not a fancy layout to a video yet we've had about 300 people stay the entire time i guess a lot of people to watch me jawbone for an hour why because i'm giving you the real deal content if i came here and i was like oh we're going to have this fancy thing yeah it's not going to work all i got to do is tell them like john carlton said here's what i got here's what it's going to do for you here's where to get it here's what i got i'm going to teach you this thing here's what it's going to do for you here's where to get it right very important because if you follow those steps that's how it works and is where you can go to get that again treat each post different i wanted to talk to you again about why i like aweber uh which is cool okay aweber all right and think about it like i go out there and i ride my mini bike and i have a little tiny lamborghini you would think that people would be like this is stupid this doesn't work but it does work right you gotta focus you gotta look you gotta know your audience because if i know my audience i win i win i don't care if you are the best salesman in the world all i get is people oh marcus you need to learn copywriting no you don't you need to learn about your audience you could be the best copywriter in the world if you don't know your audience you're going to fail you could be the worst copywriter in the world if you know your audience you're going to win case in point family you know how family can get you to do everything like i got family members that i'm like why did i do that why did i agree to do that what was i thinking right they do it because they know their audience they've known me for so many years they could get me to do things that's what this is about it's about knowing your audience what do they want now the reason i like aweber is because at the drop of the hat let's say let's say i want to i want to sell this book or i want to give away this book okay i like aweber because i can make a new page so let's say i want to make a new page and i want to call it like better workout tips or whatever okay i can literally take this exact same thing i can replace the image of the book i can keep the list name the same and i can have a different thank you page so i could give away a completely different book put them on the same list send them to a completely different thank you page boom i'm building something like crazy okay and that's why i like anywhere a lot of people oh i like that response and everything they're okay i mean i got nothing against them but there are certain things one's delivered ability two is easy it's easy so easy very very very simple okay and if you go through and you use this boom you're good to go now some other tools uh that we have uh we have uh i'm gonna i'm gonna have someone go through and make notes of this training series so that you guys can get them and then we're gonna give that to you if you have not started your site go to if you want your theme go to simpleblog if you want me to set everything up and you're like marcus i think you know what you're talking about i want you to do it for me go to um again it's not like a guarantee we just set it up and show you what to do you could make nothing you could make a lot it depends most people make nothing most people do nothing most people give up but we're showing you what to do if you want to do it and if you stick with it it'll work just like this because hey marcus what are the odds of making money on your nerd getting fit a hundred percent wait wait a hundred percent yeah if i do it and i make it work and i learn and i grow and i watch it's a hundred percent odds i will make money watch i will the site will make money that's why i'm setting it up now the odds of the average person trying to make money doing it is pretty much zero because they don't do anything and they learn wrong and they give up and they don't get it and they don't listen and they'd rather watch cartoons or whatever which cartoons i mean i'd rather be watching cartoons right now let's be honest there's some good the simpsons i mean i can't compete with the simpsons right so um but we can go through and make it work and if you if you look at it and you focus and you say okay i'm going to make it work why because i'm going to focus on data the data says this is what people search for how do i make money with it it's all it's all i do for a living and that's what the data says now um there's some other plugins and tools if you're interested in um one of my courses which is actually a pretty inexpensive good course if i can find it somewhere around here i know i had it um we actually have a call every tuesday so if you guys have websites and you're not making money and you want me to help you and look at it and say hey let's look at this and show you how to make money blog profit network is incredibly awesome for that it's got a whole members area where you can ask questions you can watch videos and you can join the tuesday calls which is pretty cool right like you can see people are active in here they ask questions all kinds of stuff and we also have like the replays so after the tuesday call you can come in here and watch the replays and everything um pretty cool stuff you just go in and boom there you go very simple okay i think i have the replay somewhere let's see there you go it'll be like that right um and you can go through and you can see all the stuff and everything like that you can also um get the plug-ins so i have a lot of plug-ins um these are plugins that i created for me uh funnel voodoo turns your site into a complete funnel using wordpress uh button voodoo this is something i made uh that you guys see you guys see it all the time on um affiliate marketing dude let's see uh lyft affiliate program yeah you guys can see like you're like oh marcus does this work yeah look lyft affiliate program actually gets searched for right so we go here go to keywords explorer uh lyft affiliate program 70 searches a month we also have uber affiliate program whatever which i rank for um and you guys can see how this works so lift affiliate program there we are right there we are ranking okay this is button voodoo here this makes uh these buttons which gets lots of clicks and you can make them colored you can make them this has a white background you can put little icons all kinds of stuff and then funnel voodoo is what allows me to put all this stuff over here on some pages and not on others and it tracks it all and everything it's really cool we have um plugins that do affiliate links so you can cloak your affiliate link slide voodoo slide food is a really cool one this does this which will increase the engagement on your sites right here um you can put like a little slideshow and check this out this is why you want to get marcus's stuff versus other people's stuff because check this out you go through and they're like oh slide one slide two slide three boom oh wait a minute it automatically redirects them on slide three pretty cool right uh you can automatically redirect i could send them to an opt-in page so slide one two three put your name and email to get the free thing i mean this is all based on stuff that i do like this is what i do for a living i built these for me i paid my programmer a lot of money to build these for me and then i was like i wonder if my students would like these too uh which is pretty cool um ef says i'm interested in blog profit network i want answers immediately instead of tedious google searches yeah join the tuesday calls every tuesday it's me right except for the last tuesdays because i was on my trip but we're resuming we had one yesterday um and we answer your questions like i dive into your sites i pull things up we look at everything um you got click voodoo which cloaks your affiliate links and tracks them voodoo announcer social profit voodoo survey voodoo all kinds of stuff um and these are simple like if i want to add funnel voodoo i'd go go here and i'm like boom download and then watch how easy this is dashboard plugins add new upload choose file and then i go to funnel voodoo boom it'll install it and within minute minutes seconds really activate funnel voodoo pops up here and now i can turn my blog into a funnel and in addition you got this fancy looking logo here there you go right um so really cool stuff really simple and you can make opt-ins affiliates miscellaneous ads thank you pages all kinds of stuff so it's designed with you in mind it's very simple um could you help me with key search yeah we help you with whatever um as long as we can get into it uh we'll help you with whatever question you have within reason i mean there's certain niches that i don't help with because my personal uh i don't do those niches but i can give you tips i just won't you know go in detail on those um but those are just you know like risky niches um or anything that could possibly be an issue but most we've never had that issue i'll tell you that i've had like two people ask me to help them with those types of sites and i'm like here's what i'd do but i'm not going to look at your site or nothing do i have trainings on each plugin yes i do and that's at you can just go to blog and it is the only program i have that is refundable so like you could literally sign up you could go through eight calls you could download all the plugins keep all the plugins keep all the eight calls keep all the advice and say marcus i want a refund for the last two months and you can get a refund and keep everything now that'd be kind of a you know not kind thing to do if you appreciate it but hey you know what it's all the risk is all on me here so you could join that it's like 127 and 37 a month you can also do high ticket niches or whatever you want um mark start with blog profit and then just upgrade later if you want to all right cool so yeah that's uh basically where we're at so we got this site started um we're set up this is where we're at right now we got best workout tips we got our book everything is working now i'm gonna put my links here the reason i'm going to put the links here is because google is going to look at this page more than other pages uh isn't it says are you teaching are you going to teach about backlinks i am right now so yes i do in the course but i'm teaching you right now um so we're gonna use these links here okay because google's going to pick them up so this site has backlinks and most of the backlinks are going to the main page so like if i go back links here uh you could see that one of the backlinks is from cbs news right here okay and this one on cbs news you could see it goes to um nerd getting fit home page there right so it goes to the home page see like i own that link that's why i buy these domains and that's why i want to put the links here because when you have this what's going to happen is the page with the most links it might not be your home page so you've got to do the research nine times out of ten it is but sometimes it's not so your main page is gonna have the boost from the backlinks okay and what we're gonna do is we're gonna use that boost to get google to pick up these links down at the bottom well they were there these links at the bottom okay this is actually something i learned by accident years ago i had this idea and i'm like i'm gonna advertise on the clickbank login page it's like okay i figure i can get some customers and i did and i noticed that um because i wanted to track it i built a brand new website for that ad on the clickbank login page i put it on the login page and instantly that site and all the pages on that site got indexed in google literally in instantly and so i was like wait a minute so that link that i paid for on clickbank is a backlink and then i put a list of a bunch of different websites at the bottom of my website they all get picked up too so the idea was okay clickbank boosted that up and because that's getting boosted up these are getting boosted up which is pretty simple can you make a solid income on a single page website with seo that's going to be very difficult with paid traffic i've done that several times but have five pages because you need privacy policy and stuff like that okay but is it possible to make a solid income on a single page website yes i made uh multiple seven figures on a three-page website okay now is it gonna be done with seo probably not probably not i mean you there's there's a lot of factors that are gonna make it difficult but it can be done and if you guys are digging this training smash a like button so other people can enjoy it too that way we can fight the gurus not really fight but teach the good stuff right and show people exactly what works because there's nothing hidden here right nothing hidden you go you do it that's how it works um we're gonna go for these keywords some of the other ones um off screen before the next video uh we're gonna go through and we're gonna get some of these other keywords going so i'm gonna order some tr some content for um i'll just show you kind of how i do this so if we do we're going to do movement because when these sites expire or get re-bought some of the rankings drop but we're going to build them back up so what i'm going to do is i'm gonna i'm gonna do a starvation mode one definitely um and then i'm gonna do abs abs abs starvation starvation protein i'll do one on how much protein to eat and then like this one what i'll do is go through and look up this one individual and then when i do um my keyword research i'm going to isolate this and i'm going to go how much protein so i'll go keyword how much protein see now i can do lots of keywords instead of just going for 90 searches a month now i can do how much protein to gain muscle how much protein in a chicken breast i could start to get lots of this stuff okay um we can even do like protein for abs right abs protein pan there you go uh protein for abs see there you go look at that do you guys see how that works all right is everyone getting that if you guys get that that's that's where this is at because if i can do like abs protein pancakes or like that i could probably rank for this and then i can sell the pancakes as an affiliate let's see what they are abs protein pancakes abs pancakes yeah he probably has an affiliate offer ambassador team wholesale so like this like a lot of people ask me they say marcus when do you get into drop shipping or or whatever this is when i'd get into drop shipping if i could sell you know 500 pancakes bags or whatever a month then yeah i'd probably drop ship it or or something like that or maybe even wholesale it you want abs eating pancakes i just want pancakes i could do without the abs i'll just go for some pancakes right um so yeah all right cool any questions on what we went through and then cardio will will you could just do will cardio right well cardio boom and then what you want to do is take the best so like out of this eh cardio this would probably be the best one let's try cardio fat ah there we go see how that worked you guys starting to get it fat burn versus cardio boom that's my jackpot right there do you guys see why that's a jackpot it's green it's got lots of searches it's direct i can i can sell stuff with this right simple okay and then um if you guys want the behind the scenes stuff there are some things i can teach you but i can't teach them live here because they are methods that are kind of i don't want to reveal other people's keywords on a live forum um but we can show you how to how to do a deep dive on some of these sites and find some keywords that are pretty simple okay so pretty cool um again if you if you want to follow along if you like my stuff and you're like hey i want to follow along with this i would highly recommend if you can afford it go to the high ticket niche program because we'll set you up with an expired domain name um with links or even an auction domain name sometimes and um you can follow along exactly with what i'm doing like it'll be set up you'll be right where i'm at right now and then you just follow along and go through and you'll get coaching we have a tuesday call tuesday morning for height to get niche tuesday afternoon for blog profit network um but at least getting the blog profit network i think you guys will like it and that's at okay uh are you going to pay for those keywords i am not i'm going to go for organic traffic yeah that's why i'm looking at this number now this number here like this competition 9 um that has nothing to do with paid driving like i don't even look at uh ahrefs for paid traffic there's no bearing this is seo only okay all right let's see if we can get those likes up higher let's see if we can get more likes than viewers right now that'd be kind of cool right and that would be because other people liked it and then left so there you go all right so uh let's see that's good cardio versus fat burn so those two like all these versus ones would be one post i can nail nail all those okay will this be available for replay yes it is as soon as we're off it'll be available for replay just reload the page all right guys i think that's about it for now uh we're going to keep track on this depending on how my stomach does tonight i may or may not do a video tomorrow but we will we should have one friday okay in htn do you have to pay for the domain no i buy the domain for you yeah so whether it's one at auction or whether it's a like i already have the domains and i just push them to you so all you do all you have to pay for is the high ticket niche and your own web hosting pretty simple okay and you can go to if you follow those directions we can put it up pretty fast so would fat burn versus cardio be your h1 or h2 tag i don't pay attention to h1 and h2 i just make good content that's all i do when you use a keyword do you also end up getting traffic from related of course yeah that's the key like if you watched yesterday's video in the description you'll see that one um the reason i got three different pieces of content is because i want multiple keywords besides make money making keywords do you go for keywords where you do google adsense like do i use adsense to make money i have yeah i've made a decent amount with adsense um i always use it as a supplement though rather than the main course uh zachary ask on a tuesday call if you're a high ticket niche member you can be on the tuesday morning call that's for high ticket niche people why do people care about headers do people claim yeah i don't know why people get all funny with stuff like meta tags and whatever and back in the day they did work but now it's more about good content it's all it's about right like i've shown you guys time and time again um like my site is about affiliate marketing but look at this i did a test post about cheesy gordita crunch calories and i think we rank like number 15 or something and it was just a joke post there's like nothing on it uh there were actually we're number 11 so we almost got a top ten right and look this is the content it's a little bit of stuff about cheesy gordy to crunch that's it nothing fancy i didn't even put an h1 tag or nothing so just putting keywords in the text lets you rank for them yes the title is the most important see why my title is cheesy decorative crunch that's why that's like that or um hotels near cotton eyed joe like i do this stuff these are the videos you guys watched i did this live and look hotels near cotton eyed joe's we are boom there it is right there okay there's like what 30 words on this page there you go uh have i made more money in cpa marketing or affiliate marketing cpa and affiliate are the same thing cpa is a form of affiliate marketing um it's just cost per action versus like clickbank or something although clickbank's even getting into cpa now benjamin with your press release method i made my first 30 dollars with a free press release awesome benjamin uh which would you suggest to start on a low budget start with blog blog profit network uh that way you can get your feet wet if you want to upgrade the upgrade is just the difference so like if you get that and you want to upgrade it's just whatever the difference is pretty simple and we always have specials for blog profit network members too all right i think that's about it i saw this cheesy website rank without any content exactly i mean there you go it's you really have to just get good content um and stuff like that and again when i did the gordita crunch one i just had a title and it ranked number 50 and then i got some content and boom it went up does your domain authority help with those blog posts though a little bit yeah yeah that's why i buy expired domain names this one's got domain authority it's worth 300 bucks to buy this right um if you don't have a domain authority get it get some backlinks get a press release do some stuff that's what you have to learn is that you need to make this work like if you want to do this make it work at all costs oh well marcus you have domain authority well i didn't when i bought the domain like i bought affiliate marketing dude back in the day it was new um i got the authority and and we teach you that these are called the boosters uh we teach you about the boosters which will help boost your site with authority and and stuff like that and it's not that hard to do you just got to be a little patient and you got to be willing to be deliberate but when you get those rankings focus make it work how much is the high ticket niche the high ticket niches i think right now are 12.77 so just under 1300 bucks but well worth it because we pick your niche we get you the domain we walk you through it uh we have a new thing which i don't tell anyone about but i'll tell you guys here since you're my buddies high ticket niches if you're a high ticket niche customer you get lifetime support to the tuesday morning calls like it never expires so if you want to be on the tuesday morning calls as a high ticket niche person you get those forever as long as i do them you get them uh does linking the website to medium increase the domain authority of my website link okay so are you talking about and we'll take some questions here if you guys liked it if you guys want to do some questions just type questions in the box and we'll do a little q a um what you're talking about is your website linking it to medium like like hey welcome to my website click here for medium is that what you're talking about or are you talking about making a post on medium and linking it to your website okay this it can help it's not like the bl end all but it does help this does nothing uh tuesday calls the high ticket niche ones are 10 a.m eastern and uh the blog profit network ones are 3 p.m eastern okay cool if you guys want if you guys have questions type them in jenny says uh is there a site you recommend for cookie for a cookie uh i don't know mrs fields cookies i don't know um you don't really need a website for cookies that's something that the affiliate network handles for you okay making a post on medium and linking to your website yes that can help it's not the be all end all but it does help yeah blog profit network you guys will love that it's so inexpensive and it's it's a killer program okay and that's you just go to blog and you'll be able to follow along we're going to have behind the scenes stuff as well you just go here sign up boom fill this out you'll get instant access and you're good to go uh if i did a crypto website how do you find and know what the best keyword to use for a blog post uh daniel that would be a question for a tuesday call because it is a little bit sensitive um but i know a back door to that like if you do a high ticket niche in that you're gonna flip out because i know that market um i don't actively work in that market but i've done a lot of research because a lot of my um a lot of my students do that so is it possible to get a brand new domain ranked based on high volume search a month but has low competition yeah absolutely yeah i mean you can rank here's the deal everyone out there is fighting for keywords that are high competition but i could literally just go here put nothing in here hit search and say i only want keywords one or less boom there you go and then if it doesn't rank i'll do some boosters and then i'll make it work uh where can i get the list of your affiliate websites i don't really have a list of affiliate websites i mean in blog profit network we have some that i use but i don't have like a big list i don't advocate signing up for a bunch of affiliate networks because that's just going to overwhelm you i advocate um you know sign up for what you need like if i make a site about you know tennis shoes then yeah i'm gonna sign up at a tennis shoe affiliate program but before that there's no reason to sign up for the telephone one is ahrefs the best yes i like ahrefs uh besides ahrefs what other tool do you recommend blog profit network yeah blog profit network there's so many tools in there um and they're my tools so you're gonna go through and you'll be able to follow along exactly uh with this stuff and we add new stuff all the time you got reports tools templates uh boosters are sites that we use like backlinks do i have a specific favorite part of marketing i actually really like teaching um i think that's probably my favorite i like what i do um youtube's definitely one of my favorite uh pay-per-click is um always a favorite do i invest in real estate i'm gonna start i used to but we got hit in the 2008 crash and that hurt but you know you learn when you choose your affiliate programs do you research if they're reputable i try to yeah um so yeah offer vault shows hundreds of different options too yes it does i made a workshop in orlando yes if you're either a high ticket nicher or usually a boot camper you can join those we give you guys you'll get uh information about if you want to come hang out live in orlando um speaking of pay-per-click what the heck is the difference between cpc and ppc cpc is the cost per click how much is it going to cost me per click pay-per-click is ppc which is i'm paying for clicks so it's kind of like what's the difference between a grocery store and a product right the grocery store is where i get all the products the product is the product right the shampoo or whatever okay and we love that you like teaching i do and i like my mini bike too everyone's like are you gonna get a fancy car i'm like dude if i could drive my mini bike everywhere i probably would actually what i really want but my wife is like you know you can't even drive a car very good uh what i really want is a 1942 indian motorcycle this is what i want right here right there this one boom that's cool that's what i'd get but my wife's like no you're not going to be riding that around time you almost i did so like did you guys see the video where uh the mini lambo was flipped over on its side if you saw it type lambo um yeah that actually i didn't place it that way i actually tried to get the mini bike up on the deck and when i went up on the deck it bent the handlebars down which made me grab tighter which made it go faster and i actually flew into the mini lambo through the chair across the yard through my coffee across the yard and that's how the scene came about but it was pretty fun so cool stuff yeah there was a movie about the indian bike yeah that's a cool one we're on the same page as motorcycles yeah i you know harleys are cool but there ain't nothing like a 1942 indian but we have my buddy of mine when i used to preach he had one of these and they're like a million feet long and uh we had one and when he started it up the bar would just empty people come to see what it was it was cool but that's what i get and you know i'm not the tallest person on the planet so that's pretty cool but maybe one day we'll have that in the videos if i can figure out a way to write it without crashing into stuff all right guys i think that's about it for this video hope you liked it smash the like button check out check out if you can swing it go to and we'll do this stuff together thanks for being here have fun and uh we'll see in the next one
Channel: affiliatemarketingmc
Views: 12,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make an affiliate website, affiliate marketing course, affiliate marketing for beginners, build a business with me
Id: WfNiQNvOrik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 35sec (4895 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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